Lawyers who chose to disobey rules
That's why the wise people said 'It's not just about what you said, it's also how you say it'.
If you think someone is stupid, it is your right. But if you go and shout it to his face for no reason, that's insensitive and thus a wron g thing to do.
Lawyers who chose to disobey rules and law are not fit to call themselves practitioner of law. When the lawyers' own AGM also can't be run according to law - no wonder many people demand to be represented by solicitors from England. Maybe we should open up to overseas solicitors to practise here in Malaysia, maybe that will help to raise the standard of the profession.
By gaousAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 10:56 PM
dear sir
been following your views
great found
By belemoih on August 15, 2008 10:56 PM
BAR Council ni menjadi melampau dan berani kerana kelemahan kerajaan aab.saya telah hilang harap dengan kerajaan lemah ini.
salam sejahtera.
By ramlan135 on August 15, 2008 11:00 PM
assalamualaikum wbt.
Ayahanda Tun & Bonda yang dikasihi
By aden27 on August 15, 2008 11:00 PM
Assalamualaikum YAB(Yang Amat Berjasa) Tun Dr Mahathir,
Peguam kalau diizinkan bercakap, jadi macam tu la...
Kepada samuraimelayu, terharu tengok Chong Wei peluk Misbun. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!ADEN PUN BULEH!!!TUN DAH DITENTUKAN BOLEH!!!
By sdahenanAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:01 PM
Anakanda tumpang lalu.
Saja nak cerita satu kejadian benar di Pulau Pinang dalam akhir tahun 1980an. Berlaku satu kejadian samun di sebuah BAR di Georgetown,Pulau Pinang.Kebetulan dalam bar itu ada sekox lawyer TINTED (india).
Lawyer ni punya la eksyen pasai dia ingat dia tu lawyer,terus kata kat penyamun tu."HEY YOU ALL STOP IT,I'M A LAWYER YOU KNOW!"
Pastu salah seorang dari penyemun tersebut datang kat lawyer tu dan suakan PISTOL kat mulut lawyer buruk tu dan "BEDEBAMM"
Apa lagi REBEH lah mulut lawyer tu .nasib baik tak mampuih.cacat sampai la ni dan bila masuk court jadi macam orang bodoh.
Agak2 nya lawyer2 kat bar council tu pun kena buat macam tu kot!
Semuga Ayahanda dan Bonda selalu di dalam limpahan rahmat ALLAH SWT
By wokyoh on August 15, 2008 11:05 PM
1)Demokrasi ibarat ikan...ikan banyak jenis...ada ikan besar ada ikan kecil,ikan juga boleh dimasak dengan bermacam-macam cara mengikut resepi dan citarasa tukang masaknya....namun ikan tetap ikan walau dimasak pelbagai cara....
2)kerajaan adalah nelayan,iaitu orang yang mencari ikan dengan pelbagai cara ,menjaga ikan dan memastikan ikan akan sampai kedarat dengan selamatnya.
3)Bar counsil adalah tok peraih ikan didarat...orang tengah yang ada kuasa memilih ikan mana yang sesuai dan boleh tawar menawar pula...biasanya mereka akan membeli ikan yang paling baik dengan harga yang paling murah walau dengan cara apa sekalipun.oleh kerana mereka ada kuasa,wang dan menjadi tempat para nelayan menjual ikan ...maka mereka akan berpakat sesama mereka atau memulau dari membeli ikan jika harga yang mereka kehendaki tidak dipersetujui oleh nelayan...
maka nelayan terpaksa rela dan akur dengan kehendak tok peraih ini.
4)Oleh kerana ikan yang paling laris dan menjadi idaman ramai iaitu ikan "ketuanan melayu" dan ikan"memeluk islam"...jadi mereka sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk menarik perhatian orang ramai untuk menjual ikan itu walaupun telah ada kedengaran dari pihak nelayan yang tidak setuju ikan itu dijual secara terbuka.maka ramailah orang yang berebut-rebut dan berbalah kerana untuk mendapatkan ikan itu.
5)Walaupun dua ekor ikan jenis itu telah diketahui mahal harganya dan menjadi idaman ramai...tapi persatuan nelayan yang ramai tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa...apa lagi untuk memarahi atau menghalang pihak tok peraih itu kerana menjaga periuk nasi masing-masing...malah ada yang tidak mengaku ikan itu ditangkap oleh mereka...dan ada juga yang mengaku tidak kenal langsung tok peraih itu..tapi selang beberapa hari selepas itu maka ketua nelayan merangkap ketua persatuan nelayan tampil memberi amaran kepada tok peraih ikan(bar council) jangan menjual 2 jenis ikan itu secara terbuka lagi kerana takut boleh mendatangkan huruhara dek kerana perebutan ikan itu..beliau juga mengugut tok peraih yang mereka akan buat mogok...tidak turun kelaut menangkap ikan jika tok peraih buat macam tu lagi...maka pihak tok peraih akur dengan arahan ketua nelayan itu...namun jauh disudut hati tok peraih...masih mempunyai keinginan yang membara untuk menjual ikan-ikan itu dimasa depan...kata mereka lagi ..ikan ni..kalau tak laku pun kita boleh makan sendiri ..rasanya memang sedap walaupun kebanyakan mereka menjadikan maruku sebagai makanan mereka....
6)Dalam pada itu ada seorang kaki pancing yang bernama anwar..memang telah lama mengidam untuk menjadi ketua persatuan nelayan itu...dulu dia adalah ahli persatuan itu tetapi telah dinyahkan oleh ketua nelayan yang sebelumnya(tun) kerana beliau suka sangat memancing ikan didarat...bukan dilaut...beliau juga ada sifat suka memancing ikan dikolam orang lain tanpa pengetahuan tuan kolam,dan kalau tuan kolam tahu pun..tak mengapa kerana tuan kolam telah dibayar wang yang banyak semata-mata ingin memancing ikan.walaupun dia ada kolam sendiri...tapi anehnya ....beliau kadang-kadang mengail ikan yang mahal-mahal dan ikan-ikan yang cantik dalam akuarium dikedai ikan...kalau kedai tutup..beliau sanggup masuk melalui pintu belakang demi memenuhi minat dan hobinya memancing itu..orang tua tua ada berpesan..hobi memancing ni...jangan diamalkan...berhantu...jadi ketagih dan sanggup tipu anak isteri demi minat memancing ini...percayalah.
7)Sikaki pancing itu telah berjumpa dengan tok peraih ikan tadi secara senyap-senyap dan berjanji akan memberi ikan dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dari harga yang diberi oleh ketua nelayan(paklah).malah..beliau menjanjikan ikan-ikan yang jauh lebih baik dari 2 jenis ikan sebelumnya.beliau pandai memujuk dan berkata-kata manis sehingga tok-tok peraih ikan menggigit jari dan menjadi tak keruan...yang hairannya tok peraih boleh percaya sedang kan mereka tahu sikaki pancing tidak menjadi ahli mana-mana persatuan nelayan pun....dia juga mendakwa sudah ada seramai 30 orang ahli persatuan nelayan yang ingin melompat atau terjun dari kapal menyebelahi beliau..cuma tunggu masa dan ketika saja....
8)Rupa-rupanya sikaki pancing ni ingin memasuki pertandingan memancing di permatang pauh pula...dia kata isterinya telah meninggalkan kolam yang banyak ikan-ikan jinak disitu...dia terlalu yakin memancing disitu..kerana walau apa cara sekalipun dia akan usahakan supaya menang peraduan memancing...dan dia juga telah berpesan kepada orang-orangnya...sila sediakan jala dan racun...jika pancing tak dapat ikan..guna jala ditengah malam..dan jika mahu lawannya kalah....guna racun saja..biar ikan-ikan mati...dia rela ikan mati sebelum dikail oleh pemancing sejati....
9)jadi..kepada orang permatang pauh..jangan sampai dapat ikan busuk yang dah mati atau dapat ikan hidup yang beracun!!!
By gaousAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:05 PM
dear sir
been reading your views recently
a great found
By kamal ahmad on August 15, 2008 11:13 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun. A writing master piece delivered with political gusto and medical precision. It was a comprehensive observation retold in a straight manner. There is not much else to add or mention apart from agreeing whole fully with the mentioned views. Take care and warmest regards, - Kamal.
By michaelooi on August 15, 2008 11:17 PM
Dear Tun,
Malaysian lost a great leader when you step down from being our Premier. Reading your writing brings such sadness; knowing that you could have done so much more for the good of our country.
Great Leaders comes only but once.
I wish those that "hates" your leadership, especially those who think they are "better-off" in another country could read what you have written.
I love reading your blog, for those who knew prefectly well what you were doing then was for the good of Malaysian, we are the fortunate many. Trouble was, there are also many of those who do not see your act of wisdom during your era as PM of Malaysia. And they love to talk about their "racial discrimination" to their "orang puteh" friends to get cheap sympathy and that makes them feel good. Worst is that they have the guts to come and tell us how fortunate they are living in "orang Puteh's" land. I only thing I see is that they get good hand-out easily. And if they convey their earning into Malaysian Ringgit, than it sounds sooooo much compare to us earning in Malaysia.
The NEWS media should/must print your writing and the world must read your wisdom of your thoughts. The world would be a better place.
Dear bloggers, we are BLESS having Tun for so many years and wish we could still have his wisdom in the governing of our country.
Just praising his wisdom is simply not enough.
Can somebody out there start "doing something" PLEEEEEEASE.
Miracles don't just happen these days.
From my most humble heart, I pray for Tun and Toh Paun's good health and be blessed with all the good things of life.
Michael OOI
By Saleh on August 15, 2008 11:19 PM
Dear Tun
Nak tanya, apa hal dengan Petronas ni. Hari ni dah 15 Ogos, tapi takdak pun iklan Merdeka Petronas dalam TV. Tiba-tiba yang keluaq berita Hassan letak jawatan.
By D.MANAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:21 PM
Dear TUN,
Thank very much for the wonderful article. It builds up my confidence to explain to whoever looking for trouble - irrespective of Malays/ Bumiputra, Indians, Chinese or othe races in Malaysia. Some Malaysians like to try out ideas from western countries to suit our life. Some are Malays whom you sent oveaseas to study and came back to destroy our unity instead of paying back the scholarship that the rakyat had given. It is good to read but not wise to practise everything. The Indians and Chinese who were sent overseas by parents or whoever, gave the impression to outsiders that the Malays are unfair. Even if it is a fact, one should not expose ones weakness to others because they cannot solve our problem; they do not know how.
We have problems in our family but we do not want outside interference. Do not be like Anuar Ibrahim, when in trouble call US for help. We have a family squabble, it is not wise for anyone to pay gangsters to defend him/her.
Let us be rational about this.
By ramlan135 on August 15, 2008 11:22 PM
By nusams on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
Asslamualaiku Tun,
Saya baru saja mendapat tahu Tan Sri Hassan Merican telah meletak jawatannya dalm Petronas. Setahu saya, dia adalah seorang yg berkebolehan dan jujur. Rasanya nak menangis..... lepas satu satu. Tun, Tuhan tak kan megubah nasib kita sehingga kita merubahnya. Apakah yang boleh dilakukan oleh kami rakyat jelata biasa untuk memperbetulkan keadaan?
By 2now on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
Thanks Tun, for the explaination. But then Tun, I just wonder what sensitivity of the non-Malay that could not be touched or had not been touched. I wonder if Malays who served beef in official functions with Hindus officers cared about sensitivity of religion. I just wonder.
By totally spies on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
By Bangsa Malaysian on August 15, 2008 11:26 PM
Dear Tun,
What a clever way of putting things in perspective. I truly enjoy reading comments from the Public in response to whatever articles you put in. I now see why the Malaysian public are so gullible and to believe everything they read.
Putting across a message to all people that we should be more sensitive if of course the right thing to say. A point that need no further explanation to be deem correct and winning the hearts of many.
You have side tracked from the main / true issue and have not been fully honest to all your readers. Have you explained to your readers what the Bar Council was trying to raise? Can you elaborate how the forum actually undermines Islam and therefore insensitive to the the malays and those professing to the faith of Islam?
Winning an argument or a point is a simple thing for a person with the likes of you. Educating the Public and explaining the true situation and what the Bar Council intended to address was probably somewhat not important or unpopular decision.
The issue is with regard to the Breakdown of the institution of marriage in our country and how some people abuse the use of religion to get away with it.(One of the issues). Many of us still regard Tun as the Best Prime Minister of Malaysia for all Malaysians. I sincerely hope that you would feel the same.
By Rakyat123 on August 15, 2008 11:34 PM
Yes. This time I agree with the point below:
"15. I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off hansomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
There is no free lunch in this world. Everything has a price to pay for.
By worm gear on August 15, 2008 11:35 PM
Thanks Tun.
An excellent article.
The best place for the bar council is Kemunting but don’t forget to bring together Zaid Ibrahim the back door minister. Corrupted Minister. Back door could be pm in awaiting as well.
Based on the current issue happened is because of stupid and weak PM. During your time this wouldn't happen. I do hope that god grant you serenity and wisdom to safe this country for a second time.
Awaiting the fallen of the Pak Tidor so he can sleep all night long. Jgn aku sumpah sampai tak bangun, aku tengah marah ini. Mujur ada org pegang.
Keep on writing. Wassalam
By one on August 15, 2008 11:42 PM
Salam Tun,
I'm greatful to Allah for giving you strength and health at this age. And at least still actively guiding us in this blog. Your are not alone Tun! We will always be with you.
The current Government is not just insensitive to such issues, but most of them (ministers) have become comfortably numb to the issues that would bring no political benefit to them.
Masa sudah sampai untuk tubuh parti baru, Tun. Cara ini lebih berkesan dari kita cuba memulihkan UMNO yang telah banyak rosak dengan pelbagai penyakit.
Be strong, and live your life to the fullest Tun.
By jurublogAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:44 PM
The Bar Council can afford to be arrogant because of the weak leadership of the government. The Bar Council will remain insensitive if we still have people like the current de-facto Law Minister in the government.
By leo on August 15, 2008 11:45 PM
Assalammualaikum YM Tun,
I have always been a big fan of yours for years. Despite your advancing age your mind remains as sharp as ever.
I always like the way you use historical facts to analyse the situation and to support your arguments and decisions.
I believe that there are a lot of people out there who have forgotten or totally ignored what you have spent these so many years in building the country once they got hold onto certain postions and ample wealth.
Your article on the racial issue in Malaysia was quite spot on, as always. During your reign, you had developed Malaysia as a role model of a multi-racial country in the world.
I hope more and more Malaysians will open their eyes and realise the need for reformation or change within the current Government body.
I pray to Allah for a long-lasting life for you. The country sorely misses your guidance.
By ExcellentThoughts on August 15, 2008 11:49 PM
Dear Tun
Well explained yes we must be people sensitive especially
living in a multi racial country like Malaysia.
Freedom of expression is good but don’t cross the boundaries
Racial clashes is one of the worst wars in any country.
To those people who are debating the conversion issues I am
sure there are better place and time to debate these things
The BN government is so weak people out there are so frustrated
we are not moving forward political parties are fighting
for position I am so fed up on what is happening politically
and economically.
Tun keep on writing on what is good for the people and the
take care.
By Malaysian Indian on August 16, 2008 12:02 AM
Dear Tun,
It is indeed disheartening to note that many articles are written saying non-bumis are ungrateful to what they get in Malaysia. There are some who say that non-bumis should go back to their original country. Mind these people, our original country is Malaysia. we can only come back to Malaysia.
To all visitors, please do not misinterpret that asking anything more than we get currently as challenging your rights. Sometimes we need to ask before others can give. Also please do not blame the current generation if their knowledge on the 'social contract' is shallow. We should look at the school syllabus whether their knowledge on this is enhanced or not.
The new generation do not know what happened 50 years ago. It is our duty to ensure that these values are preached to them. For many of you, please also understand that we get independence not only through struggle by Bumis but also by non-bumis. Due to that fact, the federal constituition was written. As such it is our duty to teach this to our children.
Do not always write artiles with racial overtones. I think only in Malaysia we have different races with different cultures living harmoniously wihout forsaking their original identity. This is unique and let us keep it that way.
Let us understand each other better and we build a better Malaysia. Do not compare anything with any other country. Malaysia is unique in her own way and for me this is the best place to live in.
However I wish to stress that the diffrences among the races are widening. We should together do something to ensure this does not continue. Let us work together and start to teach our children that cooperation among races are important for our future.
I myself can also write many of the racial slurs, "so called discrimination", abuse by Malays etc. which I had to go through but what is the point. I have worked myself up and can consider to be succesful. The only thing is I have to work "a little harder" than Bumis due to their advatages which makes them one step ahead.
To Bumis, please understand that majority of non-bumis are grateful for being in Malaysia but there will be some grumbles here and there due to particular situation. These are trivial matters and we should not let these be the stumbling block for continuing our friendship and cooperation.
By heartless on August 16, 2008 12:03 AM
Salam Tun,
saya betul-betul takut sekarang ni. melihatkan mahasiswa kini makin gila akan kuasa. di mana munculnya pakatan aspirasi yang menyokong kerajaan dan di dalamnya makin ramai orang-orang yang kononnya menyokong kerajaan walhal pada hakikatnya hanyalah pengkhianat yang dahagakan kuasa. saya tidak dapat bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau mereka suatu hari memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara. lagi satu saya agak hairan dengan media massa yang menunjukkan demonstrasi pelajar uitm yang menyelar menteri besar selangor iatu datuk khalid kerana cadangan beliau. dalam siaran media ditunjukkan sepanduk-sepanduk yang kiranya kalau rakyat berbangsa lain baca boleh menimbulkan kemarahan. media kian kurang kesedaran mengenai isu-isu sebegini. memang benar menteri selangor itu telah membuat silap. tapi saya agak hairan mengapa tun menyatakan cadangan itu belum sampai masanya untuk dijalankan. seolah-olah ada maksud tersirat disebalik pernyataan tun itu. rasanya saya faham apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh tun. 'BELUM SAMPAI MASANYA'.........
By aiakelate on August 16, 2008 12:09 AM
Salam TUN,
Ke mana hilangnya pembesar-pembesar Melayu Malaysia?????????
Kuasa K Ambiga lebih berbisa! atau sengaja panaskan sentimen perkauman.
Yang tinggal hanya Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang lantang membela melayu Islam disokong oleh hanya NGO-NGO melayu.
Datuk Ibrahim Ali bebas bersuara sebebas-bebasnya, "nak suruh anak cucu kencing atas kubur kita sendiri ke"
Wahai pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang hebat dan lantang bersuara,berapa lama masa yang diperlukan untuk memikirkan perkara ini.
Sedarlah pelajar-pelajar melayu yang membantu pembangkang dalam PRU12.Pastikan Permatang Pauh jangan lagi jatuh ke tangan pembangkang.Hidup UMNO!
By Din Investor on August 16, 2008 12:19 AM
Salam TUN,
1.As always a great piece of writing on sensitivities.
But there are hypocrits in this country, trying to create chaus
and problem.
2.For everything there is a price, even for country peace and stability that these hypocrits cannot understand or just do not want to understand.
3.Hypocrits are here trying to make a name for themselves. They may succeed in achieving this.
4.Since nothing is free, they will also end paying a hefty price.
By Abdul HayeeAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 12:19 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Apa yang Tun tulis saya bersetuju 100%. Bila kita lemah orang akan pijak-pijak kepala kita.
Tun, hari ini ada berita gembira untuk peminat sukan dan rakyat Malaysia. Lee Chong Wei telah mengalahkan pemain Korea Selatan Lee Hyun-il dengan 21-18, 13-21, 21-13. Pingat Perak sudah berada ditangan. Mudah-mudahan kita mencapai emas olympic buat julung kalinya pada 17hb Ogos 08 nanti. Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga hasrat dan harapan negara kita Malaysia tercapai.
Satu lagi perkara yang menarik perhatian saya ialah apabila Chong Wei mendapatkan jurulatihnya Misbun Sidek dan memeluknya dengan penuh mesra tanda ucapan terima kasih dan Misbun telah menggosok2 kepala Chong Wei. Tersentuh hati saya melihatnya.
Satu lagi berita hari ini ialah Mohd Saiful Bukhari telah melakukan sumpah mubahalah di masjid Wilayah Persekutuan dengan disaksikan oleh tokoh agama serta orang ramai dan pemberita2. Hanya orang yang benar-benar yakin kebenarannya yang sanggup berbuat demikian.
Beranikah pula Anwar nak ikut jejak Mohd Saiful Bukhari?
Anwar boleh berbohong kepada seluruh rakyat tetapi Anwar tidak boleh berbohong kepada Allah dan kepada dirinya sendiri. Sebab Allah tahu dan dirinya juga tahu apa yang dia telah lakukan. Diharap pengundi-pengundi di Permatang Pauh menjadi pengundi yang bijak dan membuat pilihan yang betul dan tidak mudah tertipu dengan pemimpin yang mementingkan diri.
Makin jelas tindakan Tun terhadap Anwar 10 tahun yang lalu adalah benar.
Semoga Tun sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Amin!
By mamat2008 on August 16, 2008 12:20 AM
salam Tun,
Bar council memang naik minyak sejak kerajaan bagi ex-gratia spt yg Tun ckpkan tu... nampak sgt dorang ni tak telus dan tak jujur...dan banyak berkata yg sedih tu ada gak yg menyokong...yg non-malays memanglah sah2 menyokong, tp yg bijak pandai melayu pun sokong jugak...pd pendapat saya tak kisah benda2 ni dibincangkan, tp bila dah timbul banyak tentangan sepatutnye dorang lebih bersikap 'terbuka' menerima tentangan ini, maksudnya dorang kenalah bijak sikit berfikir...buatlah secara tertutup...ikut pintu belakang org kata...then barulah tak menerima tentangan! ini tidak berdegil nak teruskan...hah ni lah padahnya, terus org menentang...padan muka dorang ni...
pendek kata dorang ni nak tunjuk hero dan berlagak nak mampos, dorang fikir ni negara mak bapak dorang kot!(ni kira marahlah ni)
pada saya, benda ni (forum ni) mungkin boleh memberi pandangan utk memperbaiki sistem yg kita ada, dan mungkin jugak utk melihat perkara2 yg berbangkit disebelahsebelah pihak...saya tak nafikan sebab saya seorg yg berilmiah (jadik mungkin ada kebaikkannya), tp lihatlah suasana persekitaran kita dan pandai2lah adapt, jgn main serbu aje...betul tak...
saya percaya dan yakin jika kerajaan yg menerajui Malaysia masih bersikap lemah lembut spt skrg ini, perkara2 sensitive ini pasti akan berulang/berbangkit...
oleh itu saya berharap pemimpin2 Melayu akan bangun memperjuangkan maruah org2 kita ditanah air ini!...bukannya pemimpin yg nak bersenang lenang, gunakan duit rakyat membazir sana sini...pemimpin sebegini adalah pemimpin bodoh!
By Letterpress on August 16, 2008 12:21 AM
Assalamualaikum WBT,
Dear Tun,
It's very saddening to see what has become to our beloved country. The day you made known of your intention to resign, i knew something like this is inevitable. I just didn't see anyone in the government who's of your caliber. I was sad the day you left the government but i became more sad looking at the present condition that our country is in. If only the government is not as weak, things like this wouldn't have happened. How i miss the day you lead us, bringing Malaysia to the eyes of the world with your wisdom and far-sightedness. You are truly one in a million Tun. I will always pray for your good health, and may Allah protect you and your family. Thanks for everything that you have done for us. Your sacrifices are priceless. Take care Tun.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 12:55 AM
Dear Tun,
The Bar Council members are hypocrite people of the first order. If this country becomes chaotic because of their insensitivity by continuing harping on sensitive issues, I think they will be the first people to run away. They know that they will be the first to be slauhgtered for their irresponsible action.
These are the so-called the few elite arrogant people within our society trying to be smart alec.They thought that this is the right time to be heroes and champion for the people.
By TechieSavvie on August 16, 2008 1:05 AM
Dear Tun and readers,
As we are progressing, I think it is good for the Bar council to conduct such a forum to discuss varying sensitive issues. Notwithstanding, they are composed of the 'just' and the 'fair' and absolutely not the politicians. The only problem is they are dumb enough to test the deep water before trying the shallow one first.
In other words their sensitivity-o-meter is very insensitive. This is very dangerous as if your car speedometer is detecting 10m/h but indeed the speed of traveling is 100m/h.
If they are smart aka sensitivity-o-meter is sensitive, they can try increasing the speed a little bit. Wait a little while, see the response. If the car is still intact , they can increase the speed more.
But now unfortunately, the car has lost the window and the door and still they want to increase the speed. So pathetic the bar council is.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 1:06 AM
Dear Tun,
I just wonder mana si budak Zaid sekarang. Dia dah senyap je ikut style Tun Musa jadi "elegant silence". Dengar kata dia dah tender resignation. Baguslah tu. Right move. After all dia jadi Menteri melalui "BACKDOOR OF THE BACKLANE" of Seri Perdana !! No class and no standard for a supposed to be a very well known successful bumiputra "LOYAR"!
By Pasrah on August 16, 2008 1:08 AM
Salam, Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dengan para 20. Banyak orang bersikap kita boleh kutuk semua orang tapi jangan kutuk kita.. Ini semangat gangster. Ada orang boleh membuat lelucon ke atas agama mereka ttapi mereka harus tahu yang kita tidak membuat jenaka ke atas agama kita dan juga agama lain.
Bagi saya, Majlis Peguam dan juga mereka yang mengendalikan Majlis tersebut (Pengerusi dan ahlinya) tidak pernah memperjuangkan keadilan dan hak. Kesemuanya berkpentingan peribadi, dan mencari peluang untuk "grandstanding" untuk dapat anakguaman yang akan membayar yuran guaman untuk firma mereka. Majlis Peguam tidak pernah menegakkan hak orang ramai sekiranya bertentangan dengan kehendak mereka di dalamnya. Saya masih ingat tentang satu kes yang mana seorang anggota polis berharap untuk menyaman satu orang awam yang telah melaporkan beliau menerima rasuah setelah pegawai polis tersebut telah didapati tidak bersalah. Nazri, masa tu menteri undang2 membangkang keras hasrat polis tersebut. Dan Majlis Peguam secara convenient tidak membuat sebarang kenyataan di dalam perihal ini.
Majlis Peguam harus sedar bahawa di dalam menegakkan keadilan, mereka perlu terlebih dahulu mengambil tindakan untuk memastikan semua peguam adalah layak untuk memberikan khidmat mereka supaya masyarakat tidak diperdayakan untuk memperolehi hak mereka. Hak warganegara untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan peguam yang benar-benar layak kerana di atas kecuaian peguam merupakan juga penindasan dan penafian di atas hak mereka. Kealpaan Majlis Peguam dan juga sikap endah tidak endah ini yang membenarkan peguam-peguam yang jahat, tidak layak, penipu dan yang "blur" dibenarkan untuk menjalankan praktik mereka.
On more nostalgic punya isu, i literally crossed your path some 30 years ago when you came to my village in terengganu to membuka rasmi sekolah kat situ. You were then menteri pelajaran. And again 10 years ago during SUKOM...face to face..and i had masa tu TIME magazine with you on the cover..thought of asking you to sign the mad, but i was so overwhelmed (takut)...
Saya doakan kesihatan dan kebahagiaan kepad Tun dan keluarga.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 1:20 AM
Kesilapan Manusia Di Zaman Kekeliruan
Anas ibn Malik berkata, “Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Zaman Dajjal adalah zaman kekeliruan. Manusia akan percaya pendusta dan tidak percaya orang yang berkata benar. Manusia tidak percaya orang yang amanah dan mempercayai orang yang khianat.
Persoalan sekarang: Adakah negeri kita sekarang boleh di takrifkan dalam keadaan seperti zaman Dajjal?
By tamwon on August 16, 2008 1:21 AM
Dear Tun,
What more can be said with your complete clear and precise explanations. To me it is plain and simple as being preached by NABI S.A.W - " Kalau kamu mahu dihormati maka sentiasa lah menghormati akan orang lain."
Our prayer to YOU and TSA for all the good health and blessing from
ALLAH SWT. as always.
By azienmat on August 16, 2008 1:21 AM
Please refrain to smoking this side right here right now. It's unhealthy very dangerous for me, for you, for us as well..
Thank You..
By ashar on August 16, 2008 1:25 AM
Antara BN dan PKR...??
mana pilihan hati?
salam perjuangan
By ashar on August 16, 2008 1:39 AM
Anwar boleh kalah di P44. dengan calon parti bebas.
28% perubahan Tsunami PRU12 kelmarin kepada PR +
isu semasa dalam PR(isu Uitm, tuntutan PAS, DEB dll) +
isu semasa UMNO(kelemahan yang terserlah) +
sumpah saiful tentang perilaku Anwar di mesjid +
perletakan jawatan TS Hasan Merican dari petronas( kerja KJ)+
pendedahan Scomi ingin miliki Proton.....
katakan semuanya 30-35% sahaja dari 58,000 pengundi:
Calon bebas ada peluang untuk menang...!!
salam perjuangan
By asoka on August 16, 2008 1:40 AM
Its wonderful, what a valuable statements . Did you read, almost all over the blogs , everyone was happy to read and comment. WHY WHY ? You have planted the peace of mind in all the readers by bringing Unity , Harmony among the races in Malaysia. YOU are the leader.No body will question you.
The silence approach of your posting well accepted today. AS the Malay proverb says" BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA ROBOH" OR AS per what you always, say " KITA HARUS RAPATKAN BARISAN BILA MUSUH MENYERANG" .SO WE must be united. Who can unite the malaysian ? ( not 1 race). It you only. COME 100 BAR COUNCIL , WE CAN JUST TRASH THEM if we are United.
The power of speech in you can create millions of people behind you. I am your admirer,since i am 19 years old, now i am 46. Half of my age i admire you. I am with you.
Do me another favour TUN, Please screen all the blogs which is written with bad remarks of any races in this country. Dont publish it. Reject them at early stage or the People in the Power will call you also " POSTING TERRORIST". You know why. ?? The have nothing else to do except to find fault against you.
By furido1585 on August 16, 2008 1:46 AM
Lihatlah siapa orang kuat BC? India....over dalam apa jua bidang. Kebanyakkan orang India yakin dia apa yang dia fikir betul walaupun sebenarnya tak berapa betul.... Lagi satu, mereka ni kalau bab tunjuk kesalahan orang lain mereka akan buat hingga tahap memalukan orang tersebut...over la katakan.... Bukan semua tapi memang wujud. Kalau ada yang terasa tu jangan nak kondem org lain je tapi cermin-cerminkanlah diri anda tu bersama sikap over anda tu...takde class langsung!
By ajimi on August 16, 2008 1:48 AM
Dearest Ayahnda Tun
Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera buat Tun & Isteri serta keluarga, semuga diberi keberkatan dan sihat walafiat selalu.
Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun. Pada pandangan saya perbincangan seperti yang dianjur oleh MBC tak patut berlaku dan tak patut wujud langsung. Jika pun mereka mempunyai kemusykilan akan masaalah yang berlaku sepatut nya mereka menasihatkan sipolan yang mengadu, pergi jumpa dengan pihak yang berwajib berkaitan dengan isu tersebut dan bukannya mereka hendak menjadi jaguh kepada perkara tersebut.
Saya rasa bagaikan terdapat AGENDA TERSEMBUNYI dengan perilaku mereka ini. Kalau nak diikutkan bagi kita kaum Muslimin, kita lah yang sepatutnya membuat forum yang membincangkan KENAPA MUSLIMIN DISESATKAN oleh agenda-agenda sekian hari, seperti:
1. Penyesatan Umat2 Islam dari segi pengaruh agenda2 sosial
sekarang oleh orang bukan Islam.
2. Umat Islam sentiasa diperkotak katikan dan ditipu dengan
dakyah2 halal haram.
3. Segala arak, tayangan rupa bentuk pendedahan tubuh, rokok, budaya
remaja bersosial, rempit dll sentiasa menduga keimanan orang
Islam dan juga bukan Islam.
Islam mempertahankan prinsip dan batasan hidup, kenapa mereka hendak menentang. Walhal agama lain pun menuntut insan menjadi iman, tetapi mereka tidak sekuat Islam. Oleh demikian mereka ini mesti mempunyai AGENDA tertentu bagi memporak perandakan hidup seseorang insan.
Sepatutnya kita orang Islamlah yang mesti mendesak agar bukan Islam tidak memperkotak katikan orang Islam. Kita cuma hendak mengajak mereka menjadi lebih bertamaddun bukannya hendak suroh mereka berbogel / berhomosek / merendahkan akhlak dsgnya.
Sekian saja pandangan dari saya. Terima kasih banyak2 Tun kerana masih mempertahankan Negara, Bangsa dan Agama.
Wassalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun. Semuga Tun sentiasa berada disisi lindungan Allah.
By fairuzstone on August 16, 2008 2:02 AM
Dear TUN Mahathir and everybody,
I am sure, many of us is wondering how could the Bar Council Ms Ambiga gain the Datukship and which Sultan has bestowed her the title for she seems not fit or deserve for the title of what she has done to the people and drag them to unnecessary trouble.
Similarly, a few years ago, the Sultan of Selangor has revoked a Datukship from a chinese man who was involved in secret society or gangsterism where His Highness Sultan Sharafudin Idris Shah doesnot want whoever been given the title to tarnish or abuse that title. Same goes to Ambiga (President, Bar Council), for the damage she has initiated, her Datukship should be revoked too, as a lesson to others.
By Dr ZhivagoAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 2:09 AM
Hats off Tun!
You always put it out so simply.
But people try make things very complicated and confuse minds and distress society.
You indeed have a very clear cut understanding and vision.
Please continue to enlighten us.
By DinKakYah on August 16, 2008 2:17 AM
I wonder are there any muslim lawyers in BC? Persatuan peguam muslim etc? What about that solicitor with serban that we always see with Anuar Ibrahim.. I thought he is vocal enough.
By greatpanglima on August 16, 2008 2:19 AM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun The Maha Guru,
Sedih sungguh saya malam ni. Semua point dah buah begitu banyak sekali macam ribut datang idea tapi semua hilang masa nak preview. Sedihnya tak dapat nak kongsi lebih2!
By the way Tun pls don't give up on us as we never give up on you!But the rakyat has surely given up with the present leadership of UMNO - the budulah and his YB2.I'm afraid finally they all become babi2 if they are prolonged refusing to see how sick UMNO is right now!as they never stop eating too what they see they take and never keep for the rakyat, not even leftover. How sad and embarrasing all this!!!
How can we go back to the glory Tun?!
By cucuajiakil on August 16, 2008 2:21 AM
Seriously, this really should have been the way the Government responded....analytical, explanative, terse and, to top it all, common-sensible even to the ordinary man on the street; not the usual dull-witted, sterile, brushed-aside and threatening reactions that seem to be the order of the day these days.But then what can one expect from 1/2p6'ers.
May I say Sir that your take on various public issues thus far ... correction: since the days you helmed the Government ... merely confirms the special God-given gifts that you are blessed with i.e. analytical prowess,sheer depth of knowledge (on any given subject), the unrivalled power of reasoning and the uncanny knack for unraveling complex issues. As far as I am concern, you stand among the very few and, by today's standards, a rare and true iconic figure.
I eagerly look forward to reading more blogs from you and may Allah bless you with the best of health. Salam.
By fazli on August 16, 2008 2:54 AM
Dear Sir,
I bet Pakatan Rakyat and their die hard supporters are happy that "Freedom of Expression", "Freedom Of Speech" and "Rights to Demonstrate" are finally alive in Malaysia.
Anybody can now discuss any issues they deemed fit without considering the feeling of others. (Read: Freedom Of Speech)
And if anyone is not happy they can always gather to force the other party to stop the discussion. (Read: Rights to Demonstrate)
Meanwhile, UITM students from all over the country has taken to the streets to protest Selangor's MB proposal to open UITM to non Bumi. (Read : Freedom Of Expression)
And the best part is if all these lead to a disaster UMNO is there to take the blame as always....
Salam and take care Sir...
By merbuk67 on August 16, 2008 2:58 AM
FREEDOM : Are we free to fly like a bird. No, because it's freedom with limit.Everything created by god has its own limit.No matter how clever we are,we can not do what a small insect can.Every organisation in the world must have the limit.its like saya jaga you ,you jaga saya.Even a small organisation with no limit can create a nuclear bom.Certain thing we can do in public but there are certain thing we must only do it in the dark(not in the public).There is no superiority between bar council and the public elected government.MUATUAL RESPECT is important.
By atap_chi on August 16, 2008 3:00 AM
Today's Malaysia is STOP moving, STOP leading...
1. Poor leadership of the politicians
- Good leader on the top will create good sub-leaders
- Good attitude show on the top, will follow by the bottom
- Leader able create strong culture, trend and make everyone follow
2. Poor management skills in economics, human, and projects
- Chosen leader cannot demonstrate out-standing management skills
- No impressive ideas, planning, and out-standing results
3. Poor attitude of the politicians
- Most of the politician is not professional
- They did not look like a leader. They have been chosen but they lead citizens to riot. Childish...
- Is there any good way to raise up your concern? If there is no, means government has poor system to allow people to complain.
- Government needs a lot of feedback and improvement to be mroe mature and successful.
4. Do Malaysia has religious department? What is their role?
- I purposely mentioned this because all the politicians are too focused on agama and bahasa.
- Should we create one of this department so that dedicated department and dedicated menteri can make sure our agama and bahasa is well protected. (if other agama is getting stronger, what should they do to make their own agama to be more stronger instead of stopping other's agame to grow)
- win like a man, lose like a man
- As a result, politician can be more concentrated on country's development
5. What is the main tasks of the politicians?
- I expect politician to contribute on our country's development which is relates to technology, economics, and create intelligent youngsters.
- Most of the politicians lack of result
- I believe government should create metriks to measure their performance
- If they cannot perform, please do not allocate them to manage the place anymore.
- A place with no improvement is government responsibility as they did not do their work.
Please accept my apologies as I am not good in writings and if my words hurt anyone feeling. As I believe we need drastic changes to make Malaysia a well-known country.
I want to be a proud Malaysian where our country is good in TECHNOLOGY, STRONG ECONOMICS, TOP 10 UNIVERSITIES in the WORLD, OUT-STANDING LEADERS.
1. Poor leaders need more trainings. Give them a chance to prove themselves. Get them to experience on how Multinational company like Intel, Dell, GE and others super company create leaders, superb plan leads with good results, manage good account with intergrity....
2. Please produce politician who can create out-standing result.
Tun, I understand that my topic and your topic is so far different. But I hope and need your help to make all this happens. You are the only leader who creates culture and makes everyone follow.
By razmanbb on August 16, 2008 3:00 AM
Salam Tun,
It just so simple....
How dare u to say that only want ur rights when u ignore the rights of others?
This people is thinking they're too smart & that's the problem...
By AloQStaQAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 3:20 AM
Perrrggghhhh!!! .... Penjelasan Tun yang cukup padat dan lengkap terhadap puak-puak yang mempertikaikan kenyataan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ! Nah ! Amik buah tangan yang padat dan mampat dari Tun! Jangan anggap Tun macam-macam ... Tun dah lama dalam dunia pentadbiran kerajaan mahupun organisasi berbilang kaum ... Bukan sehari dua, tetapi berpuluh tahun .... Sepak terajang dunia politik adalah asam garam hidup Tun ... Jadi, artikel Tun hari ini, amat tepat dan padat memberi gambaran jelas kepada yang belum nampak apa yang dimaksudkan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ...
Assalamualaikum Ayahandaku, Tun yang di kasihi....
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda kini berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan ceria sepanjang masa .. Aminnn! ...
Ayahanda & para pelawat,
Semakin hari semakin jelas nampak sungguh layu kepimpinan AbDolah memimpin negara ini walaupun beliau sedaya upaya menaikkan kembali popularitinya yang menjunam baru-baru ini dengan menggula-gulakan rakyat pada mutakhir ini dengan cerita-cerita membersihkan dirinya dan menambahpopular dirinya kembali, terkini dikatakan harga minyak akan diturunkan ... tak faham? dah menjunam tu, susah la nak naik balik AbDolah oiii! ...
Tu la ... sejak dulu lagi Tun dah bagitau, TURUN SEGERA, TURUN! Tapi ngkau tak nak dengar cakap Tun ... ngkau degil AbDolah! degil! ... akhirnya populariti ngkau hancur, tak semena-mena BAR COUNCIL pulak dah berani dan biadap "menampar" muka sekalian rakyat beragama Islam dan khususnya Melayu akibat dari kelemahan pentadbiran ngkau wahai AbDolah .... Inilah yang kami semua tak mahu kat ngkau ni AbDolah! ...
Rentetan dari "kasih sayang penuh tatangan" bak minyak yang penuh supaya tak tumpah, dari Menteri De Facto Undang-undang Malaysia (yang suka keMABUKan tu) kerana memberi muka yang lebih kepada "ketelusan" sistem perundangan (secara tidak langsung memberi muka kepada BAR COUNCIL), maka dengan ditambah sifat lemah lembut (baca : lembik!) Perdana Menteri Malaysia, maka BAR COUNCIL mula cuba "mengambil alih pentadbiran" akibat sedikit KUASA telah meresap masuk ke dalam Pertubuhan mereka!
Sensitiviti kaum dan agama selama ini terjaga dan dijaga rapi dengan selamat/elok/baik/bagus/cekap/berhati-hati/terkawal telah mula digoncang oleh PM ini dan Menteri De facto Undang-Undang ini, dengan mereka memberi ruang serta peluang kepada BAR COUNCIL(yang telah mendapat restu penuh mereka - demi "ketelusan Sistem Perundangan" kononnya).
Pertubuhan itu, tanpa segan silu kini telah "berani" mencabar hak-hak Melayu dan Agama Islam.
Inilah nilai harga yang perlu dibayar oleh Menteri terbabit yang telah membuka luas "pintu" kepada ahli-ahli perundangan ini "masuk" membawa belantan dan kayu pemukul untuk memukul prinsip negara (yang menjaga hak Melayu & Islam) selama 50tahun lebih yang terjaga rapi! Kini prinsip tersebut sudah lebam-lebam dibelasah oleh Pertubuhan itu ...
Rawatan segera patut diberikan oleh Kerajaan yang bertanggunjawab! jika dibiarkan, ia akan membarah dan membawa padah kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Islam di tanahair Malaysia. Kenyataan ini, bukanah bertujuan mengapi-apikan perkauman, tetapi inilah nilai keharmonian selama ini, terganggunya keharmonian ini, jangan terkejut jika 1969 mungkin berulang.
INI YANG KITA SEMUA TAK MAHU TERJADI - KERANA KITA SAYANGKAN MALAYSIA DAN KEHARMONIAN SEMUA KAUM DI MALAYSIA! .... (Seperti sepanjang tempoh 22 Tahun kepimpinan Datuk Seri Dr.Mahathir Mohammed) ...
Kita semua pasti masih ingat masa itu, kita semua (baca: semua kaum) hidup harmoni ketika itu tanpa ada sebarang rasa perselisihan antara kita, kerana menghormati hak-hak dan batas-batas yang telah digunapakai sejak merdeka ... Jangan mudah lupa. Demi keharmonian.
By isaac63 on August 16, 2008 3:38 AM
Asslmlkm. Sudah lah tu Tun. You should just retire gracefully. I am not challenged by all these issues because i know I can stand by my own without any crutches. I dont hide behind my race nor religion and make my fellow Malaysians feel any lesser than me. Pls dont stifle our growth anymore. Ingat ingat la pada hari yang sudah senja.
By Tun Dr Marvellous on August 16, 2008 4:13 AM
Salam Hotmat Tun & Famili,
That's right,totally agreed with your comments,
The non-Malays and Malays in Malaysia have a lot of sensitive issues.
And now,propagation of a belief by opposition party such as Pakatan Rakyat, Bar Council, Tingkat 4 as propaganda to achieve their political GOALS.
Hidup Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh!!!!
By Brian Tseng on August 16, 2008 4:29 AM
Hi Tun and Fellow Malaysians,
I am working in the Arab world and I discuss with my Arab friends (Muslims and Non-Muslims) about Islam, Orthodox, Jews and many other religions. Our discussions are always informative, educating and intellectually enriching.
There is nothing too sensitive about these things - provided you are mature enough to handle them. Just like sex scenes in the movies. The scenes may be deemed "sensitive" to a 13 yr old, but to an adult, it's ....nothing much.
It looks like Muslim Malays (the majority but not all) are particularly sensitive to all things regarding race and religion. I suspect it may be a case of their state of mind being somewhat under-developed.
It would do well for the Government (be it UMNO, PAS, PKR, whatever) to develop the mental capacity and emotional maturity of the rakyat before they start enriching their pockets.
Are my statements above sensitive? But I am merely following Tun's example when Tun lambasts Pak Lah - ie..calling a spade a spade. The spade may not like being called a spade, but a spade is a spade. Or is it?
By ynwa1976 on August 16, 2008 4:39 AM
So it is back to the Bar Council... Really hot topic, surprised me, they are getting far too much attention that they deserve, all because of our angry reaction to their forum.
Malays are angry at the moment...
Even Khalid's proposal of opening up Mara to non-Malays were treated with disdain, when such proposal had been mooted before by others.
I went to a boarding school, not entirely Malay like MCKK. We had several non-Malays, and I befriended them all. Some of them were very good in their studies, it created healthy competition for us Malays. Having non-Malays in our school created no harm, and I became what I am in part because of them. At least I learnt many things about people of other races and religion. And this race mixing is not unique to my school, other SMK have this feature as well.
But when it comes to university, everyone becomes defensive. Now it involves a matter of whether you get that scroll which may guarantee you getting a life for yourself. And letting some others access gives you less access, hence no one is willing to move an inch.
To tell you the truth, my perception of UITM is not good. I have worked with many of them, they are not good. Their English especially, are substandard. Their technical capabilities, in my experience, are a bit behind those from other local universities. I even have a sister in law, who is a UITM graduate, who is still unable to get a job that pays above RM2k. I find myself in a lot of pressure having to 'help' her find and get that job she wants.
So I find proposals to create healthy competition good news indeed.
Off-topic, being a Malay Malaysian, I was proud to see Chong Wei reach the final of badminton. Hope he gets that gold medal for us, long overdue really.
Sensitivities... I've had my own brushes with other races' nuances as well... I live in a mixed neighbourhood, chinese, indian and malay spread across some 5 km radius. There is a big mosque, a big hindu temple, and a chinese temple. My neighbour likes to play mahjong, but the problem is they invite their friends to come and play, and they play until late at night, even on weeknights. And it gets very noisy... Unlike them who are retired, we are a young couple who are committed at work and needed the sleep. My wife always complain to me, but I always tell her it is ok, we just have to shut the windows, and install an air-cond if it's too hot. My wife siad, why dont they shut their own windows, cos they are the noisy one... I told her, they are retired, no money to switch aircond every night. I know that if we complain to them, it will only break their heart, and with that, the goodwill that we have created thus far.
You see, it is hard to live with people of different races, but no problem is insurmountable. We dont solve problem by shouting at others. I wanted to write more, but too tired...
My 2 sen.
By Wanbot on August 16, 2008 4:49 AM
Salam Tun,
My political knowledge is not so good. I am just an ordinary layman person like others. Before, I feel that politics is so difficult to comprehend. As time goes by, as maturity level increases, I soon realize that how silly and common sense the politics is. Politics is about people perception on you and not about what you really are. You may be really dumb but that is not important as politics is more dumber. Politics is all around us. If your parent like you more than your other siblings, then you will get more presents from your parent. If many people like you, then you will have many friend. If you bos like you, then you will easily get promoted. Sadly, that also true in the selection of a leader in a country.
Maybe, we should set a specific law which allows only people who has adequate knowledge and posses high level of academic degrees, at least a Ph.D., can be a prime minister.We need a leader who has a sharp, clear, and critical thinking.
Or maybe, anyone who is going to be a prime minister must first take a special test which tests his mental abilities such as basic mathematics, basic financial, basic laws, basic religious, etc. and also basic skills such as public speaking, debate skills, motivational skills, etc.. If he fails this test, then he shouldn't be allow to be a prime minister.
By rajamdriza82Author Profile Page on August 16, 2008 4:58 AM
This is the best writing from you. I do honour and respect your views. Lets go against Anwar coz he is a person who like to take things to the street. Even PKR also supports the Malaysian Bar Council on the open forum to discuss on sensitive issues.
We have seen Pak Lah sold Malaysia to the Singaporeans, we would also probably see Anwar selling Malaysia to the US.
Hidup Tun!!!
For you Tun, in knowledge I seek, but in greatness and wisdom I have found.
Thank you.
Please talk about Petronas future as Tan Sri Hassan Merican has resigned.
By isahbiazhar on August 16, 2008 5:07 AM
People are always sensitive.That is human.It is the politicians who have/had made it worse.You are among them.The Bar council is right in what they are doing.If Annuar comes everything will be right and you have said you will leave the country because you could not do what he could.Just do not harp on religion and sensitivity in the future.The new breeed of Malaysian do not know about it.It is the old folks who fought for the independence are worried that the other races will usurp what they think is theirs.Malaysia belongs to everybody who is a citizen and it is their right to have it.
By speedbirdAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 5:40 AM
By Aysha on August 16, 2008 6:25 AM
I still think the information about Islam needs to be spread to all humanity (by ISLAMIC SCHOLARS of course, not by some random people who claim to know fully about Islam). Ianya juga sebahagian daripada hak sama rata.
I pity the non-muslims in Malaysia since they have bad examples of muslims around them which subsequently makes them not interested in learning the sacred knowledge of Islam. Plus, it has been a natural thing in Malaysia to talk about Islam ONLY and ONLY to muslims. Adilkah begini? We Muslims claim that Islam is the true religion, then why are we restricting the access to Islam??
Jika di luar negara, Islam may be condemned, but the number of muslims are arising there. I am not saying that we need to get more people converted to Islam, I just think that everyone should have access to Islam and be able to learn this beautiful religion. Kalau nak ikut sensitiviti orang 100%, susahlah begitu. Kalau macam tu, takkan adalah pusat-pusat sembahyang bagi orang-orang bukan Islam seperti sekarang sebab tentunya ada orang-orang muslim yang sensitif dengan perkara ini.
Just because there are no cases where muslim women with hijab got insulted in the middle of a crowd and muslim men got shot down down the street does not mean Islam is not misintepreted in Malaysia.
By Anba on August 16, 2008 6:27 AM
Dr. Mahathir,
Hi there. You mentioned the following:
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off handsomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
Here are my views on your statement.
1. I have always admired your guts in speaking out against the west and your visions in making Malaysia known to others in the world.
2. I believe that you're a smart politician, better than your ability to be a medical doctor. As smart as you are as a politician, you are also cunning as a fox in refusing to talk about the sensitive racial issues that’s crippling the minorities for decades.
3. You know very well that the NEP cold have been abolished in 1990, but you very well knew as a smart politician that you will be hated by the Malays forever if you had done so. On the contrary, I believe that the Malays, although they may have hated you by abolishing the NEP in 1990, in the long run they would have appreciated your move as that would have made the Malays work harder and improve themselves. I'm not saying that all Malays are not working hard, I' implying that as a consequence of 'spoon feeding' the Malays, you will make them feel comfortable and unwilling to compete, knowing that the government is always there to bail them out.
4. You cannot expect to realize the truth if you do not investigate in an unbiased manner. You should know well, as a person trained in math and science, that if the scientist is biased towards an outcome in an experiment, no matter what result was achieved, it will not be a break through. Similarly, if you say that certain racial matters should not be discussed because it may cause violence, it is a 'fear mongering' technique that will not allow any debates to take place in this country. Developed nations had their share of disturbances and discomfort and even loss of life when it came to smelling freedom in their respective countries. If Rosa Park did not defy the ruling that separated the sitting of black and white in public buses by sitting in a seat allocated for the whites, the Civil Rights movements would not have materialized in the United States.
5. So, when you say that Malaysians are only paying a 'small price' by not discussing certain sensitive issues, I totally disagree with you. Let's see how big of a price we are paying by not discussing and debating sensitive issues.
a. The Malays, although may feel good that by not discussing sensitive issues like the NEP and other racial issues, can continue to benefit from the Government plans. This only makes them more comfortable and produce the kind of graduates we are producing today where all the universities in Malaysia have been demoted in their world ranking except for UTM ( please see Bernama News on Nov 13, 2007 or visit
b. The non-Malays, on the contrary are being left behind to rightly pursue their tertiary education and also possibly force many average grade students to begin to work after their SPM or STPM. God knows the countless number of non -Malays who suffered by being forced to convert to a Muslim when they marry a Muslim. Where in the Quran or the Islamic scriptures that mentions the need for a non Muslim to convert when they marry a Muslim. I am not a Muslim scholar, but I am a tolerant human being who believes that every major religion is a love and peace abiding religion but the human beings who twist and turn the facts from the scriptures to suit their own needs.
6. Sir, not discussing the sensitive issues may have paid of handsomely for the Malays, but it has certainly caused lots of hardship and heart breaks for the non-Malays. Our cries and heart breaks will find an answer in the future. One race may dominate another for some time, but no race can dominate another race all the time.
7. You are unwilling to debate and discuss sensitive issues out of the fear of losing your own privileges. It is for this reason that I feel you have failed as a leader who could have been more just for the needs of other races in Malaysia. I can understand the applaud given to you in this blog by the people who certainly have benefitted from your policies. I can understand their joy and happiness. But remember this, the joy and happiness of one race at the expense of another race, no matter how gratifying, is NOT justified and against the natural order created by God.
Until then, take care and I hope that my words, although may be provoking, it was only written from the agony that I feel inside. Like you, every time I land in our airport, it's a great feeling to land in our 'tanah tumpah darah ku'. Although I'm a not a Malay, but I certainly feel like a Bumiputera, because if you break down that word ( Bumi = Earth and Putera = Sons and daughters of the soil or in the the Tamil language it means the Prince of the Soil) I am also a Bumiputera in the truest sense of that word, Bumiputera.
I pray for your health.
Take care and God bless.
By zabidimohamed on August 16, 2008 6:35 AM
the malay lawyers should not hesitate to boycout Bar Councils as a sign of protest. Demonsrate your stand!
By solcroft on August 16, 2008 6:41 AM
"And talking about civilised discourse, the terms used like "flaw in YOUR logic", "NOT ALLOWED to SO MUCH as to enquire" and "BARBARIC" shows some emotions have been stirred and fingers are pointed even by a simple open blog like this. So you are a good example why an open forum that pretends that sensitivities don't exist just won't work to solve problems. Create problems-maybe, Solve, I doubt it."
You are naive indeed if you think the problems aren't already there. Pretending to not see problems doesn't mean they do not exist. As for your sensitivities, they are irrelevant and insignificant when compared to the issue of racial fairness and equity, which are far more important. I hear UMNO cronies are sensitive about their ability to plunder the national coffers being interfered with, perhaps we should respect them by keeping quiet. I hear Pak Lah is sensitive about being overthrown from his UMNO party position, perhaps we should respect him and turn a blind eye to his doings of bribing the ketua-ketua bahagian. I also hear Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is also sensitive about Morgan Tsvangirai challenging him for the presidency, perhaps he should be allowed to continue his dictatorial rule over the country. If you challenge these sensitivities, you are inviting violence and bloodshed upon yourself, and it's your own fault. Better leave them alone!
Do you see how ridiculous this "sensitivities" logic is now? Any sensible person would laugh it away in dismissal, because it is nothing short of blackmail against democracy and the rule of law. The only way this travesty can take place, is if the majority decide to discard all pretense of civilizedness and fairness, and behave like barbarians.
By 101stuffsAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 7:24 AM
Well said Tun. Keep it up.
There were some comments on TS Hassan Marican's resignation. He only resigned from posts chairman & director of Petronas Gas Berhad but still retain his post as Petronas' president & CEO. (Note: Petronas Gas is a subsidiary of Petronas)
By mantoba on August 16, 2008 8:06 AM
Salam TUN yang dikasehi dan sahabat2 bloggers.
1.Satu penjelasan yang mantap untuk direnung oleh sekalian rakyat Malaysia,terutama Majls Peguam.
2.Majls Peguam sebenarnya faham akan perkara itu. Tapi mereka2 ini adalah dalang2 parti politik, dan forum berkenaan adalah bersifat politik semata2. Mereka mengunakan platform Majlis Peguam untuk menyampaikan agenda politik mereka.
3.Kesempatan ini diambil apabila mereka melihat ada kelemahan dalam kerajaan. Nyata sekali kerajaan tak berbuat apa2 pun untuk menghalang forum tersebut.
4.Zaid, membisu terus. Tugas beliau sudah selesai setelah kes VC Linggam dan pembayaran X'gratia kepada hakim2 yang dipecat.
5.Berbeza dengan peringatan Dr.Zahid hamidi. Adalah dayus kalau (Umno) tidak mengenakan tindakan terhadap mereka2 yang terlibat dalam Majlis Peguam itu.
6.Tapi yang lain2 kemana. Mana budak samseng dari Padang Rengas tu. Dah tak kuat lagi ker....setelah tak naik pangkat.....terperuk kat JPM jer....Merajuk ler tu.....
7.Ingatan kepada Majlis Peguam. Mereka mungkin tidak berhadapan dengan kerajaan yang lemah ini. Tapi mereka mungkin akan berhadapan dengan api kemarahan rakyat jika terus mencabar dan mempermainkan isu2 hak orang Melayu dan Agama Islam.
TUN, terus kan lah memberi maklumat2 yang penting untuk direnungkan oleh rakyat yang maseh setia dan sayangkan TUN.
Tun, jaga kedihatan. Kami maseh mahu Tun terus aktif dalam politik "GLOCAL".....
Teruskan usaha TUN menegakkan kebenaran. Kami tahu TUN telah lakukan banyak perkara yang benar dan betul.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has chance to get it's pants on"
--Winston Churchill.
By az''zam on August 16, 2008 8:09 AM
Salam Tun,
I have been following your comments for a while now and have been impressed with some if not all of your views. And this is no on. If chaos rules in this country, all would suffer. I hoped everyone, irrespectve of their beliefs & background, should be more responsible and tolerant as one wrong step could see this country desecrated.
p.s. Think of our young ones...
By kamikaze on August 16, 2008 8:15 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pandangan saya pada tun adalah pemimpin sekarang tidak berani bertindak hanya sekadar pandai bercakap baik PM, TPM ataupun Menteri disebabkan oleh kisah sebalik takbir. Kebebasan yg diberi kerajaan memakan diri sendiri.
Apa nak buat tun, kaki bodek dan ampu mengatakan ini yang terbaik. Sebenarnya di Malaysia, Kebebasan perlu terkawal kerana sejarah silam. Saya membesar di zaman tun. saya rindu kepinpinan tun. harapan saya dan mungkin semua rakyat malaysia sekiranya tun ada pilihan pemimpin, suruhlah bangun bersuara dan bertindak. Menjadi pemimpin dan hero rakyat pada waktu ini adalah amat sesuai. kerana kita ketandusan pemimpin seperti ini.
Semoga sihat walafiat
By paizmyAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:16 AM
Salam Ayahanda Tun
The Bar Council aspires to become the 4th wing of the government. They have transform from a association of lawyers to a political movement.
Yes, their behaviour is somewhat arrogant and totally insensitive. All of them should be detain under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and charge under the Seditious Act. This is why these laws exist. National security and public safety is of outmost importance in any country.
No matter what reason given, no matter what the cause, issues regarding race and religion should be discuss behind close doors. Havent history taught us all that wars were fought because of religion. The crusades is an example of it. Racial wars also could happen. Have we forgotten Rwanda? Malaysia, May 1969?
Responsible people act responsibly. They use their intellect and compasion. We cannot be consume by our petty differences. We must be united in a common interest. Peace and Tolerance. That is Malaysia.
Salam Ayahanda Tun dan rakan-rakan
By pkAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:20 AM
Dear Dr M,
"The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly."
Henry David Thoreau
1817-1862, American Essayist, Poet, Naturalist
By ManchibutAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:41 AM
Tun Yang Dihormati,
Cara dan resmi orang Melayu, Tun, memang cantik. Sangat bertolak ansur. Lemah lembut, berhemah dan berbudi. Melayu menghormati siapa jua, tak kira bulu.
Jelajahlah ke kawasan-kawasan pedalaman dalam negara, tentu kita boleh tengok macam mana dua atau tiga keluarga-keluarga Tionghua atau Hindu boleh tinggal dengan aman di tengah-tengah perkampungan Melayu.
Kalau di Kelantan tu, keluarga-keluarga Tionghuanya sampai boleh ‘kecek Kelate’. Di Batu Pahat, Johor pulak diaorang sangat mesra dengan orang kampung sampai boleh ‘ngomong Jowo’. Kat Terengganu ‘pung gitu juge’ boleh ikut loghat orang sana dan serasi dengan nasi dagang.
Inilah agaknya yang boleh kita tafsirkan sebagai kompromi dan keterbukaan Melayu. Dan keterbukaan macam ni patutnya dihargai oleh kaum lain. Kaum Tionghua dan Hindu yang hidup bersama kita kat negeri ini perlu menghargai persefahaman yang terjalin sejak lebih seratus tahun dulu sampai sekarang.
Kalau tak ada kompromi dan persefahaman macam ni dah lama negara kita hancur, berkecai.
Tapi, macam mana pun, kunci kepada persefahaman ini bergantung pada pemimpin-pemimpin sendiri. Kita perlukan pemimpin berwawasan, berpandangan jauh untuk menggarap perpaduan, persefahaman rakyat. Yang ada la ni dah tak larat nak cakap lagi ..........
By marakarma on August 16, 2008 8:51 AM
By Disappointed Malaysian on August 16, 2008 8:51 AM
Police Malaysia masih bersikap rasuah.
I was stopped at the traffic light for over taking, the police officer accused me of cutting Queue. He said if he issue summon, the fine is RM300 and I have to go down somewhere in convenient. He then said "macam mana?".
I said I will go down to pay the fine if there is a case and he has to prove it. I also told him my recorder is working and will ask the judge to tell me whose voice it was.
So he changed his tune and said next time don not cut Q and told me to "drive carefully boss". Now since when I became the "boss" to Royal Malaysian Police? He must be so used to pay off by the "bosses".
By Kusanagi on August 16, 2008 9:11 AM
nampaknya sekarang ni..semakin kerap tun keluar dan memberi ucapan di media arus perdana..apakah yang telah berlaku..
samaada tun sedar atau tidak..mungkin sesuatu sedang berlaku..mungkin tun boleh jelaskan..saya percaya tun tahu
apakah yang mungkin bakal berlaku kelak..
By kamal ahmad on August 16, 2008 9:46 AM
The west puts too much emphasis on the freedom rights of individuals, every so often consuming the rights of the community. In America there exists an elite pool of “The 1st Amendment Lawyers”, lawyers who would sell the skins off their back or their mother to defend their myopic reading of the 1st Amendment. Freedom to porn, freedom to slander, freedom to incestuous relationships, freedom to same sex marriages, freedom to burn the American flag (the list may never ends).
Is this the direction our Barrister Council members are looking at? To actually be the localized version of the elite pool? Will the Malays (and non Malays) in this country lets you get your ways with that? Do you seriously only think and feel as if only you are the learned members of this community? Or by holding that colonialist LLB scroll does it makes you feel as champion of the race, chief speaker for all- elite of the fools?
Who recommended Ambiga for a Datuk ship? The public may wants to know. Ambiga was an experiment. You think that she could control her own peers and you invested in her. You gave them influence; you put them up one peg, you even put Tun Dr. Mahathir on the firing line for this misguided goal of yours. An acceptable target? Don’t fool around that game with those you don’t know. Tun Dr. Mahathir has every right to kick your balls till Kingdom comes.
You spent hundreds of thousands if not millions in back wages to the retired judges? And why not a public revelation? Why veil? You made childish speeches and tried to hold hands publicly again. Did it work? Now get off the wagon and let someone else do the driving. You may sweep all under the exclusive single needle Persians, but you may never rid of the smell. For that stinking truly is yours. You were put there to serve the “majority public”.
If you cannot deliver this and you start to delude yourself with positions and righteous issues, just go back to page one of the text books: To serve the “Majority” of the people. Step aside when this has expired upon you and your legitimacies.
By Jan on August 16, 2008 9:53 AM
Dear Tun,
I fully agree with your view. To Bar Council, you should learn to be sensitive to the indigenious people rights. Learn to be thankful that you can make a living peacefully in this land although you are a migrant. Learn to be grateful that the indigenious people do not question your rights as what you have always done to them. If you can't learn, one day the indigenious will force you to learn and accept it in a hard way. I mean really a Hard way. As Murphy's Law stated, "...everything will be in chaos if you let loose, until you exert energy or force to correct it." Think wisely before your action. Remember, nobody has an absolute rights even in your motherland country.
By truthseeker on August 16, 2008 9:54 AM
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. Most of the bar council people are taking advantage of the situation (Dollah's fear of them) and most of them chose to provoke the Malays and Islam.
2. Most of the bar council's idiots are indians, therefore, most indians are taking advantage of the situation (Dollah's fear of them) and most of them chose to provoke the Malays and Islam.
Thank you Tun, luv u...and you guys, the bloggers with the same wavelength with me only.
By TunA on August 16, 2008 9:59 AM
I think this is good enough basis to use ISA on these people and put them behind bars (no council) if they still insist to continue. Clearly what they intent to do "mengancam keselamatan negara"...
But if this is being raised then there must be something valid such that they are adamant to talk about it. Then why hasn't Zaid taken the lead to start a closed door discussion and find avenues to resolve it. This should be his priority -an issue that affects the common people and our everyday life.
It all started with Zaid who makes the bar council too arrogant and demanding so he need to resolve it. His boss should make this his priority.
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:06 AM
2. What I was talking was about sensitivity - about the need for people to be sensitive to the feelings of other people. It was not about Islam or its teachings or its history per se. It is about the Malays and the non-Malays in this multiracial, multi religious country and their sensitivities.
The non Malay converts want to give up being muslim, this is also their sensitive requirement. What abotu their feeling?
You are just trying to stop the physical bodies of this group of people who want to convert back to be non muslim. In fact, you can't stop their mind, you can only stop their physical bodies.
What is so afraid of you to let this non Malay to leave practicing Islam? They are just a few, maybe just a few hundreds. This is just a small number compared to millions.
Look at Singaporean Malay and Indonesians, they could choose what they like. But how many Singaporean Malay leave Islam? You hardly could find high number. It makes Singaporean Malay face challenge well.
This is the by-product of the law you imposed during your 2 decades of authoritative ruling where you stop the Malay from being progressive and being modernised like the Malay in Singapore.
By temenggong on August 16, 2008 10:10 AM
This is not about sensitivity. Are issues discussed in seminars and courts sensitive?
In the same way the Bar Council Forum was a discussion on the issues that arise about conflicting rights and courts, with a need to overcome these conflicts.
It was a discussion towards conflict resolution!
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:13 AM
8. Go to some European countries and you will find condoms on the steps of churches. In others, Christian priests officiate marriages between man and man, woman and woman and they raise families by having sex with other people. It is fine there because it is their interpretation of their rights. But why stop there? Why arrest couples having sex in full view of people in a park?
I have worked in Europe before but I could not find and see couple having sex in the park.
We could find condom in parks in Malaysia too. In Europe, only 1 third of population is erally practicing Christianity. The rest are non Christians.
You could easily buy condom in Europe and throw anywhere and throw to steps of churches. So, AIDS cases in Europe are less than in Asia.
What I found more in Malaysia news are father raped daughter, uncle raped daughter, brother raped daughter, neighbour raped neighbour, etc. At least 2 cases of rape daily in Malaysia?
All the parks in Europe do not allow having sex in the park. Similarly, do you allow rape at home by father on their daughter?
By having a conference or seminar will lead to kiling this and that?
By overview on August 16, 2008 10:17 AM
Dulu masa saya masih jaguh berbahas sekolah ada cikgu tanya saya "kenapa u tak mau jadi peguam" bila u punya idea boleh menterbalikkan fakta"...then saya jawab dengan sinis "kalau dah tau menterbalikkan fakta buat apa didokong terus.Kalau yg benar itu kita ikut,,dah tau tak betul, tak baik, baik jangan".So bila majlis peguam mula menghangatkan keadaan semasa,saya bersyukur sebab tak jadi peguam walaupun saya tau banyak perkara masih boleh dipertikai semata2 memperjuangkan hak peribadi..Tapi jika hak itu boleh menimbulkan huru-hara dan menyebabkan lebih banyak keburukkan kepada banyak pihak lebih baik jangan....dan sesungguhnya pembahagian kuasa oleh Tun dahulu memang berbaloi walaupun tak disukai segolongan orang yang memperjuangkan kepentingan peribadi dari semua pihak..
Lain pulak kerajaan sekarang,,Diangkat balik,dipulihkan kuasa...diberi"komisen"..Seperti memelihara ular yang tak kenal tuan..Sampai masa dia tetap akan "Patuk" jugak.
By integra3858 on August 16, 2008 10:22 AM
semalam, hari ini dan esok sangat meruncing dalam kehidupan masyarakat majmuk di malaysia. Isu perkauman, isu sensitif antara kaum, isu agama sepatutnya dibincangkan oleh pihak-pihak yng lebin berpengalaman dan arif. Orang berkepentingan dan hingusan patut cuma pasang telinga, belajar dan jangan cepat melenting.
Saya masih ingin bangun pada keesokan hari untuk melihat malaysia harmoni dan aman damai.
Terima kasih Tun atas kepimpinan dan visi agung selama ini. Saya adalah produk dasar pandang ketimur yg sentiasa dibelakang Tun.
By abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM
To Ambiga & Co,
Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship.
By cucu tok wan on August 16, 2008 10:42 AM
Assalamalaikum Ayahanda..
Sesungguhnya Nama Malaysia sudah salah...biarkan sahaja ia nya kekal sebagai Tanah Melayu...jadi depa tu sentiasa ingat bahawa tanah yang depa ni pijak adalah hak Melayu...tapi kerana ramai bijak pandai ia di tukar kepada Malaysia... kalau baca betul-betul dlm slang cina makna nya melayu mati...well adakah akan jadi begitu? atau lebih pandaikah Hang tuah dgn berkata tak akan melayu hilang di dunia...tapi kalau setakat melukut di tepi gantang macam kat s'pura tu baik mati...hidup segan mati tak mau...mcm kata nabil Lu pikir lah sendiri...tapi berapa ramai Melayu yang suka berfikir...? sekian dr anakanda
By bizperson on August 16, 2008 10:44 AM
Assalamualaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun,
To enable Malays to excel, they have to enable to converse in the respected language where the knowledge comes from, as what you have suggested before and I am fully agreed of it.
To enable the Malays to excel in the economy dominated by chinese in this region (SEA) and other nearby areas, they have to learn this economic language (mandarin or cantonese). Then only they can learn and trade effectively with these peoples.
I am suggesting that Malays adopt Mandarin as third language as early as standard 1.
I would like to have an opinion of Ybg Tun on this, if poaasible.
By umm muhammad on August 16, 2008 10:47 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun
I agree with everything you said escept the part that it is ok to call the black man SOB. It is NOT OK where I am, in the United States of America. You can get into big trouble if you do. I thought I should say something here, for the record.
Secondly, you could be addressing my children and I will be offended!
Umm Muhammad
By fafarafa on August 16, 2008 10:49 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Any comment pasal budak² UiTM yg lately ni suka sgt nk mogok² ni?
Semoga Tun & keluarga sentiasa dlm lindungan Allah hendaknya.
By Siva on August 16, 2008 10:56 AM
Not only Bar Council, the whole bunch called UMNO and BN are insensitive. Infact the contributors on this blog are also insensitive in majority. We can say it by how much violent words used. Distubia.......
The soil here is very fertile for racial frictions to happen and then to suppress it under the banner of insensitivity only makes things worse,causes blocked energy fields and finally hysteria (Freud called it Libido and William Reich called it Orgone).Find the root cause, Bar Council is not the problem, it is simply the by product, an effect of a larger cause. Look for the source and you will find.........the problem is that there no clarity of Mind and awareness to tackle it. We have hoarded so much and produce offsprings that are simply ignorant of love and just.This will go on and on ad-infinitum. What is sensitive now may not be so in the future. It is awareness. Sex subject was a taboo among family members before, it is not so now.The understanding and awareness on the subject has outgrown ignorance. To continue remaining ignorant constitues blasphemy of life.
Sex in Public is sensitive now, maybe not one day when the ignorance is gone. One day people will make love in public with their own spouses I mean, as the ultimate expression of love ( foolish one though). It will happen,slowly, somehow then it will be acceptable.
The existence is of billions of years and it has sheltered infinite amount of experiences. The possibilities are simply too much for us to digest or predict. In 10 years radical changes unimagined before could happen. So becareful what you wish for, it will somehow become a reality.Its just on waiting list now, a very long one.
By pocong on August 16, 2008 11:06 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun and all readers,
Last time Bar Council debated on Hak Istimewa Melayu/Bumiputra and now Memeluk Islam open forum, , then may be Raja Melayu, after that forum on how to demolish Malayu in this Malaysia, then install equal right in between Melayu/Bumiputra and non-bumi, then .....
Why EDUCATED INDIAN lawyer now day try to be a HERO? What we are looking here mostly Indian lawyers head by Datuk Ambiga? Who is she? Is she a better lawyer than saay... Karpal Singh ? Is she trying to get some publicity for her and her others India lawyers in the eye of Hindraf supporters? Or may be she is just a "pawn" sending by a some "King" to destabilize Malayu/Bumiputra and Malaysia as a nation?
If I am a King of Malaysia, who is the guardian of Islam and Melayu in Malaysia, I will strip down these insensitive Indian, their citizenship of Malaysia. These kind of people is not worth Malaysian citizen.
Hey you Ambiga, being an Indian, you must help a lot of other Indian to improve their lives. They are many poor Indian in Rawang, Mentakab, Batu Caves to help. Your MIC is the one to blame not our Constitutions, moron. Help those Indian to get better education. Dont send them to SRJK Tamil because that school sucks. Better send them to Sekolah Kebangsaan or if got money to Chinese school. See... Chinese also got their own Sekolah Kebangsaan ( Jenis )... but their education system is good. How is SRJK Tamil? That is the reason why many Indian in kampung and out skirt not interested to school and finally not even finish their PMR? What kind of work can you get without education certificate? That is why India youth involve in thugs, gangster, snatch thief, robberies, killing, murdering etc...
You, Ambiga and others Indian lawyers, the selected few Indian, who are getting better opportunities, better education, smarter than fews, try to change your Indians life standards rather than annoy other Melayu and Malaysia's Constitutionals? Hak Istimewa Melayu/Bumi, Islam is our official religion, are Malaysia's Constitution. Social Contract also in Constitution. If it is not Jus Soli, you, Ambiga, must be born somewhere else. Maybe in India as your great2 grand parent went back to your kampung somewhere near Tamil Nadu and gave birth your parent and your parent gave birth.. you, Ambiga. I pretty sure that, if your were born there in India, trust me, you will not be a lawyer today, who head Bar Council with Datukship before your name. Which King give you the Datukship huh? He must be a Indian King I guess. Nuff said.......
By jeng3 on August 16, 2008 11:10 AM
salam Tun,
to solcroft,
The word 'barbaric'at the end of your comments reflect your nature as an Islamophobic.An eye for an eye,just like the Bar Council, you open the Pandora's box and and you may not like the consequences of your actions.
Some of you choose to ignore that Malaysia is a unique country in the whole world.We have lived and prospered peacefully for 50 years despite having different racial and economic backgrounds.Nobody can deny us that achievement.
The key to this is PEACE.Without PEACE we will never be what we are today.
As Tun wrote;
15. I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off hansomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day.
With Solcroft's kind of attitude,we are heading for a disaster if emotions are left unchecked.Our forefathers have been very accomodating when they mapped out the country's constitution.Many of you know that some of the privileges you get here,you can never find in any other country in this world.
If you think you will be better off somewhere else,be my guest...
to hati.malaysia,
Your points are relevant but there must be better ways and channels to discuss these sensitive matters.The Bar Council itself is shadowy and dominated by certain groups of people with their own views and agendas.
You may think thay you are right and have grievances to air,but we also have ours too.If we are adamant to pursue our grievances openly,when is this going to stop?
I love my country.Two of my best friends are of Chinese and Indian descents.We get along wonderfully.Our respect for our mutual friendships outweighs the nagging issues that tend to unravel ours.I believe the Bar Council can learn a thing or two from this.
So to the Bar Council,you are trying to unravel the kinship of this country by trying to tackle too many issues at one time,as if taking advantage of this flip-flop government and weak leadership.Please be more sensitive in the future as you are now viewed suspiciously by many people.
By Benderbuzz on August 16, 2008 11:11 AM
Salam Tun.
One thing for sure is that Bar Council are controlled by PKR and DAP via proxy. It fits their agenda to create civil unrest and disharmony among races in this country. Its the only way for them to take over the administration by 16 Sept.
Anwar Ibrahim, tolonglah bersumpah supaya kami percaya yang anda bukan kaki liwat. Selagi anda enggan bersumpah, sampai kiamat kami akan percaya memang andalah Bapa Liwat Malaysia.
sjankan, lihatlah kembali diri anda sendiri. Tidakkah ini satu bukti bahawa ibubapa anda telah gagal mendidik anda dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk menjadi insan yang berguna atau anda masih mahu salahkan orang lain di atas kekurangan anda. Kesian ibubapa anda, mereka pasti malu memiliki anak seperti anda. Kesiannnn.....
By indian on August 16, 2008 11:17 AM
Mahathir, you have destroyed the nation, when you were PM, you interfered in Judiciary, cronysim was common and corruption at the highest level. You have made a mockery just because you, your family and your cronies wants to be in power. An example of Tun Daim Zainuddin, look how he made millions and now settling in South Africa with billions he made.
You have followed the British mindset by dividing the society and rule them accordingly, have you taken the initiave to overcome it, NO.
SWEAR to ALLAH, that your sons did not made full use of your tenor as PM to enrich themselves. What bullshit are you talking now.
You have created the whole mess. You have destroyed our education system. You brought in Malay medium in education just because of your political mileage and now since you are out of politic you are reversing your initial decision.
You are a snake with 2 head always playing racial cards to destroy the harmony of the nation.
You are blaming samy vellu, you knew he played indians with MAIKA and telekom share, you as a PM for all races you should have taken action against him because he is going to destroy a community whole depending on him. Why didnt you take any actions?
There is a video for you to watch and ponder.
By twocents02 on August 16, 2008 11:18 AM
Salam Dr M
Saiful bersumpah ‘mubahalah’ di Masjid Wilayah.
Kini ramai Melayu Islam mungkin rujuk semula pada sejarah 10 tahun yang lalu.
Semoga ini menjadi saat kesatuan Melayu Islam diTanah Air.
Majlis Peguam bolehlah bermain layang-layang dengan undang-undang dunianya.
Semoga Dr M sentiasa sehat. Kami akan terus membaca ...
By Mis_bah on August 16, 2008 11:19 AM
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Your latest comment regarding Bar Council should be read repeatedly by every peace loving Malaysians irrespective of races, faith and religion. I think what Tun has said is the most practical remedy based on your experience and indepth observation to tackle unwanted insident in future to this country that might be caused by intolerance and insensitive behaviour of certain parties to other sensitivities of our fellow citizens in this multi-ethnic and religious country. What had been enshrined in the constitution is fact. Potential racial and religious tension and even may escalate into violence is real if we are not carefully handle our behaviour. Or is Bar Council is trying to create something that may cause choitic in the country and later comes out with suggestion that everything that had been mutually eccepted should be reviewed? If that is the Bar Council's intention, it will not benefit you. If that happened I fear may be the Bar Council itself does not exist anymore. So please watch your steps. Don't step blindly. Don't step over other fellow citizen's rights. If you respect others you could expect the same as return and otherwise. So let live together in peace and harmony in this land.
Thank you.
By ARZ on August 16, 2008 11:24 AM
Kepada Tun yang dikasehi,
Teriamkasih sekali lagi kerana menulis article yang begitu tepat....bila baca tu, tak ada apa lagi nak tambah sebab memang dah tepat sangat apa yang Tun tulis. Boleh menangis membacanya kerana ternampak keikhlasan Tun untuk memberi faham kepada mereka yang sentiasa tak mahu faham. Bertambah sayu bila memikirkan betapa kepimpinan negara hari ini sanggup 'memusuhi dan menolak' Tun?
Bolehkah agaknya Pak Lah menulis sesuatu yang bernas seperti ini? Tentu tidak.
Alangkah baiknya kalau Tun dapat memimpin kita sekali lagi?
Salam buat Tun dan keluarga....saya doakan semoga sentiasa sejahtera.
By whamAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 11:24 AM
Dear Tun;
For 50 years, we have maintained stability, prosperous and we are looking forward to be a developed nation. So, what's wrong with our Constitution? To maintain that stability for 50 years is not easy and having maintained that long shows the maturity of our people. As you said Tun, our freedom is not the same as in the West. Malaysians have to live with these sensitive issues. If we are to deal with these sensitive issues, we have to deal with much respect. That's the Malaysian way for 50 years. Why to change it now?
By David on August 16, 2008 11:25 AM
I watched the news last night As Lee Chong Wei won & going for final in Olympics' badminton games. He ran & hugged Misbun. That moment, I'm touch because different races is not there & we as Malaysian. I wish to see more of this moment in future. There is some sensitivity of every races as we need to respect. Without unity, we cannot go this far.
Sihat selalu, Tun.
By truthseeker on August 16, 2008 11:52 AM
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. Tun bagi penerangan di dalam blog ini kerana masih ada yang beranggapan Tun anti free speech atau human rights. Tun pun jelaskan tentang isu tidak sensitif.
2. Pulak dah, dalam respons kepada Tun terdapat mereka yang masih tidak faham apa yang sensitif sangat. Saya tidak menyalahkan mereka kerana mereka adalah golongan yang percaya democracy, free speech, dll. Mereka yang faham undang2 tahu semua ini, itu sebabnya bar council ambil peluang, polis setakat menasihati saja, bijak pandai yang tahu undang2 setakat mengeluh saja...semuanya dalam kebenaran undang2.
3. But my friend, can you stop those angry protesters? Can you stop those who tried to harm the chairman by throwing kerosene or maybe real life bombs later? Can you stop the riot like May 13th? Kampung Medan? Kampung Rawa? You see, out there, there are people who follow their hearts, not their thinking. During my younger days, I'd heard stories of some of the devoted Indians went into a trance even while watching a movie and went hysterical on stage in the cinema! A coupla years ago, a bunch of chinese PLKN trainees went into a trance and staged a demo becos they were not allowed to go back during hungry ghost event...can you explain that?
4. That's what sensitivities all about. Maybe your tolerance is high, nothing is sensitive. But we are not living by ourselves, there are others in this country and not all are open-minded like some of us. Come on, dont pretend, all races in the world have a portion of their peoples who are just fanatics!
5. Remember the Indian doctor who was shot dead becos he was suspected of luring Malay girls to convert to Hinduism? I hope everybody be sensible but the reality is there are the extreme ones.
Sorry la Tun dan rakan2 sebab banyak kali nak bagi pendapatan!
By Nyghtsky on August 16, 2008 11:54 AM
Agreed with David. When Chong Wei raced to open arms after winning in the Semi-Finals; that was a defining moment that we are one Malaysian irregardless of race, religion or creed. The only thing I miss was a shot of Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali standing and cheering Malaysia on!
This was something, you had spend most of your existence to achieve. It took a while, but you ( Tun ) did it and this cannot never be undone. Similar to all your policies that has help us to where we are today. Many may comment negatively about you, but they don't realise your vision.
Thank you, Tun... and God Bless You and your family.
By nookvillage on August 16, 2008 11:55 AM
The correct approach in multi-racial society, we have to be altruistic at all time. The world is to be shared by many. Segala tindak-tanduk kita sama ada bercakap atau perbuatan, seharusnya mengambil kira orang lain. Same goes with the Bar Council. The problem with the Bar Council is actually "too dark" and need to be corrected.
By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 11:57 AM
we are bangsa malaysia like what tun m said right? If Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Sambanthan are still alive, they will feel hopeless, as what they fought in the previous days became meaningless!
By ikhwan on August 16, 2008 12:28 PM
Dearest Tun, please allow me to just want to write a few words against comment by
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:13 AM
8. Go to some European countries and you will find condoms on the steps of churches. In others, Christian priests officiate marriages between man and man, woman and woman and they raise families by having sex with other people. It is fine there because it is their interpretation of their rights. But why stop there? Why arrest couples having sex in full view of people in a park?
I have worked in Europe before but I could not find and see couple having sex in the park.
My comment: I have seen many couple had sex in the park in Europe. Once in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow Scotland in Sept 1995. I could still remember the date because it was the most ambarrassing moment of my life because I was new to that country and I was with a female friend taking a walk to our Uni, Glasgow University which situated near the Park. So Shah, you might be there during the winter season as only during winter the act is nowhere to be seen. Sejuklah . So Mr Shah, don't argue with a lame argument especially many of those visiting Tun's blog are those that has travelled far and we are a grateful lot. We can make comparison on how Tun has managed our beloved country and compare them with other leader. He is one of the best leader . Period.
You could easily buy condom in Europe and throw anywhere and throw to steps of churches. So, AIDS cases in Europe are less than in Asia.
What I found more in Malaysia news are father raped daughter, uncle raped daughter, brother raped daughter, neighbour raped neighbour, etc. At least 2 cases of rape daily in Malaysia?
My comment: Why should they rape, when they easily get free sex anyway. Lots of female there are willing partner whether they are married or not. Unlike Malaysia where religion put a boundary to this.
All the parks in Europe do not allow having sex in the park. Similarly, do you allow rape at home by father on their daughter?
My comment: Sorry, not all, in fact I have never seen one in London. The only sign that I could see was the dog owner must scoop their dog's shit and put it away in a special bin. Anywhere there is no pencegah maksiat patrolling the are which is so unlike Malaysia.
By having a conference or seminar will lead to killing this and that?
My comment: The so called seminar is only the starting part. Pembukaan. If they are successful in this, more seminar like this will be carried out and eventually will hit religion itself. Like Islam is agama rasmi negara.
Tun has accurately predict what will happen in the future. Not that he is a palmist or anything. He could interprets things far advance compared to us, thus making him want to better ourselves. Look at his prediction so far. BN lost many states. Petronas Hassan Merican oust by Khairi, Zaid Ibrahim the backdoor minister, Ian Chin, Anwar Ibrahim, and so much more. The only thing that he did not see was Pak Lah will destroy Malaysia when he elected Pak Lah. Anyway, who is perfect!
Thank you
By nokaki on August 16, 2008 12:28 PM
sy rasa kita protes buat demonstrasi desak c dollah letak jawatan. dia tu tdk sedar diri, tak reti nk turun lagi.
kelemahan dia adalh punca segala. terbuka konon skrg smua dah naik muka!
biar Muhiydin, Rais Yatim & Mukhriz & azlina yg naik..
By idrusk on August 16, 2008 12:36 PM
Salam kpd TDM yg sentiasa mencurahkan pendapat yg sentiasa membuka minda rakyat...memang kita takkan dapat melihat dan berfikir spt Tun kerana Tun adalah Pemimipin yg ulung.
Majlis Peguam ni adalah badan yg suka mencari populariti dgn bersandarkan hak asasi dan undang undang. Memang jelas ianya berkepentingan peribadi dan menggunakan undang undang sebagai topeng dan jalan untuk mencapai matlamat. Sensitiviti tidak diambil kira asalkan matlamat tercapai. Kenapa tidak mengadakan rundingan atau dialog dgn Ulama atau pemikir islam yg ada di negara ini. sebaliknya Majlis Peguam lebih suka berbincang pihak yg 'mereka ingin bincang' agar dialog tersebut mencapai matlamat mereka. Janganlah kerana ingin popular, secara tak langsung agama islam dijadikan sasaran dgn menggunakan perlembagaan sebagai topik untuk perbahasan tanpa mengambil kira sentiviti penganut agama islam.
kalau saya boleh menghormati agama dan bangsa lain di negara ini, kenapa Majlis Peguam ni degil sangat dan susah nak menghormati agama islam dan orang melayu di negara ini apatah lagi agama islam adalah agama rasmi. Mungkin Majlis Peguam merasakan mereka amat berkuasa sekali dgn menggunakan pengetahuan undang undang mereka dan boleh bercakap apa saja.
Banyak lagi isu yg boleh diselesaikan oleh Majlis Peguam ni kalau nak jadi popular contohnya dalam kes pembeli rumah, selesaikanlah kes pejabat peguam yg tutup dan mereka lari dgn duit 'stakeholder' dan banyak lagi...
Saya nampak pada akhirnya bukan parti yg menyatu padukan orang melayu di negara kita tapi agama Islam. Jadi kepada Majlis Peguam...awas! Jangan bermain dgn api...kecil2 jadi kawan kalau dah besar akan jadi lawan.
kepada TDM
teruskan menulis...untuk agama, bangsa dan negara
By Sayed Norman on August 16, 2008 12:41 PM
Salam Tun,
Jutaan terima kasih saya dan seluruh warga kerja Dunia Seni Lukis Sdn Bhd atas kesudian Tun dan isteri hadir merasmikan galeri kami semalam.
Pandangan- pandangan Tun amat berharga untuk kami menilai corak pemerintahan sekarang. Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa sihat. Teruskan menulis kerna kami akan terus membaca
By cek tendang on August 16, 2008 12:57 PM
ayahda Tun,
plz do something....
malapetaka besar dah semakin hampir.....
By iswara on August 16, 2008 1:03 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
apa yang Tun tuliskan/huraikan ini memang memberi nilai tambah pada pengetahuan saya...
Bar Council perlu diperbetulkan...harap PM tegas,lalang dah naik baru nak cantas...alamat semaklah kebun dengan lalang,ada duri pulak tu...
Chong Wei ke final,dan ada peluang memang emas...melalui paparan di tv yang saya tengok Chong Wei keriangan setelah menang,macam biasa meluru ke arah Misbun...paling syok lihat Chong Wei mencium bendera kecil Malaysia pada bajunya...terharu sungguh
ini lah rahmatnya di Malaysia Melayu,China,India dan bangsa lain boleh hidup dengan mesra,makmur mencapai kejayaan...
ini ada pulak yg nak kempen pasang bendera Malaysia terbalik...apa jenis mentaliti pon saya tak tau...
Harap Tun dapat bukak topik tentang Kemerdekaan...
lagi 2 minggu bendera pon kurang nampak ni...
By Mihar on August 16, 2008 1:14 PM
Salam sejahtera Tun
From across the causeway.
We always have high regards on you. You always been my inspiration. I am sad that inspite of your sacrifice, contributions some are still 'blind'. We always pray for your good health. Wassalam.
By Jamal on August 16, 2008 1:21 PM
Salam Hormat Tun,
These are the words and thoughts of someone who had lead a stable and prosperous Malaysia with the utmost RESPONSIBILITY and COMPETENCE. A leader who has his ear to the ground. Keeping in touch with the feelings and sensitivities of all the communities in the country - and even of its neighbours and the world community.
Human Rights CANNOT stand alone - it has to be balanced with Human RESPONSIBILITY!!!
In the context of the Bar Council - They missed the point because they thought it was their responsibility to be in the forefront in the fight for Human Rights - They forgot that they actually had not been given the Right Nor Responsibility. So if anything happens as a consequence; they can never and will never be HELD RESPONSIBLE.
I hope the Bar Council office bearers and especially their members (exercise your democratic rights & responsibilities to uphold the integrity of the Council by removing those irresponsible office bearer) by going back to the actual main responsibility and right of the council. Which is about ensuring the professionalism of the all practicing laywers - VK Lingam being one of them. Take care of you own house first!
If the Bar Council wants to comment on politics - then they will be well advice to start an political party and take on its arena of rights and responsibilities - don't use the Bar Council as a political Party - Its is a very very IRRESPONSIBLE thing to do!!!
As for Pak Lah and his bunch - don't just sit there and say. "oh, I have advice them to not do it". My God - please do not forsake your responsibility to ensure the stability, security, integrity and prosperity of the Nation.
Isn't it enough that Nation had lost - territory, prosperity and integrity that you now want to give stability to the wolves?
Pak lah please muhasabah di "Gunung Ledang" or pergi Umrah (as a private person) for two weeks. Solat sunat yang patut2 - cari lah hidayah Allah kalau Pak Lah ingin betul2 di sanjung sebagai Wira Agama Islam yang sejati.
Semoga Allah selamatkan Bumi Malaysia - Semoga Allah angkat pemimpin and rayaat nya menjadi teraju Khalifa nya di muka Bumi ini sebagai mana Tun telah tunjukkan jalan nya (maka ia BOLEH menjadi kenyataan - bukan khayalan atau dongengan sahaja).
Pak Lah kalau sudah tiada keupayaan - kami mohon - Demi Malaysia - beri laluan kepada yang berkemampuan secepat yang mungkin.
Kami sanjung niat Pak Lah memberi kepimpanan kepada Najib di tahun 2010. Adakah itu yang terbaik untok Malaysia? Adalah lebih baik Pak Lah tumpukan perhatian kepada mencari penganti yang terbaik untok Malaysia sekarang (jangan buat janji yang tak berfeadah kepada Malaysia). Buat apa yang lebih Afdal untok Malaysia.
Salam Rindu kepada Malaysia yang UNGGUL - Malaysia dan Pak Lah BOLEH!!!
By Edwardian on August 16, 2008 1:42 PM
YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir,
terima kasih kerana memberikan satu penerangan mengenai satu perkara yang cukup kompleks dengan cara yang cukup mudah dan bahasa yang senang difahami. Saya percaya hanya pemimpin macam Tun sahaja yang boleh mengawal pertubuhan seperti Majlis Peguam supaya tidak melampau dan celupar. Majlis Peguam merasakan mereka cukup bijak dalam perkara perundangan sehingga boleh mengatasi undang-undang negara. Sayang sekali Kerajaan sekarang tidak berani untuk mengawal orang-orang dalam majlis tersebut. Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera...........
By Harimau1900 on August 16, 2008 1:42 PM
Dear YAB Tun.Dr.M,
Good one sir....
Thank you.
By dk on August 16, 2008 1:46 PM
i do agree with Tun's comment. its not just about malay rights and sensitivities.its not just about us,its about everyone else too. yes, some countries, may have extra rights but they may not have rice to live. we all have watch on tv how in some countries, buildings are destroyed, daily routine is throwing stones and feel angry and upset all the time. crime rate skyrocket, women and children denied their rights as human being just because they arent men etc.
therefore, i reccomend and urge at the same time Malaysians to reflect (not just reflect) but act too. be grateful for what we have. we've beautiful car, roads, buildings and people around here. look at your neighbour (though we may not always agree with them), but is it worth to show off/fight your rights just because you cant stand their dogs are barking loudly every nite when u come home??
we need to be sensitive, may be not your cup of tea,but you still got to drink it..sometimes..thats the beauty,then you know what tea taste like..
By Malaysian Indian on August 16, 2008 1:48 PM
Dear Tun,
It is good to know there are still people like ynwa1976 who go for understanding and forgiving some of the misdeeds by other people (other races).
However I believe by keeping mum over the issues will only increase our strereotype on the other races. I think it will be good if we can find time to discuss problems with our neighbours. I believe most of our inter-racial problems are due to miscommunication among us.
Most of us are pre-occupied with activities involving our own race and I do think some us like to live in areas where it is confined to our own race. This perception must go.
Our government should spend more effort in uniting all the races. create mixed race housing areas, actvities involving all the races. Gotong royong is a good example. neighbours should talk to each other more often.
I for one believe that there should be only one type of school which is national school but Tamil and Mandarin made compulsory subject to Indians and Chinese respectively. In this way, we will not have the need to have separate national type schools for the non-malays.
This might not augur down well with the non-malays but we should make effort so that all the races will becomes friends from a young age and will foster better understanding and friendship. How many Indians from Tamil school have Malay or Chinese friends uuntil they go to Secondary school and vice versa.
Leaders of all races should ponder ideas to unite us all from a very young age instead of harping on politicising the racial issues.
By jeng3 on August 16, 2008 2:12 PM
salam Tun,
To Shah,
apa kau melalut ni? merapik meraban tak de pucuk pangkal..cerita pergi keje kat Europe tak nampak condom...apa ni? Betul ke kau pernah keje kat Europe?kat Albania kot..atau sengaja reka cerita?
Jangan cerita Melayu Singapura macam kau pandai sangat.You must be a Singapore government agent to say good things about the Malays there.I WAS BORN THERE.DO NOT TRY TO BULLSHIT ME!
To Indian ,
who are you to threaten Tun?Destroy the nation,my ass!You know that you are the real original 100% guaranteed 2 headed snake here.SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP AND GO TO HELL! People like you does not deserve respect because you watched too much Tamil movies and think you are the HERO.
See Malaysian Indian comments and learn a thing or two from him/her.
By akubosan on August 16, 2008 2:23 PM
bar council is taking this opportunity to pressure the current government to make changes. This has been the trend I noticed that is happening in our country. The "openness" or rather the weakness of the confused leaders, have been used to the max by those seeking to profit themselves in getting their ways. Sadly, done without consideration on the tolerance attitude by the Malay and muslims.
The only reason why the alternative party will take over the country easily is when there is no changes in the entire UMNO leadership. Then the whole UMNO and BN should stop thinking the way they are, in denial over the lost states etc, but start doing some REAL works FOR the people and less of politicking and thinking about large contracts and be treated like some LORDS when they are in power. My question, why datuk ambiga is not being detained like any others who have created such stir in the society?
By Neil on August 16, 2008 2:47 PM
Tun, the Bar council had enough of your meddling in the judiciary during your 22years.During those dark years too much have been force down their throat.Now it's timely that all must be vomit out.
By dospenang on August 16, 2008 3:18 PM
Saya pecaya kepada PENGALAMAN.
PENGALAMAN TUN selama lebih setengah abad sebagai pemimpin dan negarawan menjadikan TUN lebih matang dan berpandangan jauh daripada semua pemimipin yang ada hari ini termasuklah DSAAB dan DSAI.
Tidak akan adanya sebab TUN menolak kepimpinan hari ini jika TANPA ASAS YANG KUKUH.
JADI bercakap hal BAR COUNCIL boleh menampakkan kelemahan orang yang TUN TUJUKAN.
TETAPI pendapat saya, TUN tidak akan ke mana jika menulis dan hanya bertindak sebagai 'PENGHIBUR' dan pembaca merasa 'TERHIBUR'.
SAYA ingin mengajukan TUN bertindak DEMI NEGARA MALAYSIA.
1. TUN perlu mendapatkan sokongan calon pengganti PM yang TUN rasakan layak bertanding melawan PRESIDEN pada EGM UMNO akhir tahun ini dan mencalonkan beliau dengan sokongan MT UMNO.
2. TUN juga boleh mencabar PAK LAH supaya SATU PETI UNDI KHAS DIADAKAN semasa EGM UMNO nanti bagi melihat sama ada ahli-ahli UMNO masih yakin dengan presiden atau tidak.
3. TUN juga boleh mencadangkan atau mencabar satu poll online diadakan di website PEMUDA UMNO atau website UMNO sama ada mereka yakin dengan presiden hari ini.
By speedbirdAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 3:20 PM
Raja Petra should be put in jail forever...
I just don't understand him. Just because he married a chinese lady, he now act as the non malays hero. Condemning the malays and islam. The Non the malays are very proud and love him. Have we seen or heard any fool from the non malays community damning their own race like RPK.
By bunnies on August 16, 2008 3:29 PM
I understood what you have written perfectly but there are a few points that you did not raise. The points are :-
Time has changed and man has evolved to be more evil. I am sure you are aware that the Bar Council did not in any way questioned the rights of Muslim/Malay or whatever Article that is the mother of all sensitivity! I am also sure you are very aware the reason why the Bar Council had this forum.
Perhaps the points that you have put forth had worked during the early years of Malaysia but I doubt it will work for another decade. There are plenty of people like these 2 indian women (for example)out there who are suffering tremendously because the law that they abide, upheld and believe has not been fair and just to them. The law has instead play indifferent because of the need to be SENSITIVE to a certain sector of another law.
I am not sure if you do know the pain and suffering of a mother who has been cheated of her rights and all this is because the man that she had once thought will be with her for the rest of her life decided to play a cruel trick with her. That trick is to convert to a religion that everybody knows is the superior religion on this piece of land. Yes, we call such men, scumbs, spawn of the devil and leave them to God to deal with. But in the meantime, where and how does these women take their case to and have a fair chance? Do you think it is OK for these women to just shrug their shoulders and forget that the horrible stretch marks on their bellies which they see everytime they are naked is a constant reminder that their child is out there perhaps pining for her? That she is missing out on those precious moments of her flesh and blood's development, turning from a toddler to a child to a teenager to an adult? Bar Council is not questioning Syariah but Bar Council is questioning if Civil could wake up and listen and act with just and honor. If Civil could forget about sensitivity and act justly, than there is really no need to have to ask right??
As for closed door talks/discussion that you have mentioned, well, perhaps during your time, you had made sure that there are solutions at the end of all these closed door talks/discussions. It seems when you left the office, so did these solutions...
Sensitivity doesnt means everyboday shaddarp.. sensitivity doesnt mean someone has to lose and the other gain all. If we are not matured enough to talk and discuss sensitive subject and try to find a solution that will work for all, than we might as well not have democracy at all. We cannot have 2 sets of rules.. we are matured enough to vote but not matured enough to talk about sensitive subjects and be civilised! I must say that the Malay/Muslims seem to be sensitive all the time!!! Perpetual PMS-ing! That is dangerous!!
By aconite on August 16, 2008 3:47 PM
Assalamualaikum Ybhg Tun & famili semoga sihat selalu hendaknya.
1. You are absolutely right!
2. This is something to do with CHARACTER, MORALITY AND THE ARTS OF DEMOCRACY.
3. What is happening now, how could someone (like; MALAYSIAN BAR COUNCIL - MBC) of such intelligence group of people (so call high IQ) do something irrational so awkward. They RUB OTHERS THE WRONG WAY, atau pun dlm bahasa mudah so downright DUMB? These reflect their Low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). They have high IQ but low in EQ. Whereby, we have to agree to the statement: academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life. (EQ: refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings & those of others, for motivating ourselves, & for managing emotions well in ourselves & in our relationships).
3. Some say knowledge is power but our good Sai Baba says Character Is Power!, As philosophers since Aristotle have observed, is based on self-control disregard whatever belief or religion you are. it opens the way to EMPHATY, to real listening, to taking another person's perspective, seeing things from another's perspective, tolerance, acceptance of differences and sensitive of others feeling.
4. For MBC they need to have this yardstick to be qualified as one respectful body, and are ever more called on in our pluralistic society, which allowing others to live together in mutual respect & creating the possibility of productive public discourse - These are basic arts of democracy (am I right?).
5. Salah siapa agaknya dan di mana silapnya? Ybhg Tun always said, – Melayu mudah lupa. By right now (50 tahun merdeka) we should be able to tune in to the world, to read situations & connect with others while taking charge of our own life & our right - present & future.
6. Oleh itu, kita perlu lebih asertif (kemampuan meluahkan emosi positif & negatif, kepercayaan & fikiran serta hak dengan berterus terang dan bersopan tanpa agresif). Orang Melayu memang sangat kurang nilai ini kerana kemungkinan budaya bersopan santun yang akhir dilihat sebagai ruang lemah yang paling baik bagi mereka yang bersikap ‘opportunist’ seperti MBC.
7. Adakah perlu kita terlalu bersopan hingga tergadai maruah & hak?.
By untukrakyat on August 16, 2008 3:51 PM
thanks a lot that u make malaysia to the world wide know.TUN adalah contoh anak malaysia.
Chong Wei are show out wats mean its the multi racial country.he not win for chinese or him self but for malaysia.the only one get fight for us for the gold.did he mention that he win for himself...?
If want to talk about religion or ugama.Pls dont take part on politic and manage our malaysia.we need a man tat take care citizen and not for urself and urfamily,follower only live happilly and richer.rakyat also nak dapat hidup senang bukan nak kaya raya.but now day how .....???
TUN its correct poor its more poor,rich its richer so the country will end up like indonesia country 2 level ppl only.all race also a human pls i can see its malaysia r like no humans right.v r not stupid but dont thing we r weak.I have a lot of comment on politic issue and our country but i new on here.
PLS YAB TUN if i write wrong or my comment its sensitif pls let me know cause i m new here.
Let me to vote out wat r rakyat feeling right now.On TUN hand manage malaysia i c its growing up and improve not down grade.On this five year wat can v c its only increase price all the stuff that citizen need to use everyday not the country.
By theWitch on August 16, 2008 3:52 PM
saya harap Tun dapat menjelaskan mengenai sejarah dari pandangan Tun sendiri tanpa perlu menjaga hati mana-mana pihak...
1) bagaimana orang melayu begitu mudah boleh memberi kerakyatan kepada kaum pendatang dengan prinsip jus soli ?
2) bagaimana tanah melayu singapura boleh dengan begitu mudah diberi dengan percuma kepada PAP ? siapa yang melepaskan singapura ? ada atau tidak bantahan dari orang melayu ? saya ada terbaca artikel racist cina yang menyatakan Tuanku mengajak Sabah dan Sarawak menyertai Malaysia hanya untuk mengimbangi kaum melayu, benar atau tidak ?
3) bagaimana 13 Mei berlaku ? apa puncanya ? benarkah dakwaan dr kua dalam bukunya 13 May revisited menyatakan bahawa berlakunya coup d'etat ?
4) perjanjian air dengan singapura, kenapa kita tidak boleh selesai ? siapa yang buat perjanjian berat sebelah tersebut ?
5) komunis di malaya membunuh ramai orang tidak berdosa, kenapa masih ada ahli sejarah yang menyatakan mereka berjuang untuk negara ? mengapa dan bagaimana komunis boleh ada di malaya ?
6) sekolah-sekolah cina dan tamil. kenapa perlu dibina lagi selepas merdeka ? bukankah sekolah-sekolah ini dibina pada asalnya untuk kaum-kaum pendatang yang perlu dihantar pulang ke nagara asal mereka ?
cukup buat masa ini... saya akan kemukakan lebih banyak soalan lagi..
By Tauke Kedai on August 16, 2008 3:55 PM
Spot on Sir.
This group of people will get the taste of their own medicine when their daughters and sons, driven by their strong believe in human rights which they inherited from their fathers and mothers, copulate like donkeys in the public.
I do not deny the importance of defending human rights but we MUST have some limits to govern our behaviour. We are INSAN, which means that we are forgetful. We need to remind others and let others to remind us.
Ask yourselves why do we need police, the judiciary system and why do even need lawyers? If everybody can do whatever they want to do, why do we even need the law? Total liberation or democracy or whatever you want to call it, will lead to total anarchy.
I cannot help but think that the human rights have been abused by those who are politically motivated. Democracy is a product or propaganada to destroy good 'dictators'. When democracy does not work, you create another propaganda i.e terrorism.
Bloody agnostic.
By ashar on August 16, 2008 4:00 PM
AKIM ini dari paksi mana...?
apakan dari KJ juga...?
Pilihlah pemimpin cara Islam.
Jauhi pemimpin yang bermasalah:
kerana pemimpin yang baik pekerti akan menjauhkan diri malah menghindarkan diri dari menjadi syak wasangka buruk oleh masyarakat dengan perkara di atas.
salam perjuangan
By ashar on August 16, 2008 4:00 PM
AKIM ini dari paksi mana...?
apakan dari KJ juga...?
Pilihlah pemimpin cara Islam.
Jauhi pemimpin yang bermasalah:
kerana pemimpin yang baik pekerti akan menjauhkan diri malah menghindarkan diri dari menjadi syak wasangka buruk oleh masyarakat dengan perkara di atas.
salam perjuangan
By AloQStaQAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 4:02 PM
Assalamualaikum Ayahandaku, Tun yang di kasihi....
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda kini berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan ceria sepanjang masa .. Aminnn! ...
Ayahanda & para pelawat,
Semakin hari semakin jelas nampak sungguh layu kepimpinan AbDolah memimpin negara ini walaupun beliau sedaya upaya menaikkan kembali popularitinya yang menjunam baru-baru ini dengan menggula-gulakan rakyat pada mutakhir ini dengan cerita-cerita membersihkan dirinya dan menambahpopular dirinya kembali, terkini dikatakan harga minyak akan diturunkan ... tak faham? dah menjunam tu, susah la nak naik balik AbDolah oiii! ...
Tu la ... sejak dulu lagi Tun dah bagitau, TURUN SEGERA, TURUN! Tapi ngkau tak nak dengar cakap Tun ... ngkau degil AbDolah! degil! ... akhirnya populariti ngkau hancur, tak semena-mena BAR COUNCIL pulak dah berani dan biadap "menampar" muka sekalian rakyat beragama Islam dan khususnya Melayu akibat dari kelemahan pentadbiran ngkau wahai AbDolah .... Inilah yang kami semua tak mahu kat ngkau ni AbDolah! ...
Rentetan dari "kasih sayang penuh tatangan" bak minyak yang penuh supaya tak tumpah, dari Menteri De Facto Undang-undang Malaysia (yang suka keMABUKan tu) kerana memberi muka yang lebih kepada "ketelusan" sistem perundangan (secara tidak langsung memberi muka kepada BAR COUNCIL), maka dengan ditambah sifat lemah lembut (baca : lembik!) Perdana Menteri Malaysia, maka BAR COUNCIL mula cuba "mengambil alih pentadbiran" akibat sedikit KUASA telah meresap masuk ke dalam Pertubuhan mereka!
Sensitiviti kaum dan agama selama ini terjaga dan dijaga rapi dengan selamat/elok/baik/bagus/cekap/berhati-hati/terkawal telah mula digoncang oleh PM ini dan Menteri De facto Undang-Undang ini, dengan mereka memberi ruang serta peluang kepada BAR COUNCIL(yang telah mendapat restu penuh mereka - demi "ketelusan Sistem Perundangan" kononnya).
Pertubuhan itu, tanpa segan silu kini telah "berani" mencabar hak-hak Melayu dan Agama Islam.
Inilah nilai harga yang perlu dibayar oleh Menteri terbabit yang telah membuka luas "pintu" kepada ahli-ahli perundangan ini "masuk" membawa belantan dan kayu pemukul untuk memukul prinsip negara (yang menjaga hak Melayu & Islam) selama 50tahun lebih yang terjaga rapi! Kini prinsip tersebut sudah lebam-lebam dibelasah oleh Pertubuhan itu ...
Rawatan segera patut diberikan oleh Kerajaan yang bertanggunjawab! jika dibiarkan, ia akan membarah dan membawa padah kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Islam di tanahair Malaysia.
Kenyataan ini, bukanlah bertujuan mengapi-apikan perkauman, tetapi inilah nilai keharmonian selama ini, terganggunya keharmonian ini, jangan terkejut jika 1969 mungkin berulang.
INI YANG KITA SEMUA TAK MAHU TERJADI - KERANA KITA SAYANGKAN MALAYSIA DAN KEHARMONIAN SEMUA KAUM DI MALAYSIA! .... (Seperti sepanjang tempoh 22 Tahun kepimpinan Datuk Seri Dr.Mahathir Mohammed) ...
Kita semua pasti masih ingat masa itu, kita semua (baca: semua kaum) hidup harmoni ketika itu tanpa ada sebarang rasa perselisihan antara kita, kerana menghormati hak-hak dan batas-batas yang telah digunapakai sejak merdeka ... Jangan mudah lupa. Demi keharmonian.
Perrrggghhhh!!! .... Penjelasan Tun kali ni cukup padat dan lengkap terhadap puak-puak yang mempertikaikan kenyataan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ! Nah ! Amik buah tangan yang padat dan mampat dari Tun! Jangan anggap Tun macam-macam ... Tun dah lama dalam dunia pentadbiran kerajaan mahupun organisasi berbilang kaum ... Bukan sehari dua, tetapi berpuluh tahun .... Sepak terajang dunia politik adalah asam garam hidup Tun ... Jadi, artikel Tun hari ini, amat tepat dan padat memberi gambaran jelas kepada yang belum nampak apa yang dimaksudkan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ...
By Tunteja on August 16, 2008 4:48 PM
Tun yg disanjung,
Artikel Tun ttg Bar Council mmg tepat.
Sedih juga sbb masih ada yang tidak dapat menerimanya.Kerana mereka bukan Melayu atau non-MIB.Bilakah Bar Council hendak membela orang melayu? Sekarang ini peguam melayu tutup mulut,sibuk kutip duit masuk kantung sendiri,sibuk bankrap.
Sebagai orang melayu saya juga rasa sangat sakit hati kerana terpaksa melihat sahaja non-MIB mendiskriminasi bangsa saya.Jika kita di atas adalah juga peluang kita merasa.Tetapi jika mereka berada di atas,kita akan dipinggirksn.....kita senyap saja,tak bising2pun.2hari 2 malam tahan telinga dengar upacara sembahyang mayat jiran cina sebelah rumah sehingga tengah malam. Pernah kita merungut?
Tapi kejayaan Lee Chong Wei semalam,membuatkan rakyat Malaysia terkenang, nostalgia bertahun2 yang lalu amat dirindui.Seorang anak didik berbangsa cina memeluk guru bangsa melayu.Waktu itu segala perbezaan dibuang jauh ke tepi,bukan?Itulah yang Tun telah lakukan selama 2 dekad.Anwar Ibrahim menghancurkan segala-galanya kerana dendam dan cita2 politiknya dengan menghasut orang cina dan india lalu melaga2kan dengan melayu.Saya percaya usia Tun masih panjang untuk melihat kebenaran akan apa yang telah berlaku 10 tahun dulu.Kepada yang masih belum faham,belajar2lah faham.Bersyukurlah dgn apa yang telah dinikmati.Jangan jadi TAMAK!
Tun,saya harap Chong Wei akan dapat 1 juta tu,walaupun ternyata amat sukar kerana saya tak ada prejudis terhadap orang cina.Ada perkara yang sangat penting di sebalik pelukan Chong Wei dan Misbun.Unity Is Strength!!
By bluekang on August 16, 2008 5:06 PM
Dear Tun,
A great masterpiece!. Luv U Tun.
By harun on August 16, 2008 5:08 PM
Dear Tun..
Totally agree with you.
You speak-out your mind with brilliance interpretation.
The quality of the true leader you are.
I’m proud of you Tun. No doubt that you are the most respectable and brilliance leader of the world.
I am looking forward for your talk this coming end of the month.
Hope can meet you personally and shake hand with you.
As for this article, what is going on currently is just political games.
Mastered by the irresponsible minds.
Sensitive issue shouldn’t be taken lightly. It obviously very-very complicated issues.
New mind games played by the PENJAJAH to seize us by taking advantage of our weak leadership.
But sadly none of our so called leaders smell this kind of trap.
But if you are still in power surely all this sick minded people will be scrapped by you without fear.
Tun….just my thought..
p/s – Cecindui & Man Tiger…meet u guys at d Talk.
By asamdidaratAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 5:36 PM
I have the deepest respect for you since I was eleven, albeit back then I was not quite aware of your history and origins and apparently was a raised-and-born-in-Brunei person, but I knew for a fact that you built up Malaysia, you further developed it after your predecessors. It is sad that all those things you had accomplished in making Malaysia a country revered by others comes falling down like a game of dominoes with our present prime minister in charge.
Tun, I greatly agree with your take on the Bar Council. It would perhaps be acceptable if the Bar Council had made the Memeluk Islam forum not opened to the public but instead to have the forum in a private manner. It is funny and at the same time greatly irritating what certain groups would do just to cari pasal with not just the government but also the Muslim majority of Malaysia. It would seem that the Bar Council, consisting of well-educated people, are as you say, arrogant (but let me further elaborate that very word; pompous, arrogant ass). It would seem that they have no care for the sensitivity of the rakyat, as though they're all sneering and saying to each other "let's poke this pressure point, lets see what reaction will we get" by holding a forum that anyone in the right mind knows would sure cause all hell to break loose.
Everyone's yelling out the words 'human rights' or 'hak kita' whenever we speak about things like racism, religion and other sensitive matters and I think you said enough about the usage of the word human rights in this piece on the bar council. If everything is about human rights and the freedom of speech, then heck I can easily bomb someone's house and say it's my right as a human. I can easily talk about gay activism because it's my privilege to freedom of speech. It is absolutely disgusting and disturbing that the use of the English words have been abused. And as you said, if we Malays talk about Chinese or Indians, they call us racist but if they talk about us Malays, questioning our protected position by the government then what is that? Is that racism or is that just plain ol' human rights?
The Bar Council holds onto that 'berani mati' phrase but they should have the sense to hold their tongue when they're laying down an issue that surely will provoke the nation. I think a more sensible solution to the matters such as hak penjagaan anak when the husband secretly converts to Islam or the cremation of a family member's body when all the sudden some sort of news comes out saying that the deceased should be cremated in Islamic manner, not Buddhist or Christian or whatever, etc, there are cases when the family does not know of the person's conversion so this is when the whole feud breaks out. So, why not the Syariah court or the government issue laws saying that all converters must make announcements on their conversion to Islam or other religion through the media. This is much more a sensible approach if the case is that the family does not know of one of their family member's conversion to another religion. In Brunei where I am residing in at present time until I face my O'levels, this way is actually effective. Maybe this is because the population is very small compared to Malaysia's and so that is why we don't have soap operas in the court but perhaps if we carry out this similar measure such as Brunei by announcing anyone's conversion to another religion (Brunei announces mostly on the conversion to Islam) in newspapers by having a whole column especially for announcements on Muslim converts then perhaps the whole bickering would lessen but of course, it is also thinkable as to how this can be done since Malaysia has a really big population but it won't hurt to try now as opposed to just letting go of the matter and standing up from the chair only when someone holds up a finger and causes a stir of uproar amongst the Malaysian public.
Tun, this is just a simple request from a Malaysian youth who wants that ol' glorious Mahathir's-Malaysia back; come back into UMNO, Tun. Come back and give us back what we had lost and are losing. The government of Malaysia is weak now, and all sides are taking advantage, poking at the government from left, right, front and back just to see what reaction they'll get. Well, I'm done with seeing my government, my BN, being poked at.
By kamal ahmad on August 16, 2008 6:16 PM
Kepada Tuan/Puan para peguam-peguam Melayu dalam Majlis Peguam Malaysia, anda sepatutnya memperjuangkan dengan lantang dan konsisten tentang isu berbangkit mengenai ujian kelayakan CLP bagi para graduan undang-undang di Malaysia. Ini adalah kerana mekanisma ujian CLP ini secara majoritinya dikawal oleh peguam-peguam bukan Melayu didalam Majlis Peguam Malaysia yang kebarangkaliannya adalah ber-agenda sendiri. Tengoklah statistik calon galus dalam ujian-ujian CLP berkenaan. Sedarlah wahai peguam-peguam Melayu semua, sedarlah tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab anda kepada bangsa dan agama dan juga negara. Tubuhkan segera Majlis Peguam Melayu (Islam) Malaysia. Perjuangan anda sebenarnya baru bermula.
By YT on August 16, 2008 6:20 PM
Your Honorable,Tun
I met you once in close, at a dinner held in Malaysia Embassy of South Korea.
I was lucky to have met you that day, and I was lucky to have been choosen as one of the "Look East Policy" students sent to Korea to learn from others.
In a Karaoke session, you sang "My Way" of Frank Sinatra.
" And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full.
I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
"Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way".
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!
Yes, it was my way "
It was the first time I met you, and that kept me remember you when I sing the song sometime.
Thanks for introducing me/us the song. It taugh me a lot since then.
The song do represent a lot about you. Not only you, it also represent a lot of good leaders, who have guts to hold responsibility in any actions they decided.
Wish we could hear you sing the song again sometime in the future.
Stay healthy and happy, Honorable Tun.
By key on August 16, 2008 6:27 PM
Salam untuk TUN & isteri serta warga chedet.Banyak yang saya masih belum faham tentang dunia politik .Terutama di negara kita,tapi apabila Tun menulis di blog ini minat untuk mendalami semakin membara.Ada yang saya masih boleh faham ada yang sebaliknya.Itu yang buat saya suka membuka laman ini dan memberi komen/pandangan.Walaupun ada yang mungkin telah di tolak tapi saya tak berputus-asa.Bagi saya TUN menjadikan saya sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA yang ambil berat akan negara ini.TERIMA KASIH PADA TUN SEKALI LAGI.Saya akan terus bersama2 menyokong perjuangan TUN,walaupun saya berada dinegara orang.Semoga TUN berjaya menyakinkan rakyat m,sia.
By GreenOrge on August 16, 2008 6:33 PM
Jangkaan KJ nak bolot harta rakyat (Petronas) , mengenai Tan Sri Hassan Merican
seperti dijangka .... Habis harta rakyat ...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
By cek on August 16, 2008 6:37 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
To 'indian', tak payahlah tunjukkan video yang hangpa buat sendiri. Naik meluat aku nengok. Tun made the very very right decision.
Tun, please take care..
By babyZZ on August 16, 2008 6:38 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun DMM & TSA serta Famili tidak lupa pada sume warga2 di dalam sini....
Talking about different race & religion .... I have a story to share. When I wuz staying in Kuching I dont really have non-muslim frens as my school itself mostly are malays and muslims.
The irony is that I am friendly and I enjoy talking and having new frens...but I am not really CLOSE to anybody.
I came to KL..I went to ST mary's Girl School for one yr....i am out of contro :) parents shift me to school near to the house so that they can fetch me.
After finish high school I went to college....yes I do have that same fren (malay) for nearly over 12 yrs now....BUT at that same time my best fren n me are not in the same course, i join a different course which almost all are junior frm me....i came to know this group of my chinese frens who if four yrs younger....they are CPK,Leanne and Bernard ( frm s'bah & s'wak ).
I never thought that my frenship with them are that strong borderless....CPK always remind me not to forget my 5 times prayer,sometimes while studying i almost forget to pray then my wonderful fren wld tell me " Hey, u dah solat tak ? " i just enjoy and proud to be friends with them.
They help me do my coursework...cause my lecturer hates me so she FLUNK me....hmmmmmmmm frens are the MOST angry people !!
I MISS them.....hope thay are all in good health.
If people say that we are not the same color,religion and race CANNOT tolerate each other its a total B**l.As i have gone thru it we can be Good and Best friends as long as we respect each other and never questions the reasons WHY in each beliefs as they are the retict area to ensure Good relationship.
Thanks Tun ....U R and WILL ALWIZ be the BEST.........
WE miss u.....Doakan Tun & All...Sihat sejahtera selalu....
By Harimau1900 on August 16, 2008 6:59 PM
Dear YAB Tun Dr.M,
My apology to use your blog to comment....
To ynwa1976,
Thank you for your excellent posting above...
To Aysha,
I read a lot of article and posting from muslim brothers stating that Islam should treat all human being fairly no matter of which race or religion they belongs to. But I find yours sounds the opposite way!!! Why?
If you want me to show you some proof on the postings and article written by those brothers, I can do that. Please let me know if you need to see them 1st before commenting on this.
By Amir678Author Profile Page on August 16, 2008 7:03 PM
Dear Tun,
Tahniah, atas tulisan Tun kali ini (straight-to-the-point). Ternyata kewujudan Majlis Peguam bukan untuk kebaikan profession peguam, tapi dgn niat tertentu dan dan nempaknya merosakkan keharmoninan Malaysia.... Oleh itu untuk bebaikan elok kerajaan haramkan sahaja pendaftaraannye...
By Freewill on August 16, 2008 8:10 PM
17. But ours is not. Ours is multi-ethnic country where assimilation has not taken place. After hundreds of years you insist on still being what you are. Still for 50 years we managed to remain stable without the kind of conditions imposed by developed countries on new citizens.
Comment regarding assimilation:
Dear Tun, it is BN's corrupted, divisive race policies that caused assimilation to fail. BN always provoked race & religious issues so that it could stay in power. UMNO retards the Malay to think progressively & is definitely a huge barrier for assimilation. Unite & Malaysia will prosper!
By panglimaagung on August 16, 2008 8:11 PM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun the MahaGuru,
We ain't seen nothing yet Tun, since the so called new leadership of UMNO took over the steering of this country calmly except the deterioration of perfect system perfected by u.Thanks to u and the elders of our founding fathers to have been in syn.
Since then, it seems every single system of government network collapsed and unconnected to the brain as a central of the whole politic body.
U have successfully built a form of politically sound malaysianised politic system based on multi racial need to achieve the goal 0f 2020 vision. this is proven Tun!needless to say more.
With the present leadership of the budulah and the gang, however good it may sound autonomous and openness, we always believe at the of the day the government should effectively and effeciently provide a common good result in light of living in peace and harmony, providing better infrastructure if not basic, and create wealth but not destroying it. Create value to the rakyat. Create an added value component to the rakyat. They should be a KPI given to all the YBs,not the babis as they wont even understand a very basic language other than eating and multiplying and annoying.
Rakyat, don't ever forget this that we are the one who actually hold and evaluate their report card at the end of day!
As for the bar council who has given u the right to interrupt peace on the rakyat. I don't think you are ready and rich enough to pay the price when you inflict harm to peace and development. U systematically intent to play the fire without doing ur homework hardly to study history of the country.
Don't ever stop writing Tun.
Our pray is yours. God bless us! Amin
By antubiul on August 16, 2008 8:23 PM
During your premiership:- "Dont do it or else face the consequences'
Current Premiership:- 'Takpe, Lain kali Jangan Buat Lagi'
During our childhood time it very common when papa and mama always remind us ' Dont do that again' and its ok since that's the way to bring up kids BUT will that works to governed the country?
By antubiul on August 16, 2008 8:34 PM
What Merdeka 51 means to me base on the current administrations:-
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. Proud of any acheivement? None so far
5. Proud with the leaderships? Yikes
6. Confident of achieving 2020 develop nation?..errrr no more
7. Proud of development thay is on the way?. Where, which one?
8. Nation will remain strong as we move forward? Not sure
9. Unity will remained and Malaysia will prosper?.. Hopefully
10. The royals will never interfere with the administration? errr.
11. Ghanian who ,liberated earlier than us by months might overtake us in development and economic.? Looks likely. they even might be the largest Palm Oil exporter one day.
12. Still proud to be a Malaysian? Why not.. its my country.
By priss01 on August 16, 2008 8:43 PM
What the BAR COUNCIL did was stupid but not wrong.
They wanted to voice out concerns in areas where civil and Islamic law overlap. Certain individuals try to escape civil law by converting to Islam, as shown by the 2 examples they provided.
But Bar Council should know certain political people are always there to twist and turn the facts to make this into a sensitive issues.
By yusop on August 16, 2008 8:48 PM
Salam Tun,
Dimana bumi dipijak.........disitu langit dijunjung
Semoga Tun suami isteri sihat selalu.
By zali lampai on August 16, 2008 8:55 PM
assalamualaikum Tun,
Harap2 suatu hari nanti proses asimilasi tu akan berjaya juga.
By mattradin on August 16, 2008 9:32 PM
U the MAN!!!!
By worm gear on August 16, 2008 9:56 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun yg dikasihi,
Teringat kisah 10 tahun yg lalu dimana Anwar dipecat.
Banyak orang mengata Tun kejam dan zalim, maka banyak yang melakukan sembahyang hajat memohon Allah swt menunjukkan kebenaran.
Perkara yang sama berlaku kembali, mungkin ini kebenaran yang ditunjukkan supaya Negara yg tercinta ini tidak diperintah olih Al Jubori.
Semoga Allah menberi petunjuk kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk sama sama menolak dan selebihnya kita serahkan kpd Allah Taala.
Tun dipihak yg benar. Amin
By lanjut75 on August 16, 2008 10:36 PM
TDM, this is my first time commenting on your blog.
My view is that everything must be discussed. Soooner or later everything will.
Malay issues. Islamic issues. Non-bumis. Everything should be open for discussion. I hate the fact that malays are constantly criticised in online forums. I long for the chance to be able to discuss inequalities with other races.
Come on then. Let's get ready to (not rumble but discuss!).
By suppie kugrimo on August 16, 2008 11:39 PM
dearest unreplaceable Tun,
these people really have to wake up. i'm most aggreable with you. too many fellas 'sudah lupa daratan'... sometimes they are just being 'terlebih mat salleh dah'... i will share with you of this solid real life joke.
my brother told me about this malaysian guy that have been living overseas for quite sometime. having a 'mat salleh' wife and on holiday, he came by invitation to my brother's company annual dinner last time. so they shared the same table with him and his other colleagues. he was talking (or boasting) about his gala experienced overseas in the no 1 country, about his great job and his 'pride and joy' outstanding wife's family. nothing about his 'kampong' whereabouts and life.
but the best part of all, at one point, he spoke with a full american accent.. the sentence that 'pissed off!' and shocked my brother most. it goes like, 'when i was a malay... ' and the story goes on.
is something wrong here or somewhere?
may Allah bless you Tun and family.
By Anba on August 16, 2008 11:40 PM
Dear Blog Editor,
I was wondering why my article was not published? Anything sensitive in my article?
I'm re-submitting it again.
Dr. Mahathir,
Hi there. You mentioned the following:
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off handsomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
Here are my views on your statement.
1. I have always admired your guts in speaking out against the west and your visions in making Malaysia known to others in the world.
2. I believe that you're a smart politician, better than your ability to be a medical doctor. As smart as you are as a politician, you are also cunning as a fox in refusing to talk about the sensitive racial issues that’s crippling the minorities for decades.
3. You know very well that the NEP cold have been abolished in 1990, but you very well knew as a smart politician that you will be hated by the Malays forever if you had done so. On the contrary, I believe that the Malays, although they may have hated you by abolishing the NEP in 1990, in the long run they would have appreciated your move as that would have made the Malays work harder and improve themselves. I'm not saying that all Malays are not working hard, I' implying that as a consequence of 'spoon feeding' the Malays, you will make them feel comfortable and unwilling to compete, knowing that the government is always there to bail them out.
4. You cannot expect to realize the truth if you do not investigate in an unbiased manner. You should know well, as a person trained in math and science, that if the scientist is biased towards an outcome in an experiment, no matter what result was achieved, it will not be a break through. Similarly, if you say that certain racial matters should not be discussed because it may cause violence, it is a 'fear mongering' technique that will not allow any debates to take place in this country. Developed nations had their share of disturbances and discomfort and even loss of life when it came to smelling freedom in their respective countries. If Rosa Park did not defy the ruling that separated the sitting of black and white in public buses by sitting in a seat allocated for the whites, the Civil Rights movements would not have materialized in the United States.
5. So, when you say that Malaysians are only paying a 'small price' by not discussing certain sensitive issues, I totally disagree with you. Let's see how big of a price we are paying by not discussing and debating sensitive issues.
a. The Malays, although may feel good that by not discussing sensitive issues like the NEP and other racial issues, can continue to benefit from the Government plans. This only makes them more comfortable and produce the kind of graduates we are producing today where all the universities in Malaysia have been demoted in their world ranking except for UTM ( please see Bernama News on Nov 13, 2007 or visit
b. The non-Malays, on the contrary are being left behind to rightly pursue their tertiary education and also possibly force many average grade students to begin to work after their SPM or STPM. God knows the countless number of non -Malays who suffered by being forced to convert to a Muslim when they marry a Muslim. Where in the Quran or the Islamic scriptures that mentions the need for a non Muslim to convert when they marry a Muslim. I am not a Muslim scholar, but I am a tolerant human being who believes that every major religion is a love and peace abiding religion but the human beings who twist and turn the facts from the scriptures to suit their own needs.
6. Sir, not discussing the sensitive issues may have paid of handsomely for the Malays, but it has certainly caused lots of hardship and heart breaks for the non-Malays. Our cries and heart breaks will find an answer in the future. One race may dominate another for some time, but no race can dominate another race all the time.
7. You are unwilling to debate and discuss sensitive issues out of the fear of losing your own privileges. It is for this reason that I feel you have failed as a leader who could have been more just for the needs of other races in Malaysia. I can understand the applaud given to you in this blog by the people who certainly have benefitted from your policies. I can understand their joy and happiness. But remember this, the joy and happiness of one race at the expense of another race, no matter how gratifying, is NOT justified and against the natural order created by God.
Until then, take care and I hope that my words, although may be provoking, it was only written from the agony that I feel inside. Like you, every time I land in our airport, it's a great feeling to land in our 'tanah tumpah darah ku'. Although I'm a not a Malay, but I certainly feel like a Bumiputera, because if you break down that word ( Bumi = Earth and Putera = Sons and daughters of the soil or in the the Tamil language it means the Prince of the Soil) I am also a Bumiputera in the truest sense of that word, Bumiputera.
I pray for your health.
Take care and God bless.
By jeff hamaz on August 16, 2008 11:57 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Hari ini saya terbaca statemment Tun yang menyatakan Anwar juga patut buat sumpah macam budak Saiful @ Say Fool. Pandangan ulamak ialah sumpah mengikut cara Say Fool bukan merupakan ajaran Islam dan ia terpakai untuk pasangan suami isteri sahaja. Tapi tak apalah, kerana mungkin kita (termasuk Tun) menganggap kedua-dua mereka mempunyai ikatan perkahwinan yang sah dan oleh itu sumpah cara Say Fool itu terpakai.
Yang melucukan mengenai sumpah Say Fool itu ialah drama itu tidak dipersembahkan secara meyakinkan. Say Fool nampak tersasul membaca sumpah beberapa kali hingga perlu dibetulkan oleh seseorang di sebelahnya. Tarikh liwat juga berubah, mulanya dia menyebut sebagai 26 Ogos, kemudian 26 Jun 2008. Biasanya seseorang yang mengalami peristiwa ngeri tidak akan melupai tarikh kejadian itu hingga bertahun-tahun akan datang, tetapi Say Fool begitu mudah melupai tarikh itu cuma dalam tempoh baru 2 bulan. Aneh dan sungguh lucu!!!
Satu lagi yang pelik ialah ketika menjawab soalan wartawan Say Fool menyatakan 26 Jun 2008 itu adalah tarikh pertama kali dia diliwat. Ia berbeda dengan kenyataan Dato Najib sebelum ini yang berkata Say Fool menemuinya pada 25 Jun dan memaklumkan ia diliwat beberapa kali sebelum 25 jun. Jadi mana satu yang betul - diliwat beberapa kali sebelum menemui Najib pada 25 Jun atau cuma sekali diliwat selepas sehari menemui Najib, hanya Say Fool yang membuat kenyataan tidak cerdik itu mengetahuinya.
Peristiwa-peristiwa pelik itu telah menjadikan majlis sumpah Say Fool bertukar kepada peristiwa yang penuh keraguan dan sangat melucukan. Jika kisah mengenainya dijadikan sebagai filem tentu ia hanya bertahan sehari sahaja di pawagam, kerana sudah tentu tidak ramai yang meminati cerita karut. Tapi mujurlah ia bukan filem tetapi cuma gimik politik dan oleh itu tentu ada seorang dua Pak Pandir yang betul bendul mempercayainya.
Anwar juga jika nak buat lawak karut boleh juga buat sumpah bodoh seperti Say Fool. Sama ada Tun meminati lawak karut Anwar adalah satu perkara lain. Tetapi memandangkan Tun sangat terpesona dengan sumpah lawak karut Say Fool, tidak mustahil Tun juga akan terpesona dengan sumpah lawak karut Anwar, jika diadakan. Sebab itulah barangkali Tun meminta Anwar juga bersumpah, supaya kita boleh tertawa terbahak-bahak menonton sumpah lawak karut yang melucukan selepas tertawa menyaksikan sumpah lawak karut Say Fool.
By juicysaucyAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:01 AM
Dear Tun,
It is interesting to see so much "hoo hah" about the Bar Council problem. Have the Govt give it a deep thought why they hold the forum? There are issues need to be dealt with in terms of Muslim and non-Muslims issues. The forum is held to discuss ways on how we can tackle the issue like "body snatching", "name changing", etc. Islam is great, isn't it? So why is the fear to discuss it in a diplomatic manner?? There are lots of technicality that needs to be addressed. Put yourself in the shoe of the deceased families. How do you feel when a group of authorities come and snatch their loved ones body right in the middle of a funeral??? These are things that need to be addressed and how to deal with. The forum is not meant to be a debate. It is meant to look into how both courts Shariah and Civil Court can look into such delicate matter. When the Hindraf people protest, some were sent to jail but when the barbaric action of some protesters who shouted "Cina balik kampung", "Babi" etc, no action is taken against them in spite of their violent actions.
Now that's what I call double standard!!!! While I respect you for being a great leader during your times, unfortunately, in this respect, I don't agree with your comments on the Bar Council. The simple truth is, you already make your judgements before even listen to what the non-Muslims have to say!
By Anak Muar on August 17, 2008 12:09 AM
salam Tun,
setuju dengan komen Tun. jgn sesekali kita sesama rakyat Malaysia cuba membangkitkan isu sebegini. ianya akan menyemarakkan semangat perkauman. Malaysia terdiri dari rakyat yang berbilang kaum. Persefahamn perlu ujud antara kita agar kita dapat hidup dalam keharmonian.
kalau bertanya pada pelancong asing sebelum ini, mereka terus memuji Malaysia, sebuah negara yang aman damai walau berbagai bangsa dan agama. Namun jika di tanya sekarang, ramai yang takut untuk datang ke Malaysia dengan cerita politik...keamanan negara dan hal hal yang mereka rasa tak selamat berada di Malaysia
harapan...rakyat Malaysia bersatu padu...sayangi lah bumi Malaysia.
By senjakalaAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:49 AM
YAB Tun dan Keluarga
Reading your post made me very very touched and angry. My anger derived from the attitude of my very own race and why the insensitive from other races.
To start with, my own race,I have seen,heard and read how some of these people talk about liberation,freedom and sold their principles
under the guise of these doctrines.Some even share the actions and views that contradict their own culture,custom and belief of their very own race just because they are not able to see or thoroughly understand why such retrictions are required?
In furtherance to the above, my own race, those having the share or take advantage of NEP policy abuse the fundamental objective of the policy. For example contract given they were contented to have a
small profit and "ali baba" the opportunities and without realising
the opportunist will be richer and make them more competent. practise makes one perfect. Two of the elements the malay has lost. Competency comprised of money(power),expertise(knowledge) and dedication (advocate). Do they anticipated these before the "ali baba" the chances? I was one approached to be one of the "sleeping"
"powerless" director due to my bumiputra status by fortunately, I don't have to be one of the contributor though at present I just have enough to continue the descending of my life. I am proud.
I cannot positively blamed the other races from being insensitive
to us based on a few factors outline below:
1. For the last 50 years they are being instilled with feeling of as
only second class citizen.
2. They worked their sweat out just to survive in this country
called Malaysia, while a handfull of "Tuan Melayu" really behaved
like they are the real "Tuan" and drained all the sweat put by
the non-malay to the extend of hurting their own race(malay)
sheer to their selffishness and greed.
3. Probably 50 years is the optimun duration given by non malays
to overcome the disparity and now they call it a day with
incidently with the emergence of a person called Anwar
Tun, may be money is not everything, but almost everything, and coupled with expertise and dedication and a good networking it not
impossible to realised the changes. Where will the malays be then?
How will the constituition looks like when they have the 2/3 majority. Will the azan be banned like Singapore even now the azan
has been question?
By Asvocalasyou on August 17, 2008 1:57 AM
I am opined that you have steered off course.The BC merely wants to clarify certain aspects of the issue on "Conversion To Islam".Their desire to hold the forum is to eliminate grey areas so that the judges,lawyers couples directly involved and their issues know what to do and move the nation forward.The problem has been supported by court cases highlighted in the media.Why there is a need to sweep it under the carpet?It involves a small number of people and why not clearing up the nut and bolt matters and close the whole issue after that.
The sensitivity issue cannot just be solved by citing a few cases,eg.If I am a Malay,I would have felt ashamed when you said that we had used crutches abeit some would not mind and profit from it.
If it cannot be discussed openly or not at all or the non-Malay talks and the Malay says" Have you finished shouting(I got the majority)now f o",then wouldn't that create a pent up feeling which may explode in the forseeable future just as it has exploded some 50 years later in March 8,2008.I must emphasize that I do not mean violence but more like the March 8 election results.In any case,you can speculate who will dare to start the violence.
By heartstation on August 17, 2008 2:05 AM
Dear Dr.M,
I believe these are the 'Asian Values' that you have been advocating.
This is an excerpt from your wikipedia entry(
During his term in office, he was credited for engineering Malaysia's rapid modernization and promoting non-individualistic "Asian values".
Below is an excerpt from wikipedia (
A summary list of 'Asian Values' would include a distinctively 'Asian':
1. predisposition towards strong and stable leadership rather than political pluralism;
2. respect for social harmony and an inclination towards consensus as opposed to a tendency towards dissent or confrontation;
3. acceptance of broad and penetrating state and bureaucratic intervention in social and economic affairs;
4. concern with socio-economic well-being instead of civil liberties and human rights; and
5. preference for the welfare and collective well-being of the community over individual rights.
Keep up the good pieces Dr. M. I truly enjoy reading your posts.
By mzzainal on August 17, 2008 2:23 AM
a multi racial country living in harmony is what i seek. But the present Govt seems more keen to increase the agenda of only one community.
By peteryap on August 17, 2008 2:40 AM
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Thank you for your piece which is an important reminder to all of us to be sensitive about the feelings of other races which make up this country.One of the reasons we are so successful is the fact that we learn to be sensitive and happily live together and progress as a nation.
However, with the freedom now available,the bar council is behaving like as if it is an opposition political party with the rights to question anything and everything.I hope they will hear what Tun has said and refrain from inciting potentially sensitive racial or religious issues that could lead to creating racial tension in our country.
If members of the bar council are still not happy with the freedom they enjoy and still think that we have no free speech, human rights etc, they dont have to look far.Just go to Myanmar or to China and see if they will have the slightest chance of surviving there.
As always Tun, our love and support is behind you.God bless!!
By austozi on August 17, 2008 2:44 AM
Tidakkah Tun berasa sakit hati apabila membaca komen-komen yang berbunyi "Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship" (abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM) dan "tanah yang depa ni pijak adalah hak Melayu" (cucu tok wan on August 16, 2008 10:42 AM). Inilah mereka yang terlampau emosional dengan mengeluarkan perkataan berbentuk rasisme tanpa berfikir. Merekalah sebenarnya yang mengucar-kacirkan negara ini. Merekalah sebabnya kita masih tidak berkemampuan untuk mengadakan perbicaraan secara terbuka dan matang, kerana merekalah yang sengajakan reaksi yang ekstremis terhadap apa-apa sahaja isu yang ingin dibincangkan.
Kenapa isu forum majlis peguam tersebut dikaitkan dengan isu perkauman? Yang dibincangkan adalah implikasinya terhadap institusi keluarga dari segi undang-undang apabila seseorang yang tidak beragama Islam memeluk agama Islam. Tidak sekali pun isu perkauman ditimbulkan di forum itu tetapi ada juga antara kita yang sanggup mengapi-apikan isu perkauman ini seolah-olah hak mana-mana kaum sahaja dipersoalkan. Kalau ada hak sesiapa pun yang dipersoalkan, itupun hak ahli-ahli keluarga yang terlibat secara terus dalam kes sedemikian sahaja. Forum itu tidak menyentuh isu perkauman ataupun mempertikaikan status Islam sebagai agama kebangsaan Malaysia.
By nadya on August 17, 2008 4:18 AM
i am dealing with the british. i am proud to say that they are using my service,malaysians service. better than other countries. even if there are some flaws, you know i have to always keep myself in positive manner to succeed. everytime they ask where are you from..? i am proud to say that i am from malaysia. and some of them say brilliant. and they remember my name. some of them say they never talk with an asian before. i dont care if my supervisor ask me to speak english in british accent. they are dealing with malaysians so they have to listen to my malaysian english. i am just being me. i am unique. when some of them say "i dont want to speak with asian". i dont take it offensively. i dont blame them for being too conservative. i am an adventurous type. i am thrilled to change their negative perception to positive. an english man came to malaysia said that malaysians still living according to their own races. i have noticed that since in high school. and i wonder why, because this situation happened in urban area. the mentality of the malaysians who are living in urban area is more advanced. it is unfair if some of you say that happened because of the mentality of the malays. when i make friend with a chinese, my malay friends said i have forgotten my own race. same thing happened to my chinese friend. she told me that some of the chinese friends said same thing to her. she was afraid and i felt frustrated. she also said that she will feel strange if she is the only chinese among malays. our weakness is due to our negative mentality no matter what race we are. i've been listening and understand the non-bumis struggle. how they said that the malays got alota advantages but dont know how to appreciate. i too cannot sacrifice my rights. i dont wanna be like "lalang". i have my own principles. i dont wanna get curse by my nenek moyang. i cant change the world and history, i only can change myself. if you say malays are lazy so i change myself being a hardworking person. if you say malays cant speak proper english. i can speak english although not so proper at least i try. practice makes perfect, right. i am glad that we have alota holidays here in malaysia. we need some rest after working too hard. if everyone wants to be a doctor then who is going to be a farmer and a fisherman. if the chinese dont want to work with the government and are good in business then let it be. all we need to do is coorperate and compromise. if everyone wants to work with the government then who is going to open up business. you know like supermaket, shopping complex and groceries. because malay is the majority we need to support the minority without sacrificing our rights so we buy what they sell and make them rich. i learn japanese. of course i will feel frustrated if my japanese friends speak english with me. but i also cant force them to speak japanese because they also want to learn english. i feel proud when my indians or my chinese friends ask me "you faham ker apa yang we all cakap?". everytime they speak using their own language when it comes to gossip part i will smile because i understand a little. i also feel proud for them when they have a sense of awareness by speaking some english and malay when i am the only malay among them. all of us need to understand the give and take balance. it is not easy to understand how the world works.
By ezineartikelAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 5:59 AM
Dear beloved Tun, you are very right to say that non Malay have their share of sensitive topics such as Chinese School . If we Malay organise a forum on the benefit of so called Chinese School in Malaysia , will the Chinese be sensitive. Even when we follow the Malay traditional ritual such as kissing the Keris in a function in Umno convention have raised a hoo huh ( havoc) in the Chinese Community .So we hope the non Malay NGOS will not cross the border or test the water. Malaysia Boleh !
By jassfidey on August 17, 2008 6:43 AM
negara malaysia kita dah cukup aman & stabil dengan undang2 yang ada cuma ada hero yang sengaja porak-porandakan negara ini.
jika ada yang tak bagus & susah hidup dimalaysia maka datuk nenek keturunan india & cina dulu dah lama balik kampung.
amalan agama dimalaysia adalah bebas kami islam ikut tuhan kami kamu ikutlah tuhan kamu tetapi kamu tidak boleh halang @ menyusahkan orang yang mahu masuk islam.
oleh kerana negara ini negara islam kamu kenalah ikut undang2 islam sesiapa dah masuk islam maka mereka tertakluk kepada undang2 islam dinegara ini.
negara ini mengamalkan islam yang sangat toleransi dan sederhana,tetapi jangan cabar perintah tuhan kami jika tidak akan muncul golongan extreme yang bakal bersama2 anda merosakkan negara tercinta ini....fikir2lah,lihatlah apa yang terjadi di bosnia.
By hendrixcomp on August 17, 2008 8:11 AM
we are bangsa malaysia are we........ If Tun Dr Ismail, Tun Tan Siew Sin are still alive, they will feel really disappointing for what their have been working on our multiracial culture long time ago.
I Feel like there was non of our malaysian are remembering those two heroes even their name in this day. Malaysian people and politic are hopeless to find someone to lead the country just like yourself and Tun Dr Ismail coz the spirit of multi racial in malaysia are gone in the year of 2003. We really miss u Tun
I Hope that u will brought up topic about Tun dr Ismail and yourself soon in the fighting against building a multiracial race foundation in malaysia...........
May god Bless U........
Ahmad Najimi..
KLMU Student 1st Year
By Patek1472Author Profile Page on August 17, 2008 9:37 AM
Adakah Topik ni sensitif juga?
Racism to Satanism
1. If anyone thinks as a Malaysian at heart you will never support any of the current political parties who speaks only about championing or protecting their own race and religious interests. Whether it comes from UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP or whatever new name, it’s called racism and whoever supports that party is called a racist. It is no different from apartheid. It dirties and poisons your soul.
2. Those who are racists but speak with a fork tongue (Jeyklls), hiding it behind other causes like religion, meritocracy, education, poverty, social reengineering, ethnic rights etc are even worse than self declared racists and can only fit into the category of Satans.
3. Malaysian racists and the MSN have corrupted the following words which meant differently in other countries example - nationalism, patriotism, royalists, freedom, liberty, corruption, democracy, humanity etc.
4. Power, Greed, Selfishness and Racism rule in Malaysia and now we include Satanism.
(Versi Bahasa Melayu)
Sifat Perkauman kepada sifat Setan(Syaitan)
1. Jika sesiapa memikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia di hati, anda tidak akan menyokong parti-parti politik sekarang yang cuma bercakap tentang ketuanan atau pembelaan bangsa dan kepercayaan ugama mereka sendiri. Samada ia datang daripada UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP atau sebarang nama baru, itulah maksud perkauman dan sesiapa yang menyokong parti tersebut dipanggil seorang rasis. Ia tidak berbedza sangat dengan aparteid. Ia mencemarkan dan meracuni jiwa anda.
2. Mereka yang rasis tetapi bercakap dengan lidah bercabang (Jeyklls) dengan menyembunyikan di belakang alasan ugama, meritokrasi, pendidikan, kemiskinan, kerombakkan social, kepentingan pribumi dsbnya adalah lebih teruk dari seorang rasis yang diketahui umum dan harus dikategorikan sebagai Setan.
3. Rakyat Malaysia yang rasis dan MSN telah mencemarkan perkataan-perkataan yang memberi maksud lain di negara-negara asing seperti – nasionalisme, patriotisme, penyokong Raja, kebebasan, kemerdekaan, korupsi, demokrasi, perikemanusiaan dsbnya.
4. Kuasa, Tamak, Kepentingan diri dan Sifat Perkauman bermaharajalela di Malaysia dan sekarang kita memasukkan Sifat Setan.
By thaiso on August 17, 2008 10:18 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pada pandangan saya,apa yang diminta oleh majlis penguam ini adalah jaminan keselamatan dalam Islam.Tidak semua non muslim tahu bahawa Islam itu adalah adil.Pengetahuan yang terhad.Dan ini menjadi tugas alim-alim ulama untuk menerangkan dan mempraktikkan dakwah Islamiah kerana non muslim pun sudah minta.Apa Islam boleh bagi?
Seorang kawan saya pernah bercerita.
Ipar perempuannya adalah seorang keturunan Cina.Mempunyai dua anak.Suaminya peniaga sayur-sayuran di pasar.
Kelihatan pada lima tahun pertama perkahwinan amat membahagiakan.Tetapi entah bagaimana,mungkin kerana perubahan dasar ekonomi, pendapatan perniagaan semakin mengecil disebabkan adanya pasar tani setiap minggu dan kerana banyaknya aktiviti penjualan bahan-bahan tani akibat dari dorongan kerajaan.Pertanian adalah perniagaan.
Sedangkan dengan ilmu perniagaan yang tidak cukup dan masih dibuai oleh pendapatan lima tahun lepas yang amat lumayan,si suami tidak dapat menerima hakikat bahawa kadangkala sebagai seorang usahawan kecil dia perlu berkorban minat untuk berniaga kerana keadaan tidak mengizinkan.Persekitaran ekonomi telah berubah.
Maka terjadilah peristiwa-peristiwa yang mendesak sampaikan terpaksa meminjam dari along semata-mata untuk memuaskan hati untuk terus berniaga.Sedangkan mengapa tidak boleh bekerja?Itulah pandangan dari pihak isteri.Pastinya terjadi sorok menyorok tentang perkara ini daripada ahli keluarga.
Maka sampai pada tahap kritikal hutang tersebut telah mencecah kepada RM60K.Hinggakan peminta hutang telah menerjah rumahnya dan rumah ibu bapa.
Tetapi kerana pegangan dan kelurusan ibu kawannya tadi yang dia sendiri tidak dapat sangkalkan,maka selesailah masalah yang bersilang-silang itu.Ibu.
Dan kawan saya itu sebagai abang sulung terpaksa menggunakan kebijaksanaannya untuk mengatur strategi menenangkan keadaan peminta hutang dan melukakan hatinya sendiri untuk kebaikan bersama demi menjaga hubungan kekeluargaan yang berlainan agama,akidah si ipar, perbezaan budaya serta asuhan keluarga.Kerana itu adalah hak seorang mualaf untuk hidup.Walaupun ada sedikit sebanyak janjinya yang mungkin tidak akan dapat ditunaikan dalam masa terdekat.Tapi takpe la....abang sulungnya hanya berpura-pura garang tak bertempat.
Perkara yang sama saya terbaca di akhbar baru-baru.Tapi itu tidak nampak sangat kesannya kerana kedua-dua yang telibat adalah sesama bangsa.
Sedarlah wahai non muslim,apabila seseorang Islam menjamin keselamatan kamu,maka seorang Muslim itu tidak akan keseorangan kerana ramai lagi Muslim lain yang kamu tidak kenal selama ini akan menanti kedatangan musuh bersama-sama kamu.Dan salah seorang dari mereka akan berkata 'Biarlah dia datang.Datang pun bagus jugak.Biar jumpa dengan orang macam kita'.
We don't need another 13 May 1969.
Terima kasih Tun.
By lebaikudin on August 17, 2008 10:20 AM
Salam Tun&fellow bloggers,
Perhatian pada Majlis Peguam,solcroft,kaychin,2now,bangsamalaysia,isaac,brian tseng, macamanalah aku nak terangkan pada korang pasal DOSA,SUBAHAT,MURTAD..contoh
1.murtad hukumannya mati/diperangi
2.tukar agama bukan semudah tukar baju
3.dosa manusia pada Allah tak boleh diampunkan oleh manusia eg confession
4.Islam sebagai Agama Rasmi,seperti Kristian di Britain 'override'
5.Belajar sejarah la.Konflik agama/kaum normal
6.Kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian
7.No such thing as open discussion.menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu!
8.Kebebasan bersuara memang tak wujud dimana2 di kalau aku mencarut/maki mak/bapak kau,mesti marah kan?
9.Tak boleh menang semua,tak boleh kalah semua.majoriti rule
10.Bar Council please behave.ada org kata semua lawyer masuk neraka,please proof me wrong..
By pija on August 17, 2008 11:28 AM
buat Ayahnda yang tercinta....
Tun...dah 3 hari saya tunggu Tun untuk menulis tentang UITM...
adakah Tun bersetuju?
saya betul-betul teringin nak mendengar pendapat Tun
By AudiAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:22 PM
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
GO GO GO Ayahanda Tun. Saya sokong Ayahanda 100%.
Anakanda Audi
By alongmeli on August 17, 2008 12:27 PM
Salam Tun,
Right on! Take that sucker (the bar council)!
By anaktamimAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:27 PM
Salam Tun... teruskan perjuangan walupun dirimu keseorangan... krn kbenaran bukanlah dinilai melalui ramai @ ckit...
melalui brape sumber, insyaAllah BN menang dlm plihanraya permatang pauh, insyaAllah. Ini bukanlah mellui kate2 org politik yang mane setiap kate2 mereka MUNGKIN terselit tujuan politik. Tapi cam ner pon doa2 banyak.. semoga dari kalahnye PKR kat permatang pauh akan membantutkan rancangan 16 september PKR... pastu leh lah Tun teruskan perjuangan Tun..(klu elok Tun jd PM !)... salam...
By abughaibAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:08 PM
Bilo la den nak jadik comentor yang pertamo ni..... Asyik tak dapek yo.
penuh informasi...
By motorsportuniversitymalaysiaAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:57 PM
I understand your concern that some of your fellow Malaysians seem to be insensitive to other peoples ethnicity and religious convictions. However, by insisting that subjects considered to be sensitive, can only be discussed behind closed doors, aren't you are running the risk of people not discussing anything?
I attended a public function last year on the IDR. There were several hundred students from a Johor University present.
When the speakers asked for questions. The students were silent. The teachers asked the questions.
I understand that the students felt uncomfortable asking questions. It does seem a shame.
Were you an unquestioning wallflower when you were a student?
Thanks for making yourself available!
John Mansfield
By Mis_bah on August 17, 2008 2:11 PM
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I am sorry for using your blog to a comment posted by Amba.
To Amba, please don't talk or argue about something especially about Islam if you don't have knowledge or expertise about it. Do you know misinterpretation and conflicts in society always come from people like you who talk because you just want to talk. Not more or less. If you don't know please learn from who knows. Arguing or debating during the learning process with your teacher is healthy as long as it being carried in polite and respect manner.
Thank you.
By zaman on August 17, 2008 2:28 PM
Salam Sejahtera untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
Tun terus kan perjuangan Mu kami tetap menyokong.
Pak Lah Undur Lah.
Pak Lah mesti bertanggung jawap apa yang telah berlaku.Waktu Tun memimpin serbi serbi teratur. Ternampak kesatuan sesama kaum,tetapi sekarang apa dah jadi.Bagaimana Wawasan 2020 akan tercapai kalau begini. Kami memohon Pak lah undur lah dengan secara terhormat.
Tun jaga kesihatan Mu.
By ISTERI ANTIMAMAK on August 17, 2008 3:16 PM
Zaman Pak Lah ni, apa yang TUN buat tak kena...
MV AGUSTA tak bagus , di jual dengan 1 Euro.
WW dengan Proton tak bagus....
GM (USA) dengan Proton bagus...
SCOMI(Pak Lah & Son) cita nak miliki PROTON ??..bagus...
sekarang ni...
salam perjuangan
By ISTERI ANTIMAMAK on August 17, 2008 3:17 PM
Zaman Pak Lah ni, apa yang TUN buat tak kena...
MV AGUSTA tak bagus , di jual dengan 1 Euro.
WW dengan Proton tak bagus....
GM (USA) dengan Proton bagus...
SCOMI(Pak Lah & Son) cita nak miliki PROTON ??..bagus...
sekarang ni...
salam perjuangan
By jadi on August 17, 2008 4:00 PM
Assalammualaikum Tun & family
I am so sick with the Bar Council. Bar Council has created uneasy to the Muslim when they agree to hold that dialogue session pertaning to Islam. Who do they think they are ? They are not muslim organisation neither they are muslim.
As such Bar Council has created uneasy among muslim which can lead to chaos. Fortunately the Police intervented smartly to reduce the high tension otherwise Bar Council building may end up with fires!
Some of Bar Council leaders are well known proxi to the DAP. I think the time will come when they will nominate Karpal Singh as High Court Judge.
Only you Tun Mahathir has the guts to critic Bar Council activities. Even you may not have laws degree, you easily can differiante what are the limit of rights Bar Council should have.
I am so sick with the Premier which before hand noticed the dialogue but do nothing to prevent it. What is his intention of doing nothing? I think the Premier want to garner support from the Malay and Muslim by teaching them a lesson for not voting BN in the last General Election. He let the non muslim to play the music he chose. He would said that he cannot help adjusting the act since he has lost two third majority in Parliament. I dont know but I feel the direction is going that way.
By mecnz on August 17, 2008 4:04 PM
Tun, Anba tells straight to the point what non-malays probably felt. Read again his posting and ask yourself whether you are the true leader to all Malaysians, with your sincere heart?
By awong on August 17, 2008 4:05 PM
By yoshzAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 4:27 PM
Oh my god..first time dgr tun 'mencarut'
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country"
That explained a lot!!
Thx Tun!!
By cek on August 17, 2008 4:31 PM
Pada saya, Majlis Peguam ini merasakan mereka sahajalah yang berhak membicarakan isu-isu perundangan yang menggunakan bahasa serta terma sofistikated yang sukar difahami oleh rakyat kebanyakan.
Just remember, this is a multiracial country in which sensitive issues with regards to Islam is very dangerous to be discussed openly, especially by non-muslim or those with shallow knowledge in Islam.
Tun... please take care.
By sitinur on August 17, 2008 4:31 PM
Asalamualaikum bapak....
bosan bosan bosan benci benci benci dgn keadaan la nih...
silap2 leh masuk tanjung rambutan nih....
hehehheheeee...takto nih kali keberaper duk on/off blog bapak nih...
serabut otak ceq nengok calon pp..nasib baik tak duk kat situ...
sahih ceq tak p undi....bendera putih dah kibar dari 1hb july..
ceq censorang gak yg duk kibar dr dulu sampai la ni....
seme2 org duk cakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakap...
masa depan makin suram..sian kat anak2 sedara cucu sedara...nasib baik ceq bujang..ilang serabut sket....kat sini seme duk kata mt2 jaga pewot sendiri...bloggers pun sama gak..kibar bendera pun tak nak..tau komplen2 komplen2 komplen2...susahlah kalo duk berharap jer.....ish2..ish2...go2 bapak go.....maaf hangin 10 badan...wacaaaa..
By amaze on August 17, 2008 4:43 PM
Salam TUN,
We are in the 21st century now, histories should be archived,
should learn from past to implement improvement to all sectors.
History is a sort of guidance for future to follow,if wrongly studied it may invite bad event to occur but if corectly executed it may bring peace, prosperous and many more.
History is history, Malaya Is Malaya, Malaysia is Malaysia.
We want "perpaduan teras kejayaan dan kemakmuran"
By jeng3 on August 17, 2008 4:47 PM
salam Tun,
To bunnies,Anba,juicysaucy,Asvocalasyou and others like-minded,
As I mentioned in an earlier post;
"Your points are relevant but there must be better ways and channels to discuss these sensitive matters.The Bar Council itself is shadowy and dominated by certain groups of people with their own views and agendas.
The Bar Council,you are trying to unravel the kinship of this country by trying to tackle too many issues at one time,as if taking advantage of this flip-flop government and weak leadership.Please be more sensitive in the future as you are now viewed suspiciously by many people".
You see,YOUR POINTS ARE RELEVANT!It's just that the majority of us don't believe in lawyers honesty..(hehe sorry,can't resist the temptation..I suspect some of you,Anba maybe,must be lawyers)actually many of us don't trust The Bar Council.
p/s - sorry can't help myself...somebody's atuk mentioned earlier'All lawyers will go to hell'..sorry lawyers...hehe...The Bar Council should end up behind bars....ooops sorry!there I go again..
By jeng3 on August 17, 2008 4:59 PM
salam Tun,
When you see a snake and a lawyer...ooops sorry!I'm at it again...
By Pointman on August 17, 2008 5:09 PM
Dear Tun,
The Bar Council are naive. Maybe they are also hypocritical. If we want to provoke them, sere is my suggestion.
Why do lawyers need to be registered with the Bar Council before they can practise law? The Bar Council just becomes an elite organisation. They are even protected by Law. According to the Legal Profession Act, all lawyers must be a member of the Malaysian Bar before they can ptactise law. Why?
Can we have State Bar Associations like in the United States which are all independent of each other? Or do away completely with the Bar altogether. As long as a lawyer has a recognised law degree, he should be able to practise law without having to become a member of the Bar.
Or better still anyone who feels he likes to do so, should be allowed to practise law. You do not have to pass a law degree before you can practise law. I never went to law school but I can draft legal contracts. With some diligence I can even conduct cases in Court.
In the first place membership of the Bar Council does NOT in anyway add to a person's capacity to practise law.
Let my Clients decide if I am a worthy lawyer. And here is something really strange : you are allowed to defend yourself, without a Lawyer being present, in a Court of law where you are the accused or you are the defendant. So the law (and the Bar Council) does recognise that a non Bar Council member can conduct cases in Court - albeit only to defend himself.
So why do we need a Bar Council in the first place?
As an elitist association the Bar Council exerts monopolistic hegemony over the Legal Profession. They are infringing on the rights of the individual.
So if the Bar Council is really serious about human rights, then let anyone and everyone practise law without the need to become a member of the Bar Council first.
I am not saying that the Bar Council should be disbanded. No I will never say that because that would infringe on the right of the Bar Council to organise itself so. But why force other legal practitioners to join the Bar Council? That is infringing on people's human rights.
By ketam on August 17, 2008 5:10 PM
Dearest Tun,
I am not an expert on English Language, just so and so . My Bahasa Malaysia is also so and so. I always use dictionary when I am not sure about a certain word. I know that Bahasa Malaysia is new compared to other languages but what I do not understand is why the work 'amok' is taken by English Language to describe 'unruly behaviour or a violence committed by an animal or human being. Why English does not use word from other language to describe the action of 'amok' . Is it true that Melayu Amok is so bad that no other society 'amok' like Malay do. If it is the case, I hope that Malay will not mengamuk in the future... if not all of us cannot fathom what will happen.
Thank you
By Worried on August 17, 2008 5:18 PM
Hi Dr,
Wishing you good health. I note your comments on sensitivities. Your gave the comparison of the consequence of wearing a mini skirt in obviously Saudi Arabia and to guess the consequence. That is the root of the problem. Everyone knows how backward the Saudis are. So there is no question about their insensitivities, but in our case ie in the Malaysian context the sensitivities are always changing. What is allowed today is not allowed tomorrow. What is secular today is Taliban tomorrow. 10-15 years ago a Muslim convert could go the high court and renounce Islam and go back to being say a Christian but now they want to kill him for apostasy! They are creating sensitivities by the day! Their sole purpose is to prevent anything that can cause a reversal to what they have been implementing quietly in the state assemblies. Forbidding things that non-Malays and even Malays have been doing for so long such as kissing your wife in public etc. An open forum or discussion is one such place where the legal and logical reasoning of the constitution could prove them wrong. They don't believe, as do even their opponents, their interpretation of Islam will stand up to scrutiny. They are afraid of that plain and simple! Rgds.
By Sir Taek Boon on August 17, 2008 5:31 PM
I did not read the whole comment and just happen wanna filled out some comment from our friend here and if they happen to be coming back maybe they can get the answer the left in this comment section.
Shah :
The 2 country u mention, I'm not bashing these 2 country they have their own system and I must say their system work best for them and not for us Malaysia. For appertizer let me say these 2 country is a republican.
1) Indonesia, in not sure what's the 'real' freedom u talking about this country.
2) Singapore, I'm quoting from a journalist down-under. "Singapore is just a over-glorified city council." Do they really have opposition? How do they treat opposition?
In Islamic teaching, converting to Islam or to another is not a child's play. We are free to talk about it, come forward and ask from our Ulama or Preachers, there are willing to talk to u about it. Invite them to give a talk about it, the preachers are willing to give they teaching even if u don pay him any.
Ur cook story, I just going to say that, I'm going to stop the Cook if I saw him using bad food or his kitchen place is dirty or he have a bad habit of cooking while screwing his nostril. and as addition, when I order my meal, I can only see the menu. I'm taking risk of ordering the food. The food may taste good, it can also be un-eatable. Also, I can choose the Cook and whatever I cook taste good.(at least to me)
when u talk about accommodating to sensitives, it must be when Q.E on official work meeting with the Saudis. Its like I'm only wearing boxer inside my house when I'm alone but I will wear my cloth outside of my house because i am accommodating to the sensitivities of my neighbor. What I do during my alone time, stay out of it.
for this case, I don't care about Malay right. It is about Islam. Why must u have a forum where u invite people to share their stories of how terrible their life in handling the case of dealing with the Shariah laws but you did not invite anyone to talk about 'Converting to Islam' by Ulama or Preachers. which happen to be the title of your forum?
no and no, we not talking about Malay right. for that UiTM case, no, that is not for the betterment of Malays, it is politics talking, betterments is when something cannot achieve anything, and ASAIC, UiTM has achieve its objective.
others: did not read.. got to work on sunday.. this is just my breaktime
By mecnz on August 17, 2008 5:43 PM
Sanggupkah kita benarkan China bagi advantage 5 mata kepada Lin Dan kerana dia "Bumiputera" bumi China dalam perlawananan akhir nanti? Not fair!!! Boooooo...
Bolehkan pelari 100m Greece mula dari 20m sebab Greece adalah pengasas Olimpik? Mungkin dia boleh dapat no.2 jika diberikan keistimewaan itu. Tapi tempat berapa dia akan dapat kalau lari dari mula seperti pelari negara lain?
"Keistimewaan hanya diminta oleh yang lemah, dan akan menjadikan mereka lagi lemah" , fikir-fikirkan lah..
By J.Junior on August 17, 2008 5:53 PM
Salam Tok Det,
Every type of government, be it democracy, fundamentalist, monarchy etc has their own effect to the social and economic development. Nowadays, democracy is viewed as the best form of government for human kind because the westerns are adopting it, and apparently they raised economically & scientifically and thus become super power. Maybe that’s the effect of democracy if practiced in western countries. At the same time, in the name of democracy they also accept homosexuality (and somehow infested “you know who”). To cut the story short, maybe the effect of democracy, is to encourage free flow of thinking among the people which contributed to the development of social, economy etc (whether positive or negative). But it may not be the best form of government.
Tok Det,
During your time, the result of our development is NOT because of democracy. There are special formula founded by you that was not understood the current government. The flow and stimulation of thinking is not because of democracy but because of your formula or because of you (I don’t know). As for the Bar Council, they think, by managing the lawyers they can manage a country. They have to wake up, refocus on their job and realise that their ability to speak now is also due to your formula.
Tok Det,
I salute you.
By paizmyAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 5:59 PM
Salam Ayahanda dan rakan-rakan
Permit me,
By abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM
To Ambiga & Co,
"Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship."
Dear abhsaa, this is a racist remarks and an insult to Malays in general. First of all Malays were never a supremist race. If we were, than there would not be any Chinese or Indians in this lands.
If we were a supremist race, all Malays will be acting like what the Nazi's did during World War 2. There would be a Tanah Melayu Auschwitz. Right after gaining independence the Malays would have rounded up all Chinese and all Indians and sent them to concentration camp where incinerators would be waiting for them.
Furthermore, Islam which is the religion for all Malays forbits this kind or behaviour. Islam teach us moderation, compasion, to be kind and mercifull.
Lordship? Since when did Malays practices the caste system? Do we have rich land owners where people live and work for them and call them My Lord? My Lady? The word 'Ketuanan' does not mean 'Lordship'.Ketuanan Melayu' is about 'Ancestral Lands of the Malays as a whole' and not as 'Masters of other individual'. Something that we malays have never practised.
So please do not use the word Supremacy and Lordship when commenting something about Malays.
The issue being address here is regarding the arrogance of the Bar Council and their insensitivity. Their actions sparks anger and frustration amongs the masses. This will lead to unwanted incidents and soon will endanger National Security and Public Safety.
Salam ayahanda dan rakan-rakan
By lebaikudin on August 17, 2008 6:00 PM
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
To Ketam Aug 17:
Amok like sampan & keris are unique to people in Malay world.Malays are famous for their courtesy,respect,humble,soft spoken and even the only race use to use pantun,kiasan,bidalan to express themselves.Unfortunately these has been perceived as weakness and taken advantage by others,ie colonials from Portuguese,British,Japanese.Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok.especially Religion.
By m4m on August 17, 2008 6:44 PM
Many things you did right, such as north south highway, not letting your sons actively involve in politic when you are in power ....
But there are also many things you do them wrong :
Having this blog is one good example for you are making Malaysia splits further . All of the mistakes you make because you think you are Melayu more than you think yourself as muslim.
being an important Muslim leader, I am particular surprise why you did not use you influence to rectify the issue on "converted people leaving Islam" ... why care for only small numbers who leave Islam after conversion, this should be normal. You should have said "lets make Islam a 2 ways religion for non Muslim, ..." I believe there will be more people tried and become Muslim than leaving Islam. It is indeed big sin for you as muslim who has no confidence on Islam which make you make any actions/excuse to stop people from leaving Islam, .... dont you think so ??? Hope you can do something ....
By malaysiaku on August 17, 2008 7:29 PM
Salam Tun,
I can't help it after reading some of readers comments.This is 21st century but malaysia people mentality going heywire (short circuit)%*@#####?//.The world is changing fast,people are progress in all fields but We(Malaysian)all are going reverse gear.Some of them said that send back chinese and Indians to their origin place.WOH !!!What a fanatic mentality!Let me tell one things,in order to send back chinese and indians back,you need to turn tne clock back.Means you have to call back UNITED KINGDOM(orang putih)to do the country administration because they're the one who responsible in bring in chinese and Indian to develop this nation hundred years.If you can't ,then its better for you to fly kites.
I'm really sad because this nation already lost the direction,people's are self centred,they forget every success of it's success of the nation.Let us cheer for Chong WEi victory tonight!Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia!!!
By Alex on August 17, 2008 7:47 PM
Dear Tun,
I was your great supporter, however i was sad to see today Malay still don't reliase who was the great contributer to the Modern Malaysia as we can see today. Beside you as our Prime Minister for 22 years, the Malay should also must remeber the non-malay were the great tax payers (90%) in which the previous government could be able to development the nation and at the same times to give away huge allocation to bumiputra to improve themself.
What happens to our nation without the non-bumiputra today? Can Malaysian especially the malay still enjoy the so called " Hak-Hak Istimewah Melayu " ? Where will the government to get this huge fund to give away to them ?
We can see how inefficient the malays in the goverment and private sectors, they were there because of this so call " Hak-Hak istimewah Melayu ". They are not really good and the places should reserve for them, that was why malaysia was lost to a small country like Singapore. I am ashame of it since our country was full of resourses and man power, we lost because the Malay did not dare to improve themself as they knew they are entitled to all these even they do not have to do anything.
We were shouting " Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka " every 31st August since 1957, are they malay really understand the meaning ? The real menaing of the work " Merdeka " are merdeka from their lazy attitudes, the cemburu attitude, want to get easy task, want to grab from what belongs to others without doing anything, their sensitiveness and etc.
Malaysia likes a big family in which the three major races are brothers and sisters, the differen was the non-malay was have to work hard to earn enough in order to give away to the Malay who do not need to do anythings. Tun, if you were the non-malay, could you be happy living in such kind of family ????
The non-malay mouth was sealed and can't even raise anything but the malay can say anything even to threaten the non-malay with " Keris ". The March 08 election spoke for itself, we non-malay love to live peacefully in this country and we never had any intention to belittle the malay or their religion but we were alwas got the blame even with small commen.
The best students from the non-malay never got the chance to head any government agencies or any important position. I don't understand how could Malaysia be a developed country if that was what the leaders of this coutry want.
Should the malays can follow the Japanese especially after the Word War II in 1945 whereby they even humble themself and went to learn from the west (The American)until today we can see who they are in the world.
Please reply me TUN, i want to hear from you soon.
By Benderbuzz on August 17, 2008 8:27 PM
Salam Tun.
Today in a press conference, Dato Muhammad Shafie Abdullah labelled RPK as a liar, coward and a pariah.
Well he's right and so does PKR.
RPK=PKR: Liar, Coward, Pariah and ...
By sintaro08 on August 17, 2008 8:31 PM
Yo Mahdey... Anwar dah dekat nak bertapak ke Putrajaya... hang nak migrate negeri mana??? Elok rancang laa... sebab nanti takut tak sempat...
By Abg mamak on August 17, 2008 8:34 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Untuk `mecnz' hang kalu tak puas hati kat negara ni pi berambuslah.Boleh ke taiwan atau singapura bagi tender ngan org melayu..jawatan dlm kerajaan pun belum tentu..jawatan tingilah bodoh..
Ada satu lagi pertikaikan cara saiful bersumpah..kalu salah pilah tunjuk cara yang betul..ada beranika angkat sumpah..hahaha tarak berani bukan..hahaha(sebab ada sikit2 kene mengena kot)cakap sapa pun boleh cakap 50 kali konon..padahal takut..adapulak ulamak politik cakap tak betul..abis apa yang betul..pi tunjuklah tu pegang al-quran disamakan bible.gila punye olang
By deep-inside on August 17, 2008 8:40 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Apa pula pendapat Tun tentang perhimpunan haram, demonstrasi?
Apa bezanya demonstrasi menghalang forum majlis peguam tempoh hari, dengan perhimpunan BERSIH?
Begitu juga tunjuk perasaan pelajar UiTM,HINDRAF,reformasi,malayan union..yang mana satu dibolehkan dan yang mana pula diharamkan?
Memang kadang2 kalau sesuatu isu itu menaikkan kemarahan kita,kita rasakan sesuatu demonstrasi itu memang perlu.Seperti isu majlis peguam tempoh hari, kita rasakan yang berdemonstrasi menghalang forum tersebut sebagai 'hero'..tetapi undang2 tetap undang2 bukan begitu?sesuatu perhimpunan tetap memerlukan permit...
Saya buka memihak kepada sesiapa,tetapi perkara ini perlu dijelaskan. Undang-undang perlu dijalankan tanpa mengikut isu.Ini soal keselamatan negara.
Terima Kasih.
Saya tetap mengagumi Tun.
KolejSultanAbdulHamid, alma mater.
By kamelia on August 17, 2008 9:03 PM
Dear Ayahanda Tun..
PLEASE READ MY COmment..Wishing u good health always.
All these while, u have done extremely well in the progress of our dearest beloved country. MEASAT, KLIA, Putrajaya..sistem meritokrasi (just to mention few of these) were some of the achievements. I am a student from local university and I want to let u know that, I am so proud of u. I always wish I could meet u personally. Ur eyes of vision really inspire me. U are a true leader!!
By lovehurts on August 17, 2008 9:29 PM
dear sir,
once i admired your for your wisdom and courage. but after seeing so many comments from you, i was totally disappointed. there are questions that i would asked:
1- why when non-malay asked about our rights as a malaysian (and not as a chinese, india or etc), we were being 'shootdown' for playing with the racial cards?
2- why when malay asked about their rights as a malay (not muslim since there are muslim bumiputra who is not malays), they were being supported as they are fighting for their right although they kept saying those racist remark?
the bar council might be wrong but that does not mean that you are right either. please Tun, be more considerate and fair to us......or in malay "Tolong munasabah lah Tun".
your vision of 2020 is now ruined and we are going back, and for apartheid, u condemn others but u supported it in your own country. sad for you and sad for malaysia
By apiescharlie on August 17, 2008 11:47 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Mereka dah lupa semangat perjuangan yang dulu,terima kasih kerana mengingatkan!
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu..
By barmember on August 17, 2008 11:51 PM
Dear Tun,
Kesilapan telah berlaku. Semua berpunca daripada AAB yang kononnya cuba mengamalkan konsep keterbukaan,,, tapi sebenarnya gagal memahami bahawa konsep yang dibawa oleh barat ini sebenarnya hanya merosakkan kestabilan negara kita. Bukan semua yang dibawa dari barat itu baik. Saya rasa amat susah untuk kita sekarang kembali mengawal keadaan seperti dahulu sebab sebarang sekatan yang dikenakan akan dikatakan sebagai menyekat kebebasan bersuara, sedangkan mereka tak sedar yang "kebebasan" yang mereka mahukan ini boleh memusnahkan negara kita. 50 tahun adalah satu usia yang muda bagi sebuah negara yang komposisi kaum masih lagi menjadi duri dalam daging. Tersalah langkah....semua orang boleh hilang "kebebasan". Pada masa tu dah terlambat dah...
By ammarDM on August 18, 2008 12:02 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun..may Allah bless your family and you forever..'ve done the best job to make our multiracial people remain peace in last 22 years. you also made, we as Malaysian to realize and care about our responsibility towards the country and also among us, the multiracial Malaysian..
but today, we can see that the peace build among us being destroy by a selfish who is thinking he's the best and the right person to solve gov. problem..
father..please save us from this hell..please make our dream and also yours the "Wawasan 2020" become real..please do your best to stop them grab our future..we always by your side father..thanks father..
By azkAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 12:04 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun yang mulia,
Siasah adalah strategi dan rasanya orang tua-tua kita dahulu termasuk Tun yang mulia adalah bijak dalam mengatur strategi sehingga terbinanya Malaysia yang aman yang dikenali hari ini. Dalam mana hak-hak umat Melayu-Islam terpelihara, rakyat beragama lain bebas mengamalkan hak mereka.
Tetapi bila strategi diubah tanpa mengikut keadaan dan suasana sesuatu tempat maka kemungkinan besar, umat Melayu-Islam semakin tertekan. Contohnya mengikut suasana AS dan diterapkan disini, maka keputusannya tentulah memeritkan. Sebagaimana China yang tahu, tertutupnya Kerajaan Komunisnya tidak membawa pulangan yang baik, maka ditukar strategi negaranya tanpa mengambil keadaan ditempat lain atau menukar prinsipnya.
Khalid Al Walid adalah salah seorang wira utama didalam dunia Islam kerana kepintarannya mengatur strategi. Dalam peperangan Mutah yang mana diatur strategi agar pejuang Islam dapat kembali keMadinah dan mengatur seterusnya strategi lain dalam mana kedudukan pejuang Islam waktu itu adalah 3000 berdepan dengan 200000 pihak musuh dan ketiga-tiga panglima perang sebelumnya diwaktu itu, Zaid ibn Harith, Jaafar ibn Abi Thalib dan Abdullah ibn Rawaha syahid dalam pentempuran tersebut.
Dan sebegitulah seterusnya, kerana strateginya (dan tentunya dengan keizinan Allah semata-mata), segala pentempuran Khalid Al Walid selepas itu, dia tidak pernah mengalami kekalahan.
Semoga Allah merahmati Tun yang mulia dan menberi kekuatan pada Tun yang mulia membantu yang lain kembali menyusun strategi yang terancang, dalam mana hak-hak umat Melayu-Islam terpelihara manakala rakyat selainnya dapat mengamalkan hak-hak mereka dan seterusnya bersama-sama hidup didunia aman Malaysia.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 12:10 AM
Reply to 'Indian' and 'Senjakala'
Dear Indian & Senjakala,
Among the many people writing in this blog, I consider both of you to have the true muhibbah feeling towards Malaysia. There may be other contributors to this blog, but both of your comments caught my attention. Indian, I can understand your anger as I can relate to the condition of the minorities in Malaysia. Senjakala, I'm guessing that you're a Malay and thank you for voicing out our deeper greivances from the point of view of a Malay. It's a Malay like you who can help to make the Malays who are too dependend on the government to realize the exploitation created through the NEP and other policies.
Thank you once again and please continue to write. The true impact of our views will take time to take root, but then we need to remember what Gandhi said about goodness," Good travels at snails pace, and to impregnate people with goodness takes a long time"
May truth and justice set us free.
God bless.
By loreng on August 18, 2008 12:19 AM
Salam Tun,
Fully agree with your thesis Tun.We have to be realistic with the situation on the ground.Not possible to have discussions on sensitive subjects without putting our internal peace and stability on the line.We have to put in extra effort not to touch on the senstitivity of others in this multi-racial socities of ours.
By austozi on August 18, 2008 3:14 AM
Dear Tun,
I hope you would publish my comment because I think many readers have missed some very important points.
First of all, I wish to point out that the Bar Council did have legal and/or religious experts on the forum panel.
I quote: "The forum panel, to be moderated by Zarizana Abdul Aziz from the Women’s Centre for Change, Penang, will include lawyers Ravi Nekoo, K.Shanmuga, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdullah, former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, as well as five affected families." (
Are former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad not expert enough? I thought they would be.
Also, the ratio of Muslim panelist to non-Muslim was 3:1. Surely it must be wrong to say the panel was represented by people of other faiths who do not understand Islam.
On a perhaps unrelated but relevant issue, I have never understood the need for the New Economy Policy (NEP). Would you care to enlighten me and the other readers on this?
1. The NEP was purportedly designed to narrow the economic gap between the poor Malays and the rich Chinese.
2. A reasonable assumption would be that not all Malays live in poverty. Similarly not all Chinese are rich tycoons. Poverty does not discriminate by skin colour.
3. In my opinion, if only we had had an economy policy that helped only the truly needy without discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, the problem of uneven wealth distribution would have been solved quite effectively years ago.
4. In such a policy as described in (3), if all Malays were poor (that is to say if the assumption in (2) was false), they would all receive assistance from the state. By the same token, if all Chinese were rich enough to be disqualified from receiving aid from the state, then none of them would receive any assistance from the state. A colour-blind policy would achieve this.
5. On the other hand, if only 47% of the Malays were economically deprived (that is to say, the assumption in (2) was true), they would receive aid from the state, while the other rich Malays (53%) would be disqualified. Same goes for the Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, or Eskimo for that matter. A colour-blind policy would also achieve this.
6. Need, not ethnic origin, should have been the key criterium that determines who should receive aid from the state and who should not. In fact, ethnic origin need not have been introduced into the equation at all, nor whose great-great-grandparents came to this land first in the 1st, 7th, 15th or 21st century AD as we are all the sons and daughters of the Malaysian soil.
7. Because the NEP (and its successor), by design, has in essence ignored the truly needy but instead placed the emphasis on ethnic origin, it is a policy destined to fail to achieve its purported objectives.
I wish you good health.
By greatpanglima on August 18, 2008 3:17 AM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun The MahaGuru,
To give a long thought why do so many ppl love you so much at the same time disliking you the same?
For me you are neither the chosen prophet nor in the club of them who were blessed with divine light. You are juz one ordinary human being living on earth in country called Malaysia. You have your success and your failure as well. You have been making trials and errors too. Attempts you made that you thought would optimise result found its doom to failure to the nation. Not all what you did during your premiership end in grand success. But then I remembered Abraham Lincoln. My guess, i thought ,were your approach and understanding toward Islam the religion that have been wrongly interpreted by many in this world particularly after 9/11, without regard to its contribution to human kind and world civilization both in spritual belief and worldly achievement i.e in science and mathematic, medicine, architectural evolution, philosophy etc was insincere. But then again , I remember hadis nabi saying that ‘ islam bermula dengan keasingan dan akan kembali terasing’. This present time, I strongly believe, is the time when we all look Islam strangely except by the people of ‘knowledge’. So I’m not concerned so much either because that is prophesied by the book – al quran. It is so unfortunate in this period of time that we are all confused by so many things. Ironically the flood of information and scientific breakthrough speeds like never before as well.
So Tun, I’m not so good in political game as wise as you are. How politic could become the need to our personal development and the society at large till when I gave up on my employment I knew better. I do know that politic create government. Then government essentially and naturally is expected to provide peace and harmony ,basic infrastructure at least but the best is always preferred that ease the living of the rakyat to make one enjoy a quality life without any fear to any kind of threat, to simply this most complex subject.
Survival and independence to achieve a quality life like everyone else regardless of race in this beloved country of ours make me think that politic is a necessary. If the government is seen as the people being given the responsibility to control the temperature level of a room occupied by us, then they are crucial people to make us feel comfortable. A slight mistake in controlling the temperature will make us living in suffering to the extent of death. That’s how I see it. If the people in the control room is busy looking after their own interest, the people living in the room is at stake.
Despite your weaknesses and imperfectness during your tenure of premiership, of course after closing my eyes running through the list, you are still the best among the best PM that Malaysia has ever had. We the people occupying the room feel secured and at peace against the uncertainty of temperature or any external pollution that may enter the room. Today we are not so sure any more and become concerned with the people being given the responsibility in the control room to protect us, the rakyat , occupying the room called Malaysia whether they are the most qualified people that we could depend on to put our live as the insurance.
After quantifying at the net result of the country, my salute is still with you Tun. Honestly, I ‘ve tried a bit hard to look from the compartment of my mental picture hoping that the picture won’t be you.
Your wisdom and contribution makes us look small.
My pray is always for you, for us all. Amin.
By Maruti on August 18, 2008 3:35 AM
Yang terhormat Tun,
Bercakap pasal sensitiviti kaum ini, saya rasa kita orang Melayu juga seharusnya tunjukkan kepada mereka (bar council) bahawa kalau mereka tidak tahu sensitiviti kita maka kita juga boleh buat begitu terhadap mereka malah lebih teruk lagi. Kita lihat senarai yang rakan kita beri diatas tadi kebanyakan ahli bar tu semua nya datang dari lubuk yang sama. Mereka seharusnya bersyukur mereka tidak lagi tinggal di estet-estet malah sekarang dah jadi 'lawyer'. Ini semua mereka dapat capai hasil dari murah hatinya pemimipin-pemimpin Melayu dan orang Melayu sendiri.
Inilah yang dinamakan beri betis mahukan peha!
By azlash on August 18, 2008 4:28 AM
Salam Tun
Mungkin Majlis Peguam saja nak menguji tahap kesabaran orang Melayu dan Islam.
Mungkin Majlis Peguam nak tenguk sejauh mana orang Melayu dan Islam boleh bertindak.
Mungkin Majlis Peguam saja nak cabar dan tenguk apa orang Melayu dan Islam boleh buat.
Kalau Majlis Peguam nak tenguk apa orang Melayu dan Islam boleh buat, cabar lah lagi. Tak payah nak tunggu Pak Lah bersuara, kami org Melayu dan Islam sanggup buat apa saja.....
Di mana bumi di pijak di situ langit di junjung....
Take care Tun.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 5:02 AM
Reply to 'mecnz'
Dear Mecnz,
Hi there. Thanks for your heartfelt comments towards Dr.Mahathir.
Appreciate your sincere comments.
God bless.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 5:12 AM
Reply to jeng3:
Dear Jeng3,
Hi there. Thanks for your note. Your take on lawyers are understandable, although many lawyers ethics are questionable, but I'm sure there are lawyers who would uphold the constitution of their respective countries. Gandhi was also a lawyer, but raised his stature not from the law profession, but as a human being who wanted to set India free from the crutches of the British empire. Perhaps the non-Malays in Malaysia needs to set the principles set by Gandhi, Dr.King and Hendry David Thoreau as the fundamental prnciples in confronting this social and racial discrmination thrown towards the minorities in Malaysia.
I'm not a lawyer but someone who's keen in debating and make changes in one's life that will give them freedom. Without freedom, what are we?
Take care and God bless.
By putramalaysia on August 18, 2008 5:33 AM
Yang Bhg Tun, Assalamualaikum, semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan dirahmati Allah, Tun saya fikir the president of the bar council is ignorant of law and ignorant of malaysian sensitivity because she is typical "paria"...if she understand the sensitivity of the malaysian, this kind of forum wont exist.
Yg Bhg Tun, Dulu Tun jadi perdana menteri saya hanya dapat tengok Tun dari jauh aje...sekarang lagi susah dapat tengok Tun, saya ingin membuat permohonan untuk berjumpa dan bersalam dengan orang yang terlalu banyak berjasa pada diri saya dan seluruh tanah air ini...mungkin orang melayu mudah lupa hakikat sebenar kejayaan yang mereka kecapi tapi saya tak boleh lupa kegemilangan disaat Tun menjadi PM, saya tidak gentar untuk hidup di bumi ini tidak seperti sekarang, kami hidup dalam ketakutan, kezaliman pemerintah yang ganas dan rakus....saya mohon Tun...semoga comment saya Tun baca...alhamdulillh
By davC on August 18, 2008 6:56 AM
Dear TUN
BRAVO on your blog.
It's ashamed that some of those supposed 'learned' & 'higher' educated people who are supposed to defend & uphold the laws in this country at this present moment in time aren't educated about sensitivity & common sense like the little common man on the street. It's either ignorance or sheer utter arrogance on their part. I think it's likely the later.
Very sad indeed.
By mrr2 on August 18, 2008 7:31 AM
Salam Y. Bhg. Tun,
Pertamanya, saya amat menghargai lontaran idea yang cukup bijaksana berhubung isu sensitiviti dalam mengendalikan negara yang majmuk ini. Dalam apa pun situasi kebebasan ada keterbatasan, semua bebas beragama, bercakap,dan berpolitik namun adab dan tatasusila yang boleh menyinggung hubungan kemanusiaan adalah batasan semulajadi yang perlu dihormati.
Batasan ini terletak dalam diri kita sendiri, oleh itu setiap isu yang dibangkitkan perlu kita lontarkan dalam diri kita atas kesan dan buruk baiknya kepada masyarakat. Setiap isu yang timbul sudah tentu mencari pejuang atau Hero untuk membela, dengan itu sebagai badan profesional yang mendokong sama cita cita untuk membina negara yang aman dan harmoni, maka janganlah menjadi hero secara membuta tuli, kita perlu faham kesan dan akibat atas tindakan yang diambil. Oleh itu jika ingin berjuang, pastikan ianya membawa kebaikan sejagat. Kebaikan sejagat adalah hak mutlak masyarakat ramai, namun kebaikan mutlak belum pasti hak sejagat. Oleh itu sebagai rakyat Malaysia, berjuanglah untuk kebaikan sejagat dengan mendokong cita-cita meningkatkan keharmonian bernegara , bukan untuk menjadi juara dan keharmonian negara tergadai. Kita tidak perlu mencari pemenang dalam memperjuangkan isu tetapi menangani dengan bijaksana tanpa ketegangan. Lebih lebih lagi seketika waktu keadaan politik yang yang agak kurang mantap, oleh itu waraskan tindakan, agar kita dapat membina negara yang tenang dan bahagia untuk kita dan anak cucu nikmati bersama. Sayangnya jika negara kita yang indah dan keharmonian yang kita kecapi ini tergadai dengan sedikit noda yang kita tumpahkan.
By justmy2SEN on August 18, 2008 8:15 AM
For me this is one of the sign that other races are starting to NAIK KEPALA..we can talk all night about it but we Malay has to realise that it is now we unite and shape up...since a lot of businesses are controlled by Chinese, i hope Pusat Zakat/MARA can see this and groom more business people amongst Malay/Bumiputera. There are a number of industry in which Chinese are dominant and practices racial discrimination in terms of we need a body with big resources to tap into's a long way as chinese has been lliving in town/urban and gain control of businesses due to british policy but we have to at least try
and now i've tried to avoid buying at chinese-owned establishment. it's hard but i've saved lots of money on facials, being conned during car service session...this is little steps to remind chinese that their busines is nowhere without malay being consumer (if only we malay can unite in this)
Also mentioned by the president of syarie lawyer in the paper yesterday is if the forum is meant to be fair, why not bring out a whole number of converts who find peace in islam and no problem.
ps: Pusat Zakat/MARA please stop bulding big buildings and start concentrating to build malays/muslims to be economically independent..i pay zakat every month but sad to see a lot Malays in Bersamamu TV3..i don't know where the money goes
By abhsaa on August 18, 2008 8:21 AM
Tun, adakah terlampau emosional sekiranya mempertahankan "Malay Supremacy/Lordship" (rujukan austozi on August 17,2008 2:44AM)? Mengapa memilih tajuk Memeluk Agama Islam yang dibahaskan oleh bukan Islam? Walaupun Perlembagaan dah jelas tapi sebelum ini pun ada cubaan mempertikaikannya. Siapa di belakang mereka ini? Jangan biarkan penyakit kecil merebak ke bahagian lain. Maaf sekiranya austozi tak sependapat.
By hajiman ibrahimAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 8:36 AM
Ybgh, Tun,
Kita melayu ni dari dulu banyak bercakap je. Mereka sampai dah berani bukan setakad mencabar tapi dah hampir menewaskan kita, tapi yang kita pandai mengamok je, bertidak nya tidak. Majlis Peguam pun tahu, tindakan kita setakad menjerit je, apa kita dapat buat ? Yang menang mereka, kita takad lepas geram je, menang kampong tergadai, abuk pun tak ada.
Kita patutnya dah membiayai sekumpulan pengganas bawah tanah yang akan bertindak macam klu klac klan, orang melayu membiayai secara underground. Bila kita nanti dah jadi macam Iraq dah tak berguna. Undang-undang dah jadi sampah. Orang melayu pasti akan diperlakukan macam orang Iraq bila Cina dan Keling Malaysia dah jadi majority nanti, elok lah bertindak dari terlambat.
Senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan Ybgh Tun.
By anakku5 on August 18, 2008 8:48 AM
Dear Tun and other commentors,
Sebak dan terharu melihat gambar Misbun menanti Lee Chong Wei dengan tangan terbuka dan bergenang airmata melihat beliau mendukung anak didiknya. Tiada siapa peduli apa bangsa masing-masing. Yang penting kita adalah rakyat Malaysia. Saya tidak pernah ragu rakyat Negara ini boleh hidup aman damai dan saling sayang menyayang. Cuma adakalanya kita lebih berminat untuk mencari perbezaan dan melupakan persamaan. Perbalahan beterusan mengenai hak keistimewaan dan rasa tidak puas hati antara satu sama lain tidak baik untuk kesejahteraan Malaysia secara keseluruhannya. Pemimpin dari semua kaum perlu bijak untuk menangani perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu sebegini. Jangan biarkan sesiapa sahaja bebas bersuara tanpa mengambilkira faktor kestabilan negara.
Apa pandangan Tun berhubung acara angkat sumpah Saiful. Sebagai ibu saya sungguh malu apabila ada antara ayat-ayat yang dikeluarkan menyentuh tentang kemaluan...aduhai, anak remaja ada disebelah..jelas benar pula sebutannya tu. Kenapa la tak tapis sikit ayat-ayat tu. Malu betul jadi Melayu. Bangsa Melayu dah Me-layu longlai.
To Indian, dont be so rude.
Luv U Always Tun. May Allah Bless U Always.
By Sheikh on August 18, 2008 8:50 AM
Jika Bar Council benar benar iklas tentu sebarang permasalahan yang di fikirkan perlu di bawa ke saluran yang betul tanpa menimbulkan kekecohan.
Mereka boleh membuat perbincangan dengan pihak yang terlibat dengan isu mereka dan kemudiannya memberi persidangan akhbar atau pun mengedarkan kenyataan mereka.
Sesuai dengan kata kata yang menyatakan bahawa lebih tinggi ilmu seseoarang maka lebih molek tingkah lakunya. Ijazah tidak bermakna pemegangnya berpelajaran. Tingkah laku dan tuturkata yang baik itu bukti sesorang itu berpelajaran tidak kira samada dia berijazah atau tidak.
Di dapati majlis peguam memperjuangkan gulungan minoriti sahaja tidak menyeluruh kepada rakyat malaysia umumnya. Perjuangannya tidak memberi faedah kepada keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia.
Pendekata perjuangannya hanya lah untuk jenis orang yang berkunjung ke 'bar' saja. Tidak kira ugama, bangsa dan keturunan. Asal semeje di 'bar'.
By kamal ahmad on August 18, 2008 8:50 AM
Salam Ayahanda Tun. There’s seems to be just too much hatred and unhappiness in the comments feedback section. Some people tend to believe that they are correct and proper at hurling those racial abuses and it seems that every bit of Tun’s preciously posted thoughts and expressions gets turned into racist comments and thrown back across our screens for all to see and feel. A few throw comments like there is just no tomorrow, carelessly hurting others, offending God knows who or where forsaking all that they have been thought, and for some its even just cheap thrills in front of the screen. If I look around me, I could see poverty that discriminates none. It discriminates not any by their religion, by their race or the color of their skin. For these folks, most probably they would be too busy working two or maybe even three jobs daily to put food on the table, to buy infant formulas and maybe to plug that tired leaky rusty zinc roof. What we put out here on the screen means nothing to them. It wont feed them that extra much needed mouthful, it wont do much good to them I guess. I apologize if I am beginning to sound holier than thou, kick me; I am just as guilty at times. On a new note, the holy month of Ramadan is approaching upon us once more. It is indeed a privilege for all Muslim to undergo the regime of Ramadan. What say you folks who reads this, that we somehow organize some kind of charity drive through this blog site to help the underprivileged children? Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan all included. I think captain and others may have some further ideas on this. We could propose a communication channel, set up a collection center somewhere and later we organize a team to distribute the donations to the children. We can donate infant baby’s milk, beverages, clothing, shoes, toys, books, pencils, rulers, school bags, etc- but NO cash. Maybe even shoes for the school going children in Sabah and Sarawak who would often dirty theirs wadding though the muddy paths. It’s just an idea, and I hope that it becomes a reality for the children. We can all put our differences aside for this I believe… or can we?
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us Ayahanda Tun. Best regards, Kamal.
By ab alehsani on August 18, 2008 9:12 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
Bonjour, comment allez vous,
I appreciate your comments on multi racial sensitivity of our beloved Malaysia. It is conveyed with full of wisdom and insight and it reflects the sentiments of a visionary leader.
Under the same breath we must find solutions to ensure that the Malaysian legal system can address the issues of reversion/conversion to Islam in an amicable manner . The current leaders seems to be at a crossroad(loss?) or what to do. May be the political leaders and their political advisors (which include their wives) should be guided accordingly.
We can draw attention to the different jurisdictions where there are multiracial and multi religious society. We have india and some middle asia countries like dagestan and tajikistan and many others legal system where we can learn from and assimilate into our legal system.
What I am experiencing in our current leaders when it comes to religious issues are:
1) Divide and rule
2) When they are cornered, play on the racial card and religious sentiment
3) Say something brilliant at the spur of the moment and conveniently forget about it later.THERE IS NO FOLLOW UP.
As I grew up under your stable and safe leadership tun, my wish is that my 2 daughters, 6 nephews and 5 nieces can experience the same.
I want my children to know what is it like to live in a safe Malaysia.
Right now we have a lot of constrctive work to do.
We need to know what are the issues on reversion or conversion to Islam is all about. Being over sensitive is not the answer. being open, transparent and honest is the answer.
Talking about sensitivity, even when the imam misread the verses of the Quran in the solat (prayer), it is wajib for the followers (ma'mum) to correct him or to remind him openly in the solat and not after the solat (prayer).And if the imanm refuse to correct the reading, the makmum have the right to disassociate themselves and the solat (prayer) from the imam.
to our political leaders, my humble unsolicited opinions are as follows.
Being sensitive without solution is like giving candy to a diabetic patient.
Being open and honest leads to self acceptance. And the first step towards finding a cure.
We dont need rhetorics. We need solutions.
Dont Tell us what you can do. SHOW us what you can do. or leave. with dignity. or whatever is left of it.
As a member of Malaysian Bar, i have this personal opinion about being a practicing syariah and civil lawyer.
God is very brilliant.
All the important organs in human body are placed in the middle.
Thus you find...
The brain in the middle of two ears.
The tongue between two sets of teeth.
The neck between the head and the body.
The heart between two lungs.
The reproductive organs between the two legs.
The doctor between the disease and the cure.
And the lawyer between truth and falsehood.
Personally, I feel the Bar Council is the voice of the conscience of all Malaysians.
Without fear or favour.
And I will do just that.
Continue walking in the path of saints Tun Mahathir...for the same Allah that permits you to breath, is the same Allah that will protect you. At all times..
Fii amanillah.
I wish to follow your footsteps, bi iznillah.
homme avec la rose
Ab alehsani
By hazard72 on August 18, 2008 9:13 AM
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Perbuatan mereka ini sememangnya ada agenda tersembunyi yang berniat jahat. Kenapalah nak dipertikaikan lagi kedudukan orang melayu dan agama islam yang sememangnya sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara. Apa lagi yang mereka mahu?
Seperti yang Tun katakan, bila kita menyentuh hal mereka, dilabelnya kita sebagai 'racist' dan macam-macam lagi. Tapi bila mereka menyentuh pasal kita, apa yang sepatutnya kita nak labelkan mereka?
Saya ada juga terbaca artikel yang ditulis oleh juak-juak mereka berkenaan asal-usul orang melayu bertujuan untuk menidakkan hak orang melayu keatas bumi malaysia. Untuk apa semua ini. Bagi saya mereka sudah melampau dan merekalah yang sebenarnya 'racist' dinegara ini.
Jangan fikir mereka peguam, mereka boleh bertindak dan menyuarakan pendapat mereka sesuka hati kerana mereka rasakan mereka arif dalam perundangan dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Perlu diingat bila perkara sebegini tidak dapat dibendung lagi dan kemarahan orang melayu sudah hilang tiada satupun undang-undang dalam dunia ini yang dapat melindungi mereka dan pada jika ini berlaku siapa yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan? Yang pasti semua pihak akan rugi.
Kesimpulannya, peranan dan ketegasan pemimpin negara amat diperlukan dalam hal ini. Tapi ianya tidak akan berlaku kerana pemimpin sekarang hanya mementingkan kantung wang mereka. Yang peliknya dalam hal ini tak ramai pemimpin melayu khasnya berani untuk bersuara. Tapi kalau pasal perkara yang melibatkan Parti politik semuanya mahu berkokok tanpa mereka sedar punggung mereka dipenuhi dengan najis.
Keep going Tun.
By Poh on August 18, 2008 9:18 AM
Dear Tun,
The subject that the Bar Council wants to discuss is pertinent be it sensitive. I believe the Bar Council wants to conduct the forum because the government of the day does not want to discuss the problem of the civil and the syariah laws. If the government had called for a closed door forum, inviting the relevent people, the NGOs included, the Bar Council would not have called for a public forum.
Good day.
By nuriman on August 18, 2008 9:21 AM
Salam Tun,
An enlightening view. So much has been said lately about individual rigts,human rights, sensitivities and the need to preserve harmony. Issues pertaining to race and religion are issues that has its own boundary which should not be encroached. In a multiracial country like ours, it is best not to cause any provocation by purposely bringing up or challenging certain matters. What more to say debating sensitive issues openly. I do agree with Tun that we have to be sensitive and tolerant of others faith and beliefs. Yes we practice democracy but there are things that even democracy has to pave way in order to create peace and harmony. Is it democratic or right for os to encroach into someones bedroom in the name of democracy? Is it right for us to enter someones kitchen and savour all there is that they have because we are hungry? Well, we have travelled so far to achieve the status of a developed nation. Can't we think like a developed nation's citizen?
By beeb's say on August 18, 2008 9:23 AM
Assalaamualaikum Tun dan semua para komentar..
Saya memang bersetuju dengan karlor~hiuno:on August 15, 2008 6:49 PM,pasal demo yang dibuat oleh pelajar uitm tu,saya pun emo gak tapi memang dah jangka la tu semua strategi pkr,nampak sangat kan,usaha dia orang berjaya nak buat org melayu mengamuk semata-mata nak pancing undi...tu lah kan...
By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 9:26 AM
tun, mereka kata kalau kita tak bury status bumi non bumi, perpaduan takkan dicapai.apa pendapat tun?
By Tunteja on August 18, 2008 9:41 AM
Tun,mohon tumpang lalu....
Dear mecnz,
Adalah tidak adil menuntut orang melayu bersaing dengan bangsa cina yang telah mengalami revolusi dan jauh di hadapan dalam ekonomi ( bukan sukan!!)sebelum nenek moyang mereka datang ke Tanah Melayu. Begitu juga bangsa India.Semua yang datang itu buruh sementara nak dapat jalan... ramai juga pedagang!Mereka tidak datang dengan kocek kosong. Mereka datang dengan ilmu revolusi serta sedikit kekayaan berbanding melayu bumiputera yang ditindas oleh penjajah beratus2 tahun dahulu.
Untuk apa bersusah payah menjadi rakyat Malayisa jika nasib di Malaysia ini sangat malang? Carilah kehidupan yang lebih baik di tempat lain yang lebih adil di muka bumi ini.Tanah Melayu adalah tempat orang yang baik hati dan tidak tamak atau meminta2.
Memang orang melayu bumiputera berhak dibela oleh pemimpin2nya.
By Raja Kris on August 18, 2008 9:46 AM
Dear Tun, God bless you.. I agree with your article on sensitivities in Malaysia and how important it is to Maintain Unity. Tun, to be sensitive in Malaysia, one should also be well versed with all the cultures of the people living in Malaysia.
I strongly feel that the Non Malays understant the culture of the Malays better than vise-versa. A Malays attends a kenduri of a non Malay, everstep is taken to see that the food served is Halal. But when an Indian (for eg) attends a Malay kenduri, this precaustion is not taken care of. Even food served during Government dinner ignore this and beef is served. Tun, this is only at Micro level. On the Macro, you are aware Tun, when the father (eg a Christian) converts to Islam, the family faces all sorts of problems because of the dual legal system in our country. This is what I suppose the Bar Council wanted to discuss. They wanted to just discuss the problem faced by NON MUSLIM FAMILIES after conversion. Nothing sensitive about it.. The government did not address these issues yet even though these problems had been highlighted to them a few times. THESE problems (faces by Non Muslims) are genuine and should be addressed.
By emma49 on August 18, 2008 9:55 AM
Dear Anba,
…Don’t blame tun for his judgment and rationalization of discussing sensitive issues. But Blame the Malays for being such sensitive race that we will run “amok” if Islam being challenge. Stop provoke tun on unfairness or for not being a true muhibbah leader, are lim guan eng muhibbah? Are majlis peguam muhibbah… anyway do you know what muhibbah is? May I ask, what do you expect from this country anyway?? Fairness for all races?? then 30% of Malay ownership shouldn’t be enough; it should go up to 60% … (don’t forget, MALAY is a race too, not just Chinese & Indian, we are not invincible) you say its unfair to "deny" tertiary education opportunities for the non-Malay (ARE WE??), but statistics shows that if to add up the non-bumi studying at ipts + oversea + ipta it will be greater than the total of Malays students?? Owh... You say uitm are low quality... may I ask which private institution monopolized by the Chinese have been listed too?? Again don’t blame tun on NEP, but blame the Malays for being denied opportunist by extremist racist Chinese…
Tun already said he has tried his best to make good of this country, others are up to the Malaysian. Anyway what your contribution so far?
By Ir. Syahrizan on August 18, 2008 9:57 AM
Asalamualaikum and Hello,
Usually, my approach of writings in blogs (and even in the real world) are more conscience (sopan) and with meticulous (hati-hati) integrity. Taking care of the sensitiveness. Unfortunately, for some non-sensitive Malaysians (such as the so called-proffesional body Malaysian Bar Council, HINDRAF etc.) these values are not valid for them. Arrogance, hate, greed ... just pick your poison, its all there for consumption. These people are NOT PROBLEM SOLVER, they are in fact PROBLEMS itself.
I have come to the conclusion that IF (I pray to God it doesn't reach to that level)... IF Islam and Bumiputeras rights are to be totally abolished or questioned, I suggest MAGERAN (read your history books) to be activated and the powers to be return back to the Sultan/Agong. Let them feel the full-fledge of Malay Supremacy and the Malay Army. We Malays/Bumiputeras have give 'face' too much to these ungrateful Malaysians. We will not turn Malaysia just like what happen to that small island of Singapore; its indeed a powerful economic island, and yet you don't see any native people striving with equal rights for wealth over there. Its a one-race biased country, excuse me. You don't call that a successful development. A real development will consists everybody in it, means all race should benefit from it.
I say, JIHAD against these heretics, lunatics and betrayers.
By HAMMER HEAD on August 18, 2008 10:01 AM
Assalamualaikum yang amat dikasihi Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir. Semuga ayahanda sekeluarga diberkati ALLAH SWT serta RASULULLAH SAW.
Saya tiada apa yang hendak diulas. Cuma inilah kata-kata saya buat pertama kalinya saya menyertai ruangan ini. "SELAMATKANLAH MELAYU DEMI ISLAM".
Terima Kasih.
By cucujebat on August 18, 2008 10:09 AM
Assalamualaikom Tun dan semua peminat dan penyokong TDM,
Sebenarnya saya menanti-nantikan respon dari Zaid Ibrahim sepertimana menanti sumpah DSAI berlandaskan islam.Kedua - duanya diam membisu.Apakah mereka ini dikategorikan sebagai PENAKUT.Nampaknya BC dan DSAI mempunyai kaitan yang amat rapat.Kata Datuk Shafie Abdullahm dipejabat beliau ramai DAP dan PKR.
By strawberry1128Author Profile Page on August 18, 2008 10:16 AM
Dear all,
The name list given does not tell us all.
There are people who turned down the invitation because of external pressure ! Even if we follow the name list , out of 36 people attended , 9 belong to Malay.
Shall the Malay term these 9- Traitor ?
Majority of the people go against this forum just can't have the wisdom our forefathers have !
When we fought for independence, every single force is our strength.Thus, our forefatehrs got the wisdom to give and take and compromise and created Malaysia.
Different races sworn to live in MALAYSIA regardless of colors , religions etc united and made it.
We built what we are now through the effort of all races.
With all of their blood and sweat.
Ho matter how lazy one race is-their are hard owrking ones.
No matter how good one race is - there are bad ones.
We choose the good for all.
It is a similar case in election or by election now in PERMATANG PAUH.
A wise politician - ( if any one go against the forum be this candidate )Will he wise enoguh to fight for MALAY and voice in public facing PERMATANG PAUH people ?
No one dares, because -deep in their heart, they knew, he needs all vote to make sure victory .A victory which must comes form all races.
Be a wise MALAYSIAN , taking care of all MALAYSIAN will surely win all people heart.
Deamang in peaceful way - cna always be settled in peaceful way if you disagree with it.
Violence is the cause of bringing up the heat of racial issue and deepen the gap among all.
Let's think fo this simple logic.
By autaman on August 18, 2008 10:54 AM
Completely agreed with you TUN.
After reading all the comments from our fellow bloggers , I still 100% convinced that not being able to discuss certain issues openly is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country.
Dear all , to make a decision , one must know what is the objective of a decision being made. For me , Peace and Stability must be given the top priority.Please note that it is not that we can't discuss the sensitive issue completely . The discussion must be made in an professional manners by responsible peoples who are experts in the related field .By having an open forum , it will only incites tension among races in this country. I do understand for those who are directly caught in the issues discussed here . However , just tell me one thing , what is the benefit of the open forum. What can we obtained ? We will never get a conclusion.We as the audience have no power to determine the conclusion. At the end ? what do we get apart from raising tension among the citizens as already proved by so many demonstration.
I do agreed that the problem must be solved but not by this way. Have the problem been solved ? NO!
So , I think it is a waste of time for Bar Council to have this forum . You can't solve any issued from having a forum!If they are really sincered , then just organised a close discussion with the peoples experts in the related field and the law makers and come out with the best conclusion and implement it . This is how you solve a problem . Decision must be fast rather then sitting on the issue and just harping blah blah blah on it and waiting " don't know who " to make a decision. This is the result of a poor and week goverment having no direction and as a result , we as the citizens of Malaysia are always kept wondering in the dark!
Lastly , for those who are for the open forum on sensitive issue , just tell me what do you get from the forum at the end of the day. Let's face it , as civilised as we claimed we are , we are not ready yet for open discussion on sensitive issue in this multiracial country. For those who think they are matured enough , please do not imply that you are the sample of the whole population of Malaysian Citizen.Even the slightest commotion by minority will spark off into a bigger and bigger fireball and this is not we want in our country after 50 years of hard work of development.
Lastly , I do welcome any differing views on the above and make my own conclusion on my standing on the issue.
By azudinfuad on August 18, 2008 11:04 AM
Assalammualaikum Tun,
For many years the Malays have been an 'accomodating' race.
Malaysians too have been an accomodating lot.
We accomodate the whims and fancies of others.
We were humble and very forgiving.
Somehow, now we are becoming very sensitive and unforgiving.
In fact we are becoming more selfish and self centered.
I wonder whether the efforts for Integration is still ongoing....
Reading your blog is like having coffee in the just can't do without it.
Take care Tun
By autaman on August 18, 2008 11:19 AM
HI Tun , izin tumpang lalu ,
Dear Anba ,
Appreciate the points but here are my little comments,
I think who got it wrong here when saying that TUN do not agreed on discussion of sensitive issues and at such no discussion can be held. In his original article , he is only do not agreed that the sensitive issues to be discussed in an openly manner such like in a forum.
On the NEP, it's true that it was slightly loopsided but please do understand why it is created. However , I do agreed that it must be constanly reviewed to suit the changing enviroment.
By Boser Buben on August 18, 2008 11:23 AM
You have made a very good argument for your comments Sir.
But perhaps the readers who commented should tone down the racial sentiments a little.
God Bless you Sir.
By silbi_manahaj on August 18, 2008 11:30 AM
Tun Mahathir dan rakyat Malaysia yang aku kasihi sekalian.
As far as I'm concerned, Malaysian BAR is FUBAR (F#@!ed Up Beyond All Repair).
By anakteja2 on August 18, 2008 11:33 AM
Assalam Tun;
Saya setuju, harap few blogger yang kaput tu boleh terima...tak boleh pakai logik A, Logik B maka Logik C, Agama bukan boleh dilogik2kan, begitulah juga bangsa dan budaya.....dimana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung ...ASTORA ada faham ka...?
Anakteja - dah mula menjawab!
By DrPerfect on August 18, 2008 11:34 AM
I wonder if you have ever consider on the slightest possibility that a chain reaction on your view above might lead to an disunity within those who have not been mature enough to understand that there are wrong doers in every factions, and accusation not only on the individual but, the whole group itself will lead to something pretty nasty? As I can see that there are quite a number of people start to mention the May 13th incident and such. Hope you would not mislead the people here with a better specification.
By iskandar on August 18, 2008 11:37 AM
Just wonder why as a MUSLIM,Anwar and family and supporters BERMATI-MATI when Raja Petra,BAla and Dr Mynamar make a PERAKAUAN BERSUMPAH but accused Saiful a liar when he make a PERAKAUN BERSUMPAH WITH HIS GOD'S NAME?? Why?? Maybe he doesnt believe god's way..
By amer on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
assalamualaikum tun..
pada pendapat saya hak keistimewaan orang melayu tidak perlu dihapuskan seperti yang diminta oleh sesetengah orang baik cina, india dan melayu tu sendiri...
kita perlu ibaratkan dan jadikan hak istimewa org melayu sebagai keris...
apa bila kita boleh berlawan dan bersaing dengan tangan kosong maka xperlu kita gunakan keris tapi apabila keadaan memerlukan dan boleh menyebabkan bencana maka kite gunakan keris tu...
dengan ini kita bleh blajar untuk bersaing secara adil dan tidak ketinggalan seterusnya memajukan bangsa kita...dan kalau kalah pun tp membawa kebaikan its ok kerana kekalahan juga boleh menjadikan kita makin kuat... asalkan tidak membawa bencana dan keburukan...
bukanla bermakna Lin Dan boleh start game dengan 5 point free sbb dier bumiputera kerana itu sebenarnya tidak perlu...kalau die kalah pun xkan membawa bencana pada diri dia atau negara china... sebab tu die perlu bersaing secara adil... lainla kalau die kalah negara china akan jadi huru hara dan jadi perang kat sane.. kalau mcmtu xpela jugak die nak start 5 atau 20 point free...
sy percaya hak keistimewaan orang melayu bukanla penghalang kepada penyatuan semua bangsa di malaysia asalkan masing2 tau menghormati hak masing2...
p/s seronok bile kat kedai mamak tengok india melayu cina bersatu menyokong Chong Wei lawan Lin Dan
By coretankedaikopiAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Dear Tun, I would be glad if you could comment on what is happening to the Malays now after March 08, 2008. I went to Permatang Pauh yesterday to have a look on the current situation prior to the election on August 26. The PKR or Pakatan Rakyat members seem to be incontrol and the UMNO or Barisan members seem to be hiding or afraid to show their existence. The Malays seem to be divided. One group seems to act violently. I am afraid this type of behaviour has been absorbed the Kampung people which was previously been seen only in KL.
By TedliveAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Hi Tun,
Thank you for this article. I now understand what you mean by sensitive issues. I was feeling like one of the ignorant people who supported the bar council earlier but after reading your article, I finally understand. I would sacrifice anything to keep our beloved country in peace and multi-racial harmony. Thank you Tun for opening my heart, my eyes, my ears.
God Bless you Tun and family.
By jeng3 on August 18, 2008 11:56 AM
salam Tun,
To Neil,
We know your true support George Bush and the invading superpowers,I am personally offended by your calling Iraqis muslim extremists.I WANT TO VOMIT WHENEVER I SEE YOUR HATEFUL COMMENTS HERE.
You are the perfect example of a small mind trying to impose yourself on a great leader.
By NAS on August 18, 2008 12:09 PM
I don't see what all the fuss is about here. In whatever society with multiple races and multiple religions, the key to progress and civilisation is tolerance.. in being able to discuss openly and accept others' points of view, to be able to detach from one's own sentiments and personal allegiances. When this can be achieved, then only we can say, that Malaysia has truly progressed. By avoiding the issue, we will always be pretending to ourselves. As such, I support the move by the Bar Council to address and debate the thorny issue. To date, we still do not have a clear indication on how to interpret and solve those issues. By surpressing their initiative to debate the issue, and move forward to at least proffer real practical solutions that had plagued some unfortunate citizens, we are merely sweeping them under the carpet and.. I am sorry to say that all the efforts we boast we have made since Merdeka was nullified.
By Emancipator on August 18, 2008 12:15 PM
I think in times when a country has a weak and questionable leadership, the unpopular support will surely translate to an increasing dissident voices. Unfortunately, certain quarters in the society will use this as an opportunity to push forward their hidden agendas in promoting their "cause" be it racial equality, justice or freedom of speech. They maliciously incite racial issues that will cause great harm to the society for the present moment and the repercussions of years to come. They use democracy and the freedom of speech as a banner of authority in justifying their insensitivity and insolence.
The problem I see in Malaysia is that the present administration is conveniently lenient to such dangerous people for hoping that "nicety" will provide a reprieve from its unpopularity. The danger is imminent and yet the leadership has no courage to do what needs to be done.
By aad on August 18, 2008 12:20 PM
When you play with fire, you must be prepared to get burnt. So, I have always said that democracy may or may not have its limits.
I view democracy differently. And this is my defination :
'Do Whatever You Want To, As Long As It Does Not Offend Others'
Yes go ahead say what ever you like, do whatever you wish to. Its okay as long as you do not offend others.
By kamimelayubaru on August 18, 2008 12:38 PM
Salam Tun,
Kepada semua Bar Council Committee dan ahli-ahlinya, bertindak untuk hapuskan Ambiga ni daripada berkuasa. Orang macam ni tidak layak jadi orang Malaysia apalagi mewakili golongan professional. Tahap professionalnya kosong macam takde otak langsung.....Nampak sangat Ambiga ni lulusan kelas ketiga yang tak tahu hormat dan tiada adab sopan...Kelahiran Malaysia tiada yang sebiadap ini..Ambiga tidak layak berada di Bar Council....Gologan professional yang kurang ajar macam ni harus dihapuskan dan dibuang daripada negara ini kerana kurang ajar sangat....
By ai_matsuda on August 18, 2008 12:47 PM
Salam Tun... sebenarnya saya tak tau apa nak jadi dengan bangsa kita, bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun... Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya bekerja di sebuah IPTA di ibu negara dalam bahagian pentadbiran dan boleh dikatakan semua pekerja di bahangian saya adalah Melayu, malangnya, majoriti mereka amat-amat 'mengkagumi' seorg manusia yg saya anggap 'Si Kitol Zaman Moden', anwar ibrahim.
Setiap hari telinga saya pasti 'panas' dek cemuhan yang mereka lemparkan ke ats sesiapa sahaja yg 'mencubit' anwar. Contohnya, pagi tadi (18/08), salah seorg dr mereka mengatakan bahawa angkat sumpah yg dilakukan oleh Saiful adalah taktik kotor kerajaan BN & polis yang telahpun diubahsuai(edit) sebelum disiarkan di televisyen.
Saya amat-amat kesal dengan pemikiran mereka yg seperti tidak bersekolah, walhal semua mereka merupakan pemegang ijazah.
Sedih dan risau dengan keadaan bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun....
By dfkl on August 18, 2008 1:00 PM
Good day to you Tun,
We all indeed need to respect the religion of others, because we are citizen of a country which comprises of multi ethnic groups which have different religions faith.
Any future dialog(s) should be held close door, in order to prevent others to politicize the issues.
However, Tun, the real issue, I think we have to tackle is "Who will be taking care of the livehood of the next of kins or dependent (wife and children) of those that who do not follow to convert, I'm a bit of open here. The constituition guarantee freedom of religion, and here under the assumption that no body is stopping any body in joining other religion group.
I think government should play an important role, some one have to lead, some actions need to be initiated in order to determine and draw up certain guide lines or policies so that the sensitive issues on religion can be avoided and at the same time the livehood of those whom families do not wish to follow suit can be taken care.
Bar Council has initiated the move, however the approach and timing might not be right at this moment, almost every day we hear hot news. Lets look at different angle.
We live in a country with different ethnic group, different cultures but we are Malaysian, we can't change facts of life.
I remembered, my daughter was representing a competition in a sporting event, participants from oversea from western (Mat Salleh) and orient (Taiwan & Jap) are asking us, where are you from. Our answer, we are Malaysian, our uniform bears our Malaysia identity, with our national flag stitch to it. Do you all realize we are bangsa Malaysia, why only in sport, be it in any thing.
We must realize, any confrontation towards any other races in our country especially towards our younger generation is no good, why government has been putting alot of efforts and resources in the past and at current especially in the national school level, with leaders and politician calling for the younger generations to foster a good and better relationships, understanding of others culture and support them with plentiful of programs (camps with leadership training and mixing of all pupils regardless of their race).
However, leaders who can forsee issues and problems, especially during the sensitive issues approaching are keeping quiet about it. Some were seen capitalizing this oppurtunities to make themselves famous during this period, by "Maximizing exposure", the whole Malaysia and true Malaysian is looking at them like a bunch of stupidful.
We all went thru the difficult eras, during end 60's, "Repeat no more" and with your wise thinking, TUN, please do some thing which can be beneficial to every one instead of saying this is sensitive and that is sensitive, a lot of people indeed know it's very very sensitive.
The REAL ISSUE is those people (women and children) are crying for survival, who will be feeding them later. Please think as a man with responsibility as head of family, whose father the children and not taking care of them later. I called out to you ALL, please be rationale, these are TWO separate issues.
We are bangsa Malaysia, going to be 51 years old soon, prove to the world that we really can, NOT only by mouth, "JANGAN OMONG OMONG KOSONG SAJA", tunjukkan kepada mereka yang pandang rendah kepada kita terutama dari SELATAN, kita BOLEH and prove them wrong.
We can think with rationale, can solve issues and problem in a man way.
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita rasa boleh, tetapi kami memerlukan apa yang lebih daripada cakap, untuk mencapai matlamat MALAYSIA BOLEH, kita mesti dengan usaha bersama dari semua BANGSA MALAYSIA.
Kepada pemimpin yang amat ingin menonjolkan diri kepada dunia sebagai PAHLAWAN, anda memang boleh, jadikanlah anda HERO BANGSA MALAYSIA instead yang membolehkan negara kita terus maju ke depan.
Do you think possible?
By ai_matsuda on August 18, 2008 1:14 PM
Salam Tun... sebenarnya saya tak tau apa nak jadi dengan bangsa kita, bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun... Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya bekerja di sebuah IPTA di ibu negara dalam bahagian pentadbiran dan boleh dikatakan semua pekerja di bahangian saya adalah Melayu, malangnya, majoriti mereka amat-amat 'mengkagumi' seorg manusia yg saya anggap 'Si Kitol Zaman Moden', anwar ibrahim.
Setiap hari telinga saya pasti 'panas' dek cemuhan yang mereka lemparkan ke ats sesiapa sahaja yg 'mencubit' anwar. Contohnya, pagi tadi (18/08), salah seorg dr mereka mengatakan bahawa angkat sumpah yg dilakukan oleh Saiful adalah taktik kotor kerajaan BN & polis yang telahpun diubahsuai(edit) sebelum disiarkan di televisyen.
Saya amat-amat kesal dengan pemikiran mereka yg seperti tidak bersekolah, walhal semua mereka merupakan pemegang ijazah.
Sedih dan risau dengan keadaan bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun....
By Wake Up on August 18, 2008 1:14 PM
With regards to UiTM issues, it reminds me of USA 100 years ago, which they used to have "White" only schools/universities... sigh... our mentality are lagging a century behind...
By mednahr on August 18, 2008 1:30 PM
Assalmualaikum Tun,
Terima kasih Tun atas penjelasan di atas. Sangat bernas yang tidak mampu dilakukan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada sekarang.
Apa yang Tun kupas dalam tulisan Tun berkenaan isu2 semasa selalunya memberikan kesan yang mendalam kepada kami rakyat dan melegakan keadaan yang tegang.
Penjelasan2 Tun ini adalah suatu sumbangan yang cukup besar ke atas rakyat dan negara kita. Tun selalu mengingatkan kami Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang selalu mudah lupa sejarah.
Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan terus menyumbang kepada negara dan semoga Allah mengurniakan pahala ke atas Tun. Amin.
If you think someone is stupid, it is your right. But if you go and shout it to his face for no reason, that's insensitive and thus a wron g thing to do.
Lawyers who chose to disobey rules and law are not fit to call themselves practitioner of law. When the lawyers' own AGM also can't be run according to law - no wonder many people demand to be represented by solicitors from England. Maybe we should open up to overseas solicitors to practise here in Malaysia, maybe that will help to raise the standard of the profession.
By gaousAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 10:56 PM
dear sir
been following your views
great found
By belemoih on August 15, 2008 10:56 PM
BAR Council ni menjadi melampau dan berani kerana kelemahan kerajaan aab.saya telah hilang harap dengan kerajaan lemah ini.
salam sejahtera.
By ramlan135 on August 15, 2008 11:00 PM
assalamualaikum wbt.
Ayahanda Tun & Bonda yang dikasihi
By aden27 on August 15, 2008 11:00 PM
Assalamualaikum YAB(Yang Amat Berjasa) Tun Dr Mahathir,
Peguam kalau diizinkan bercakap, jadi macam tu la...
Kepada samuraimelayu, terharu tengok Chong Wei peluk Misbun. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!ADEN PUN BULEH!!!TUN DAH DITENTUKAN BOLEH!!!
By sdahenanAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:01 PM
Anakanda tumpang lalu.
Saja nak cerita satu kejadian benar di Pulau Pinang dalam akhir tahun 1980an. Berlaku satu kejadian samun di sebuah BAR di Georgetown,Pulau Pinang.Kebetulan dalam bar itu ada sekox lawyer TINTED (india).
Lawyer ni punya la eksyen pasai dia ingat dia tu lawyer,terus kata kat penyamun tu."HEY YOU ALL STOP IT,I'M A LAWYER YOU KNOW!"
Pastu salah seorang dari penyemun tersebut datang kat lawyer tu dan suakan PISTOL kat mulut lawyer buruk tu dan "BEDEBAMM"
Apa lagi REBEH lah mulut lawyer tu .nasib baik tak mampuih.cacat sampai la ni dan bila masuk court jadi macam orang bodoh.
Agak2 nya lawyer2 kat bar council tu pun kena buat macam tu kot!
Semuga Ayahanda dan Bonda selalu di dalam limpahan rahmat ALLAH SWT
By wokyoh on August 15, 2008 11:05 PM
1)Demokrasi ibarat ikan...ikan banyak jenis...ada ikan besar ada ikan kecil,ikan juga boleh dimasak dengan bermacam-macam cara mengikut resepi dan citarasa tukang masaknya....namun ikan tetap ikan walau dimasak pelbagai cara....
2)kerajaan adalah nelayan,iaitu orang yang mencari ikan dengan pelbagai cara ,menjaga ikan dan memastikan ikan akan sampai kedarat dengan selamatnya.
3)Bar counsil adalah tok peraih ikan didarat...orang tengah yang ada kuasa memilih ikan mana yang sesuai dan boleh tawar menawar pula...biasanya mereka akan membeli ikan yang paling baik dengan harga yang paling murah walau dengan cara apa sekalipun.oleh kerana mereka ada kuasa,wang dan menjadi tempat para nelayan menjual ikan ...maka mereka akan berpakat sesama mereka atau memulau dari membeli ikan jika harga yang mereka kehendaki tidak dipersetujui oleh nelayan...
maka nelayan terpaksa rela dan akur dengan kehendak tok peraih ini.
4)Oleh kerana ikan yang paling laris dan menjadi idaman ramai iaitu ikan "ketuanan melayu" dan ikan"memeluk islam"...jadi mereka sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk menarik perhatian orang ramai untuk menjual ikan itu walaupun telah ada kedengaran dari pihak nelayan yang tidak setuju ikan itu dijual secara terbuka.maka ramailah orang yang berebut-rebut dan berbalah kerana untuk mendapatkan ikan itu.
5)Walaupun dua ekor ikan jenis itu telah diketahui mahal harganya dan menjadi idaman ramai...tapi persatuan nelayan yang ramai tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa...apa lagi untuk memarahi atau menghalang pihak tok peraih itu kerana menjaga periuk nasi masing-masing...malah ada yang tidak mengaku ikan itu ditangkap oleh mereka...dan ada juga yang mengaku tidak kenal langsung tok peraih itu..tapi selang beberapa hari selepas itu maka ketua nelayan merangkap ketua persatuan nelayan tampil memberi amaran kepada tok peraih ikan(bar council) jangan menjual 2 jenis ikan itu secara terbuka lagi kerana takut boleh mendatangkan huruhara dek kerana perebutan ikan itu..beliau juga mengugut tok peraih yang mereka akan buat mogok...tidak turun kelaut menangkap ikan jika tok peraih buat macam tu lagi...maka pihak tok peraih akur dengan arahan ketua nelayan itu...namun jauh disudut hati tok peraih...masih mempunyai keinginan yang membara untuk menjual ikan-ikan itu dimasa depan...kata mereka lagi ..ikan ni..kalau tak laku pun kita boleh makan sendiri ..rasanya memang sedap walaupun kebanyakan mereka menjadikan maruku sebagai makanan mereka....
6)Dalam pada itu ada seorang kaki pancing yang bernama anwar..memang telah lama mengidam untuk menjadi ketua persatuan nelayan itu...dulu dia adalah ahli persatuan itu tetapi telah dinyahkan oleh ketua nelayan yang sebelumnya(tun) kerana beliau suka sangat memancing ikan didarat...bukan dilaut...beliau juga ada sifat suka memancing ikan dikolam orang lain tanpa pengetahuan tuan kolam,dan kalau tuan kolam tahu pun..tak mengapa kerana tuan kolam telah dibayar wang yang banyak semata-mata ingin memancing ikan.walaupun dia ada kolam sendiri...tapi anehnya ....beliau kadang-kadang mengail ikan yang mahal-mahal dan ikan-ikan yang cantik dalam akuarium dikedai ikan...kalau kedai tutup..beliau sanggup masuk melalui pintu belakang demi memenuhi minat dan hobinya memancing itu..orang tua tua ada berpesan..hobi memancing ni...jangan diamalkan...berhantu...jadi ketagih dan sanggup tipu anak isteri demi minat memancing ini...percayalah.
7)Sikaki pancing itu telah berjumpa dengan tok peraih ikan tadi secara senyap-senyap dan berjanji akan memberi ikan dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dari harga yang diberi oleh ketua nelayan(paklah).malah..beliau menjanjikan ikan-ikan yang jauh lebih baik dari 2 jenis ikan sebelumnya.beliau pandai memujuk dan berkata-kata manis sehingga tok-tok peraih ikan menggigit jari dan menjadi tak keruan...yang hairannya tok peraih boleh percaya sedang kan mereka tahu sikaki pancing tidak menjadi ahli mana-mana persatuan nelayan pun....dia juga mendakwa sudah ada seramai 30 orang ahli persatuan nelayan yang ingin melompat atau terjun dari kapal menyebelahi beliau..cuma tunggu masa dan ketika saja....
8)Rupa-rupanya sikaki pancing ni ingin memasuki pertandingan memancing di permatang pauh pula...dia kata isterinya telah meninggalkan kolam yang banyak ikan-ikan jinak disitu...dia terlalu yakin memancing disitu..kerana walau apa cara sekalipun dia akan usahakan supaya menang peraduan memancing...dan dia juga telah berpesan kepada orang-orangnya...sila sediakan jala dan racun...jika pancing tak dapat ikan..guna jala ditengah malam..dan jika mahu lawannya kalah....guna racun saja..biar ikan-ikan mati...dia rela ikan mati sebelum dikail oleh pemancing sejati....
9)jadi..kepada orang permatang pauh..jangan sampai dapat ikan busuk yang dah mati atau dapat ikan hidup yang beracun!!!
By gaousAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:05 PM
dear sir
been reading your views recently
a great found
By kamal ahmad on August 15, 2008 11:13 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun. A writing master piece delivered with political gusto and medical precision. It was a comprehensive observation retold in a straight manner. There is not much else to add or mention apart from agreeing whole fully with the mentioned views. Take care and warmest regards, - Kamal.
By michaelooi on August 15, 2008 11:17 PM
Dear Tun,
Malaysian lost a great leader when you step down from being our Premier. Reading your writing brings such sadness; knowing that you could have done so much more for the good of our country.
Great Leaders comes only but once.
I wish those that "hates" your leadership, especially those who think they are "better-off" in another country could read what you have written.
I love reading your blog, for those who knew prefectly well what you were doing then was for the good of Malaysian, we are the fortunate many. Trouble was, there are also many of those who do not see your act of wisdom during your era as PM of Malaysia. And they love to talk about their "racial discrimination" to their "orang puteh" friends to get cheap sympathy and that makes them feel good. Worst is that they have the guts to come and tell us how fortunate they are living in "orang Puteh's" land. I only thing I see is that they get good hand-out easily. And if they convey their earning into Malaysian Ringgit, than it sounds sooooo much compare to us earning in Malaysia.
The NEWS media should/must print your writing and the world must read your wisdom of your thoughts. The world would be a better place.
Dear bloggers, we are BLESS having Tun for so many years and wish we could still have his wisdom in the governing of our country.
Just praising his wisdom is simply not enough.
Can somebody out there start "doing something" PLEEEEEEASE.
Miracles don't just happen these days.
From my most humble heart, I pray for Tun and Toh Paun's good health and be blessed with all the good things of life.
Michael OOI
By Saleh on August 15, 2008 11:19 PM
Dear Tun
Nak tanya, apa hal dengan Petronas ni. Hari ni dah 15 Ogos, tapi takdak pun iklan Merdeka Petronas dalam TV. Tiba-tiba yang keluaq berita Hassan letak jawatan.
By D.MANAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:21 PM
Dear TUN,
Thank very much for the wonderful article. It builds up my confidence to explain to whoever looking for trouble - irrespective of Malays/ Bumiputra, Indians, Chinese or othe races in Malaysia. Some Malaysians like to try out ideas from western countries to suit our life. Some are Malays whom you sent oveaseas to study and came back to destroy our unity instead of paying back the scholarship that the rakyat had given. It is good to read but not wise to practise everything. The Indians and Chinese who were sent overseas by parents or whoever, gave the impression to outsiders that the Malays are unfair. Even if it is a fact, one should not expose ones weakness to others because they cannot solve our problem; they do not know how.
We have problems in our family but we do not want outside interference. Do not be like Anuar Ibrahim, when in trouble call US for help. We have a family squabble, it is not wise for anyone to pay gangsters to defend him/her.
Let us be rational about this.
By ramlan135 on August 15, 2008 11:22 PM
By nusams on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
Asslamualaiku Tun,
Saya baru saja mendapat tahu Tan Sri Hassan Merican telah meletak jawatannya dalm Petronas. Setahu saya, dia adalah seorang yg berkebolehan dan jujur. Rasanya nak menangis..... lepas satu satu. Tun, Tuhan tak kan megubah nasib kita sehingga kita merubahnya. Apakah yang boleh dilakukan oleh kami rakyat jelata biasa untuk memperbetulkan keadaan?
By 2now on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
Thanks Tun, for the explaination. But then Tun, I just wonder what sensitivity of the non-Malay that could not be touched or had not been touched. I wonder if Malays who served beef in official functions with Hindus officers cared about sensitivity of religion. I just wonder.
By totally spies on August 15, 2008 11:23 PM
By Bangsa Malaysian on August 15, 2008 11:26 PM
Dear Tun,
What a clever way of putting things in perspective. I truly enjoy reading comments from the Public in response to whatever articles you put in. I now see why the Malaysian public are so gullible and to believe everything they read.
Putting across a message to all people that we should be more sensitive if of course the right thing to say. A point that need no further explanation to be deem correct and winning the hearts of many.
You have side tracked from the main / true issue and have not been fully honest to all your readers. Have you explained to your readers what the Bar Council was trying to raise? Can you elaborate how the forum actually undermines Islam and therefore insensitive to the the malays and those professing to the faith of Islam?
Winning an argument or a point is a simple thing for a person with the likes of you. Educating the Public and explaining the true situation and what the Bar Council intended to address was probably somewhat not important or unpopular decision.
The issue is with regard to the Breakdown of the institution of marriage in our country and how some people abuse the use of religion to get away with it.(One of the issues). Many of us still regard Tun as the Best Prime Minister of Malaysia for all Malaysians. I sincerely hope that you would feel the same.
By Rakyat123 on August 15, 2008 11:34 PM
Yes. This time I agree with the point below:
"15. I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off hansomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
There is no free lunch in this world. Everything has a price to pay for.
By worm gear on August 15, 2008 11:35 PM
Thanks Tun.
An excellent article.
The best place for the bar council is Kemunting but don’t forget to bring together Zaid Ibrahim the back door minister. Corrupted Minister. Back door could be pm in awaiting as well.
Based on the current issue happened is because of stupid and weak PM. During your time this wouldn't happen. I do hope that god grant you serenity and wisdom to safe this country for a second time.
Awaiting the fallen of the Pak Tidor so he can sleep all night long. Jgn aku sumpah sampai tak bangun, aku tengah marah ini. Mujur ada org pegang.
Keep on writing. Wassalam
By one on August 15, 2008 11:42 PM
Salam Tun,
I'm greatful to Allah for giving you strength and health at this age. And at least still actively guiding us in this blog. Your are not alone Tun! We will always be with you.
The current Government is not just insensitive to such issues, but most of them (ministers) have become comfortably numb to the issues that would bring no political benefit to them.
Masa sudah sampai untuk tubuh parti baru, Tun. Cara ini lebih berkesan dari kita cuba memulihkan UMNO yang telah banyak rosak dengan pelbagai penyakit.
Be strong, and live your life to the fullest Tun.
By jurublogAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 11:44 PM
The Bar Council can afford to be arrogant because of the weak leadership of the government. The Bar Council will remain insensitive if we still have people like the current de-facto Law Minister in the government.
By leo on August 15, 2008 11:45 PM
Assalammualaikum YM Tun,
I have always been a big fan of yours for years. Despite your advancing age your mind remains as sharp as ever.
I always like the way you use historical facts to analyse the situation and to support your arguments and decisions.
I believe that there are a lot of people out there who have forgotten or totally ignored what you have spent these so many years in building the country once they got hold onto certain postions and ample wealth.
Your article on the racial issue in Malaysia was quite spot on, as always. During your reign, you had developed Malaysia as a role model of a multi-racial country in the world.
I hope more and more Malaysians will open their eyes and realise the need for reformation or change within the current Government body.
I pray to Allah for a long-lasting life for you. The country sorely misses your guidance.
By ExcellentThoughts on August 15, 2008 11:49 PM
Dear Tun
Well explained yes we must be people sensitive especially
living in a multi racial country like Malaysia.
Freedom of expression is good but don’t cross the boundaries
Racial clashes is one of the worst wars in any country.
To those people who are debating the conversion issues I am
sure there are better place and time to debate these things
The BN government is so weak people out there are so frustrated
we are not moving forward political parties are fighting
for position I am so fed up on what is happening politically
and economically.
Tun keep on writing on what is good for the people and the
take care.
By Malaysian Indian on August 16, 2008 12:02 AM
Dear Tun,
It is indeed disheartening to note that many articles are written saying non-bumis are ungrateful to what they get in Malaysia. There are some who say that non-bumis should go back to their original country. Mind these people, our original country is Malaysia. we can only come back to Malaysia.
To all visitors, please do not misinterpret that asking anything more than we get currently as challenging your rights. Sometimes we need to ask before others can give. Also please do not blame the current generation if their knowledge on the 'social contract' is shallow. We should look at the school syllabus whether their knowledge on this is enhanced or not.
The new generation do not know what happened 50 years ago. It is our duty to ensure that these values are preached to them. For many of you, please also understand that we get independence not only through struggle by Bumis but also by non-bumis. Due to that fact, the federal constituition was written. As such it is our duty to teach this to our children.
Do not always write artiles with racial overtones. I think only in Malaysia we have different races with different cultures living harmoniously wihout forsaking their original identity. This is unique and let us keep it that way.
Let us understand each other better and we build a better Malaysia. Do not compare anything with any other country. Malaysia is unique in her own way and for me this is the best place to live in.
However I wish to stress that the diffrences among the races are widening. We should together do something to ensure this does not continue. Let us work together and start to teach our children that cooperation among races are important for our future.
I myself can also write many of the racial slurs, "so called discrimination", abuse by Malays etc. which I had to go through but what is the point. I have worked myself up and can consider to be succesful. The only thing is I have to work "a little harder" than Bumis due to their advatages which makes them one step ahead.
To Bumis, please understand that majority of non-bumis are grateful for being in Malaysia but there will be some grumbles here and there due to particular situation. These are trivial matters and we should not let these be the stumbling block for continuing our friendship and cooperation.
By heartless on August 16, 2008 12:03 AM
Salam Tun,
saya betul-betul takut sekarang ni. melihatkan mahasiswa kini makin gila akan kuasa. di mana munculnya pakatan aspirasi yang menyokong kerajaan dan di dalamnya makin ramai orang-orang yang kononnya menyokong kerajaan walhal pada hakikatnya hanyalah pengkhianat yang dahagakan kuasa. saya tidak dapat bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau mereka suatu hari memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara. lagi satu saya agak hairan dengan media massa yang menunjukkan demonstrasi pelajar uitm yang menyelar menteri besar selangor iatu datuk khalid kerana cadangan beliau. dalam siaran media ditunjukkan sepanduk-sepanduk yang kiranya kalau rakyat berbangsa lain baca boleh menimbulkan kemarahan. media kian kurang kesedaran mengenai isu-isu sebegini. memang benar menteri selangor itu telah membuat silap. tapi saya agak hairan mengapa tun menyatakan cadangan itu belum sampai masanya untuk dijalankan. seolah-olah ada maksud tersirat disebalik pernyataan tun itu. rasanya saya faham apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh tun. 'BELUM SAMPAI MASANYA'.........
By aiakelate on August 16, 2008 12:09 AM
Salam TUN,
Ke mana hilangnya pembesar-pembesar Melayu Malaysia?????????
Kuasa K Ambiga lebih berbisa! atau sengaja panaskan sentimen perkauman.
Yang tinggal hanya Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang lantang membela melayu Islam disokong oleh hanya NGO-NGO melayu.
Datuk Ibrahim Ali bebas bersuara sebebas-bebasnya, "nak suruh anak cucu kencing atas kubur kita sendiri ke"
Wahai pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang hebat dan lantang bersuara,berapa lama masa yang diperlukan untuk memikirkan perkara ini.
Sedarlah pelajar-pelajar melayu yang membantu pembangkang dalam PRU12.Pastikan Permatang Pauh jangan lagi jatuh ke tangan pembangkang.Hidup UMNO!
By Din Investor on August 16, 2008 12:19 AM
Salam TUN,
1.As always a great piece of writing on sensitivities.
But there are hypocrits in this country, trying to create chaus
and problem.
2.For everything there is a price, even for country peace and stability that these hypocrits cannot understand or just do not want to understand.
3.Hypocrits are here trying to make a name for themselves. They may succeed in achieving this.
4.Since nothing is free, they will also end paying a hefty price.
By Abdul HayeeAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 12:19 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Apa yang Tun tulis saya bersetuju 100%. Bila kita lemah orang akan pijak-pijak kepala kita.
Tun, hari ini ada berita gembira untuk peminat sukan dan rakyat Malaysia. Lee Chong Wei telah mengalahkan pemain Korea Selatan Lee Hyun-il dengan 21-18, 13-21, 21-13. Pingat Perak sudah berada ditangan. Mudah-mudahan kita mencapai emas olympic buat julung kalinya pada 17hb Ogos 08 nanti. Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa semoga hasrat dan harapan negara kita Malaysia tercapai.
Satu lagi perkara yang menarik perhatian saya ialah apabila Chong Wei mendapatkan jurulatihnya Misbun Sidek dan memeluknya dengan penuh mesra tanda ucapan terima kasih dan Misbun telah menggosok2 kepala Chong Wei. Tersentuh hati saya melihatnya.
Satu lagi berita hari ini ialah Mohd Saiful Bukhari telah melakukan sumpah mubahalah di masjid Wilayah Persekutuan dengan disaksikan oleh tokoh agama serta orang ramai dan pemberita2. Hanya orang yang benar-benar yakin kebenarannya yang sanggup berbuat demikian.
Beranikah pula Anwar nak ikut jejak Mohd Saiful Bukhari?
Anwar boleh berbohong kepada seluruh rakyat tetapi Anwar tidak boleh berbohong kepada Allah dan kepada dirinya sendiri. Sebab Allah tahu dan dirinya juga tahu apa yang dia telah lakukan. Diharap pengundi-pengundi di Permatang Pauh menjadi pengundi yang bijak dan membuat pilihan yang betul dan tidak mudah tertipu dengan pemimpin yang mementingkan diri.
Makin jelas tindakan Tun terhadap Anwar 10 tahun yang lalu adalah benar.
Semoga Tun sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Amin!
By mamat2008 on August 16, 2008 12:20 AM
salam Tun,
Bar council memang naik minyak sejak kerajaan bagi ex-gratia spt yg Tun ckpkan tu... nampak sgt dorang ni tak telus dan tak jujur...dan banyak berkata yg sedih tu ada gak yg menyokong...yg non-malays memanglah sah2 menyokong, tp yg bijak pandai melayu pun sokong jugak...pd pendapat saya tak kisah benda2 ni dibincangkan, tp bila dah timbul banyak tentangan sepatutnye dorang lebih bersikap 'terbuka' menerima tentangan ini, maksudnya dorang kenalah bijak sikit berfikir...buatlah secara tertutup...ikut pintu belakang org kata...then barulah tak menerima tentangan! ini tidak berdegil nak teruskan...hah ni lah padahnya, terus org menentang...padan muka dorang ni...
pendek kata dorang ni nak tunjuk hero dan berlagak nak mampos, dorang fikir ni negara mak bapak dorang kot!(ni kira marahlah ni)
pada saya, benda ni (forum ni) mungkin boleh memberi pandangan utk memperbaiki sistem yg kita ada, dan mungkin jugak utk melihat perkara2 yg berbangkit disebelahsebelah pihak...saya tak nafikan sebab saya seorg yg berilmiah (jadik mungkin ada kebaikkannya), tp lihatlah suasana persekitaran kita dan pandai2lah adapt, jgn main serbu aje...betul tak...
saya percaya dan yakin jika kerajaan yg menerajui Malaysia masih bersikap lemah lembut spt skrg ini, perkara2 sensitive ini pasti akan berulang/berbangkit...
oleh itu saya berharap pemimpin2 Melayu akan bangun memperjuangkan maruah org2 kita ditanah air ini!...bukannya pemimpin yg nak bersenang lenang, gunakan duit rakyat membazir sana sini...pemimpin sebegini adalah pemimpin bodoh!
By Letterpress on August 16, 2008 12:21 AM
Assalamualaikum WBT,
Dear Tun,
It's very saddening to see what has become to our beloved country. The day you made known of your intention to resign, i knew something like this is inevitable. I just didn't see anyone in the government who's of your caliber. I was sad the day you left the government but i became more sad looking at the present condition that our country is in. If only the government is not as weak, things like this wouldn't have happened. How i miss the day you lead us, bringing Malaysia to the eyes of the world with your wisdom and far-sightedness. You are truly one in a million Tun. I will always pray for your good health, and may Allah protect you and your family. Thanks for everything that you have done for us. Your sacrifices are priceless. Take care Tun.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 12:55 AM
Dear Tun,
The Bar Council members are hypocrite people of the first order. If this country becomes chaotic because of their insensitivity by continuing harping on sensitive issues, I think they will be the first people to run away. They know that they will be the first to be slauhgtered for their irresponsible action.
These are the so-called the few elite arrogant people within our society trying to be smart alec.They thought that this is the right time to be heroes and champion for the people.
By TechieSavvie on August 16, 2008 1:05 AM
Dear Tun and readers,
As we are progressing, I think it is good for the Bar council to conduct such a forum to discuss varying sensitive issues. Notwithstanding, they are composed of the 'just' and the 'fair' and absolutely not the politicians. The only problem is they are dumb enough to test the deep water before trying the shallow one first.
In other words their sensitivity-o-meter is very insensitive. This is very dangerous as if your car speedometer is detecting 10m/h but indeed the speed of traveling is 100m/h.
If they are smart aka sensitivity-o-meter is sensitive, they can try increasing the speed a little bit. Wait a little while, see the response. If the car is still intact , they can increase the speed more.
But now unfortunately, the car has lost the window and the door and still they want to increase the speed. So pathetic the bar council is.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 1:06 AM
Dear Tun,
I just wonder mana si budak Zaid sekarang. Dia dah senyap je ikut style Tun Musa jadi "elegant silence". Dengar kata dia dah tender resignation. Baguslah tu. Right move. After all dia jadi Menteri melalui "BACKDOOR OF THE BACKLANE" of Seri Perdana !! No class and no standard for a supposed to be a very well known successful bumiputra "LOYAR"!
By Pasrah on August 16, 2008 1:08 AM
Salam, Tun,
Saya amat bersetuju dengan para 20. Banyak orang bersikap kita boleh kutuk semua orang tapi jangan kutuk kita.. Ini semangat gangster. Ada orang boleh membuat lelucon ke atas agama mereka ttapi mereka harus tahu yang kita tidak membuat jenaka ke atas agama kita dan juga agama lain.
Bagi saya, Majlis Peguam dan juga mereka yang mengendalikan Majlis tersebut (Pengerusi dan ahlinya) tidak pernah memperjuangkan keadilan dan hak. Kesemuanya berkpentingan peribadi, dan mencari peluang untuk "grandstanding" untuk dapat anakguaman yang akan membayar yuran guaman untuk firma mereka. Majlis Peguam tidak pernah menegakkan hak orang ramai sekiranya bertentangan dengan kehendak mereka di dalamnya. Saya masih ingat tentang satu kes yang mana seorang anggota polis berharap untuk menyaman satu orang awam yang telah melaporkan beliau menerima rasuah setelah pegawai polis tersebut telah didapati tidak bersalah. Nazri, masa tu menteri undang2 membangkang keras hasrat polis tersebut. Dan Majlis Peguam secara convenient tidak membuat sebarang kenyataan di dalam perihal ini.
Majlis Peguam harus sedar bahawa di dalam menegakkan keadilan, mereka perlu terlebih dahulu mengambil tindakan untuk memastikan semua peguam adalah layak untuk memberikan khidmat mereka supaya masyarakat tidak diperdayakan untuk memperolehi hak mereka. Hak warganegara untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan peguam yang benar-benar layak kerana di atas kecuaian peguam merupakan juga penindasan dan penafian di atas hak mereka. Kealpaan Majlis Peguam dan juga sikap endah tidak endah ini yang membenarkan peguam-peguam yang jahat, tidak layak, penipu dan yang "blur" dibenarkan untuk menjalankan praktik mereka.
On more nostalgic punya isu, i literally crossed your path some 30 years ago when you came to my village in terengganu to membuka rasmi sekolah kat situ. You were then menteri pelajaran. And again 10 years ago during SUKOM...face to face..and i had masa tu TIME magazine with you on the cover..thought of asking you to sign the mad, but i was so overwhelmed (takut)...
Saya doakan kesihatan dan kebahagiaan kepad Tun dan keluarga.
By pakbelalangAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 1:20 AM
Kesilapan Manusia Di Zaman Kekeliruan
Anas ibn Malik berkata, “Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Zaman Dajjal adalah zaman kekeliruan. Manusia akan percaya pendusta dan tidak percaya orang yang berkata benar. Manusia tidak percaya orang yang amanah dan mempercayai orang yang khianat.
Persoalan sekarang: Adakah negeri kita sekarang boleh di takrifkan dalam keadaan seperti zaman Dajjal?
By tamwon on August 16, 2008 1:21 AM
Dear Tun,
What more can be said with your complete clear and precise explanations. To me it is plain and simple as being preached by NABI S.A.W - " Kalau kamu mahu dihormati maka sentiasa lah menghormati akan orang lain."
Our prayer to YOU and TSA for all the good health and blessing from
ALLAH SWT. as always.
By azienmat on August 16, 2008 1:21 AM
Please refrain to smoking this side right here right now. It's unhealthy very dangerous for me, for you, for us as well..
Thank You..
By ashar on August 16, 2008 1:25 AM
Antara BN dan PKR...??
mana pilihan hati?
salam perjuangan
By ashar on August 16, 2008 1:39 AM
Anwar boleh kalah di P44. dengan calon parti bebas.
28% perubahan Tsunami PRU12 kelmarin kepada PR +
isu semasa dalam PR(isu Uitm, tuntutan PAS, DEB dll) +
isu semasa UMNO(kelemahan yang terserlah) +
sumpah saiful tentang perilaku Anwar di mesjid +
perletakan jawatan TS Hasan Merican dari petronas( kerja KJ)+
pendedahan Scomi ingin miliki Proton.....
katakan semuanya 30-35% sahaja dari 58,000 pengundi:
Calon bebas ada peluang untuk menang...!!
salam perjuangan
By asoka on August 16, 2008 1:40 AM
Its wonderful, what a valuable statements . Did you read, almost all over the blogs , everyone was happy to read and comment. WHY WHY ? You have planted the peace of mind in all the readers by bringing Unity , Harmony among the races in Malaysia. YOU are the leader.No body will question you.
The silence approach of your posting well accepted today. AS the Malay proverb says" BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA ROBOH" OR AS per what you always, say " KITA HARUS RAPATKAN BARISAN BILA MUSUH MENYERANG" .SO WE must be united. Who can unite the malaysian ? ( not 1 race). It you only. COME 100 BAR COUNCIL , WE CAN JUST TRASH THEM if we are United.
The power of speech in you can create millions of people behind you. I am your admirer,since i am 19 years old, now i am 46. Half of my age i admire you. I am with you.
Do me another favour TUN, Please screen all the blogs which is written with bad remarks of any races in this country. Dont publish it. Reject them at early stage or the People in the Power will call you also " POSTING TERRORIST". You know why. ?? The have nothing else to do except to find fault against you.
By furido1585 on August 16, 2008 1:46 AM
Lihatlah siapa orang kuat BC? India....over dalam apa jua bidang. Kebanyakkan orang India yakin dia apa yang dia fikir betul walaupun sebenarnya tak berapa betul.... Lagi satu, mereka ni kalau bab tunjuk kesalahan orang lain mereka akan buat hingga tahap memalukan orang tersebut...over la katakan.... Bukan semua tapi memang wujud. Kalau ada yang terasa tu jangan nak kondem org lain je tapi cermin-cerminkanlah diri anda tu bersama sikap over anda tu...takde class langsung!
By ajimi on August 16, 2008 1:48 AM
Dearest Ayahnda Tun
Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera buat Tun & Isteri serta keluarga, semuga diberi keberkatan dan sihat walafiat selalu.
Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun. Pada pandangan saya perbincangan seperti yang dianjur oleh MBC tak patut berlaku dan tak patut wujud langsung. Jika pun mereka mempunyai kemusykilan akan masaalah yang berlaku sepatut nya mereka menasihatkan sipolan yang mengadu, pergi jumpa dengan pihak yang berwajib berkaitan dengan isu tersebut dan bukannya mereka hendak menjadi jaguh kepada perkara tersebut.
Saya rasa bagaikan terdapat AGENDA TERSEMBUNYI dengan perilaku mereka ini. Kalau nak diikutkan bagi kita kaum Muslimin, kita lah yang sepatutnya membuat forum yang membincangkan KENAPA MUSLIMIN DISESATKAN oleh agenda-agenda sekian hari, seperti:
1. Penyesatan Umat2 Islam dari segi pengaruh agenda2 sosial
sekarang oleh orang bukan Islam.
2. Umat Islam sentiasa diperkotak katikan dan ditipu dengan
dakyah2 halal haram.
3. Segala arak, tayangan rupa bentuk pendedahan tubuh, rokok, budaya
remaja bersosial, rempit dll sentiasa menduga keimanan orang
Islam dan juga bukan Islam.
Islam mempertahankan prinsip dan batasan hidup, kenapa mereka hendak menentang. Walhal agama lain pun menuntut insan menjadi iman, tetapi mereka tidak sekuat Islam. Oleh demikian mereka ini mesti mempunyai AGENDA tertentu bagi memporak perandakan hidup seseorang insan.
Sepatutnya kita orang Islamlah yang mesti mendesak agar bukan Islam tidak memperkotak katikan orang Islam. Kita cuma hendak mengajak mereka menjadi lebih bertamaddun bukannya hendak suroh mereka berbogel / berhomosek / merendahkan akhlak dsgnya.
Sekian saja pandangan dari saya. Terima kasih banyak2 Tun kerana masih mempertahankan Negara, Bangsa dan Agama.
Wassalamualaikum Ayahnda Tun. Semuga Tun sentiasa berada disisi lindungan Allah.
By fairuzstone on August 16, 2008 2:02 AM
Dear TUN Mahathir and everybody,
I am sure, many of us is wondering how could the Bar Council Ms Ambiga gain the Datukship and which Sultan has bestowed her the title for she seems not fit or deserve for the title of what she has done to the people and drag them to unnecessary trouble.
Similarly, a few years ago, the Sultan of Selangor has revoked a Datukship from a chinese man who was involved in secret society or gangsterism where His Highness Sultan Sharafudin Idris Shah doesnot want whoever been given the title to tarnish or abuse that title. Same goes to Ambiga (President, Bar Council), for the damage she has initiated, her Datukship should be revoked too, as a lesson to others.
By Dr ZhivagoAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 2:09 AM
Hats off Tun!
You always put it out so simply.
But people try make things very complicated and confuse minds and distress society.
You indeed have a very clear cut understanding and vision.
Please continue to enlighten us.
By DinKakYah on August 16, 2008 2:17 AM
I wonder are there any muslim lawyers in BC? Persatuan peguam muslim etc? What about that solicitor with serban that we always see with Anuar Ibrahim.. I thought he is vocal enough.
By greatpanglima on August 16, 2008 2:19 AM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun The Maha Guru,
Sedih sungguh saya malam ni. Semua point dah buah begitu banyak sekali macam ribut datang idea tapi semua hilang masa nak preview. Sedihnya tak dapat nak kongsi lebih2!
By the way Tun pls don't give up on us as we never give up on you!But the rakyat has surely given up with the present leadership of UMNO - the budulah and his YB2.I'm afraid finally they all become babi2 if they are prolonged refusing to see how sick UMNO is right now!as they never stop eating too what they see they take and never keep for the rakyat, not even leftover. How sad and embarrasing all this!!!
How can we go back to the glory Tun?!
By cucuajiakil on August 16, 2008 2:21 AM
Seriously, this really should have been the way the Government responded....analytical, explanative, terse and, to top it all, common-sensible even to the ordinary man on the street; not the usual dull-witted, sterile, brushed-aside and threatening reactions that seem to be the order of the day these days.But then what can one expect from 1/2p6'ers.
May I say Sir that your take on various public issues thus far ... correction: since the days you helmed the Government ... merely confirms the special God-given gifts that you are blessed with i.e. analytical prowess,sheer depth of knowledge (on any given subject), the unrivalled power of reasoning and the uncanny knack for unraveling complex issues. As far as I am concern, you stand among the very few and, by today's standards, a rare and true iconic figure.
I eagerly look forward to reading more blogs from you and may Allah bless you with the best of health. Salam.
By fazli on August 16, 2008 2:54 AM
Dear Sir,
I bet Pakatan Rakyat and their die hard supporters are happy that "Freedom of Expression", "Freedom Of Speech" and "Rights to Demonstrate" are finally alive in Malaysia.
Anybody can now discuss any issues they deemed fit without considering the feeling of others. (Read: Freedom Of Speech)
And if anyone is not happy they can always gather to force the other party to stop the discussion. (Read: Rights to Demonstrate)
Meanwhile, UITM students from all over the country has taken to the streets to protest Selangor's MB proposal to open UITM to non Bumi. (Read : Freedom Of Expression)
And the best part is if all these lead to a disaster UMNO is there to take the blame as always....
Salam and take care Sir...
By merbuk67 on August 16, 2008 2:58 AM
FREEDOM : Are we free to fly like a bird. No, because it's freedom with limit.Everything created by god has its own limit.No matter how clever we are,we can not do what a small insect can.Every organisation in the world must have the limit.its like saya jaga you ,you jaga saya.Even a small organisation with no limit can create a nuclear bom.Certain thing we can do in public but there are certain thing we must only do it in the dark(not in the public).There is no superiority between bar council and the public elected government.MUATUAL RESPECT is important.
By atap_chi on August 16, 2008 3:00 AM
Today's Malaysia is STOP moving, STOP leading...
1. Poor leadership of the politicians
- Good leader on the top will create good sub-leaders
- Good attitude show on the top, will follow by the bottom
- Leader able create strong culture, trend and make everyone follow
2. Poor management skills in economics, human, and projects
- Chosen leader cannot demonstrate out-standing management skills
- No impressive ideas, planning, and out-standing results
3. Poor attitude of the politicians
- Most of the politician is not professional
- They did not look like a leader. They have been chosen but they lead citizens to riot. Childish...
- Is there any good way to raise up your concern? If there is no, means government has poor system to allow people to complain.
- Government needs a lot of feedback and improvement to be mroe mature and successful.
4. Do Malaysia has religious department? What is their role?
- I purposely mentioned this because all the politicians are too focused on agama and bahasa.
- Should we create one of this department so that dedicated department and dedicated menteri can make sure our agama and bahasa is well protected. (if other agama is getting stronger, what should they do to make their own agama to be more stronger instead of stopping other's agame to grow)
- win like a man, lose like a man
- As a result, politician can be more concentrated on country's development
5. What is the main tasks of the politicians?
- I expect politician to contribute on our country's development which is relates to technology, economics, and create intelligent youngsters.
- Most of the politicians lack of result
- I believe government should create metriks to measure their performance
- If they cannot perform, please do not allocate them to manage the place anymore.
- A place with no improvement is government responsibility as they did not do their work.
Please accept my apologies as I am not good in writings and if my words hurt anyone feeling. As I believe we need drastic changes to make Malaysia a well-known country.
I want to be a proud Malaysian where our country is good in TECHNOLOGY, STRONG ECONOMICS, TOP 10 UNIVERSITIES in the WORLD, OUT-STANDING LEADERS.
1. Poor leaders need more trainings. Give them a chance to prove themselves. Get them to experience on how Multinational company like Intel, Dell, GE and others super company create leaders, superb plan leads with good results, manage good account with intergrity....
2. Please produce politician who can create out-standing result.
Tun, I understand that my topic and your topic is so far different. But I hope and need your help to make all this happens. You are the only leader who creates culture and makes everyone follow.
By razmanbb on August 16, 2008 3:00 AM
Salam Tun,
It just so simple....
How dare u to say that only want ur rights when u ignore the rights of others?
This people is thinking they're too smart & that's the problem...
By AloQStaQAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 3:20 AM
Perrrggghhhh!!! .... Penjelasan Tun yang cukup padat dan lengkap terhadap puak-puak yang mempertikaikan kenyataan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ! Nah ! Amik buah tangan yang padat dan mampat dari Tun! Jangan anggap Tun macam-macam ... Tun dah lama dalam dunia pentadbiran kerajaan mahupun organisasi berbilang kaum ... Bukan sehari dua, tetapi berpuluh tahun .... Sepak terajang dunia politik adalah asam garam hidup Tun ... Jadi, artikel Tun hari ini, amat tepat dan padat memberi gambaran jelas kepada yang belum nampak apa yang dimaksudkan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ...
Assalamualaikum Ayahandaku, Tun yang di kasihi....
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda kini berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan ceria sepanjang masa .. Aminnn! ...
Ayahanda & para pelawat,
Semakin hari semakin jelas nampak sungguh layu kepimpinan AbDolah memimpin negara ini walaupun beliau sedaya upaya menaikkan kembali popularitinya yang menjunam baru-baru ini dengan menggula-gulakan rakyat pada mutakhir ini dengan cerita-cerita membersihkan dirinya dan menambahpopular dirinya kembali, terkini dikatakan harga minyak akan diturunkan ... tak faham? dah menjunam tu, susah la nak naik balik AbDolah oiii! ...
Tu la ... sejak dulu lagi Tun dah bagitau, TURUN SEGERA, TURUN! Tapi ngkau tak nak dengar cakap Tun ... ngkau degil AbDolah! degil! ... akhirnya populariti ngkau hancur, tak semena-mena BAR COUNCIL pulak dah berani dan biadap "menampar" muka sekalian rakyat beragama Islam dan khususnya Melayu akibat dari kelemahan pentadbiran ngkau wahai AbDolah .... Inilah yang kami semua tak mahu kat ngkau ni AbDolah! ...
Rentetan dari "kasih sayang penuh tatangan" bak minyak yang penuh supaya tak tumpah, dari Menteri De Facto Undang-undang Malaysia (yang suka keMABUKan tu) kerana memberi muka yang lebih kepada "ketelusan" sistem perundangan (secara tidak langsung memberi muka kepada BAR COUNCIL), maka dengan ditambah sifat lemah lembut (baca : lembik!) Perdana Menteri Malaysia, maka BAR COUNCIL mula cuba "mengambil alih pentadbiran" akibat sedikit KUASA telah meresap masuk ke dalam Pertubuhan mereka!
Sensitiviti kaum dan agama selama ini terjaga dan dijaga rapi dengan selamat/elok/baik/bagus/cekap/berhati-hati/terkawal telah mula digoncang oleh PM ini dan Menteri De facto Undang-Undang ini, dengan mereka memberi ruang serta peluang kepada BAR COUNCIL(yang telah mendapat restu penuh mereka - demi "ketelusan Sistem Perundangan" kononnya).
Pertubuhan itu, tanpa segan silu kini telah "berani" mencabar hak-hak Melayu dan Agama Islam.
Inilah nilai harga yang perlu dibayar oleh Menteri terbabit yang telah membuka luas "pintu" kepada ahli-ahli perundangan ini "masuk" membawa belantan dan kayu pemukul untuk memukul prinsip negara (yang menjaga hak Melayu & Islam) selama 50tahun lebih yang terjaga rapi! Kini prinsip tersebut sudah lebam-lebam dibelasah oleh Pertubuhan itu ...
Rawatan segera patut diberikan oleh Kerajaan yang bertanggunjawab! jika dibiarkan, ia akan membarah dan membawa padah kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Islam di tanahair Malaysia. Kenyataan ini, bukanah bertujuan mengapi-apikan perkauman, tetapi inilah nilai keharmonian selama ini, terganggunya keharmonian ini, jangan terkejut jika 1969 mungkin berulang.
INI YANG KITA SEMUA TAK MAHU TERJADI - KERANA KITA SAYANGKAN MALAYSIA DAN KEHARMONIAN SEMUA KAUM DI MALAYSIA! .... (Seperti sepanjang tempoh 22 Tahun kepimpinan Datuk Seri Dr.Mahathir Mohammed) ...
Kita semua pasti masih ingat masa itu, kita semua (baca: semua kaum) hidup harmoni ketika itu tanpa ada sebarang rasa perselisihan antara kita, kerana menghormati hak-hak dan batas-batas yang telah digunapakai sejak merdeka ... Jangan mudah lupa. Demi keharmonian.
By isaac63 on August 16, 2008 3:38 AM
Asslmlkm. Sudah lah tu Tun. You should just retire gracefully. I am not challenged by all these issues because i know I can stand by my own without any crutches. I dont hide behind my race nor religion and make my fellow Malaysians feel any lesser than me. Pls dont stifle our growth anymore. Ingat ingat la pada hari yang sudah senja.
By Tun Dr Marvellous on August 16, 2008 4:13 AM
Salam Hotmat Tun & Famili,
That's right,totally agreed with your comments,
The non-Malays and Malays in Malaysia have a lot of sensitive issues.
And now,propagation of a belief by opposition party such as Pakatan Rakyat, Bar Council, Tingkat 4 as propaganda to achieve their political GOALS.
Hidup Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh!!!!
By Brian Tseng on August 16, 2008 4:29 AM
Hi Tun and Fellow Malaysians,
I am working in the Arab world and I discuss with my Arab friends (Muslims and Non-Muslims) about Islam, Orthodox, Jews and many other religions. Our discussions are always informative, educating and intellectually enriching.
There is nothing too sensitive about these things - provided you are mature enough to handle them. Just like sex scenes in the movies. The scenes may be deemed "sensitive" to a 13 yr old, but to an adult, it's ....nothing much.
It looks like Muslim Malays (the majority but not all) are particularly sensitive to all things regarding race and religion. I suspect it may be a case of their state of mind being somewhat under-developed.
It would do well for the Government (be it UMNO, PAS, PKR, whatever) to develop the mental capacity and emotional maturity of the rakyat before they start enriching their pockets.
Are my statements above sensitive? But I am merely following Tun's example when Tun lambasts Pak Lah - ie..calling a spade a spade. The spade may not like being called a spade, but a spade is a spade. Or is it?
By ynwa1976 on August 16, 2008 4:39 AM
So it is back to the Bar Council... Really hot topic, surprised me, they are getting far too much attention that they deserve, all because of our angry reaction to their forum.
Malays are angry at the moment...
Even Khalid's proposal of opening up Mara to non-Malays were treated with disdain, when such proposal had been mooted before by others.
I went to a boarding school, not entirely Malay like MCKK. We had several non-Malays, and I befriended them all. Some of them were very good in their studies, it created healthy competition for us Malays. Having non-Malays in our school created no harm, and I became what I am in part because of them. At least I learnt many things about people of other races and religion. And this race mixing is not unique to my school, other SMK have this feature as well.
But when it comes to university, everyone becomes defensive. Now it involves a matter of whether you get that scroll which may guarantee you getting a life for yourself. And letting some others access gives you less access, hence no one is willing to move an inch.
To tell you the truth, my perception of UITM is not good. I have worked with many of them, they are not good. Their English especially, are substandard. Their technical capabilities, in my experience, are a bit behind those from other local universities. I even have a sister in law, who is a UITM graduate, who is still unable to get a job that pays above RM2k. I find myself in a lot of pressure having to 'help' her find and get that job she wants.
So I find proposals to create healthy competition good news indeed.
Off-topic, being a Malay Malaysian, I was proud to see Chong Wei reach the final of badminton. Hope he gets that gold medal for us, long overdue really.
Sensitivities... I've had my own brushes with other races' nuances as well... I live in a mixed neighbourhood, chinese, indian and malay spread across some 5 km radius. There is a big mosque, a big hindu temple, and a chinese temple. My neighbour likes to play mahjong, but the problem is they invite their friends to come and play, and they play until late at night, even on weeknights. And it gets very noisy... Unlike them who are retired, we are a young couple who are committed at work and needed the sleep. My wife always complain to me, but I always tell her it is ok, we just have to shut the windows, and install an air-cond if it's too hot. My wife siad, why dont they shut their own windows, cos they are the noisy one... I told her, they are retired, no money to switch aircond every night. I know that if we complain to them, it will only break their heart, and with that, the goodwill that we have created thus far.
You see, it is hard to live with people of different races, but no problem is insurmountable. We dont solve problem by shouting at others. I wanted to write more, but too tired...
My 2 sen.
By Wanbot on August 16, 2008 4:49 AM
Salam Tun,
My political knowledge is not so good. I am just an ordinary layman person like others. Before, I feel that politics is so difficult to comprehend. As time goes by, as maturity level increases, I soon realize that how silly and common sense the politics is. Politics is about people perception on you and not about what you really are. You may be really dumb but that is not important as politics is more dumber. Politics is all around us. If your parent like you more than your other siblings, then you will get more presents from your parent. If many people like you, then you will have many friend. If you bos like you, then you will easily get promoted. Sadly, that also true in the selection of a leader in a country.
Maybe, we should set a specific law which allows only people who has adequate knowledge and posses high level of academic degrees, at least a Ph.D., can be a prime minister.We need a leader who has a sharp, clear, and critical thinking.
Or maybe, anyone who is going to be a prime minister must first take a special test which tests his mental abilities such as basic mathematics, basic financial, basic laws, basic religious, etc. and also basic skills such as public speaking, debate skills, motivational skills, etc.. If he fails this test, then he shouldn't be allow to be a prime minister.
By rajamdriza82Author Profile Page on August 16, 2008 4:58 AM
This is the best writing from you. I do honour and respect your views. Lets go against Anwar coz he is a person who like to take things to the street. Even PKR also supports the Malaysian Bar Council on the open forum to discuss on sensitive issues.
We have seen Pak Lah sold Malaysia to the Singaporeans, we would also probably see Anwar selling Malaysia to the US.
Hidup Tun!!!
For you Tun, in knowledge I seek, but in greatness and wisdom I have found.
Thank you.
Please talk about Petronas future as Tan Sri Hassan Merican has resigned.
By isahbiazhar on August 16, 2008 5:07 AM
People are always sensitive.That is human.It is the politicians who have/had made it worse.You are among them.The Bar council is right in what they are doing.If Annuar comes everything will be right and you have said you will leave the country because you could not do what he could.Just do not harp on religion and sensitivity in the future.The new breeed of Malaysian do not know about it.It is the old folks who fought for the independence are worried that the other races will usurp what they think is theirs.Malaysia belongs to everybody who is a citizen and it is their right to have it.
By speedbirdAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 5:40 AM
By Aysha on August 16, 2008 6:25 AM
I still think the information about Islam needs to be spread to all humanity (by ISLAMIC SCHOLARS of course, not by some random people who claim to know fully about Islam). Ianya juga sebahagian daripada hak sama rata.
I pity the non-muslims in Malaysia since they have bad examples of muslims around them which subsequently makes them not interested in learning the sacred knowledge of Islam. Plus, it has been a natural thing in Malaysia to talk about Islam ONLY and ONLY to muslims. Adilkah begini? We Muslims claim that Islam is the true religion, then why are we restricting the access to Islam??
Jika di luar negara, Islam may be condemned, but the number of muslims are arising there. I am not saying that we need to get more people converted to Islam, I just think that everyone should have access to Islam and be able to learn this beautiful religion. Kalau nak ikut sensitiviti orang 100%, susahlah begitu. Kalau macam tu, takkan adalah pusat-pusat sembahyang bagi orang-orang bukan Islam seperti sekarang sebab tentunya ada orang-orang muslim yang sensitif dengan perkara ini.
Just because there are no cases where muslim women with hijab got insulted in the middle of a crowd and muslim men got shot down down the street does not mean Islam is not misintepreted in Malaysia.
By Anba on August 16, 2008 6:27 AM
Dr. Mahathir,
Hi there. You mentioned the following:
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off handsomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
Here are my views on your statement.
1. I have always admired your guts in speaking out against the west and your visions in making Malaysia known to others in the world.
2. I believe that you're a smart politician, better than your ability to be a medical doctor. As smart as you are as a politician, you are also cunning as a fox in refusing to talk about the sensitive racial issues that’s crippling the minorities for decades.
3. You know very well that the NEP cold have been abolished in 1990, but you very well knew as a smart politician that you will be hated by the Malays forever if you had done so. On the contrary, I believe that the Malays, although they may have hated you by abolishing the NEP in 1990, in the long run they would have appreciated your move as that would have made the Malays work harder and improve themselves. I'm not saying that all Malays are not working hard, I' implying that as a consequence of 'spoon feeding' the Malays, you will make them feel comfortable and unwilling to compete, knowing that the government is always there to bail them out.
4. You cannot expect to realize the truth if you do not investigate in an unbiased manner. You should know well, as a person trained in math and science, that if the scientist is biased towards an outcome in an experiment, no matter what result was achieved, it will not be a break through. Similarly, if you say that certain racial matters should not be discussed because it may cause violence, it is a 'fear mongering' technique that will not allow any debates to take place in this country. Developed nations had their share of disturbances and discomfort and even loss of life when it came to smelling freedom in their respective countries. If Rosa Park did not defy the ruling that separated the sitting of black and white in public buses by sitting in a seat allocated for the whites, the Civil Rights movements would not have materialized in the United States.
5. So, when you say that Malaysians are only paying a 'small price' by not discussing certain sensitive issues, I totally disagree with you. Let's see how big of a price we are paying by not discussing and debating sensitive issues.
a. The Malays, although may feel good that by not discussing sensitive issues like the NEP and other racial issues, can continue to benefit from the Government plans. This only makes them more comfortable and produce the kind of graduates we are producing today where all the universities in Malaysia have been demoted in their world ranking except for UTM ( please see Bernama News on Nov 13, 2007 or visit
b. The non-Malays, on the contrary are being left behind to rightly pursue their tertiary education and also possibly force many average grade students to begin to work after their SPM or STPM. God knows the countless number of non -Malays who suffered by being forced to convert to a Muslim when they marry a Muslim. Where in the Quran or the Islamic scriptures that mentions the need for a non Muslim to convert when they marry a Muslim. I am not a Muslim scholar, but I am a tolerant human being who believes that every major religion is a love and peace abiding religion but the human beings who twist and turn the facts from the scriptures to suit their own needs.
6. Sir, not discussing the sensitive issues may have paid of handsomely for the Malays, but it has certainly caused lots of hardship and heart breaks for the non-Malays. Our cries and heart breaks will find an answer in the future. One race may dominate another for some time, but no race can dominate another race all the time.
7. You are unwilling to debate and discuss sensitive issues out of the fear of losing your own privileges. It is for this reason that I feel you have failed as a leader who could have been more just for the needs of other races in Malaysia. I can understand the applaud given to you in this blog by the people who certainly have benefitted from your policies. I can understand their joy and happiness. But remember this, the joy and happiness of one race at the expense of another race, no matter how gratifying, is NOT justified and against the natural order created by God.
Until then, take care and I hope that my words, although may be provoking, it was only written from the agony that I feel inside. Like you, every time I land in our airport, it's a great feeling to land in our 'tanah tumpah darah ku'. Although I'm a not a Malay, but I certainly feel like a Bumiputera, because if you break down that word ( Bumi = Earth and Putera = Sons and daughters of the soil or in the the Tamil language it means the Prince of the Soil) I am also a Bumiputera in the truest sense of that word, Bumiputera.
I pray for your health.
Take care and God bless.
By zabidimohamed on August 16, 2008 6:35 AM
the malay lawyers should not hesitate to boycout Bar Councils as a sign of protest. Demonsrate your stand!
By solcroft on August 16, 2008 6:41 AM
"And talking about civilised discourse, the terms used like "flaw in YOUR logic", "NOT ALLOWED to SO MUCH as to enquire" and "BARBARIC" shows some emotions have been stirred and fingers are pointed even by a simple open blog like this. So you are a good example why an open forum that pretends that sensitivities don't exist just won't work to solve problems. Create problems-maybe, Solve, I doubt it."
You are naive indeed if you think the problems aren't already there. Pretending to not see problems doesn't mean they do not exist. As for your sensitivities, they are irrelevant and insignificant when compared to the issue of racial fairness and equity, which are far more important. I hear UMNO cronies are sensitive about their ability to plunder the national coffers being interfered with, perhaps we should respect them by keeping quiet. I hear Pak Lah is sensitive about being overthrown from his UMNO party position, perhaps we should respect him and turn a blind eye to his doings of bribing the ketua-ketua bahagian. I also hear Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is also sensitive about Morgan Tsvangirai challenging him for the presidency, perhaps he should be allowed to continue his dictatorial rule over the country. If you challenge these sensitivities, you are inviting violence and bloodshed upon yourself, and it's your own fault. Better leave them alone!
Do you see how ridiculous this "sensitivities" logic is now? Any sensible person would laugh it away in dismissal, because it is nothing short of blackmail against democracy and the rule of law. The only way this travesty can take place, is if the majority decide to discard all pretense of civilizedness and fairness, and behave like barbarians.
By 101stuffsAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 7:24 AM
Well said Tun. Keep it up.
There were some comments on TS Hassan Marican's resignation. He only resigned from posts chairman & director of Petronas Gas Berhad but still retain his post as Petronas' president & CEO. (Note: Petronas Gas is a subsidiary of Petronas)
By mantoba on August 16, 2008 8:06 AM
Salam TUN yang dikasehi dan sahabat2 bloggers.
1.Satu penjelasan yang mantap untuk direnung oleh sekalian rakyat Malaysia,terutama Majls Peguam.
2.Majls Peguam sebenarnya faham akan perkara itu. Tapi mereka2 ini adalah dalang2 parti politik, dan forum berkenaan adalah bersifat politik semata2. Mereka mengunakan platform Majlis Peguam untuk menyampaikan agenda politik mereka.
3.Kesempatan ini diambil apabila mereka melihat ada kelemahan dalam kerajaan. Nyata sekali kerajaan tak berbuat apa2 pun untuk menghalang forum tersebut.
4.Zaid, membisu terus. Tugas beliau sudah selesai setelah kes VC Linggam dan pembayaran X'gratia kepada hakim2 yang dipecat.
5.Berbeza dengan peringatan Dr.Zahid hamidi. Adalah dayus kalau (Umno) tidak mengenakan tindakan terhadap mereka2 yang terlibat dalam Majlis Peguam itu.
6.Tapi yang lain2 kemana. Mana budak samseng dari Padang Rengas tu. Dah tak kuat lagi ker....setelah tak naik pangkat.....terperuk kat JPM jer....Merajuk ler tu.....
7.Ingatan kepada Majlis Peguam. Mereka mungkin tidak berhadapan dengan kerajaan yang lemah ini. Tapi mereka mungkin akan berhadapan dengan api kemarahan rakyat jika terus mencabar dan mempermainkan isu2 hak orang Melayu dan Agama Islam.
TUN, terus kan lah memberi maklumat2 yang penting untuk direnungkan oleh rakyat yang maseh setia dan sayangkan TUN.
Tun, jaga kedihatan. Kami maseh mahu Tun terus aktif dalam politik "GLOCAL".....
Teruskan usaha TUN menegakkan kebenaran. Kami tahu TUN telah lakukan banyak perkara yang benar dan betul.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has chance to get it's pants on"
--Winston Churchill.
By az''zam on August 16, 2008 8:09 AM
Salam Tun,
I have been following your comments for a while now and have been impressed with some if not all of your views. And this is no on. If chaos rules in this country, all would suffer. I hoped everyone, irrespectve of their beliefs & background, should be more responsible and tolerant as one wrong step could see this country desecrated.
p.s. Think of our young ones...
By kamikaze on August 16, 2008 8:15 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Pandangan saya pada tun adalah pemimpin sekarang tidak berani bertindak hanya sekadar pandai bercakap baik PM, TPM ataupun Menteri disebabkan oleh kisah sebalik takbir. Kebebasan yg diberi kerajaan memakan diri sendiri.
Apa nak buat tun, kaki bodek dan ampu mengatakan ini yang terbaik. Sebenarnya di Malaysia, Kebebasan perlu terkawal kerana sejarah silam. Saya membesar di zaman tun. saya rindu kepinpinan tun. harapan saya dan mungkin semua rakyat malaysia sekiranya tun ada pilihan pemimpin, suruhlah bangun bersuara dan bertindak. Menjadi pemimpin dan hero rakyat pada waktu ini adalah amat sesuai. kerana kita ketandusan pemimpin seperti ini.
Semoga sihat walafiat
By paizmyAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:16 AM
Salam Ayahanda Tun
The Bar Council aspires to become the 4th wing of the government. They have transform from a association of lawyers to a political movement.
Yes, their behaviour is somewhat arrogant and totally insensitive. All of them should be detain under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and charge under the Seditious Act. This is why these laws exist. National security and public safety is of outmost importance in any country.
No matter what reason given, no matter what the cause, issues regarding race and religion should be discuss behind close doors. Havent history taught us all that wars were fought because of religion. The crusades is an example of it. Racial wars also could happen. Have we forgotten Rwanda? Malaysia, May 1969?
Responsible people act responsibly. They use their intellect and compasion. We cannot be consume by our petty differences. We must be united in a common interest. Peace and Tolerance. That is Malaysia.
Salam Ayahanda Tun dan rakan-rakan
By pkAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:20 AM
Dear Dr M,
"The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly."
Henry David Thoreau
1817-1862, American Essayist, Poet, Naturalist
By ManchibutAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 8:41 AM
Tun Yang Dihormati,
Cara dan resmi orang Melayu, Tun, memang cantik. Sangat bertolak ansur. Lemah lembut, berhemah dan berbudi. Melayu menghormati siapa jua, tak kira bulu.
Jelajahlah ke kawasan-kawasan pedalaman dalam negara, tentu kita boleh tengok macam mana dua atau tiga keluarga-keluarga Tionghua atau Hindu boleh tinggal dengan aman di tengah-tengah perkampungan Melayu.
Kalau di Kelantan tu, keluarga-keluarga Tionghuanya sampai boleh ‘kecek Kelate’. Di Batu Pahat, Johor pulak diaorang sangat mesra dengan orang kampung sampai boleh ‘ngomong Jowo’. Kat Terengganu ‘pung gitu juge’ boleh ikut loghat orang sana dan serasi dengan nasi dagang.
Inilah agaknya yang boleh kita tafsirkan sebagai kompromi dan keterbukaan Melayu. Dan keterbukaan macam ni patutnya dihargai oleh kaum lain. Kaum Tionghua dan Hindu yang hidup bersama kita kat negeri ini perlu menghargai persefahaman yang terjalin sejak lebih seratus tahun dulu sampai sekarang.
Kalau tak ada kompromi dan persefahaman macam ni dah lama negara kita hancur, berkecai.
Tapi, macam mana pun, kunci kepada persefahaman ini bergantung pada pemimpin-pemimpin sendiri. Kita perlukan pemimpin berwawasan, berpandangan jauh untuk menggarap perpaduan, persefahaman rakyat. Yang ada la ni dah tak larat nak cakap lagi ..........
By marakarma on August 16, 2008 8:51 AM
By Disappointed Malaysian on August 16, 2008 8:51 AM
Police Malaysia masih bersikap rasuah.
I was stopped at the traffic light for over taking, the police officer accused me of cutting Queue. He said if he issue summon, the fine is RM300 and I have to go down somewhere in convenient. He then said "macam mana?".
I said I will go down to pay the fine if there is a case and he has to prove it. I also told him my recorder is working and will ask the judge to tell me whose voice it was.
So he changed his tune and said next time don not cut Q and told me to "drive carefully boss". Now since when I became the "boss" to Royal Malaysian Police? He must be so used to pay off by the "bosses".
By Kusanagi on August 16, 2008 9:11 AM
nampaknya sekarang ni..semakin kerap tun keluar dan memberi ucapan di media arus perdana..apakah yang telah berlaku..
samaada tun sedar atau tidak..mungkin sesuatu sedang berlaku..mungkin tun boleh jelaskan..saya percaya tun tahu
apakah yang mungkin bakal berlaku kelak..
By kamal ahmad on August 16, 2008 9:46 AM
The west puts too much emphasis on the freedom rights of individuals, every so often consuming the rights of the community. In America there exists an elite pool of “The 1st Amendment Lawyers”, lawyers who would sell the skins off their back or their mother to defend their myopic reading of the 1st Amendment. Freedom to porn, freedom to slander, freedom to incestuous relationships, freedom to same sex marriages, freedom to burn the American flag (the list may never ends).
Is this the direction our Barrister Council members are looking at? To actually be the localized version of the elite pool? Will the Malays (and non Malays) in this country lets you get your ways with that? Do you seriously only think and feel as if only you are the learned members of this community? Or by holding that colonialist LLB scroll does it makes you feel as champion of the race, chief speaker for all- elite of the fools?
Who recommended Ambiga for a Datuk ship? The public may wants to know. Ambiga was an experiment. You think that she could control her own peers and you invested in her. You gave them influence; you put them up one peg, you even put Tun Dr. Mahathir on the firing line for this misguided goal of yours. An acceptable target? Don’t fool around that game with those you don’t know. Tun Dr. Mahathir has every right to kick your balls till Kingdom comes.
You spent hundreds of thousands if not millions in back wages to the retired judges? And why not a public revelation? Why veil? You made childish speeches and tried to hold hands publicly again. Did it work? Now get off the wagon and let someone else do the driving. You may sweep all under the exclusive single needle Persians, but you may never rid of the smell. For that stinking truly is yours. You were put there to serve the “majority public”.
If you cannot deliver this and you start to delude yourself with positions and righteous issues, just go back to page one of the text books: To serve the “Majority” of the people. Step aside when this has expired upon you and your legitimacies.
By Jan on August 16, 2008 9:53 AM
Dear Tun,
I fully agree with your view. To Bar Council, you should learn to be sensitive to the indigenious people rights. Learn to be thankful that you can make a living peacefully in this land although you are a migrant. Learn to be grateful that the indigenious people do not question your rights as what you have always done to them. If you can't learn, one day the indigenious will force you to learn and accept it in a hard way. I mean really a Hard way. As Murphy's Law stated, "...everything will be in chaos if you let loose, until you exert energy or force to correct it." Think wisely before your action. Remember, nobody has an absolute rights even in your motherland country.
By truthseeker on August 16, 2008 9:54 AM
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. Most of the bar council people are taking advantage of the situation (Dollah's fear of them) and most of them chose to provoke the Malays and Islam.
2. Most of the bar council's idiots are indians, therefore, most indians are taking advantage of the situation (Dollah's fear of them) and most of them chose to provoke the Malays and Islam.
Thank you Tun, luv u...and you guys, the bloggers with the same wavelength with me only.
By TunA on August 16, 2008 9:59 AM
I think this is good enough basis to use ISA on these people and put them behind bars (no council) if they still insist to continue. Clearly what they intent to do "mengancam keselamatan negara"...
But if this is being raised then there must be something valid such that they are adamant to talk about it. Then why hasn't Zaid taken the lead to start a closed door discussion and find avenues to resolve it. This should be his priority -an issue that affects the common people and our everyday life.
It all started with Zaid who makes the bar council too arrogant and demanding so he need to resolve it. His boss should make this his priority.
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:06 AM
2. What I was talking was about sensitivity - about the need for people to be sensitive to the feelings of other people. It was not about Islam or its teachings or its history per se. It is about the Malays and the non-Malays in this multiracial, multi religious country and their sensitivities.
The non Malay converts want to give up being muslim, this is also their sensitive requirement. What abotu their feeling?
You are just trying to stop the physical bodies of this group of people who want to convert back to be non muslim. In fact, you can't stop their mind, you can only stop their physical bodies.
What is so afraid of you to let this non Malay to leave practicing Islam? They are just a few, maybe just a few hundreds. This is just a small number compared to millions.
Look at Singaporean Malay and Indonesians, they could choose what they like. But how many Singaporean Malay leave Islam? You hardly could find high number. It makes Singaporean Malay face challenge well.
This is the by-product of the law you imposed during your 2 decades of authoritative ruling where you stop the Malay from being progressive and being modernised like the Malay in Singapore.
By temenggong on August 16, 2008 10:10 AM
This is not about sensitivity. Are issues discussed in seminars and courts sensitive?
In the same way the Bar Council Forum was a discussion on the issues that arise about conflicting rights and courts, with a need to overcome these conflicts.
It was a discussion towards conflict resolution!
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:13 AM
8. Go to some European countries and you will find condoms on the steps of churches. In others, Christian priests officiate marriages between man and man, woman and woman and they raise families by having sex with other people. It is fine there because it is their interpretation of their rights. But why stop there? Why arrest couples having sex in full view of people in a park?
I have worked in Europe before but I could not find and see couple having sex in the park.
We could find condom in parks in Malaysia too. In Europe, only 1 third of population is erally practicing Christianity. The rest are non Christians.
You could easily buy condom in Europe and throw anywhere and throw to steps of churches. So, AIDS cases in Europe are less than in Asia.
What I found more in Malaysia news are father raped daughter, uncle raped daughter, brother raped daughter, neighbour raped neighbour, etc. At least 2 cases of rape daily in Malaysia?
All the parks in Europe do not allow having sex in the park. Similarly, do you allow rape at home by father on their daughter?
By having a conference or seminar will lead to kiling this and that?
By overview on August 16, 2008 10:17 AM
Dulu masa saya masih jaguh berbahas sekolah ada cikgu tanya saya "kenapa u tak mau jadi peguam" bila u punya idea boleh menterbalikkan fakta"...then saya jawab dengan sinis "kalau dah tau menterbalikkan fakta buat apa didokong terus.Kalau yg benar itu kita ikut,,dah tau tak betul, tak baik, baik jangan".So bila majlis peguam mula menghangatkan keadaan semasa,saya bersyukur sebab tak jadi peguam walaupun saya tau banyak perkara masih boleh dipertikai semata2 memperjuangkan hak peribadi..Tapi jika hak itu boleh menimbulkan huru-hara dan menyebabkan lebih banyak keburukkan kepada banyak pihak lebih baik jangan....dan sesungguhnya pembahagian kuasa oleh Tun dahulu memang berbaloi walaupun tak disukai segolongan orang yang memperjuangkan kepentingan peribadi dari semua pihak..
Lain pulak kerajaan sekarang,,Diangkat balik,dipulihkan kuasa...diberi"komisen"..Seperti memelihara ular yang tak kenal tuan..Sampai masa dia tetap akan "Patuk" jugak.
By integra3858 on August 16, 2008 10:22 AM
semalam, hari ini dan esok sangat meruncing dalam kehidupan masyarakat majmuk di malaysia. Isu perkauman, isu sensitif antara kaum, isu agama sepatutnya dibincangkan oleh pihak-pihak yng lebin berpengalaman dan arif. Orang berkepentingan dan hingusan patut cuma pasang telinga, belajar dan jangan cepat melenting.
Saya masih ingin bangun pada keesokan hari untuk melihat malaysia harmoni dan aman damai.
Terima kasih Tun atas kepimpinan dan visi agung selama ini. Saya adalah produk dasar pandang ketimur yg sentiasa dibelakang Tun.
By abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM
To Ambiga & Co,
Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship.
By cucu tok wan on August 16, 2008 10:42 AM
Assalamalaikum Ayahanda..
Sesungguhnya Nama Malaysia sudah salah...biarkan sahaja ia nya kekal sebagai Tanah Melayu...jadi depa tu sentiasa ingat bahawa tanah yang depa ni pijak adalah hak Melayu...tapi kerana ramai bijak pandai ia di tukar kepada Malaysia... kalau baca betul-betul dlm slang cina makna nya melayu mati...well adakah akan jadi begitu? atau lebih pandaikah Hang tuah dgn berkata tak akan melayu hilang di dunia...tapi kalau setakat melukut di tepi gantang macam kat s'pura tu baik mati...hidup segan mati tak mau...mcm kata nabil Lu pikir lah sendiri...tapi berapa ramai Melayu yang suka berfikir...? sekian dr anakanda
By bizperson on August 16, 2008 10:44 AM
Assalamualaikum Yg Berbahagia Tun,
To enable Malays to excel, they have to enable to converse in the respected language where the knowledge comes from, as what you have suggested before and I am fully agreed of it.
To enable the Malays to excel in the economy dominated by chinese in this region (SEA) and other nearby areas, they have to learn this economic language (mandarin or cantonese). Then only they can learn and trade effectively with these peoples.
I am suggesting that Malays adopt Mandarin as third language as early as standard 1.
I would like to have an opinion of Ybg Tun on this, if poaasible.
By umm muhammad on August 16, 2008 10:47 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun
I agree with everything you said escept the part that it is ok to call the black man SOB. It is NOT OK where I am, in the United States of America. You can get into big trouble if you do. I thought I should say something here, for the record.
Secondly, you could be addressing my children and I will be offended!
Umm Muhammad
By fafarafa on August 16, 2008 10:49 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Any comment pasal budak² UiTM yg lately ni suka sgt nk mogok² ni?
Semoga Tun & keluarga sentiasa dlm lindungan Allah hendaknya.
By Siva on August 16, 2008 10:56 AM
Not only Bar Council, the whole bunch called UMNO and BN are insensitive. Infact the contributors on this blog are also insensitive in majority. We can say it by how much violent words used. Distubia.......
The soil here is very fertile for racial frictions to happen and then to suppress it under the banner of insensitivity only makes things worse,causes blocked energy fields and finally hysteria (Freud called it Libido and William Reich called it Orgone).Find the root cause, Bar Council is not the problem, it is simply the by product, an effect of a larger cause. Look for the source and you will find.........the problem is that there no clarity of Mind and awareness to tackle it. We have hoarded so much and produce offsprings that are simply ignorant of love and just.This will go on and on ad-infinitum. What is sensitive now may not be so in the future. It is awareness. Sex subject was a taboo among family members before, it is not so now.The understanding and awareness on the subject has outgrown ignorance. To continue remaining ignorant constitues blasphemy of life.
Sex in Public is sensitive now, maybe not one day when the ignorance is gone. One day people will make love in public with their own spouses I mean, as the ultimate expression of love ( foolish one though). It will happen,slowly, somehow then it will be acceptable.
The existence is of billions of years and it has sheltered infinite amount of experiences. The possibilities are simply too much for us to digest or predict. In 10 years radical changes unimagined before could happen. So becareful what you wish for, it will somehow become a reality.Its just on waiting list now, a very long one.
By pocong on August 16, 2008 11:06 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun and all readers,
Last time Bar Council debated on Hak Istimewa Melayu/Bumiputra and now Memeluk Islam open forum, , then may be Raja Melayu, after that forum on how to demolish Malayu in this Malaysia, then install equal right in between Melayu/Bumiputra and non-bumi, then .....
Why EDUCATED INDIAN lawyer now day try to be a HERO? What we are looking here mostly Indian lawyers head by Datuk Ambiga? Who is she? Is she a better lawyer than saay... Karpal Singh ? Is she trying to get some publicity for her and her others India lawyers in the eye of Hindraf supporters? Or may be she is just a "pawn" sending by a some "King" to destabilize Malayu/Bumiputra and Malaysia as a nation?
If I am a King of Malaysia, who is the guardian of Islam and Melayu in Malaysia, I will strip down these insensitive Indian, their citizenship of Malaysia. These kind of people is not worth Malaysian citizen.
Hey you Ambiga, being an Indian, you must help a lot of other Indian to improve their lives. They are many poor Indian in Rawang, Mentakab, Batu Caves to help. Your MIC is the one to blame not our Constitutions, moron. Help those Indian to get better education. Dont send them to SRJK Tamil because that school sucks. Better send them to Sekolah Kebangsaan or if got money to Chinese school. See... Chinese also got their own Sekolah Kebangsaan ( Jenis )... but their education system is good. How is SRJK Tamil? That is the reason why many Indian in kampung and out skirt not interested to school and finally not even finish their PMR? What kind of work can you get without education certificate? That is why India youth involve in thugs, gangster, snatch thief, robberies, killing, murdering etc...
You, Ambiga and others Indian lawyers, the selected few Indian, who are getting better opportunities, better education, smarter than fews, try to change your Indians life standards rather than annoy other Melayu and Malaysia's Constitutionals? Hak Istimewa Melayu/Bumi, Islam is our official religion, are Malaysia's Constitution. Social Contract also in Constitution. If it is not Jus Soli, you, Ambiga, must be born somewhere else. Maybe in India as your great2 grand parent went back to your kampung somewhere near Tamil Nadu and gave birth your parent and your parent gave birth.. you, Ambiga. I pretty sure that, if your were born there in India, trust me, you will not be a lawyer today, who head Bar Council with Datukship before your name. Which King give you the Datukship huh? He must be a Indian King I guess. Nuff said.......
By jeng3 on August 16, 2008 11:10 AM
salam Tun,
to solcroft,
The word 'barbaric'at the end of your comments reflect your nature as an Islamophobic.An eye for an eye,just like the Bar Council, you open the Pandora's box and and you may not like the consequences of your actions.
Some of you choose to ignore that Malaysia is a unique country in the whole world.We have lived and prospered peacefully for 50 years despite having different racial and economic backgrounds.Nobody can deny us that achievement.
The key to this is PEACE.Without PEACE we will never be what we are today.
As Tun wrote;
15. I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off hansomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day.
With Solcroft's kind of attitude,we are heading for a disaster if emotions are left unchecked.Our forefathers have been very accomodating when they mapped out the country's constitution.Many of you know that some of the privileges you get here,you can never find in any other country in this world.
If you think you will be better off somewhere else,be my guest...
to hati.malaysia,
Your points are relevant but there must be better ways and channels to discuss these sensitive matters.The Bar Council itself is shadowy and dominated by certain groups of people with their own views and agendas.
You may think thay you are right and have grievances to air,but we also have ours too.If we are adamant to pursue our grievances openly,when is this going to stop?
I love my country.Two of my best friends are of Chinese and Indian descents.We get along wonderfully.Our respect for our mutual friendships outweighs the nagging issues that tend to unravel ours.I believe the Bar Council can learn a thing or two from this.
So to the Bar Council,you are trying to unravel the kinship of this country by trying to tackle too many issues at one time,as if taking advantage of this flip-flop government and weak leadership.Please be more sensitive in the future as you are now viewed suspiciously by many people.
By Benderbuzz on August 16, 2008 11:11 AM
Salam Tun.
One thing for sure is that Bar Council are controlled by PKR and DAP via proxy. It fits their agenda to create civil unrest and disharmony among races in this country. Its the only way for them to take over the administration by 16 Sept.
Anwar Ibrahim, tolonglah bersumpah supaya kami percaya yang anda bukan kaki liwat. Selagi anda enggan bersumpah, sampai kiamat kami akan percaya memang andalah Bapa Liwat Malaysia.
sjankan, lihatlah kembali diri anda sendiri. Tidakkah ini satu bukti bahawa ibubapa anda telah gagal mendidik anda dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk menjadi insan yang berguna atau anda masih mahu salahkan orang lain di atas kekurangan anda. Kesian ibubapa anda, mereka pasti malu memiliki anak seperti anda. Kesiannnn.....
By indian on August 16, 2008 11:17 AM
Mahathir, you have destroyed the nation, when you were PM, you interfered in Judiciary, cronysim was common and corruption at the highest level. You have made a mockery just because you, your family and your cronies wants to be in power. An example of Tun Daim Zainuddin, look how he made millions and now settling in South Africa with billions he made.
You have followed the British mindset by dividing the society and rule them accordingly, have you taken the initiave to overcome it, NO.
SWEAR to ALLAH, that your sons did not made full use of your tenor as PM to enrich themselves. What bullshit are you talking now.
You have created the whole mess. You have destroyed our education system. You brought in Malay medium in education just because of your political mileage and now since you are out of politic you are reversing your initial decision.
You are a snake with 2 head always playing racial cards to destroy the harmony of the nation.
You are blaming samy vellu, you knew he played indians with MAIKA and telekom share, you as a PM for all races you should have taken action against him because he is going to destroy a community whole depending on him. Why didnt you take any actions?
There is a video for you to watch and ponder.
By twocents02 on August 16, 2008 11:18 AM
Salam Dr M
Saiful bersumpah ‘mubahalah’ di Masjid Wilayah.
Kini ramai Melayu Islam mungkin rujuk semula pada sejarah 10 tahun yang lalu.
Semoga ini menjadi saat kesatuan Melayu Islam diTanah Air.
Majlis Peguam bolehlah bermain layang-layang dengan undang-undang dunianya.
Semoga Dr M sentiasa sehat. Kami akan terus membaca ...
By Mis_bah on August 16, 2008 11:19 AM
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
Your latest comment regarding Bar Council should be read repeatedly by every peace loving Malaysians irrespective of races, faith and religion. I think what Tun has said is the most practical remedy based on your experience and indepth observation to tackle unwanted insident in future to this country that might be caused by intolerance and insensitive behaviour of certain parties to other sensitivities of our fellow citizens in this multi-ethnic and religious country. What had been enshrined in the constitution is fact. Potential racial and religious tension and even may escalate into violence is real if we are not carefully handle our behaviour. Or is Bar Council is trying to create something that may cause choitic in the country and later comes out with suggestion that everything that had been mutually eccepted should be reviewed? If that is the Bar Council's intention, it will not benefit you. If that happened I fear may be the Bar Council itself does not exist anymore. So please watch your steps. Don't step blindly. Don't step over other fellow citizen's rights. If you respect others you could expect the same as return and otherwise. So let live together in peace and harmony in this land.
Thank you.
By ARZ on August 16, 2008 11:24 AM
Kepada Tun yang dikasehi,
Teriamkasih sekali lagi kerana menulis article yang begitu tepat....bila baca tu, tak ada apa lagi nak tambah sebab memang dah tepat sangat apa yang Tun tulis. Boleh menangis membacanya kerana ternampak keikhlasan Tun untuk memberi faham kepada mereka yang sentiasa tak mahu faham. Bertambah sayu bila memikirkan betapa kepimpinan negara hari ini sanggup 'memusuhi dan menolak' Tun?
Bolehkah agaknya Pak Lah menulis sesuatu yang bernas seperti ini? Tentu tidak.
Alangkah baiknya kalau Tun dapat memimpin kita sekali lagi?
Salam buat Tun dan keluarga....saya doakan semoga sentiasa sejahtera.
By whamAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 11:24 AM
Dear Tun;
For 50 years, we have maintained stability, prosperous and we are looking forward to be a developed nation. So, what's wrong with our Constitution? To maintain that stability for 50 years is not easy and having maintained that long shows the maturity of our people. As you said Tun, our freedom is not the same as in the West. Malaysians have to live with these sensitive issues. If we are to deal with these sensitive issues, we have to deal with much respect. That's the Malaysian way for 50 years. Why to change it now?
By David on August 16, 2008 11:25 AM
I watched the news last night As Lee Chong Wei won & going for final in Olympics' badminton games. He ran & hugged Misbun. That moment, I'm touch because different races is not there & we as Malaysian. I wish to see more of this moment in future. There is some sensitivity of every races as we need to respect. Without unity, we cannot go this far.
Sihat selalu, Tun.
By truthseeker on August 16, 2008 11:52 AM
Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,
1. Tun bagi penerangan di dalam blog ini kerana masih ada yang beranggapan Tun anti free speech atau human rights. Tun pun jelaskan tentang isu tidak sensitif.
2. Pulak dah, dalam respons kepada Tun terdapat mereka yang masih tidak faham apa yang sensitif sangat. Saya tidak menyalahkan mereka kerana mereka adalah golongan yang percaya democracy, free speech, dll. Mereka yang faham undang2 tahu semua ini, itu sebabnya bar council ambil peluang, polis setakat menasihati saja, bijak pandai yang tahu undang2 setakat mengeluh saja...semuanya dalam kebenaran undang2.
3. But my friend, can you stop those angry protesters? Can you stop those who tried to harm the chairman by throwing kerosene or maybe real life bombs later? Can you stop the riot like May 13th? Kampung Medan? Kampung Rawa? You see, out there, there are people who follow their hearts, not their thinking. During my younger days, I'd heard stories of some of the devoted Indians went into a trance even while watching a movie and went hysterical on stage in the cinema! A coupla years ago, a bunch of chinese PLKN trainees went into a trance and staged a demo becos they were not allowed to go back during hungry ghost event...can you explain that?
4. That's what sensitivities all about. Maybe your tolerance is high, nothing is sensitive. But we are not living by ourselves, there are others in this country and not all are open-minded like some of us. Come on, dont pretend, all races in the world have a portion of their peoples who are just fanatics!
5. Remember the Indian doctor who was shot dead becos he was suspected of luring Malay girls to convert to Hinduism? I hope everybody be sensible but the reality is there are the extreme ones.
Sorry la Tun dan rakan2 sebab banyak kali nak bagi pendapatan!
By Nyghtsky on August 16, 2008 11:54 AM
Agreed with David. When Chong Wei raced to open arms after winning in the Semi-Finals; that was a defining moment that we are one Malaysian irregardless of race, religion or creed. The only thing I miss was a shot of Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali standing and cheering Malaysia on!
This was something, you had spend most of your existence to achieve. It took a while, but you ( Tun ) did it and this cannot never be undone. Similar to all your policies that has help us to where we are today. Many may comment negatively about you, but they don't realise your vision.
Thank you, Tun... and God Bless You and your family.
By nookvillage on August 16, 2008 11:55 AM
The correct approach in multi-racial society, we have to be altruistic at all time. The world is to be shared by many. Segala tindak-tanduk kita sama ada bercakap atau perbuatan, seharusnya mengambil kira orang lain. Same goes with the Bar Council. The problem with the Bar Council is actually "too dark" and need to be corrected.
By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 11:57 AM
we are bangsa malaysia like what tun m said right? If Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Sambanthan are still alive, they will feel hopeless, as what they fought in the previous days became meaningless!
By ikhwan on August 16, 2008 12:28 PM
Dearest Tun, please allow me to just want to write a few words against comment by
By Shah on August 16, 2008 10:13 AM
8. Go to some European countries and you will find condoms on the steps of churches. In others, Christian priests officiate marriages between man and man, woman and woman and they raise families by having sex with other people. It is fine there because it is their interpretation of their rights. But why stop there? Why arrest couples having sex in full view of people in a park?
I have worked in Europe before but I could not find and see couple having sex in the park.
My comment: I have seen many couple had sex in the park in Europe. Once in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow Scotland in Sept 1995. I could still remember the date because it was the most ambarrassing moment of my life because I was new to that country and I was with a female friend taking a walk to our Uni, Glasgow University which situated near the Park. So Shah, you might be there during the winter season as only during winter the act is nowhere to be seen. Sejuklah . So Mr Shah, don't argue with a lame argument especially many of those visiting Tun's blog are those that has travelled far and we are a grateful lot. We can make comparison on how Tun has managed our beloved country and compare them with other leader. He is one of the best leader . Period.
You could easily buy condom in Europe and throw anywhere and throw to steps of churches. So, AIDS cases in Europe are less than in Asia.
What I found more in Malaysia news are father raped daughter, uncle raped daughter, brother raped daughter, neighbour raped neighbour, etc. At least 2 cases of rape daily in Malaysia?
My comment: Why should they rape, when they easily get free sex anyway. Lots of female there are willing partner whether they are married or not. Unlike Malaysia where religion put a boundary to this.
All the parks in Europe do not allow having sex in the park. Similarly, do you allow rape at home by father on their daughter?
My comment: Sorry, not all, in fact I have never seen one in London. The only sign that I could see was the dog owner must scoop their dog's shit and put it away in a special bin. Anywhere there is no pencegah maksiat patrolling the are which is so unlike Malaysia.
By having a conference or seminar will lead to killing this and that?
My comment: The so called seminar is only the starting part. Pembukaan. If they are successful in this, more seminar like this will be carried out and eventually will hit religion itself. Like Islam is agama rasmi negara.
Tun has accurately predict what will happen in the future. Not that he is a palmist or anything. He could interprets things far advance compared to us, thus making him want to better ourselves. Look at his prediction so far. BN lost many states. Petronas Hassan Merican oust by Khairi, Zaid Ibrahim the backdoor minister, Ian Chin, Anwar Ibrahim, and so much more. The only thing that he did not see was Pak Lah will destroy Malaysia when he elected Pak Lah. Anyway, who is perfect!
Thank you
By nokaki on August 16, 2008 12:28 PM
sy rasa kita protes buat demonstrasi desak c dollah letak jawatan. dia tu tdk sedar diri, tak reti nk turun lagi.
kelemahan dia adalh punca segala. terbuka konon skrg smua dah naik muka!
biar Muhiydin, Rais Yatim & Mukhriz & azlina yg naik..
By idrusk on August 16, 2008 12:36 PM
Salam kpd TDM yg sentiasa mencurahkan pendapat yg sentiasa membuka minda rakyat...memang kita takkan dapat melihat dan berfikir spt Tun kerana Tun adalah Pemimipin yg ulung.
Majlis Peguam ni adalah badan yg suka mencari populariti dgn bersandarkan hak asasi dan undang undang. Memang jelas ianya berkepentingan peribadi dan menggunakan undang undang sebagai topeng dan jalan untuk mencapai matlamat. Sensitiviti tidak diambil kira asalkan matlamat tercapai. Kenapa tidak mengadakan rundingan atau dialog dgn Ulama atau pemikir islam yg ada di negara ini. sebaliknya Majlis Peguam lebih suka berbincang pihak yg 'mereka ingin bincang' agar dialog tersebut mencapai matlamat mereka. Janganlah kerana ingin popular, secara tak langsung agama islam dijadikan sasaran dgn menggunakan perlembagaan sebagai topik untuk perbahasan tanpa mengambil kira sentiviti penganut agama islam.
kalau saya boleh menghormati agama dan bangsa lain di negara ini, kenapa Majlis Peguam ni degil sangat dan susah nak menghormati agama islam dan orang melayu di negara ini apatah lagi agama islam adalah agama rasmi. Mungkin Majlis Peguam merasakan mereka amat berkuasa sekali dgn menggunakan pengetahuan undang undang mereka dan boleh bercakap apa saja.
Banyak lagi isu yg boleh diselesaikan oleh Majlis Peguam ni kalau nak jadi popular contohnya dalam kes pembeli rumah, selesaikanlah kes pejabat peguam yg tutup dan mereka lari dgn duit 'stakeholder' dan banyak lagi...
Saya nampak pada akhirnya bukan parti yg menyatu padukan orang melayu di negara kita tapi agama Islam. Jadi kepada Majlis Peguam...awas! Jangan bermain dgn api...kecil2 jadi kawan kalau dah besar akan jadi lawan.
kepada TDM
teruskan menulis...untuk agama, bangsa dan negara
By Sayed Norman on August 16, 2008 12:41 PM
Salam Tun,
Jutaan terima kasih saya dan seluruh warga kerja Dunia Seni Lukis Sdn Bhd atas kesudian Tun dan isteri hadir merasmikan galeri kami semalam.
Pandangan- pandangan Tun amat berharga untuk kami menilai corak pemerintahan sekarang. Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa sihat. Teruskan menulis kerna kami akan terus membaca
By cek tendang on August 16, 2008 12:57 PM
ayahda Tun,
plz do something....
malapetaka besar dah semakin hampir.....
By iswara on August 16, 2008 1:03 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
apa yang Tun tuliskan/huraikan ini memang memberi nilai tambah pada pengetahuan saya...
Bar Council perlu diperbetulkan...harap PM tegas,lalang dah naik baru nak cantas...alamat semaklah kebun dengan lalang,ada duri pulak tu...
Chong Wei ke final,dan ada peluang memang emas...melalui paparan di tv yang saya tengok Chong Wei keriangan setelah menang,macam biasa meluru ke arah Misbun...paling syok lihat Chong Wei mencium bendera kecil Malaysia pada bajunya...terharu sungguh
ini lah rahmatnya di Malaysia Melayu,China,India dan bangsa lain boleh hidup dengan mesra,makmur mencapai kejayaan...
ini ada pulak yg nak kempen pasang bendera Malaysia terbalik...apa jenis mentaliti pon saya tak tau...
Harap Tun dapat bukak topik tentang Kemerdekaan...
lagi 2 minggu bendera pon kurang nampak ni...
By Mihar on August 16, 2008 1:14 PM
Salam sejahtera Tun
From across the causeway.
We always have high regards on you. You always been my inspiration. I am sad that inspite of your sacrifice, contributions some are still 'blind'. We always pray for your good health. Wassalam.
By Jamal on August 16, 2008 1:21 PM
Salam Hormat Tun,
These are the words and thoughts of someone who had lead a stable and prosperous Malaysia with the utmost RESPONSIBILITY and COMPETENCE. A leader who has his ear to the ground. Keeping in touch with the feelings and sensitivities of all the communities in the country - and even of its neighbours and the world community.
Human Rights CANNOT stand alone - it has to be balanced with Human RESPONSIBILITY!!!
In the context of the Bar Council - They missed the point because they thought it was their responsibility to be in the forefront in the fight for Human Rights - They forgot that they actually had not been given the Right Nor Responsibility. So if anything happens as a consequence; they can never and will never be HELD RESPONSIBLE.
I hope the Bar Council office bearers and especially their members (exercise your democratic rights & responsibilities to uphold the integrity of the Council by removing those irresponsible office bearer) by going back to the actual main responsibility and right of the council. Which is about ensuring the professionalism of the all practicing laywers - VK Lingam being one of them. Take care of you own house first!
If the Bar Council wants to comment on politics - then they will be well advice to start an political party and take on its arena of rights and responsibilities - don't use the Bar Council as a political Party - Its is a very very IRRESPONSIBLE thing to do!!!
As for Pak Lah and his bunch - don't just sit there and say. "oh, I have advice them to not do it". My God - please do not forsake your responsibility to ensure the stability, security, integrity and prosperity of the Nation.
Isn't it enough that Nation had lost - territory, prosperity and integrity that you now want to give stability to the wolves?
Pak lah please muhasabah di "Gunung Ledang" or pergi Umrah (as a private person) for two weeks. Solat sunat yang patut2 - cari lah hidayah Allah kalau Pak Lah ingin betul2 di sanjung sebagai Wira Agama Islam yang sejati.
Semoga Allah selamatkan Bumi Malaysia - Semoga Allah angkat pemimpin and rayaat nya menjadi teraju Khalifa nya di muka Bumi ini sebagai mana Tun telah tunjukkan jalan nya (maka ia BOLEH menjadi kenyataan - bukan khayalan atau dongengan sahaja).
Pak Lah kalau sudah tiada keupayaan - kami mohon - Demi Malaysia - beri laluan kepada yang berkemampuan secepat yang mungkin.
Kami sanjung niat Pak Lah memberi kepimpanan kepada Najib di tahun 2010. Adakah itu yang terbaik untok Malaysia? Adalah lebih baik Pak Lah tumpukan perhatian kepada mencari penganti yang terbaik untok Malaysia sekarang (jangan buat janji yang tak berfeadah kepada Malaysia). Buat apa yang lebih Afdal untok Malaysia.
Salam Rindu kepada Malaysia yang UNGGUL - Malaysia dan Pak Lah BOLEH!!!
By Edwardian on August 16, 2008 1:42 PM
YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir,
terima kasih kerana memberikan satu penerangan mengenai satu perkara yang cukup kompleks dengan cara yang cukup mudah dan bahasa yang senang difahami. Saya percaya hanya pemimpin macam Tun sahaja yang boleh mengawal pertubuhan seperti Majlis Peguam supaya tidak melampau dan celupar. Majlis Peguam merasakan mereka cukup bijak dalam perkara perundangan sehingga boleh mengatasi undang-undang negara. Sayang sekali Kerajaan sekarang tidak berani untuk mengawal orang-orang dalam majlis tersebut. Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat sejahtera...........
By Harimau1900 on August 16, 2008 1:42 PM
Dear YAB Tun.Dr.M,
Good one sir....
Thank you.
By dk on August 16, 2008 1:46 PM
i do agree with Tun's comment. its not just about malay rights and sensitivities.its not just about us,its about everyone else too. yes, some countries, may have extra rights but they may not have rice to live. we all have watch on tv how in some countries, buildings are destroyed, daily routine is throwing stones and feel angry and upset all the time. crime rate skyrocket, women and children denied their rights as human being just because they arent men etc.
therefore, i reccomend and urge at the same time Malaysians to reflect (not just reflect) but act too. be grateful for what we have. we've beautiful car, roads, buildings and people around here. look at your neighbour (though we may not always agree with them), but is it worth to show off/fight your rights just because you cant stand their dogs are barking loudly every nite when u come home??
we need to be sensitive, may be not your cup of tea,but you still got to drink it..sometimes..thats the beauty,then you know what tea taste like..
By Malaysian Indian on August 16, 2008 1:48 PM
Dear Tun,
It is good to know there are still people like ynwa1976 who go for understanding and forgiving some of the misdeeds by other people (other races).
However I believe by keeping mum over the issues will only increase our strereotype on the other races. I think it will be good if we can find time to discuss problems with our neighbours. I believe most of our inter-racial problems are due to miscommunication among us.
Most of us are pre-occupied with activities involving our own race and I do think some us like to live in areas where it is confined to our own race. This perception must go.
Our government should spend more effort in uniting all the races. create mixed race housing areas, actvities involving all the races. Gotong royong is a good example. neighbours should talk to each other more often.
I for one believe that there should be only one type of school which is national school but Tamil and Mandarin made compulsory subject to Indians and Chinese respectively. In this way, we will not have the need to have separate national type schools for the non-malays.
This might not augur down well with the non-malays but we should make effort so that all the races will becomes friends from a young age and will foster better understanding and friendship. How many Indians from Tamil school have Malay or Chinese friends uuntil they go to Secondary school and vice versa.
Leaders of all races should ponder ideas to unite us all from a very young age instead of harping on politicising the racial issues.
By jeng3 on August 16, 2008 2:12 PM
salam Tun,
To Shah,
apa kau melalut ni? merapik meraban tak de pucuk pangkal..cerita pergi keje kat Europe tak nampak condom...apa ni? Betul ke kau pernah keje kat Europe?kat Albania kot..atau sengaja reka cerita?
Jangan cerita Melayu Singapura macam kau pandai sangat.You must be a Singapore government agent to say good things about the Malays there.I WAS BORN THERE.DO NOT TRY TO BULLSHIT ME!
To Indian ,
who are you to threaten Tun?Destroy the nation,my ass!You know that you are the real original 100% guaranteed 2 headed snake here.SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP AND GO TO HELL! People like you does not deserve respect because you watched too much Tamil movies and think you are the HERO.
See Malaysian Indian comments and learn a thing or two from him/her.
By akubosan on August 16, 2008 2:23 PM
bar council is taking this opportunity to pressure the current government to make changes. This has been the trend I noticed that is happening in our country. The "openness" or rather the weakness of the confused leaders, have been used to the max by those seeking to profit themselves in getting their ways. Sadly, done without consideration on the tolerance attitude by the Malay and muslims.
The only reason why the alternative party will take over the country easily is when there is no changes in the entire UMNO leadership. Then the whole UMNO and BN should stop thinking the way they are, in denial over the lost states etc, but start doing some REAL works FOR the people and less of politicking and thinking about large contracts and be treated like some LORDS when they are in power. My question, why datuk ambiga is not being detained like any others who have created such stir in the society?
By Neil on August 16, 2008 2:47 PM
Tun, the Bar council had enough of your meddling in the judiciary during your 22years.During those dark years too much have been force down their throat.Now it's timely that all must be vomit out.
By dospenang on August 16, 2008 3:18 PM
Saya pecaya kepada PENGALAMAN.
PENGALAMAN TUN selama lebih setengah abad sebagai pemimpin dan negarawan menjadikan TUN lebih matang dan berpandangan jauh daripada semua pemimipin yang ada hari ini termasuklah DSAAB dan DSAI.
Tidak akan adanya sebab TUN menolak kepimpinan hari ini jika TANPA ASAS YANG KUKUH.
JADI bercakap hal BAR COUNCIL boleh menampakkan kelemahan orang yang TUN TUJUKAN.
TETAPI pendapat saya, TUN tidak akan ke mana jika menulis dan hanya bertindak sebagai 'PENGHIBUR' dan pembaca merasa 'TERHIBUR'.
SAYA ingin mengajukan TUN bertindak DEMI NEGARA MALAYSIA.
1. TUN perlu mendapatkan sokongan calon pengganti PM yang TUN rasakan layak bertanding melawan PRESIDEN pada EGM UMNO akhir tahun ini dan mencalonkan beliau dengan sokongan MT UMNO.
2. TUN juga boleh mencabar PAK LAH supaya SATU PETI UNDI KHAS DIADAKAN semasa EGM UMNO nanti bagi melihat sama ada ahli-ahli UMNO masih yakin dengan presiden atau tidak.
3. TUN juga boleh mencadangkan atau mencabar satu poll online diadakan di website PEMUDA UMNO atau website UMNO sama ada mereka yakin dengan presiden hari ini.
By speedbirdAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 3:20 PM
Raja Petra should be put in jail forever...
I just don't understand him. Just because he married a chinese lady, he now act as the non malays hero. Condemning the malays and islam. The Non the malays are very proud and love him. Have we seen or heard any fool from the non malays community damning their own race like RPK.
By bunnies on August 16, 2008 3:29 PM
I understood what you have written perfectly but there are a few points that you did not raise. The points are :-
Time has changed and man has evolved to be more evil. I am sure you are aware that the Bar Council did not in any way questioned the rights of Muslim/Malay or whatever Article that is the mother of all sensitivity! I am also sure you are very aware the reason why the Bar Council had this forum.
Perhaps the points that you have put forth had worked during the early years of Malaysia but I doubt it will work for another decade. There are plenty of people like these 2 indian women (for example)out there who are suffering tremendously because the law that they abide, upheld and believe has not been fair and just to them. The law has instead play indifferent because of the need to be SENSITIVE to a certain sector of another law.
I am not sure if you do know the pain and suffering of a mother who has been cheated of her rights and all this is because the man that she had once thought will be with her for the rest of her life decided to play a cruel trick with her. That trick is to convert to a religion that everybody knows is the superior religion on this piece of land. Yes, we call such men, scumbs, spawn of the devil and leave them to God to deal with. But in the meantime, where and how does these women take their case to and have a fair chance? Do you think it is OK for these women to just shrug their shoulders and forget that the horrible stretch marks on their bellies which they see everytime they are naked is a constant reminder that their child is out there perhaps pining for her? That she is missing out on those precious moments of her flesh and blood's development, turning from a toddler to a child to a teenager to an adult? Bar Council is not questioning Syariah but Bar Council is questioning if Civil could wake up and listen and act with just and honor. If Civil could forget about sensitivity and act justly, than there is really no need to have to ask right??
As for closed door talks/discussion that you have mentioned, well, perhaps during your time, you had made sure that there are solutions at the end of all these closed door talks/discussions. It seems when you left the office, so did these solutions...
Sensitivity doesnt means everyboday shaddarp.. sensitivity doesnt mean someone has to lose and the other gain all. If we are not matured enough to talk and discuss sensitive subject and try to find a solution that will work for all, than we might as well not have democracy at all. We cannot have 2 sets of rules.. we are matured enough to vote but not matured enough to talk about sensitive subjects and be civilised! I must say that the Malay/Muslims seem to be sensitive all the time!!! Perpetual PMS-ing! That is dangerous!!
By aconite on August 16, 2008 3:47 PM
Assalamualaikum Ybhg Tun & famili semoga sihat selalu hendaknya.
1. You are absolutely right!
2. This is something to do with CHARACTER, MORALITY AND THE ARTS OF DEMOCRACY.
3. What is happening now, how could someone (like; MALAYSIAN BAR COUNCIL - MBC) of such intelligence group of people (so call high IQ) do something irrational so awkward. They RUB OTHERS THE WRONG WAY, atau pun dlm bahasa mudah so downright DUMB? These reflect their Low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). They have high IQ but low in EQ. Whereby, we have to agree to the statement: academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life. (EQ: refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings & those of others, for motivating ourselves, & for managing emotions well in ourselves & in our relationships).
3. Some say knowledge is power but our good Sai Baba says Character Is Power!, As philosophers since Aristotle have observed, is based on self-control disregard whatever belief or religion you are. it opens the way to EMPHATY, to real listening, to taking another person's perspective, seeing things from another's perspective, tolerance, acceptance of differences and sensitive of others feeling.
4. For MBC they need to have this yardstick to be qualified as one respectful body, and are ever more called on in our pluralistic society, which allowing others to live together in mutual respect & creating the possibility of productive public discourse - These are basic arts of democracy (am I right?).
5. Salah siapa agaknya dan di mana silapnya? Ybhg Tun always said, – Melayu mudah lupa. By right now (50 tahun merdeka) we should be able to tune in to the world, to read situations & connect with others while taking charge of our own life & our right - present & future.
6. Oleh itu, kita perlu lebih asertif (kemampuan meluahkan emosi positif & negatif, kepercayaan & fikiran serta hak dengan berterus terang dan bersopan tanpa agresif). Orang Melayu memang sangat kurang nilai ini kerana kemungkinan budaya bersopan santun yang akhir dilihat sebagai ruang lemah yang paling baik bagi mereka yang bersikap ‘opportunist’ seperti MBC.
7. Adakah perlu kita terlalu bersopan hingga tergadai maruah & hak?.
By untukrakyat on August 16, 2008 3:51 PM
thanks a lot that u make malaysia to the world wide know.TUN adalah contoh anak malaysia.
Chong Wei are show out wats mean its the multi racial country.he not win for chinese or him self but for malaysia.the only one get fight for us for the gold.did he mention that he win for himself...?
If want to talk about religion or ugama.Pls dont take part on politic and manage our malaysia.we need a man tat take care citizen and not for urself and urfamily,follower only live happilly and richer.rakyat also nak dapat hidup senang bukan nak kaya raya.but now day how .....???
TUN its correct poor its more poor,rich its richer so the country will end up like indonesia country 2 level ppl only.all race also a human pls i can see its malaysia r like no humans right.v r not stupid but dont thing we r weak.I have a lot of comment on politic issue and our country but i new on here.
PLS YAB TUN if i write wrong or my comment its sensitif pls let me know cause i m new here.
Let me to vote out wat r rakyat feeling right now.On TUN hand manage malaysia i c its growing up and improve not down grade.On this five year wat can v c its only increase price all the stuff that citizen need to use everyday not the country.
By theWitch on August 16, 2008 3:52 PM
saya harap Tun dapat menjelaskan mengenai sejarah dari pandangan Tun sendiri tanpa perlu menjaga hati mana-mana pihak...
1) bagaimana orang melayu begitu mudah boleh memberi kerakyatan kepada kaum pendatang dengan prinsip jus soli ?
2) bagaimana tanah melayu singapura boleh dengan begitu mudah diberi dengan percuma kepada PAP ? siapa yang melepaskan singapura ? ada atau tidak bantahan dari orang melayu ? saya ada terbaca artikel racist cina yang menyatakan Tuanku mengajak Sabah dan Sarawak menyertai Malaysia hanya untuk mengimbangi kaum melayu, benar atau tidak ?
3) bagaimana 13 Mei berlaku ? apa puncanya ? benarkah dakwaan dr kua dalam bukunya 13 May revisited menyatakan bahawa berlakunya coup d'etat ?
4) perjanjian air dengan singapura, kenapa kita tidak boleh selesai ? siapa yang buat perjanjian berat sebelah tersebut ?
5) komunis di malaya membunuh ramai orang tidak berdosa, kenapa masih ada ahli sejarah yang menyatakan mereka berjuang untuk negara ? mengapa dan bagaimana komunis boleh ada di malaya ?
6) sekolah-sekolah cina dan tamil. kenapa perlu dibina lagi selepas merdeka ? bukankah sekolah-sekolah ini dibina pada asalnya untuk kaum-kaum pendatang yang perlu dihantar pulang ke nagara asal mereka ?
cukup buat masa ini... saya akan kemukakan lebih banyak soalan lagi..
By Tauke Kedai on August 16, 2008 3:55 PM
Spot on Sir.
This group of people will get the taste of their own medicine when their daughters and sons, driven by their strong believe in human rights which they inherited from their fathers and mothers, copulate like donkeys in the public.
I do not deny the importance of defending human rights but we MUST have some limits to govern our behaviour. We are INSAN, which means that we are forgetful. We need to remind others and let others to remind us.
Ask yourselves why do we need police, the judiciary system and why do even need lawyers? If everybody can do whatever they want to do, why do we even need the law? Total liberation or democracy or whatever you want to call it, will lead to total anarchy.
I cannot help but think that the human rights have been abused by those who are politically motivated. Democracy is a product or propaganada to destroy good 'dictators'. When democracy does not work, you create another propaganda i.e terrorism.
Bloody agnostic.
By ashar on August 16, 2008 4:00 PM
AKIM ini dari paksi mana...?
apakan dari KJ juga...?
Pilihlah pemimpin cara Islam.
Jauhi pemimpin yang bermasalah:
kerana pemimpin yang baik pekerti akan menjauhkan diri malah menghindarkan diri dari menjadi syak wasangka buruk oleh masyarakat dengan perkara di atas.
salam perjuangan
By ashar on August 16, 2008 4:00 PM
AKIM ini dari paksi mana...?
apakan dari KJ juga...?
Pilihlah pemimpin cara Islam.
Jauhi pemimpin yang bermasalah:
kerana pemimpin yang baik pekerti akan menjauhkan diri malah menghindarkan diri dari menjadi syak wasangka buruk oleh masyarakat dengan perkara di atas.
salam perjuangan
By AloQStaQAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 4:02 PM
Assalamualaikum Ayahandaku, Tun yang di kasihi....
Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda kini berada dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan ceria sepanjang masa .. Aminnn! ...
Ayahanda & para pelawat,
Semakin hari semakin jelas nampak sungguh layu kepimpinan AbDolah memimpin negara ini walaupun beliau sedaya upaya menaikkan kembali popularitinya yang menjunam baru-baru ini dengan menggula-gulakan rakyat pada mutakhir ini dengan cerita-cerita membersihkan dirinya dan menambahpopular dirinya kembali, terkini dikatakan harga minyak akan diturunkan ... tak faham? dah menjunam tu, susah la nak naik balik AbDolah oiii! ...
Tu la ... sejak dulu lagi Tun dah bagitau, TURUN SEGERA, TURUN! Tapi ngkau tak nak dengar cakap Tun ... ngkau degil AbDolah! degil! ... akhirnya populariti ngkau hancur, tak semena-mena BAR COUNCIL pulak dah berani dan biadap "menampar" muka sekalian rakyat beragama Islam dan khususnya Melayu akibat dari kelemahan pentadbiran ngkau wahai AbDolah .... Inilah yang kami semua tak mahu kat ngkau ni AbDolah! ...
Rentetan dari "kasih sayang penuh tatangan" bak minyak yang penuh supaya tak tumpah, dari Menteri De Facto Undang-undang Malaysia (yang suka keMABUKan tu) kerana memberi muka yang lebih kepada "ketelusan" sistem perundangan (secara tidak langsung memberi muka kepada BAR COUNCIL), maka dengan ditambah sifat lemah lembut (baca : lembik!) Perdana Menteri Malaysia, maka BAR COUNCIL mula cuba "mengambil alih pentadbiran" akibat sedikit KUASA telah meresap masuk ke dalam Pertubuhan mereka!
Sensitiviti kaum dan agama selama ini terjaga dan dijaga rapi dengan selamat/elok/baik/bagus/cekap/berhati-hati/terkawal telah mula digoncang oleh PM ini dan Menteri De facto Undang-Undang ini, dengan mereka memberi ruang serta peluang kepada BAR COUNCIL(yang telah mendapat restu penuh mereka - demi "ketelusan Sistem Perundangan" kononnya).
Pertubuhan itu, tanpa segan silu kini telah "berani" mencabar hak-hak Melayu dan Agama Islam.
Inilah nilai harga yang perlu dibayar oleh Menteri terbabit yang telah membuka luas "pintu" kepada ahli-ahli perundangan ini "masuk" membawa belantan dan kayu pemukul untuk memukul prinsip negara (yang menjaga hak Melayu & Islam) selama 50tahun lebih yang terjaga rapi! Kini prinsip tersebut sudah lebam-lebam dibelasah oleh Pertubuhan itu ...
Rawatan segera patut diberikan oleh Kerajaan yang bertanggunjawab! jika dibiarkan, ia akan membarah dan membawa padah kepada Bangsa Melayu dan Islam di tanahair Malaysia.
Kenyataan ini, bukanlah bertujuan mengapi-apikan perkauman, tetapi inilah nilai keharmonian selama ini, terganggunya keharmonian ini, jangan terkejut jika 1969 mungkin berulang.
INI YANG KITA SEMUA TAK MAHU TERJADI - KERANA KITA SAYANGKAN MALAYSIA DAN KEHARMONIAN SEMUA KAUM DI MALAYSIA! .... (Seperti sepanjang tempoh 22 Tahun kepimpinan Datuk Seri Dr.Mahathir Mohammed) ...
Kita semua pasti masih ingat masa itu, kita semua (baca: semua kaum) hidup harmoni ketika itu tanpa ada sebarang rasa perselisihan antara kita, kerana menghormati hak-hak dan batas-batas yang telah digunapakai sejak merdeka ... Jangan mudah lupa. Demi keharmonian.
Perrrggghhhh!!! .... Penjelasan Tun kali ni cukup padat dan lengkap terhadap puak-puak yang mempertikaikan kenyataan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ! Nah ! Amik buah tangan yang padat dan mampat dari Tun! Jangan anggap Tun macam-macam ... Tun dah lama dalam dunia pentadbiran kerajaan mahupun organisasi berbilang kaum ... Bukan sehari dua, tetapi berpuluh tahun .... Sepak terajang dunia politik adalah asam garam hidup Tun ... Jadi, artikel Tun hari ini, amat tepat dan padat memberi gambaran jelas kepada yang belum nampak apa yang dimaksudkan Tun mengenai BAR COUNCIL ...
By Tunteja on August 16, 2008 4:48 PM
Tun yg disanjung,
Artikel Tun ttg Bar Council mmg tepat.
Sedih juga sbb masih ada yang tidak dapat menerimanya.Kerana mereka bukan Melayu atau non-MIB.Bilakah Bar Council hendak membela orang melayu? Sekarang ini peguam melayu tutup mulut,sibuk kutip duit masuk kantung sendiri,sibuk bankrap.
Sebagai orang melayu saya juga rasa sangat sakit hati kerana terpaksa melihat sahaja non-MIB mendiskriminasi bangsa saya.Jika kita di atas adalah juga peluang kita merasa.Tetapi jika mereka berada di atas,kita akan dipinggirksn.....kita senyap saja,tak bising2pun.2hari 2 malam tahan telinga dengar upacara sembahyang mayat jiran cina sebelah rumah sehingga tengah malam. Pernah kita merungut?
Tapi kejayaan Lee Chong Wei semalam,membuatkan rakyat Malaysia terkenang, nostalgia bertahun2 yang lalu amat dirindui.Seorang anak didik berbangsa cina memeluk guru bangsa melayu.Waktu itu segala perbezaan dibuang jauh ke tepi,bukan?Itulah yang Tun telah lakukan selama 2 dekad.Anwar Ibrahim menghancurkan segala-galanya kerana dendam dan cita2 politiknya dengan menghasut orang cina dan india lalu melaga2kan dengan melayu.Saya percaya usia Tun masih panjang untuk melihat kebenaran akan apa yang telah berlaku 10 tahun dulu.Kepada yang masih belum faham,belajar2lah faham.Bersyukurlah dgn apa yang telah dinikmati.Jangan jadi TAMAK!
Tun,saya harap Chong Wei akan dapat 1 juta tu,walaupun ternyata amat sukar kerana saya tak ada prejudis terhadap orang cina.Ada perkara yang sangat penting di sebalik pelukan Chong Wei dan Misbun.Unity Is Strength!!
By bluekang on August 16, 2008 5:06 PM
Dear Tun,
A great masterpiece!. Luv U Tun.
By harun on August 16, 2008 5:08 PM
Dear Tun..
Totally agree with you.
You speak-out your mind with brilliance interpretation.
The quality of the true leader you are.
I’m proud of you Tun. No doubt that you are the most respectable and brilliance leader of the world.
I am looking forward for your talk this coming end of the month.
Hope can meet you personally and shake hand with you.
As for this article, what is going on currently is just political games.
Mastered by the irresponsible minds.
Sensitive issue shouldn’t be taken lightly. It obviously very-very complicated issues.
New mind games played by the PENJAJAH to seize us by taking advantage of our weak leadership.
But sadly none of our so called leaders smell this kind of trap.
But if you are still in power surely all this sick minded people will be scrapped by you without fear.
Tun….just my thought..
p/s – Cecindui & Man Tiger…meet u guys at d Talk.
By asamdidaratAuthor Profile Page on August 16, 2008 5:36 PM
I have the deepest respect for you since I was eleven, albeit back then I was not quite aware of your history and origins and apparently was a raised-and-born-in-Brunei person, but I knew for a fact that you built up Malaysia, you further developed it after your predecessors. It is sad that all those things you had accomplished in making Malaysia a country revered by others comes falling down like a game of dominoes with our present prime minister in charge.
Tun, I greatly agree with your take on the Bar Council. It would perhaps be acceptable if the Bar Council had made the Memeluk Islam forum not opened to the public but instead to have the forum in a private manner. It is funny and at the same time greatly irritating what certain groups would do just to cari pasal with not just the government but also the Muslim majority of Malaysia. It would seem that the Bar Council, consisting of well-educated people, are as you say, arrogant (but let me further elaborate that very word; pompous, arrogant ass). It would seem that they have no care for the sensitivity of the rakyat, as though they're all sneering and saying to each other "let's poke this pressure point, lets see what reaction will we get" by holding a forum that anyone in the right mind knows would sure cause all hell to break loose.
Everyone's yelling out the words 'human rights' or 'hak kita' whenever we speak about things like racism, religion and other sensitive matters and I think you said enough about the usage of the word human rights in this piece on the bar council. If everything is about human rights and the freedom of speech, then heck I can easily bomb someone's house and say it's my right as a human. I can easily talk about gay activism because it's my privilege to freedom of speech. It is absolutely disgusting and disturbing that the use of the English words have been abused. And as you said, if we Malays talk about Chinese or Indians, they call us racist but if they talk about us Malays, questioning our protected position by the government then what is that? Is that racism or is that just plain ol' human rights?
The Bar Council holds onto that 'berani mati' phrase but they should have the sense to hold their tongue when they're laying down an issue that surely will provoke the nation. I think a more sensible solution to the matters such as hak penjagaan anak when the husband secretly converts to Islam or the cremation of a family member's body when all the sudden some sort of news comes out saying that the deceased should be cremated in Islamic manner, not Buddhist or Christian or whatever, etc, there are cases when the family does not know of the person's conversion so this is when the whole feud breaks out. So, why not the Syariah court or the government issue laws saying that all converters must make announcements on their conversion to Islam or other religion through the media. This is much more a sensible approach if the case is that the family does not know of one of their family member's conversion to another religion. In Brunei where I am residing in at present time until I face my O'levels, this way is actually effective. Maybe this is because the population is very small compared to Malaysia's and so that is why we don't have soap operas in the court but perhaps if we carry out this similar measure such as Brunei by announcing anyone's conversion to another religion (Brunei announces mostly on the conversion to Islam) in newspapers by having a whole column especially for announcements on Muslim converts then perhaps the whole bickering would lessen but of course, it is also thinkable as to how this can be done since Malaysia has a really big population but it won't hurt to try now as opposed to just letting go of the matter and standing up from the chair only when someone holds up a finger and causes a stir of uproar amongst the Malaysian public.
Tun, this is just a simple request from a Malaysian youth who wants that ol' glorious Mahathir's-Malaysia back; come back into UMNO, Tun. Come back and give us back what we had lost and are losing. The government of Malaysia is weak now, and all sides are taking advantage, poking at the government from left, right, front and back just to see what reaction they'll get. Well, I'm done with seeing my government, my BN, being poked at.
By kamal ahmad on August 16, 2008 6:16 PM
Kepada Tuan/Puan para peguam-peguam Melayu dalam Majlis Peguam Malaysia, anda sepatutnya memperjuangkan dengan lantang dan konsisten tentang isu berbangkit mengenai ujian kelayakan CLP bagi para graduan undang-undang di Malaysia. Ini adalah kerana mekanisma ujian CLP ini secara majoritinya dikawal oleh peguam-peguam bukan Melayu didalam Majlis Peguam Malaysia yang kebarangkaliannya adalah ber-agenda sendiri. Tengoklah statistik calon galus dalam ujian-ujian CLP berkenaan. Sedarlah wahai peguam-peguam Melayu semua, sedarlah tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab anda kepada bangsa dan agama dan juga negara. Tubuhkan segera Majlis Peguam Melayu (Islam) Malaysia. Perjuangan anda sebenarnya baru bermula.
By YT on August 16, 2008 6:20 PM
Your Honorable,Tun
I met you once in close, at a dinner held in Malaysia Embassy of South Korea.
I was lucky to have met you that day, and I was lucky to have been choosen as one of the "Look East Policy" students sent to Korea to learn from others.
In a Karaoke session, you sang "My Way" of Frank Sinatra.
" And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full.
I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
"Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way".
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!
Yes, it was my way "
It was the first time I met you, and that kept me remember you when I sing the song sometime.
Thanks for introducing me/us the song. It taugh me a lot since then.
The song do represent a lot about you. Not only you, it also represent a lot of good leaders, who have guts to hold responsibility in any actions they decided.
Wish we could hear you sing the song again sometime in the future.
Stay healthy and happy, Honorable Tun.
By key on August 16, 2008 6:27 PM
Salam untuk TUN & isteri serta warga chedet.Banyak yang saya masih belum faham tentang dunia politik .Terutama di negara kita,tapi apabila Tun menulis di blog ini minat untuk mendalami semakin membara.Ada yang saya masih boleh faham ada yang sebaliknya.Itu yang buat saya suka membuka laman ini dan memberi komen/pandangan.Walaupun ada yang mungkin telah di tolak tapi saya tak berputus-asa.Bagi saya TUN menjadikan saya sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA yang ambil berat akan negara ini.TERIMA KASIH PADA TUN SEKALI LAGI.Saya akan terus bersama2 menyokong perjuangan TUN,walaupun saya berada dinegara orang.Semoga TUN berjaya menyakinkan rakyat m,sia.
By GreenOrge on August 16, 2008 6:33 PM
Jangkaan KJ nak bolot harta rakyat (Petronas) , mengenai Tan Sri Hassan Merican
seperti dijangka .... Habis harta rakyat ...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
By cek on August 16, 2008 6:37 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
To 'indian', tak payahlah tunjukkan video yang hangpa buat sendiri. Naik meluat aku nengok. Tun made the very very right decision.
Tun, please take care..
By babyZZ on August 16, 2008 6:38 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun DMM & TSA serta Famili tidak lupa pada sume warga2 di dalam sini....
Talking about different race & religion .... I have a story to share. When I wuz staying in Kuching I dont really have non-muslim frens as my school itself mostly are malays and muslims.
The irony is that I am friendly and I enjoy talking and having new frens...but I am not really CLOSE to anybody.
I came to KL..I went to ST mary's Girl School for one yr....i am out of contro :) parents shift me to school near to the house so that they can fetch me.
After finish high school I went to college....yes I do have that same fren (malay) for nearly over 12 yrs now....BUT at that same time my best fren n me are not in the same course, i join a different course which almost all are junior frm me....i came to know this group of my chinese frens who if four yrs younger....they are CPK,Leanne and Bernard ( frm s'bah & s'wak ).
I never thought that my frenship with them are that strong borderless....CPK always remind me not to forget my 5 times prayer,sometimes while studying i almost forget to pray then my wonderful fren wld tell me " Hey, u dah solat tak ? " i just enjoy and proud to be friends with them.
They help me do my coursework...cause my lecturer hates me so she FLUNK me....hmmmmmmmm frens are the MOST angry people !!
I MISS them.....hope thay are all in good health.
If people say that we are not the same color,religion and race CANNOT tolerate each other its a total B**l.As i have gone thru it we can be Good and Best friends as long as we respect each other and never questions the reasons WHY in each beliefs as they are the retict area to ensure Good relationship.
Thanks Tun ....U R and WILL ALWIZ be the BEST.........
WE miss u.....Doakan Tun & All...Sihat sejahtera selalu....
By Harimau1900 on August 16, 2008 6:59 PM
Dear YAB Tun Dr.M,
My apology to use your blog to comment....
To ynwa1976,
Thank you for your excellent posting above...
To Aysha,
I read a lot of article and posting from muslim brothers stating that Islam should treat all human being fairly no matter of which race or religion they belongs to. But I find yours sounds the opposite way!!! Why?
If you want me to show you some proof on the postings and article written by those brothers, I can do that. Please let me know if you need to see them 1st before commenting on this.
By Amir678Author Profile Page on August 16, 2008 7:03 PM
Dear Tun,
Tahniah, atas tulisan Tun kali ini (straight-to-the-point). Ternyata kewujudan Majlis Peguam bukan untuk kebaikan profession peguam, tapi dgn niat tertentu dan dan nempaknya merosakkan keharmoninan Malaysia.... Oleh itu untuk bebaikan elok kerajaan haramkan sahaja pendaftaraannye...
By Freewill on August 16, 2008 8:10 PM
17. But ours is not. Ours is multi-ethnic country where assimilation has not taken place. After hundreds of years you insist on still being what you are. Still for 50 years we managed to remain stable without the kind of conditions imposed by developed countries on new citizens.
Comment regarding assimilation:
Dear Tun, it is BN's corrupted, divisive race policies that caused assimilation to fail. BN always provoked race & religious issues so that it could stay in power. UMNO retards the Malay to think progressively & is definitely a huge barrier for assimilation. Unite & Malaysia will prosper!
By panglimaagung on August 16, 2008 8:11 PM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun the MahaGuru,
We ain't seen nothing yet Tun, since the so called new leadership of UMNO took over the steering of this country calmly except the deterioration of perfect system perfected by u.Thanks to u and the elders of our founding fathers to have been in syn.
Since then, it seems every single system of government network collapsed and unconnected to the brain as a central of the whole politic body.
U have successfully built a form of politically sound malaysianised politic system based on multi racial need to achieve the goal 0f 2020 vision. this is proven Tun!needless to say more.
With the present leadership of the budulah and the gang, however good it may sound autonomous and openness, we always believe at the of the day the government should effectively and effeciently provide a common good result in light of living in peace and harmony, providing better infrastructure if not basic, and create wealth but not destroying it. Create value to the rakyat. Create an added value component to the rakyat. They should be a KPI given to all the YBs,not the babis as they wont even understand a very basic language other than eating and multiplying and annoying.
Rakyat, don't ever forget this that we are the one who actually hold and evaluate their report card at the end of day!
As for the bar council who has given u the right to interrupt peace on the rakyat. I don't think you are ready and rich enough to pay the price when you inflict harm to peace and development. U systematically intent to play the fire without doing ur homework hardly to study history of the country.
Don't ever stop writing Tun.
Our pray is yours. God bless us! Amin
By antubiul on August 16, 2008 8:23 PM
During your premiership:- "Dont do it or else face the consequences'
Current Premiership:- 'Takpe, Lain kali Jangan Buat Lagi'
During our childhood time it very common when papa and mama always remind us ' Dont do that again' and its ok since that's the way to bring up kids BUT will that works to governed the country?
By antubiul on August 16, 2008 8:34 PM
What Merdeka 51 means to me base on the current administrations:-
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. Proud of any acheivement? None so far
5. Proud with the leaderships? Yikes
6. Confident of achieving 2020 develop nation?..errrr no more
7. Proud of development thay is on the way?. Where, which one?
8. Nation will remain strong as we move forward? Not sure
9. Unity will remained and Malaysia will prosper?.. Hopefully
10. The royals will never interfere with the administration? errr.
11. Ghanian who ,liberated earlier than us by months might overtake us in development and economic.? Looks likely. they even might be the largest Palm Oil exporter one day.
12. Still proud to be a Malaysian? Why not.. its my country.
By priss01 on August 16, 2008 8:43 PM
What the BAR COUNCIL did was stupid but not wrong.
They wanted to voice out concerns in areas where civil and Islamic law overlap. Certain individuals try to escape civil law by converting to Islam, as shown by the 2 examples they provided.
But Bar Council should know certain political people are always there to twist and turn the facts to make this into a sensitive issues.
By yusop on August 16, 2008 8:48 PM
Salam Tun,
Dimana bumi dipijak.........disitu langit dijunjung
Semoga Tun suami isteri sihat selalu.
By zali lampai on August 16, 2008 8:55 PM
assalamualaikum Tun,
Harap2 suatu hari nanti proses asimilasi tu akan berjaya juga.
By mattradin on August 16, 2008 9:32 PM
U the MAN!!!!
By worm gear on August 16, 2008 9:56 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun yg dikasihi,
Teringat kisah 10 tahun yg lalu dimana Anwar dipecat.
Banyak orang mengata Tun kejam dan zalim, maka banyak yang melakukan sembahyang hajat memohon Allah swt menunjukkan kebenaran.
Perkara yang sama berlaku kembali, mungkin ini kebenaran yang ditunjukkan supaya Negara yg tercinta ini tidak diperintah olih Al Jubori.
Semoga Allah menberi petunjuk kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk sama sama menolak dan selebihnya kita serahkan kpd Allah Taala.
Tun dipihak yg benar. Amin
By lanjut75 on August 16, 2008 10:36 PM
TDM, this is my first time commenting on your blog.
My view is that everything must be discussed. Soooner or later everything will.
Malay issues. Islamic issues. Non-bumis. Everything should be open for discussion. I hate the fact that malays are constantly criticised in online forums. I long for the chance to be able to discuss inequalities with other races.
Come on then. Let's get ready to (not rumble but discuss!).
By suppie kugrimo on August 16, 2008 11:39 PM
dearest unreplaceable Tun,
these people really have to wake up. i'm most aggreable with you. too many fellas 'sudah lupa daratan'... sometimes they are just being 'terlebih mat salleh dah'... i will share with you of this solid real life joke.
my brother told me about this malaysian guy that have been living overseas for quite sometime. having a 'mat salleh' wife and on holiday, he came by invitation to my brother's company annual dinner last time. so they shared the same table with him and his other colleagues. he was talking (or boasting) about his gala experienced overseas in the no 1 country, about his great job and his 'pride and joy' outstanding wife's family. nothing about his 'kampong' whereabouts and life.
but the best part of all, at one point, he spoke with a full american accent.. the sentence that 'pissed off!' and shocked my brother most. it goes like, 'when i was a malay... ' and the story goes on.
is something wrong here or somewhere?
may Allah bless you Tun and family.
By Anba on August 16, 2008 11:40 PM
Dear Blog Editor,
I was wondering why my article was not published? Anything sensitive in my article?
I'm re-submitting it again.
Dr. Mahathir,
Hi there. You mentioned the following:
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off handsomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day."
Here are my views on your statement.
1. I have always admired your guts in speaking out against the west and your visions in making Malaysia known to others in the world.
2. I believe that you're a smart politician, better than your ability to be a medical doctor. As smart as you are as a politician, you are also cunning as a fox in refusing to talk about the sensitive racial issues that’s crippling the minorities for decades.
3. You know very well that the NEP cold have been abolished in 1990, but you very well knew as a smart politician that you will be hated by the Malays forever if you had done so. On the contrary, I believe that the Malays, although they may have hated you by abolishing the NEP in 1990, in the long run they would have appreciated your move as that would have made the Malays work harder and improve themselves. I'm not saying that all Malays are not working hard, I' implying that as a consequence of 'spoon feeding' the Malays, you will make them feel comfortable and unwilling to compete, knowing that the government is always there to bail them out.
4. You cannot expect to realize the truth if you do not investigate in an unbiased manner. You should know well, as a person trained in math and science, that if the scientist is biased towards an outcome in an experiment, no matter what result was achieved, it will not be a break through. Similarly, if you say that certain racial matters should not be discussed because it may cause violence, it is a 'fear mongering' technique that will not allow any debates to take place in this country. Developed nations had their share of disturbances and discomfort and even loss of life when it came to smelling freedom in their respective countries. If Rosa Park did not defy the ruling that separated the sitting of black and white in public buses by sitting in a seat allocated for the whites, the Civil Rights movements would not have materialized in the United States.
5. So, when you say that Malaysians are only paying a 'small price' by not discussing certain sensitive issues, I totally disagree with you. Let's see how big of a price we are paying by not discussing and debating sensitive issues.
a. The Malays, although may feel good that by not discussing sensitive issues like the NEP and other racial issues, can continue to benefit from the Government plans. This only makes them more comfortable and produce the kind of graduates we are producing today where all the universities in Malaysia have been demoted in their world ranking except for UTM ( please see Bernama News on Nov 13, 2007 or visit
b. The non-Malays, on the contrary are being left behind to rightly pursue their tertiary education and also possibly force many average grade students to begin to work after their SPM or STPM. God knows the countless number of non -Malays who suffered by being forced to convert to a Muslim when they marry a Muslim. Where in the Quran or the Islamic scriptures that mentions the need for a non Muslim to convert when they marry a Muslim. I am not a Muslim scholar, but I am a tolerant human being who believes that every major religion is a love and peace abiding religion but the human beings who twist and turn the facts from the scriptures to suit their own needs.
6. Sir, not discussing the sensitive issues may have paid of handsomely for the Malays, but it has certainly caused lots of hardship and heart breaks for the non-Malays. Our cries and heart breaks will find an answer in the future. One race may dominate another for some time, but no race can dominate another race all the time.
7. You are unwilling to debate and discuss sensitive issues out of the fear of losing your own privileges. It is for this reason that I feel you have failed as a leader who could have been more just for the needs of other races in Malaysia. I can understand the applaud given to you in this blog by the people who certainly have benefitted from your policies. I can understand their joy and happiness. But remember this, the joy and happiness of one race at the expense of another race, no matter how gratifying, is NOT justified and against the natural order created by God.
Until then, take care and I hope that my words, although may be provoking, it was only written from the agony that I feel inside. Like you, every time I land in our airport, it's a great feeling to land in our 'tanah tumpah darah ku'. Although I'm a not a Malay, but I certainly feel like a Bumiputera, because if you break down that word ( Bumi = Earth and Putera = Sons and daughters of the soil or in the the Tamil language it means the Prince of the Soil) I am also a Bumiputera in the truest sense of that word, Bumiputera.
I pray for your health.
Take care and God bless.
By jeff hamaz on August 16, 2008 11:57 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Hari ini saya terbaca statemment Tun yang menyatakan Anwar juga patut buat sumpah macam budak Saiful @ Say Fool. Pandangan ulamak ialah sumpah mengikut cara Say Fool bukan merupakan ajaran Islam dan ia terpakai untuk pasangan suami isteri sahaja. Tapi tak apalah, kerana mungkin kita (termasuk Tun) menganggap kedua-dua mereka mempunyai ikatan perkahwinan yang sah dan oleh itu sumpah cara Say Fool itu terpakai.
Yang melucukan mengenai sumpah Say Fool itu ialah drama itu tidak dipersembahkan secara meyakinkan. Say Fool nampak tersasul membaca sumpah beberapa kali hingga perlu dibetulkan oleh seseorang di sebelahnya. Tarikh liwat juga berubah, mulanya dia menyebut sebagai 26 Ogos, kemudian 26 Jun 2008. Biasanya seseorang yang mengalami peristiwa ngeri tidak akan melupai tarikh kejadian itu hingga bertahun-tahun akan datang, tetapi Say Fool begitu mudah melupai tarikh itu cuma dalam tempoh baru 2 bulan. Aneh dan sungguh lucu!!!
Satu lagi yang pelik ialah ketika menjawab soalan wartawan Say Fool menyatakan 26 Jun 2008 itu adalah tarikh pertama kali dia diliwat. Ia berbeda dengan kenyataan Dato Najib sebelum ini yang berkata Say Fool menemuinya pada 25 Jun dan memaklumkan ia diliwat beberapa kali sebelum 25 jun. Jadi mana satu yang betul - diliwat beberapa kali sebelum menemui Najib pada 25 Jun atau cuma sekali diliwat selepas sehari menemui Najib, hanya Say Fool yang membuat kenyataan tidak cerdik itu mengetahuinya.
Peristiwa-peristiwa pelik itu telah menjadikan majlis sumpah Say Fool bertukar kepada peristiwa yang penuh keraguan dan sangat melucukan. Jika kisah mengenainya dijadikan sebagai filem tentu ia hanya bertahan sehari sahaja di pawagam, kerana sudah tentu tidak ramai yang meminati cerita karut. Tapi mujurlah ia bukan filem tetapi cuma gimik politik dan oleh itu tentu ada seorang dua Pak Pandir yang betul bendul mempercayainya.
Anwar juga jika nak buat lawak karut boleh juga buat sumpah bodoh seperti Say Fool. Sama ada Tun meminati lawak karut Anwar adalah satu perkara lain. Tetapi memandangkan Tun sangat terpesona dengan sumpah lawak karut Say Fool, tidak mustahil Tun juga akan terpesona dengan sumpah lawak karut Anwar, jika diadakan. Sebab itulah barangkali Tun meminta Anwar juga bersumpah, supaya kita boleh tertawa terbahak-bahak menonton sumpah lawak karut yang melucukan selepas tertawa menyaksikan sumpah lawak karut Say Fool.
By juicysaucyAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:01 AM
Dear Tun,
It is interesting to see so much "hoo hah" about the Bar Council problem. Have the Govt give it a deep thought why they hold the forum? There are issues need to be dealt with in terms of Muslim and non-Muslims issues. The forum is held to discuss ways on how we can tackle the issue like "body snatching", "name changing", etc. Islam is great, isn't it? So why is the fear to discuss it in a diplomatic manner?? There are lots of technicality that needs to be addressed. Put yourself in the shoe of the deceased families. How do you feel when a group of authorities come and snatch their loved ones body right in the middle of a funeral??? These are things that need to be addressed and how to deal with. The forum is not meant to be a debate. It is meant to look into how both courts Shariah and Civil Court can look into such delicate matter. When the Hindraf people protest, some were sent to jail but when the barbaric action of some protesters who shouted "Cina balik kampung", "Babi" etc, no action is taken against them in spite of their violent actions.
Now that's what I call double standard!!!! While I respect you for being a great leader during your times, unfortunately, in this respect, I don't agree with your comments on the Bar Council. The simple truth is, you already make your judgements before even listen to what the non-Muslims have to say!
By Anak Muar on August 17, 2008 12:09 AM
salam Tun,
setuju dengan komen Tun. jgn sesekali kita sesama rakyat Malaysia cuba membangkitkan isu sebegini. ianya akan menyemarakkan semangat perkauman. Malaysia terdiri dari rakyat yang berbilang kaum. Persefahamn perlu ujud antara kita agar kita dapat hidup dalam keharmonian.
kalau bertanya pada pelancong asing sebelum ini, mereka terus memuji Malaysia, sebuah negara yang aman damai walau berbagai bangsa dan agama. Namun jika di tanya sekarang, ramai yang takut untuk datang ke Malaysia dengan cerita politik...keamanan negara dan hal hal yang mereka rasa tak selamat berada di Malaysia
harapan...rakyat Malaysia bersatu padu...sayangi lah bumi Malaysia.
By senjakalaAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:49 AM
YAB Tun dan Keluarga
Reading your post made me very very touched and angry. My anger derived from the attitude of my very own race and why the insensitive from other races.
To start with, my own race,I have seen,heard and read how some of these people talk about liberation,freedom and sold their principles
under the guise of these doctrines.Some even share the actions and views that contradict their own culture,custom and belief of their very own race just because they are not able to see or thoroughly understand why such retrictions are required?
In furtherance to the above, my own race, those having the share or take advantage of NEP policy abuse the fundamental objective of the policy. For example contract given they were contented to have a
small profit and "ali baba" the opportunities and without realising
the opportunist will be richer and make them more competent. practise makes one perfect. Two of the elements the malay has lost. Competency comprised of money(power),expertise(knowledge) and dedication (advocate). Do they anticipated these before the "ali baba" the chances? I was one approached to be one of the "sleeping"
"powerless" director due to my bumiputra status by fortunately, I don't have to be one of the contributor though at present I just have enough to continue the descending of my life. I am proud.
I cannot positively blamed the other races from being insensitive
to us based on a few factors outline below:
1. For the last 50 years they are being instilled with feeling of as
only second class citizen.
2. They worked their sweat out just to survive in this country
called Malaysia, while a handfull of "Tuan Melayu" really behaved
like they are the real "Tuan" and drained all the sweat put by
the non-malay to the extend of hurting their own race(malay)
sheer to their selffishness and greed.
3. Probably 50 years is the optimun duration given by non malays
to overcome the disparity and now they call it a day with
incidently with the emergence of a person called Anwar
Tun, may be money is not everything, but almost everything, and coupled with expertise and dedication and a good networking it not
impossible to realised the changes. Where will the malays be then?
How will the constituition looks like when they have the 2/3 majority. Will the azan be banned like Singapore even now the azan
has been question?
By Asvocalasyou on August 17, 2008 1:57 AM
I am opined that you have steered off course.The BC merely wants to clarify certain aspects of the issue on "Conversion To Islam".Their desire to hold the forum is to eliminate grey areas so that the judges,lawyers couples directly involved and their issues know what to do and move the nation forward.The problem has been supported by court cases highlighted in the media.Why there is a need to sweep it under the carpet?It involves a small number of people and why not clearing up the nut and bolt matters and close the whole issue after that.
The sensitivity issue cannot just be solved by citing a few cases,eg.If I am a Malay,I would have felt ashamed when you said that we had used crutches abeit some would not mind and profit from it.
If it cannot be discussed openly or not at all or the non-Malay talks and the Malay says" Have you finished shouting(I got the majority)now f o",then wouldn't that create a pent up feeling which may explode in the forseeable future just as it has exploded some 50 years later in March 8,2008.I must emphasize that I do not mean violence but more like the March 8 election results.In any case,you can speculate who will dare to start the violence.
By heartstation on August 17, 2008 2:05 AM
Dear Dr.M,
I believe these are the 'Asian Values' that you have been advocating.
This is an excerpt from your wikipedia entry(
During his term in office, he was credited for engineering Malaysia's rapid modernization and promoting non-individualistic "Asian values".
Below is an excerpt from wikipedia (
A summary list of 'Asian Values' would include a distinctively 'Asian':
1. predisposition towards strong and stable leadership rather than political pluralism;
2. respect for social harmony and an inclination towards consensus as opposed to a tendency towards dissent or confrontation;
3. acceptance of broad and penetrating state and bureaucratic intervention in social and economic affairs;
4. concern with socio-economic well-being instead of civil liberties and human rights; and
5. preference for the welfare and collective well-being of the community over individual rights.
Keep up the good pieces Dr. M. I truly enjoy reading your posts.
By mzzainal on August 17, 2008 2:23 AM
a multi racial country living in harmony is what i seek. But the present Govt seems more keen to increase the agenda of only one community.
By peteryap on August 17, 2008 2:40 AM
Yang Berbahagia Tun,
Thank you for your piece which is an important reminder to all of us to be sensitive about the feelings of other races which make up this country.One of the reasons we are so successful is the fact that we learn to be sensitive and happily live together and progress as a nation.
However, with the freedom now available,the bar council is behaving like as if it is an opposition political party with the rights to question anything and everything.I hope they will hear what Tun has said and refrain from inciting potentially sensitive racial or religious issues that could lead to creating racial tension in our country.
If members of the bar council are still not happy with the freedom they enjoy and still think that we have no free speech, human rights etc, they dont have to look far.Just go to Myanmar or to China and see if they will have the slightest chance of surviving there.
As always Tun, our love and support is behind you.God bless!!
By austozi on August 17, 2008 2:44 AM
Tidakkah Tun berasa sakit hati apabila membaca komen-komen yang berbunyi "Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship" (abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM) dan "tanah yang depa ni pijak adalah hak Melayu" (cucu tok wan on August 16, 2008 10:42 AM). Inilah mereka yang terlampau emosional dengan mengeluarkan perkataan berbentuk rasisme tanpa berfikir. Merekalah sebenarnya yang mengucar-kacirkan negara ini. Merekalah sebabnya kita masih tidak berkemampuan untuk mengadakan perbicaraan secara terbuka dan matang, kerana merekalah yang sengajakan reaksi yang ekstremis terhadap apa-apa sahaja isu yang ingin dibincangkan.
Kenapa isu forum majlis peguam tersebut dikaitkan dengan isu perkauman? Yang dibincangkan adalah implikasinya terhadap institusi keluarga dari segi undang-undang apabila seseorang yang tidak beragama Islam memeluk agama Islam. Tidak sekali pun isu perkauman ditimbulkan di forum itu tetapi ada juga antara kita yang sanggup mengapi-apikan isu perkauman ini seolah-olah hak mana-mana kaum sahaja dipersoalkan. Kalau ada hak sesiapa pun yang dipersoalkan, itupun hak ahli-ahli keluarga yang terlibat secara terus dalam kes sedemikian sahaja. Forum itu tidak menyentuh isu perkauman ataupun mempertikaikan status Islam sebagai agama kebangsaan Malaysia.
By nadya on August 17, 2008 4:18 AM
i am dealing with the british. i am proud to say that they are using my service,malaysians service. better than other countries. even if there are some flaws, you know i have to always keep myself in positive manner to succeed. everytime they ask where are you from..? i am proud to say that i am from malaysia. and some of them say brilliant. and they remember my name. some of them say they never talk with an asian before. i dont care if my supervisor ask me to speak english in british accent. they are dealing with malaysians so they have to listen to my malaysian english. i am just being me. i am unique. when some of them say "i dont want to speak with asian". i dont take it offensively. i dont blame them for being too conservative. i am an adventurous type. i am thrilled to change their negative perception to positive. an english man came to malaysia said that malaysians still living according to their own races. i have noticed that since in high school. and i wonder why, because this situation happened in urban area. the mentality of the malaysians who are living in urban area is more advanced. it is unfair if some of you say that happened because of the mentality of the malays. when i make friend with a chinese, my malay friends said i have forgotten my own race. same thing happened to my chinese friend. she told me that some of the chinese friends said same thing to her. she was afraid and i felt frustrated. she also said that she will feel strange if she is the only chinese among malays. our weakness is due to our negative mentality no matter what race we are. i've been listening and understand the non-bumis struggle. how they said that the malays got alota advantages but dont know how to appreciate. i too cannot sacrifice my rights. i dont wanna be like "lalang". i have my own principles. i dont wanna get curse by my nenek moyang. i cant change the world and history, i only can change myself. if you say malays are lazy so i change myself being a hardworking person. if you say malays cant speak proper english. i can speak english although not so proper at least i try. practice makes perfect, right. i am glad that we have alota holidays here in malaysia. we need some rest after working too hard. if everyone wants to be a doctor then who is going to be a farmer and a fisherman. if the chinese dont want to work with the government and are good in business then let it be. all we need to do is coorperate and compromise. if everyone wants to work with the government then who is going to open up business. you know like supermaket, shopping complex and groceries. because malay is the majority we need to support the minority without sacrificing our rights so we buy what they sell and make them rich. i learn japanese. of course i will feel frustrated if my japanese friends speak english with me. but i also cant force them to speak japanese because they also want to learn english. i feel proud when my indians or my chinese friends ask me "you faham ker apa yang we all cakap?". everytime they speak using their own language when it comes to gossip part i will smile because i understand a little. i also feel proud for them when they have a sense of awareness by speaking some english and malay when i am the only malay among them. all of us need to understand the give and take balance. it is not easy to understand how the world works.
By ezineartikelAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 5:59 AM
Dear beloved Tun, you are very right to say that non Malay have their share of sensitive topics such as Chinese School . If we Malay organise a forum on the benefit of so called Chinese School in Malaysia , will the Chinese be sensitive. Even when we follow the Malay traditional ritual such as kissing the Keris in a function in Umno convention have raised a hoo huh ( havoc) in the Chinese Community .So we hope the non Malay NGOS will not cross the border or test the water. Malaysia Boleh !
By jassfidey on August 17, 2008 6:43 AM
negara malaysia kita dah cukup aman & stabil dengan undang2 yang ada cuma ada hero yang sengaja porak-porandakan negara ini.
jika ada yang tak bagus & susah hidup dimalaysia maka datuk nenek keturunan india & cina dulu dah lama balik kampung.
amalan agama dimalaysia adalah bebas kami islam ikut tuhan kami kamu ikutlah tuhan kamu tetapi kamu tidak boleh halang @ menyusahkan orang yang mahu masuk islam.
oleh kerana negara ini negara islam kamu kenalah ikut undang2 islam sesiapa dah masuk islam maka mereka tertakluk kepada undang2 islam dinegara ini.
negara ini mengamalkan islam yang sangat toleransi dan sederhana,tetapi jangan cabar perintah tuhan kami jika tidak akan muncul golongan extreme yang bakal bersama2 anda merosakkan negara tercinta ini....fikir2lah,lihatlah apa yang terjadi di bosnia.
By hendrixcomp on August 17, 2008 8:11 AM
we are bangsa malaysia are we........ If Tun Dr Ismail, Tun Tan Siew Sin are still alive, they will feel really disappointing for what their have been working on our multiracial culture long time ago.
I Feel like there was non of our malaysian are remembering those two heroes even their name in this day. Malaysian people and politic are hopeless to find someone to lead the country just like yourself and Tun Dr Ismail coz the spirit of multi racial in malaysia are gone in the year of 2003. We really miss u Tun
I Hope that u will brought up topic about Tun dr Ismail and yourself soon in the fighting against building a multiracial race foundation in malaysia...........
May god Bless U........
Ahmad Najimi..
KLMU Student 1st Year
By Patek1472Author Profile Page on August 17, 2008 9:37 AM
Adakah Topik ni sensitif juga?
Racism to Satanism
1. If anyone thinks as a Malaysian at heart you will never support any of the current political parties who speaks only about championing or protecting their own race and religious interests. Whether it comes from UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP or whatever new name, it’s called racism and whoever supports that party is called a racist. It is no different from apartheid. It dirties and poisons your soul.
2. Those who are racists but speak with a fork tongue (Jeyklls), hiding it behind other causes like religion, meritocracy, education, poverty, social reengineering, ethnic rights etc are even worse than self declared racists and can only fit into the category of Satans.
3. Malaysian racists and the MSN have corrupted the following words which meant differently in other countries example - nationalism, patriotism, royalists, freedom, liberty, corruption, democracy, humanity etc.
4. Power, Greed, Selfishness and Racism rule in Malaysia and now we include Satanism.
(Versi Bahasa Melayu)
Sifat Perkauman kepada sifat Setan(Syaitan)
1. Jika sesiapa memikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia di hati, anda tidak akan menyokong parti-parti politik sekarang yang cuma bercakap tentang ketuanan atau pembelaan bangsa dan kepercayaan ugama mereka sendiri. Samada ia datang daripada UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP atau sebarang nama baru, itulah maksud perkauman dan sesiapa yang menyokong parti tersebut dipanggil seorang rasis. Ia tidak berbedza sangat dengan aparteid. Ia mencemarkan dan meracuni jiwa anda.
2. Mereka yang rasis tetapi bercakap dengan lidah bercabang (Jeyklls) dengan menyembunyikan di belakang alasan ugama, meritokrasi, pendidikan, kemiskinan, kerombakkan social, kepentingan pribumi dsbnya adalah lebih teruk dari seorang rasis yang diketahui umum dan harus dikategorikan sebagai Setan.
3. Rakyat Malaysia yang rasis dan MSN telah mencemarkan perkataan-perkataan yang memberi maksud lain di negara-negara asing seperti – nasionalisme, patriotisme, penyokong Raja, kebebasan, kemerdekaan, korupsi, demokrasi, perikemanusiaan dsbnya.
4. Kuasa, Tamak, Kepentingan diri dan Sifat Perkauman bermaharajalela di Malaysia dan sekarang kita memasukkan Sifat Setan.
By thaiso on August 17, 2008 10:18 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun.
Pada pandangan saya,apa yang diminta oleh majlis penguam ini adalah jaminan keselamatan dalam Islam.Tidak semua non muslim tahu bahawa Islam itu adalah adil.Pengetahuan yang terhad.Dan ini menjadi tugas alim-alim ulama untuk menerangkan dan mempraktikkan dakwah Islamiah kerana non muslim pun sudah minta.Apa Islam boleh bagi?
Seorang kawan saya pernah bercerita.
Ipar perempuannya adalah seorang keturunan Cina.Mempunyai dua anak.Suaminya peniaga sayur-sayuran di pasar.
Kelihatan pada lima tahun pertama perkahwinan amat membahagiakan.Tetapi entah bagaimana,mungkin kerana perubahan dasar ekonomi, pendapatan perniagaan semakin mengecil disebabkan adanya pasar tani setiap minggu dan kerana banyaknya aktiviti penjualan bahan-bahan tani akibat dari dorongan kerajaan.Pertanian adalah perniagaan.
Sedangkan dengan ilmu perniagaan yang tidak cukup dan masih dibuai oleh pendapatan lima tahun lepas yang amat lumayan,si suami tidak dapat menerima hakikat bahawa kadangkala sebagai seorang usahawan kecil dia perlu berkorban minat untuk berniaga kerana keadaan tidak mengizinkan.Persekitaran ekonomi telah berubah.
Maka terjadilah peristiwa-peristiwa yang mendesak sampaikan terpaksa meminjam dari along semata-mata untuk memuaskan hati untuk terus berniaga.Sedangkan mengapa tidak boleh bekerja?Itulah pandangan dari pihak isteri.Pastinya terjadi sorok menyorok tentang perkara ini daripada ahli keluarga.
Maka sampai pada tahap kritikal hutang tersebut telah mencecah kepada RM60K.Hinggakan peminta hutang telah menerjah rumahnya dan rumah ibu bapa.
Tetapi kerana pegangan dan kelurusan ibu kawannya tadi yang dia sendiri tidak dapat sangkalkan,maka selesailah masalah yang bersilang-silang itu.Ibu.
Dan kawan saya itu sebagai abang sulung terpaksa menggunakan kebijaksanaannya untuk mengatur strategi menenangkan keadaan peminta hutang dan melukakan hatinya sendiri untuk kebaikan bersama demi menjaga hubungan kekeluargaan yang berlainan agama,akidah si ipar, perbezaan budaya serta asuhan keluarga.Kerana itu adalah hak seorang mualaf untuk hidup.Walaupun ada sedikit sebanyak janjinya yang mungkin tidak akan dapat ditunaikan dalam masa terdekat.Tapi takpe la....abang sulungnya hanya berpura-pura garang tak bertempat.
Perkara yang sama saya terbaca di akhbar baru-baru.Tapi itu tidak nampak sangat kesannya kerana kedua-dua yang telibat adalah sesama bangsa.
Sedarlah wahai non muslim,apabila seseorang Islam menjamin keselamatan kamu,maka seorang Muslim itu tidak akan keseorangan kerana ramai lagi Muslim lain yang kamu tidak kenal selama ini akan menanti kedatangan musuh bersama-sama kamu.Dan salah seorang dari mereka akan berkata 'Biarlah dia datang.Datang pun bagus jugak.Biar jumpa dengan orang macam kita'.
We don't need another 13 May 1969.
Terima kasih Tun.
By lebaikudin on August 17, 2008 10:20 AM
Salam Tun&fellow bloggers,
Perhatian pada Majlis Peguam,solcroft,kaychin,2now,bangsamalaysia,isaac,brian tseng, macamanalah aku nak terangkan pada korang pasal DOSA,SUBAHAT,MURTAD..contoh
1.murtad hukumannya mati/diperangi
2.tukar agama bukan semudah tukar baju
3.dosa manusia pada Allah tak boleh diampunkan oleh manusia eg confession
4.Islam sebagai Agama Rasmi,seperti Kristian di Britain 'override'
5.Belajar sejarah la.Konflik agama/kaum normal
6.Kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian
7.No such thing as open discussion.menang jadi arang kalah jadi abu!
8.Kebebasan bersuara memang tak wujud dimana2 di kalau aku mencarut/maki mak/bapak kau,mesti marah kan?
9.Tak boleh menang semua,tak boleh kalah semua.majoriti rule
10.Bar Council please behave.ada org kata semua lawyer masuk neraka,please proof me wrong..
By pija on August 17, 2008 11:28 AM
buat Ayahnda yang tercinta....
Tun...dah 3 hari saya tunggu Tun untuk menulis tentang UITM...
adakah Tun bersetuju?
saya betul-betul teringin nak mendengar pendapat Tun
By AudiAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:22 PM
Assalamualaikum Ayahanda Tun,
GO GO GO Ayahanda Tun. Saya sokong Ayahanda 100%.
Anakanda Audi
By alongmeli on August 17, 2008 12:27 PM
Salam Tun,
Right on! Take that sucker (the bar council)!
By anaktamimAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 12:27 PM
Salam Tun... teruskan perjuangan walupun dirimu keseorangan... krn kbenaran bukanlah dinilai melalui ramai @ ckit...
melalui brape sumber, insyaAllah BN menang dlm plihanraya permatang pauh, insyaAllah. Ini bukanlah mellui kate2 org politik yang mane setiap kate2 mereka MUNGKIN terselit tujuan politik. Tapi cam ner pon doa2 banyak.. semoga dari kalahnye PKR kat permatang pauh akan membantutkan rancangan 16 september PKR... pastu leh lah Tun teruskan perjuangan Tun..(klu elok Tun jd PM !)... salam...
By abughaibAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:08 PM
Bilo la den nak jadik comentor yang pertamo ni..... Asyik tak dapek yo.
penuh informasi...
By motorsportuniversitymalaysiaAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 1:57 PM
I understand your concern that some of your fellow Malaysians seem to be insensitive to other peoples ethnicity and religious convictions. However, by insisting that subjects considered to be sensitive, can only be discussed behind closed doors, aren't you are running the risk of people not discussing anything?
I attended a public function last year on the IDR. There were several hundred students from a Johor University present.
When the speakers asked for questions. The students were silent. The teachers asked the questions.
I understand that the students felt uncomfortable asking questions. It does seem a shame.
Were you an unquestioning wallflower when you were a student?
Thanks for making yourself available!
John Mansfield
By Mis_bah on August 17, 2008 2:11 PM
Assalamu Alaikum Tun,
I am sorry for using your blog to a comment posted by Amba.
To Amba, please don't talk or argue about something especially about Islam if you don't have knowledge or expertise about it. Do you know misinterpretation and conflicts in society always come from people like you who talk because you just want to talk. Not more or less. If you don't know please learn from who knows. Arguing or debating during the learning process with your teacher is healthy as long as it being carried in polite and respect manner.
Thank you.
By zaman on August 17, 2008 2:28 PM
Salam Sejahtera untuk Tun Dan Keluarga.
Tun terus kan perjuangan Mu kami tetap menyokong.
Pak Lah Undur Lah.
Pak Lah mesti bertanggung jawap apa yang telah berlaku.Waktu Tun memimpin serbi serbi teratur. Ternampak kesatuan sesama kaum,tetapi sekarang apa dah jadi.Bagaimana Wawasan 2020 akan tercapai kalau begini. Kami memohon Pak lah undur lah dengan secara terhormat.
Tun jaga kesihatan Mu.
By ISTERI ANTIMAMAK on August 17, 2008 3:16 PM
Zaman Pak Lah ni, apa yang TUN buat tak kena...
MV AGUSTA tak bagus , di jual dengan 1 Euro.
WW dengan Proton tak bagus....
GM (USA) dengan Proton bagus...
SCOMI(Pak Lah & Son) cita nak miliki PROTON ??..bagus...
sekarang ni...
salam perjuangan
By ISTERI ANTIMAMAK on August 17, 2008 3:17 PM
Zaman Pak Lah ni, apa yang TUN buat tak kena...
MV AGUSTA tak bagus , di jual dengan 1 Euro.
WW dengan Proton tak bagus....
GM (USA) dengan Proton bagus...
SCOMI(Pak Lah & Son) cita nak miliki PROTON ??..bagus...
sekarang ni...
salam perjuangan
By jadi on August 17, 2008 4:00 PM
Assalammualaikum Tun & family
I am so sick with the Bar Council. Bar Council has created uneasy to the Muslim when they agree to hold that dialogue session pertaning to Islam. Who do they think they are ? They are not muslim organisation neither they are muslim.
As such Bar Council has created uneasy among muslim which can lead to chaos. Fortunately the Police intervented smartly to reduce the high tension otherwise Bar Council building may end up with fires!
Some of Bar Council leaders are well known proxi to the DAP. I think the time will come when they will nominate Karpal Singh as High Court Judge.
Only you Tun Mahathir has the guts to critic Bar Council activities. Even you may not have laws degree, you easily can differiante what are the limit of rights Bar Council should have.
I am so sick with the Premier which before hand noticed the dialogue but do nothing to prevent it. What is his intention of doing nothing? I think the Premier want to garner support from the Malay and Muslim by teaching them a lesson for not voting BN in the last General Election. He let the non muslim to play the music he chose. He would said that he cannot help adjusting the act since he has lost two third majority in Parliament. I dont know but I feel the direction is going that way.
By mecnz on August 17, 2008 4:04 PM
Tun, Anba tells straight to the point what non-malays probably felt. Read again his posting and ask yourself whether you are the true leader to all Malaysians, with your sincere heart?
By awong on August 17, 2008 4:05 PM
By yoshzAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 4:27 PM
Oh my god..first time dgr tun 'mencarut'
"I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country"
That explained a lot!!
Thx Tun!!
By cek on August 17, 2008 4:31 PM
Pada saya, Majlis Peguam ini merasakan mereka sahajalah yang berhak membicarakan isu-isu perundangan yang menggunakan bahasa serta terma sofistikated yang sukar difahami oleh rakyat kebanyakan.
Just remember, this is a multiracial country in which sensitive issues with regards to Islam is very dangerous to be discussed openly, especially by non-muslim or those with shallow knowledge in Islam.
Tun... please take care.
By sitinur on August 17, 2008 4:31 PM
Asalamualaikum bapak....
bosan bosan bosan benci benci benci dgn keadaan la nih...
silap2 leh masuk tanjung rambutan nih....
hehehheheeee...takto nih kali keberaper duk on/off blog bapak nih...
serabut otak ceq nengok calon pp..nasib baik tak duk kat situ...
sahih ceq tak p undi....bendera putih dah kibar dari 1hb july..
ceq censorang gak yg duk kibar dr dulu sampai la ni....
seme2 org duk cakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakapcakap...
masa depan makin suram..sian kat anak2 sedara cucu sedara...nasib baik ceq bujang..ilang serabut sket....kat sini seme duk kata mt2 jaga pewot sendiri...bloggers pun sama gak..kibar bendera pun tak nak..tau komplen2 komplen2 komplen2...susahlah kalo duk berharap jer.....ish2..ish2...go2 bapak go.....maaf hangin 10 badan...wacaaaa..
By amaze on August 17, 2008 4:43 PM
Salam TUN,
We are in the 21st century now, histories should be archived,
should learn from past to implement improvement to all sectors.
History is a sort of guidance for future to follow,if wrongly studied it may invite bad event to occur but if corectly executed it may bring peace, prosperous and many more.
History is history, Malaya Is Malaya, Malaysia is Malaysia.
We want "perpaduan teras kejayaan dan kemakmuran"
By jeng3 on August 17, 2008 4:47 PM
salam Tun,
To bunnies,Anba,juicysaucy,Asvocalasyou and others like-minded,
As I mentioned in an earlier post;
"Your points are relevant but there must be better ways and channels to discuss these sensitive matters.The Bar Council itself is shadowy and dominated by certain groups of people with their own views and agendas.
The Bar Council,you are trying to unravel the kinship of this country by trying to tackle too many issues at one time,as if taking advantage of this flip-flop government and weak leadership.Please be more sensitive in the future as you are now viewed suspiciously by many people".
You see,YOUR POINTS ARE RELEVANT!It's just that the majority of us don't believe in lawyers honesty..(hehe sorry,can't resist the temptation..I suspect some of you,Anba maybe,must be lawyers)actually many of us don't trust The Bar Council.
p/s - sorry can't help myself...somebody's atuk mentioned earlier'All lawyers will go to hell'..sorry lawyers...hehe...The Bar Council should end up behind bars....ooops sorry!there I go again..
By jeng3 on August 17, 2008 4:59 PM
salam Tun,
When you see a snake and a lawyer...ooops sorry!I'm at it again...
By Pointman on August 17, 2008 5:09 PM
Dear Tun,
The Bar Council are naive. Maybe they are also hypocritical. If we want to provoke them, sere is my suggestion.
Why do lawyers need to be registered with the Bar Council before they can practise law? The Bar Council just becomes an elite organisation. They are even protected by Law. According to the Legal Profession Act, all lawyers must be a member of the Malaysian Bar before they can ptactise law. Why?
Can we have State Bar Associations like in the United States which are all independent of each other? Or do away completely with the Bar altogether. As long as a lawyer has a recognised law degree, he should be able to practise law without having to become a member of the Bar.
Or better still anyone who feels he likes to do so, should be allowed to practise law. You do not have to pass a law degree before you can practise law. I never went to law school but I can draft legal contracts. With some diligence I can even conduct cases in Court.
In the first place membership of the Bar Council does NOT in anyway add to a person's capacity to practise law.
Let my Clients decide if I am a worthy lawyer. And here is something really strange : you are allowed to defend yourself, without a Lawyer being present, in a Court of law where you are the accused or you are the defendant. So the law (and the Bar Council) does recognise that a non Bar Council member can conduct cases in Court - albeit only to defend himself.
So why do we need a Bar Council in the first place?
As an elitist association the Bar Council exerts monopolistic hegemony over the Legal Profession. They are infringing on the rights of the individual.
So if the Bar Council is really serious about human rights, then let anyone and everyone practise law without the need to become a member of the Bar Council first.
I am not saying that the Bar Council should be disbanded. No I will never say that because that would infringe on the right of the Bar Council to organise itself so. But why force other legal practitioners to join the Bar Council? That is infringing on people's human rights.
By ketam on August 17, 2008 5:10 PM
Dearest Tun,
I am not an expert on English Language, just so and so . My Bahasa Malaysia is also so and so. I always use dictionary when I am not sure about a certain word. I know that Bahasa Malaysia is new compared to other languages but what I do not understand is why the work 'amok' is taken by English Language to describe 'unruly behaviour or a violence committed by an animal or human being. Why English does not use word from other language to describe the action of 'amok' . Is it true that Melayu Amok is so bad that no other society 'amok' like Malay do. If it is the case, I hope that Malay will not mengamuk in the future... if not all of us cannot fathom what will happen.
Thank you
By Worried on August 17, 2008 5:18 PM
Hi Dr,
Wishing you good health. I note your comments on sensitivities. Your gave the comparison of the consequence of wearing a mini skirt in obviously Saudi Arabia and to guess the consequence. That is the root of the problem. Everyone knows how backward the Saudis are. So there is no question about their insensitivities, but in our case ie in the Malaysian context the sensitivities are always changing. What is allowed today is not allowed tomorrow. What is secular today is Taliban tomorrow. 10-15 years ago a Muslim convert could go the high court and renounce Islam and go back to being say a Christian but now they want to kill him for apostasy! They are creating sensitivities by the day! Their sole purpose is to prevent anything that can cause a reversal to what they have been implementing quietly in the state assemblies. Forbidding things that non-Malays and even Malays have been doing for so long such as kissing your wife in public etc. An open forum or discussion is one such place where the legal and logical reasoning of the constitution could prove them wrong. They don't believe, as do even their opponents, their interpretation of Islam will stand up to scrutiny. They are afraid of that plain and simple! Rgds.
By Sir Taek Boon on August 17, 2008 5:31 PM
I did not read the whole comment and just happen wanna filled out some comment from our friend here and if they happen to be coming back maybe they can get the answer the left in this comment section.
Shah :
The 2 country u mention, I'm not bashing these 2 country they have their own system and I must say their system work best for them and not for us Malaysia. For appertizer let me say these 2 country is a republican.
1) Indonesia, in not sure what's the 'real' freedom u talking about this country.
2) Singapore, I'm quoting from a journalist down-under. "Singapore is just a over-glorified city council." Do they really have opposition? How do they treat opposition?
In Islamic teaching, converting to Islam or to another is not a child's play. We are free to talk about it, come forward and ask from our Ulama or Preachers, there are willing to talk to u about it. Invite them to give a talk about it, the preachers are willing to give they teaching even if u don pay him any.
Ur cook story, I just going to say that, I'm going to stop the Cook if I saw him using bad food or his kitchen place is dirty or he have a bad habit of cooking while screwing his nostril. and as addition, when I order my meal, I can only see the menu. I'm taking risk of ordering the food. The food may taste good, it can also be un-eatable. Also, I can choose the Cook and whatever I cook taste good.(at least to me)
when u talk about accommodating to sensitives, it must be when Q.E on official work meeting with the Saudis. Its like I'm only wearing boxer inside my house when I'm alone but I will wear my cloth outside of my house because i am accommodating to the sensitivities of my neighbor. What I do during my alone time, stay out of it.
for this case, I don't care about Malay right. It is about Islam. Why must u have a forum where u invite people to share their stories of how terrible their life in handling the case of dealing with the Shariah laws but you did not invite anyone to talk about 'Converting to Islam' by Ulama or Preachers. which happen to be the title of your forum?
no and no, we not talking about Malay right. for that UiTM case, no, that is not for the betterment of Malays, it is politics talking, betterments is when something cannot achieve anything, and ASAIC, UiTM has achieve its objective.
others: did not read.. got to work on sunday.. this is just my breaktime
By mecnz on August 17, 2008 5:43 PM
Sanggupkah kita benarkan China bagi advantage 5 mata kepada Lin Dan kerana dia "Bumiputera" bumi China dalam perlawananan akhir nanti? Not fair!!! Boooooo...
Bolehkan pelari 100m Greece mula dari 20m sebab Greece adalah pengasas Olimpik? Mungkin dia boleh dapat no.2 jika diberikan keistimewaan itu. Tapi tempat berapa dia akan dapat kalau lari dari mula seperti pelari negara lain?
"Keistimewaan hanya diminta oleh yang lemah, dan akan menjadikan mereka lagi lemah" , fikir-fikirkan lah..
By J.Junior on August 17, 2008 5:53 PM
Salam Tok Det,
Every type of government, be it democracy, fundamentalist, monarchy etc has their own effect to the social and economic development. Nowadays, democracy is viewed as the best form of government for human kind because the westerns are adopting it, and apparently they raised economically & scientifically and thus become super power. Maybe that’s the effect of democracy if practiced in western countries. At the same time, in the name of democracy they also accept homosexuality (and somehow infested “you know who”). To cut the story short, maybe the effect of democracy, is to encourage free flow of thinking among the people which contributed to the development of social, economy etc (whether positive or negative). But it may not be the best form of government.
Tok Det,
During your time, the result of our development is NOT because of democracy. There are special formula founded by you that was not understood the current government. The flow and stimulation of thinking is not because of democracy but because of your formula or because of you (I don’t know). As for the Bar Council, they think, by managing the lawyers they can manage a country. They have to wake up, refocus on their job and realise that their ability to speak now is also due to your formula.
Tok Det,
I salute you.
By paizmyAuthor Profile Page on August 17, 2008 5:59 PM
Salam Ayahanda dan rakan-rakan
Permit me,
By abhsaa on August 16, 2008 10:36 AM
To Ambiga & Co,
"Don't ever challenge the Malay Supremacy/Lordship."
Dear abhsaa, this is a racist remarks and an insult to Malays in general. First of all Malays were never a supremist race. If we were, than there would not be any Chinese or Indians in this lands.
If we were a supremist race, all Malays will be acting like what the Nazi's did during World War 2. There would be a Tanah Melayu Auschwitz. Right after gaining independence the Malays would have rounded up all Chinese and all Indians and sent them to concentration camp where incinerators would be waiting for them.
Furthermore, Islam which is the religion for all Malays forbits this kind or behaviour. Islam teach us moderation, compasion, to be kind and mercifull.
Lordship? Since when did Malays practices the caste system? Do we have rich land owners where people live and work for them and call them My Lord? My Lady? The word 'Ketuanan' does not mean 'Lordship'.Ketuanan Melayu' is about 'Ancestral Lands of the Malays as a whole' and not as 'Masters of other individual'. Something that we malays have never practised.
So please do not use the word Supremacy and Lordship when commenting something about Malays.
The issue being address here is regarding the arrogance of the Bar Council and their insensitivity. Their actions sparks anger and frustration amongs the masses. This will lead to unwanted incidents and soon will endanger National Security and Public Safety.
Salam ayahanda dan rakan-rakan
By lebaikudin on August 17, 2008 6:00 PM
Salam Tun & fellow bloggers,
To Ketam Aug 17:
Amok like sampan & keris are unique to people in Malay world.Malays are famous for their courtesy,respect,humble,soft spoken and even the only race use to use pantun,kiasan,bidalan to express themselves.Unfortunately these has been perceived as weakness and taken advantage by others,ie colonials from Portuguese,British,Japanese.Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok.especially Religion.
By m4m on August 17, 2008 6:44 PM
Many things you did right, such as north south highway, not letting your sons actively involve in politic when you are in power ....
But there are also many things you do them wrong :
Having this blog is one good example for you are making Malaysia splits further . All of the mistakes you make because you think you are Melayu more than you think yourself as muslim.
being an important Muslim leader, I am particular surprise why you did not use you influence to rectify the issue on "converted people leaving Islam" ... why care for only small numbers who leave Islam after conversion, this should be normal. You should have said "lets make Islam a 2 ways religion for non Muslim, ..." I believe there will be more people tried and become Muslim than leaving Islam. It is indeed big sin for you as muslim who has no confidence on Islam which make you make any actions/excuse to stop people from leaving Islam, .... dont you think so ??? Hope you can do something ....
By malaysiaku on August 17, 2008 7:29 PM
Salam Tun,
I can't help it after reading some of readers comments.This is 21st century but malaysia people mentality going heywire (short circuit)%*@#####?//.The world is changing fast,people are progress in all fields but We(Malaysian)all are going reverse gear.Some of them said that send back chinese and Indians to their origin place.WOH !!!What a fanatic mentality!Let me tell one things,in order to send back chinese and indians back,you need to turn tne clock back.Means you have to call back UNITED KINGDOM(orang putih)to do the country administration because they're the one who responsible in bring in chinese and Indian to develop this nation hundred years.If you can't ,then its better for you to fly kites.
I'm really sad because this nation already lost the direction,people's are self centred,they forget every success of it's success of the nation.Let us cheer for Chong WEi victory tonight!Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia Hidup Malaysia!!!
By Alex on August 17, 2008 7:47 PM
Dear Tun,
I was your great supporter, however i was sad to see today Malay still don't reliase who was the great contributer to the Modern Malaysia as we can see today. Beside you as our Prime Minister for 22 years, the Malay should also must remeber the non-malay were the great tax payers (90%) in which the previous government could be able to development the nation and at the same times to give away huge allocation to bumiputra to improve themself.
What happens to our nation without the non-bumiputra today? Can Malaysian especially the malay still enjoy the so called " Hak-Hak Istimewah Melayu " ? Where will the government to get this huge fund to give away to them ?
We can see how inefficient the malays in the goverment and private sectors, they were there because of this so call " Hak-Hak istimewah Melayu ". They are not really good and the places should reserve for them, that was why malaysia was lost to a small country like Singapore. I am ashame of it since our country was full of resourses and man power, we lost because the Malay did not dare to improve themself as they knew they are entitled to all these even they do not have to do anything.
We were shouting " Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka " every 31st August since 1957, are they malay really understand the meaning ? The real menaing of the work " Merdeka " are merdeka from their lazy attitudes, the cemburu attitude, want to get easy task, want to grab from what belongs to others without doing anything, their sensitiveness and etc.
Malaysia likes a big family in which the three major races are brothers and sisters, the differen was the non-malay was have to work hard to earn enough in order to give away to the Malay who do not need to do anythings. Tun, if you were the non-malay, could you be happy living in such kind of family ????
The non-malay mouth was sealed and can't even raise anything but the malay can say anything even to threaten the non-malay with " Keris ". The March 08 election spoke for itself, we non-malay love to live peacefully in this country and we never had any intention to belittle the malay or their religion but we were alwas got the blame even with small commen.
The best students from the non-malay never got the chance to head any government agencies or any important position. I don't understand how could Malaysia be a developed country if that was what the leaders of this coutry want.
Should the malays can follow the Japanese especially after the Word War II in 1945 whereby they even humble themself and went to learn from the west (The American)until today we can see who they are in the world.
Please reply me TUN, i want to hear from you soon.
By Benderbuzz on August 17, 2008 8:27 PM
Salam Tun.
Today in a press conference, Dato Muhammad Shafie Abdullah labelled RPK as a liar, coward and a pariah.
Well he's right and so does PKR.
RPK=PKR: Liar, Coward, Pariah and ...
By sintaro08 on August 17, 2008 8:31 PM
Yo Mahdey... Anwar dah dekat nak bertapak ke Putrajaya... hang nak migrate negeri mana??? Elok rancang laa... sebab nanti takut tak sempat...
By Abg mamak on August 17, 2008 8:34 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Untuk `mecnz' hang kalu tak puas hati kat negara ni pi berambuslah.Boleh ke taiwan atau singapura bagi tender ngan org melayu..jawatan dlm kerajaan pun belum tentu..jawatan tingilah bodoh..
Ada satu lagi pertikaikan cara saiful bersumpah..kalu salah pilah tunjuk cara yang betul..ada beranika angkat sumpah..hahaha tarak berani bukan..hahaha(sebab ada sikit2 kene mengena kot)cakap sapa pun boleh cakap 50 kali konon..padahal takut..adapulak ulamak politik cakap tak betul..abis apa yang betul..pi tunjuklah tu pegang al-quran disamakan bible.gila punye olang
By deep-inside on August 17, 2008 8:40 PM
Assalamualaikum Tun,
Apa pula pendapat Tun tentang perhimpunan haram, demonstrasi?
Apa bezanya demonstrasi menghalang forum majlis peguam tempoh hari, dengan perhimpunan BERSIH?
Begitu juga tunjuk perasaan pelajar UiTM,HINDRAF,reformasi,malayan union..yang mana satu dibolehkan dan yang mana pula diharamkan?
Memang kadang2 kalau sesuatu isu itu menaikkan kemarahan kita,kita rasakan sesuatu demonstrasi itu memang perlu.Seperti isu majlis peguam tempoh hari, kita rasakan yang berdemonstrasi menghalang forum tersebut sebagai 'hero'..tetapi undang2 tetap undang2 bukan begitu?sesuatu perhimpunan tetap memerlukan permit...
Saya buka memihak kepada sesiapa,tetapi perkara ini perlu dijelaskan. Undang-undang perlu dijalankan tanpa mengikut isu.Ini soal keselamatan negara.
Terima Kasih.
Saya tetap mengagumi Tun.
KolejSultanAbdulHamid, alma mater.
By kamelia on August 17, 2008 9:03 PM
Dear Ayahanda Tun..
PLEASE READ MY COmment..Wishing u good health always.
All these while, u have done extremely well in the progress of our dearest beloved country. MEASAT, KLIA, Putrajaya..sistem meritokrasi (just to mention few of these) were some of the achievements. I am a student from local university and I want to let u know that, I am so proud of u. I always wish I could meet u personally. Ur eyes of vision really inspire me. U are a true leader!!
By lovehurts on August 17, 2008 9:29 PM
dear sir,
once i admired your for your wisdom and courage. but after seeing so many comments from you, i was totally disappointed. there are questions that i would asked:
1- why when non-malay asked about our rights as a malaysian (and not as a chinese, india or etc), we were being 'shootdown' for playing with the racial cards?
2- why when malay asked about their rights as a malay (not muslim since there are muslim bumiputra who is not malays), they were being supported as they are fighting for their right although they kept saying those racist remark?
the bar council might be wrong but that does not mean that you are right either. please Tun, be more considerate and fair to us......or in malay "Tolong munasabah lah Tun".
your vision of 2020 is now ruined and we are going back, and for apartheid, u condemn others but u supported it in your own country. sad for you and sad for malaysia
By apiescharlie on August 17, 2008 11:47 PM
Salam Ayahanda Tun,
Mereka dah lupa semangat perjuangan yang dulu,terima kasih kerana mengingatkan!
Semoga Tun dan keluarga sihat selalu..
By barmember on August 17, 2008 11:51 PM
Dear Tun,
Kesilapan telah berlaku. Semua berpunca daripada AAB yang kononnya cuba mengamalkan konsep keterbukaan,,, tapi sebenarnya gagal memahami bahawa konsep yang dibawa oleh barat ini sebenarnya hanya merosakkan kestabilan negara kita. Bukan semua yang dibawa dari barat itu baik. Saya rasa amat susah untuk kita sekarang kembali mengawal keadaan seperti dahulu sebab sebarang sekatan yang dikenakan akan dikatakan sebagai menyekat kebebasan bersuara, sedangkan mereka tak sedar yang "kebebasan" yang mereka mahukan ini boleh memusnahkan negara kita. 50 tahun adalah satu usia yang muda bagi sebuah negara yang komposisi kaum masih lagi menjadi duri dalam daging. Tersalah langkah....semua orang boleh hilang "kebebasan". Pada masa tu dah terlambat dah...
By ammarDM on August 18, 2008 12:02 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun..may Allah bless your family and you forever..'ve done the best job to make our multiracial people remain peace in last 22 years. you also made, we as Malaysian to realize and care about our responsibility towards the country and also among us, the multiracial Malaysian..
but today, we can see that the peace build among us being destroy by a selfish who is thinking he's the best and the right person to solve gov. problem..
father..please save us from this hell..please make our dream and also yours the "Wawasan 2020" become real..please do your best to stop them grab our future..we always by your side father..thanks father..
By azkAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 12:04 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun yang mulia,
Siasah adalah strategi dan rasanya orang tua-tua kita dahulu termasuk Tun yang mulia adalah bijak dalam mengatur strategi sehingga terbinanya Malaysia yang aman yang dikenali hari ini. Dalam mana hak-hak umat Melayu-Islam terpelihara, rakyat beragama lain bebas mengamalkan hak mereka.
Tetapi bila strategi diubah tanpa mengikut keadaan dan suasana sesuatu tempat maka kemungkinan besar, umat Melayu-Islam semakin tertekan. Contohnya mengikut suasana AS dan diterapkan disini, maka keputusannya tentulah memeritkan. Sebagaimana China yang tahu, tertutupnya Kerajaan Komunisnya tidak membawa pulangan yang baik, maka ditukar strategi negaranya tanpa mengambil keadaan ditempat lain atau menukar prinsipnya.
Khalid Al Walid adalah salah seorang wira utama didalam dunia Islam kerana kepintarannya mengatur strategi. Dalam peperangan Mutah yang mana diatur strategi agar pejuang Islam dapat kembali keMadinah dan mengatur seterusnya strategi lain dalam mana kedudukan pejuang Islam waktu itu adalah 3000 berdepan dengan 200000 pihak musuh dan ketiga-tiga panglima perang sebelumnya diwaktu itu, Zaid ibn Harith, Jaafar ibn Abi Thalib dan Abdullah ibn Rawaha syahid dalam pentempuran tersebut.
Dan sebegitulah seterusnya, kerana strateginya (dan tentunya dengan keizinan Allah semata-mata), segala pentempuran Khalid Al Walid selepas itu, dia tidak pernah mengalami kekalahan.
Semoga Allah merahmati Tun yang mulia dan menberi kekuatan pada Tun yang mulia membantu yang lain kembali menyusun strategi yang terancang, dalam mana hak-hak umat Melayu-Islam terpelihara manakala rakyat selainnya dapat mengamalkan hak-hak mereka dan seterusnya bersama-sama hidup didunia aman Malaysia.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 12:10 AM
Reply to 'Indian' and 'Senjakala'
Dear Indian & Senjakala,
Among the many people writing in this blog, I consider both of you to have the true muhibbah feeling towards Malaysia. There may be other contributors to this blog, but both of your comments caught my attention. Indian, I can understand your anger as I can relate to the condition of the minorities in Malaysia. Senjakala, I'm guessing that you're a Malay and thank you for voicing out our deeper greivances from the point of view of a Malay. It's a Malay like you who can help to make the Malays who are too dependend on the government to realize the exploitation created through the NEP and other policies.
Thank you once again and please continue to write. The true impact of our views will take time to take root, but then we need to remember what Gandhi said about goodness," Good travels at snails pace, and to impregnate people with goodness takes a long time"
May truth and justice set us free.
God bless.
By loreng on August 18, 2008 12:19 AM
Salam Tun,
Fully agree with your thesis Tun.We have to be realistic with the situation on the ground.Not possible to have discussions on sensitive subjects without putting our internal peace and stability on the line.We have to put in extra effort not to touch on the senstitivity of others in this multi-racial socities of ours.
By austozi on August 18, 2008 3:14 AM
Dear Tun,
I hope you would publish my comment because I think many readers have missed some very important points.
First of all, I wish to point out that the Bar Council did have legal and/or religious experts on the forum panel.
I quote: "The forum panel, to be moderated by Zarizana Abdul Aziz from the Women’s Centre for Change, Penang, will include lawyers Ravi Nekoo, K.Shanmuga, Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdullah, former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad, as well as five affected families." (
Are former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad not expert enough? I thought they would be.
Also, the ratio of Muslim panelist to non-Muslim was 3:1. Surely it must be wrong to say the panel was represented by people of other faiths who do not understand Islam.
On a perhaps unrelated but relevant issue, I have never understood the need for the New Economy Policy (NEP). Would you care to enlighten me and the other readers on this?
1. The NEP was purportedly designed to narrow the economic gap between the poor Malays and the rich Chinese.
2. A reasonable assumption would be that not all Malays live in poverty. Similarly not all Chinese are rich tycoons. Poverty does not discriminate by skin colour.
3. In my opinion, if only we had had an economy policy that helped only the truly needy without discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, the problem of uneven wealth distribution would have been solved quite effectively years ago.
4. In such a policy as described in (3), if all Malays were poor (that is to say if the assumption in (2) was false), they would all receive assistance from the state. By the same token, if all Chinese were rich enough to be disqualified from receiving aid from the state, then none of them would receive any assistance from the state. A colour-blind policy would achieve this.
5. On the other hand, if only 47% of the Malays were economically deprived (that is to say, the assumption in (2) was true), they would receive aid from the state, while the other rich Malays (53%) would be disqualified. Same goes for the Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, or Eskimo for that matter. A colour-blind policy would also achieve this.
6. Need, not ethnic origin, should have been the key criterium that determines who should receive aid from the state and who should not. In fact, ethnic origin need not have been introduced into the equation at all, nor whose great-great-grandparents came to this land first in the 1st, 7th, 15th or 21st century AD as we are all the sons and daughters of the Malaysian soil.
7. Because the NEP (and its successor), by design, has in essence ignored the truly needy but instead placed the emphasis on ethnic origin, it is a policy destined to fail to achieve its purported objectives.
I wish you good health.
By greatpanglima on August 18, 2008 3:17 AM
Assalamu'alaikum YBhg Tun The MahaGuru,
To give a long thought why do so many ppl love you so much at the same time disliking you the same?
For me you are neither the chosen prophet nor in the club of them who were blessed with divine light. You are juz one ordinary human being living on earth in country called Malaysia. You have your success and your failure as well. You have been making trials and errors too. Attempts you made that you thought would optimise result found its doom to failure to the nation. Not all what you did during your premiership end in grand success. But then I remembered Abraham Lincoln. My guess, i thought ,were your approach and understanding toward Islam the religion that have been wrongly interpreted by many in this world particularly after 9/11, without regard to its contribution to human kind and world civilization both in spritual belief and worldly achievement i.e in science and mathematic, medicine, architectural evolution, philosophy etc was insincere. But then again , I remember hadis nabi saying that ‘ islam bermula dengan keasingan dan akan kembali terasing’. This present time, I strongly believe, is the time when we all look Islam strangely except by the people of ‘knowledge’. So I’m not concerned so much either because that is prophesied by the book – al quran. It is so unfortunate in this period of time that we are all confused by so many things. Ironically the flood of information and scientific breakthrough speeds like never before as well.
So Tun, I’m not so good in political game as wise as you are. How politic could become the need to our personal development and the society at large till when I gave up on my employment I knew better. I do know that politic create government. Then government essentially and naturally is expected to provide peace and harmony ,basic infrastructure at least but the best is always preferred that ease the living of the rakyat to make one enjoy a quality life without any fear to any kind of threat, to simply this most complex subject.
Survival and independence to achieve a quality life like everyone else regardless of race in this beloved country of ours make me think that politic is a necessary. If the government is seen as the people being given the responsibility to control the temperature level of a room occupied by us, then they are crucial people to make us feel comfortable. A slight mistake in controlling the temperature will make us living in suffering to the extent of death. That’s how I see it. If the people in the control room is busy looking after their own interest, the people living in the room is at stake.
Despite your weaknesses and imperfectness during your tenure of premiership, of course after closing my eyes running through the list, you are still the best among the best PM that Malaysia has ever had. We the people occupying the room feel secured and at peace against the uncertainty of temperature or any external pollution that may enter the room. Today we are not so sure any more and become concerned with the people being given the responsibility in the control room to protect us, the rakyat , occupying the room called Malaysia whether they are the most qualified people that we could depend on to put our live as the insurance.
After quantifying at the net result of the country, my salute is still with you Tun. Honestly, I ‘ve tried a bit hard to look from the compartment of my mental picture hoping that the picture won’t be you.
Your wisdom and contribution makes us look small.
My pray is always for you, for us all. Amin.
By Maruti on August 18, 2008 3:35 AM
Yang terhormat Tun,
Bercakap pasal sensitiviti kaum ini, saya rasa kita orang Melayu juga seharusnya tunjukkan kepada mereka (bar council) bahawa kalau mereka tidak tahu sensitiviti kita maka kita juga boleh buat begitu terhadap mereka malah lebih teruk lagi. Kita lihat senarai yang rakan kita beri diatas tadi kebanyakan ahli bar tu semua nya datang dari lubuk yang sama. Mereka seharusnya bersyukur mereka tidak lagi tinggal di estet-estet malah sekarang dah jadi 'lawyer'. Ini semua mereka dapat capai hasil dari murah hatinya pemimipin-pemimpin Melayu dan orang Melayu sendiri.
Inilah yang dinamakan beri betis mahukan peha!
By azlash on August 18, 2008 4:28 AM
Salam Tun
Mungkin Majlis Peguam saja nak menguji tahap kesabaran orang Melayu dan Islam.
Mungkin Majlis Peguam nak tenguk sejauh mana orang Melayu dan Islam boleh bertindak.
Mungkin Majlis Peguam saja nak cabar dan tenguk apa orang Melayu dan Islam boleh buat.
Kalau Majlis Peguam nak tenguk apa orang Melayu dan Islam boleh buat, cabar lah lagi. Tak payah nak tunggu Pak Lah bersuara, kami org Melayu dan Islam sanggup buat apa saja.....
Di mana bumi di pijak di situ langit di junjung....
Take care Tun.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 5:02 AM
Reply to 'mecnz'
Dear Mecnz,
Hi there. Thanks for your heartfelt comments towards Dr.Mahathir.
Appreciate your sincere comments.
God bless.
By Anba on August 18, 2008 5:12 AM
Reply to jeng3:
Dear Jeng3,
Hi there. Thanks for your note. Your take on lawyers are understandable, although many lawyers ethics are questionable, but I'm sure there are lawyers who would uphold the constitution of their respective countries. Gandhi was also a lawyer, but raised his stature not from the law profession, but as a human being who wanted to set India free from the crutches of the British empire. Perhaps the non-Malays in Malaysia needs to set the principles set by Gandhi, Dr.King and Hendry David Thoreau as the fundamental prnciples in confronting this social and racial discrmination thrown towards the minorities in Malaysia.
I'm not a lawyer but someone who's keen in debating and make changes in one's life that will give them freedom. Without freedom, what are we?
Take care and God bless.
By putramalaysia on August 18, 2008 5:33 AM
Yang Bhg Tun, Assalamualaikum, semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan dirahmati Allah, Tun saya fikir the president of the bar council is ignorant of law and ignorant of malaysian sensitivity because she is typical "paria"...if she understand the sensitivity of the malaysian, this kind of forum wont exist.
Yg Bhg Tun, Dulu Tun jadi perdana menteri saya hanya dapat tengok Tun dari jauh aje...sekarang lagi susah dapat tengok Tun, saya ingin membuat permohonan untuk berjumpa dan bersalam dengan orang yang terlalu banyak berjasa pada diri saya dan seluruh tanah air ini...mungkin orang melayu mudah lupa hakikat sebenar kejayaan yang mereka kecapi tapi saya tak boleh lupa kegemilangan disaat Tun menjadi PM, saya tidak gentar untuk hidup di bumi ini tidak seperti sekarang, kami hidup dalam ketakutan, kezaliman pemerintah yang ganas dan rakus....saya mohon Tun...semoga comment saya Tun baca...alhamdulillh
By davC on August 18, 2008 6:56 AM
Dear TUN
BRAVO on your blog.
It's ashamed that some of those supposed 'learned' & 'higher' educated people who are supposed to defend & uphold the laws in this country at this present moment in time aren't educated about sensitivity & common sense like the little common man on the street. It's either ignorance or sheer utter arrogance on their part. I think it's likely the later.
Very sad indeed.
By mrr2 on August 18, 2008 7:31 AM
Salam Y. Bhg. Tun,
Pertamanya, saya amat menghargai lontaran idea yang cukup bijaksana berhubung isu sensitiviti dalam mengendalikan negara yang majmuk ini. Dalam apa pun situasi kebebasan ada keterbatasan, semua bebas beragama, bercakap,dan berpolitik namun adab dan tatasusila yang boleh menyinggung hubungan kemanusiaan adalah batasan semulajadi yang perlu dihormati.
Batasan ini terletak dalam diri kita sendiri, oleh itu setiap isu yang dibangkitkan perlu kita lontarkan dalam diri kita atas kesan dan buruk baiknya kepada masyarakat. Setiap isu yang timbul sudah tentu mencari pejuang atau Hero untuk membela, dengan itu sebagai badan profesional yang mendokong sama cita cita untuk membina negara yang aman dan harmoni, maka janganlah menjadi hero secara membuta tuli, kita perlu faham kesan dan akibat atas tindakan yang diambil. Oleh itu jika ingin berjuang, pastikan ianya membawa kebaikan sejagat. Kebaikan sejagat adalah hak mutlak masyarakat ramai, namun kebaikan mutlak belum pasti hak sejagat. Oleh itu sebagai rakyat Malaysia, berjuanglah untuk kebaikan sejagat dengan mendokong cita-cita meningkatkan keharmonian bernegara , bukan untuk menjadi juara dan keharmonian negara tergadai. Kita tidak perlu mencari pemenang dalam memperjuangkan isu tetapi menangani dengan bijaksana tanpa ketegangan. Lebih lebih lagi seketika waktu keadaan politik yang yang agak kurang mantap, oleh itu waraskan tindakan, agar kita dapat membina negara yang tenang dan bahagia untuk kita dan anak cucu nikmati bersama. Sayangnya jika negara kita yang indah dan keharmonian yang kita kecapi ini tergadai dengan sedikit noda yang kita tumpahkan.
By justmy2SEN on August 18, 2008 8:15 AM
For me this is one of the sign that other races are starting to NAIK KEPALA..we can talk all night about it but we Malay has to realise that it is now we unite and shape up...since a lot of businesses are controlled by Chinese, i hope Pusat Zakat/MARA can see this and groom more business people amongst Malay/Bumiputera. There are a number of industry in which Chinese are dominant and practices racial discrimination in terms of we need a body with big resources to tap into's a long way as chinese has been lliving in town/urban and gain control of businesses due to british policy but we have to at least try
and now i've tried to avoid buying at chinese-owned establishment. it's hard but i've saved lots of money on facials, being conned during car service session...this is little steps to remind chinese that their busines is nowhere without malay being consumer (if only we malay can unite in this)
Also mentioned by the president of syarie lawyer in the paper yesterday is if the forum is meant to be fair, why not bring out a whole number of converts who find peace in islam and no problem.
ps: Pusat Zakat/MARA please stop bulding big buildings and start concentrating to build malays/muslims to be economically independent..i pay zakat every month but sad to see a lot Malays in Bersamamu TV3..i don't know where the money goes
By abhsaa on August 18, 2008 8:21 AM
Tun, adakah terlampau emosional sekiranya mempertahankan "Malay Supremacy/Lordship" (rujukan austozi on August 17,2008 2:44AM)? Mengapa memilih tajuk Memeluk Agama Islam yang dibahaskan oleh bukan Islam? Walaupun Perlembagaan dah jelas tapi sebelum ini pun ada cubaan mempertikaikannya. Siapa di belakang mereka ini? Jangan biarkan penyakit kecil merebak ke bahagian lain. Maaf sekiranya austozi tak sependapat.
By hajiman ibrahimAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 8:36 AM
Ybgh, Tun,
Kita melayu ni dari dulu banyak bercakap je. Mereka sampai dah berani bukan setakad mencabar tapi dah hampir menewaskan kita, tapi yang kita pandai mengamok je, bertidak nya tidak. Majlis Peguam pun tahu, tindakan kita setakad menjerit je, apa kita dapat buat ? Yang menang mereka, kita takad lepas geram je, menang kampong tergadai, abuk pun tak ada.
Kita patutnya dah membiayai sekumpulan pengganas bawah tanah yang akan bertindak macam klu klac klan, orang melayu membiayai secara underground. Bila kita nanti dah jadi macam Iraq dah tak berguna. Undang-undang dah jadi sampah. Orang melayu pasti akan diperlakukan macam orang Iraq bila Cina dan Keling Malaysia dah jadi majority nanti, elok lah bertindak dari terlambat.
Senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan Ybgh Tun.
By anakku5 on August 18, 2008 8:48 AM
Dear Tun and other commentors,
Sebak dan terharu melihat gambar Misbun menanti Lee Chong Wei dengan tangan terbuka dan bergenang airmata melihat beliau mendukung anak didiknya. Tiada siapa peduli apa bangsa masing-masing. Yang penting kita adalah rakyat Malaysia. Saya tidak pernah ragu rakyat Negara ini boleh hidup aman damai dan saling sayang menyayang. Cuma adakalanya kita lebih berminat untuk mencari perbezaan dan melupakan persamaan. Perbalahan beterusan mengenai hak keistimewaan dan rasa tidak puas hati antara satu sama lain tidak baik untuk kesejahteraan Malaysia secara keseluruhannya. Pemimpin dari semua kaum perlu bijak untuk menangani perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu sebegini. Jangan biarkan sesiapa sahaja bebas bersuara tanpa mengambilkira faktor kestabilan negara.
Apa pandangan Tun berhubung acara angkat sumpah Saiful. Sebagai ibu saya sungguh malu apabila ada antara ayat-ayat yang dikeluarkan menyentuh tentang kemaluan...aduhai, anak remaja ada disebelah..jelas benar pula sebutannya tu. Kenapa la tak tapis sikit ayat-ayat tu. Malu betul jadi Melayu. Bangsa Melayu dah Me-layu longlai.
To Indian, dont be so rude.
Luv U Always Tun. May Allah Bless U Always.
By Sheikh on August 18, 2008 8:50 AM
Jika Bar Council benar benar iklas tentu sebarang permasalahan yang di fikirkan perlu di bawa ke saluran yang betul tanpa menimbulkan kekecohan.
Mereka boleh membuat perbincangan dengan pihak yang terlibat dengan isu mereka dan kemudiannya memberi persidangan akhbar atau pun mengedarkan kenyataan mereka.
Sesuai dengan kata kata yang menyatakan bahawa lebih tinggi ilmu seseoarang maka lebih molek tingkah lakunya. Ijazah tidak bermakna pemegangnya berpelajaran. Tingkah laku dan tuturkata yang baik itu bukti sesorang itu berpelajaran tidak kira samada dia berijazah atau tidak.
Di dapati majlis peguam memperjuangkan gulungan minoriti sahaja tidak menyeluruh kepada rakyat malaysia umumnya. Perjuangannya tidak memberi faedah kepada keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia.
Pendekata perjuangannya hanya lah untuk jenis orang yang berkunjung ke 'bar' saja. Tidak kira ugama, bangsa dan keturunan. Asal semeje di 'bar'.
By kamal ahmad on August 18, 2008 8:50 AM
Salam Ayahanda Tun. There’s seems to be just too much hatred and unhappiness in the comments feedback section. Some people tend to believe that they are correct and proper at hurling those racial abuses and it seems that every bit of Tun’s preciously posted thoughts and expressions gets turned into racist comments and thrown back across our screens for all to see and feel. A few throw comments like there is just no tomorrow, carelessly hurting others, offending God knows who or where forsaking all that they have been thought, and for some its even just cheap thrills in front of the screen. If I look around me, I could see poverty that discriminates none. It discriminates not any by their religion, by their race or the color of their skin. For these folks, most probably they would be too busy working two or maybe even three jobs daily to put food on the table, to buy infant formulas and maybe to plug that tired leaky rusty zinc roof. What we put out here on the screen means nothing to them. It wont feed them that extra much needed mouthful, it wont do much good to them I guess. I apologize if I am beginning to sound holier than thou, kick me; I am just as guilty at times. On a new note, the holy month of Ramadan is approaching upon us once more. It is indeed a privilege for all Muslim to undergo the regime of Ramadan. What say you folks who reads this, that we somehow organize some kind of charity drive through this blog site to help the underprivileged children? Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan all included. I think captain and others may have some further ideas on this. We could propose a communication channel, set up a collection center somewhere and later we organize a team to distribute the donations to the children. We can donate infant baby’s milk, beverages, clothing, shoes, toys, books, pencils, rulers, school bags, etc- but NO cash. Maybe even shoes for the school going children in Sabah and Sarawak who would often dirty theirs wadding though the muddy paths. It’s just an idea, and I hope that it becomes a reality for the children. We can all put our differences aside for this I believe… or can we?
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us Ayahanda Tun. Best regards, Kamal.
By ab alehsani on August 18, 2008 9:12 AM
Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
Bonjour, comment allez vous,
I appreciate your comments on multi racial sensitivity of our beloved Malaysia. It is conveyed with full of wisdom and insight and it reflects the sentiments of a visionary leader.
Under the same breath we must find solutions to ensure that the Malaysian legal system can address the issues of reversion/conversion to Islam in an amicable manner . The current leaders seems to be at a crossroad(loss?) or what to do. May be the political leaders and their political advisors (which include their wives) should be guided accordingly.
We can draw attention to the different jurisdictions where there are multiracial and multi religious society. We have india and some middle asia countries like dagestan and tajikistan and many others legal system where we can learn from and assimilate into our legal system.
What I am experiencing in our current leaders when it comes to religious issues are:
1) Divide and rule
2) When they are cornered, play on the racial card and religious sentiment
3) Say something brilliant at the spur of the moment and conveniently forget about it later.THERE IS NO FOLLOW UP.
As I grew up under your stable and safe leadership tun, my wish is that my 2 daughters, 6 nephews and 5 nieces can experience the same.
I want my children to know what is it like to live in a safe Malaysia.
Right now we have a lot of constrctive work to do.
We need to know what are the issues on reversion or conversion to Islam is all about. Being over sensitive is not the answer. being open, transparent and honest is the answer.
Talking about sensitivity, even when the imam misread the verses of the Quran in the solat (prayer), it is wajib for the followers (ma'mum) to correct him or to remind him openly in the solat and not after the solat (prayer).And if the imanm refuse to correct the reading, the makmum have the right to disassociate themselves and the solat (prayer) from the imam.
to our political leaders, my humble unsolicited opinions are as follows.
Being sensitive without solution is like giving candy to a diabetic patient.
Being open and honest leads to self acceptance. And the first step towards finding a cure.
We dont need rhetorics. We need solutions.
Dont Tell us what you can do. SHOW us what you can do. or leave. with dignity. or whatever is left of it.
As a member of Malaysian Bar, i have this personal opinion about being a practicing syariah and civil lawyer.
God is very brilliant.
All the important organs in human body are placed in the middle.
Thus you find...
The brain in the middle of two ears.
The tongue between two sets of teeth.
The neck between the head and the body.
The heart between two lungs.
The reproductive organs between the two legs.
The doctor between the disease and the cure.
And the lawyer between truth and falsehood.
Personally, I feel the Bar Council is the voice of the conscience of all Malaysians.
Without fear or favour.
And I will do just that.
Continue walking in the path of saints Tun Mahathir...for the same Allah that permits you to breath, is the same Allah that will protect you. At all times..
Fii amanillah.
I wish to follow your footsteps, bi iznillah.
homme avec la rose
Ab alehsani
By hazard72 on August 18, 2008 9:13 AM
Assalamualaikum, Tun.
Perbuatan mereka ini sememangnya ada agenda tersembunyi yang berniat jahat. Kenapalah nak dipertikaikan lagi kedudukan orang melayu dan agama islam yang sememangnya sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara. Apa lagi yang mereka mahu?
Seperti yang Tun katakan, bila kita menyentuh hal mereka, dilabelnya kita sebagai 'racist' dan macam-macam lagi. Tapi bila mereka menyentuh pasal kita, apa yang sepatutnya kita nak labelkan mereka?
Saya ada juga terbaca artikel yang ditulis oleh juak-juak mereka berkenaan asal-usul orang melayu bertujuan untuk menidakkan hak orang melayu keatas bumi malaysia. Untuk apa semua ini. Bagi saya mereka sudah melampau dan merekalah yang sebenarnya 'racist' dinegara ini.
Jangan fikir mereka peguam, mereka boleh bertindak dan menyuarakan pendapat mereka sesuka hati kerana mereka rasakan mereka arif dalam perundangan dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Perlu diingat bila perkara sebegini tidak dapat dibendung lagi dan kemarahan orang melayu sudah hilang tiada satupun undang-undang dalam dunia ini yang dapat melindungi mereka dan pada jika ini berlaku siapa yang akan dipertanggungjawabkan? Yang pasti semua pihak akan rugi.
Kesimpulannya, peranan dan ketegasan pemimpin negara amat diperlukan dalam hal ini. Tapi ianya tidak akan berlaku kerana pemimpin sekarang hanya mementingkan kantung wang mereka. Yang peliknya dalam hal ini tak ramai pemimpin melayu khasnya berani untuk bersuara. Tapi kalau pasal perkara yang melibatkan Parti politik semuanya mahu berkokok tanpa mereka sedar punggung mereka dipenuhi dengan najis.
Keep going Tun.
By Poh on August 18, 2008 9:18 AM
Dear Tun,
The subject that the Bar Council wants to discuss is pertinent be it sensitive. I believe the Bar Council wants to conduct the forum because the government of the day does not want to discuss the problem of the civil and the syariah laws. If the government had called for a closed door forum, inviting the relevent people, the NGOs included, the Bar Council would not have called for a public forum.
Good day.
By nuriman on August 18, 2008 9:21 AM
Salam Tun,
An enlightening view. So much has been said lately about individual rigts,human rights, sensitivities and the need to preserve harmony. Issues pertaining to race and religion are issues that has its own boundary which should not be encroached. In a multiracial country like ours, it is best not to cause any provocation by purposely bringing up or challenging certain matters. What more to say debating sensitive issues openly. I do agree with Tun that we have to be sensitive and tolerant of others faith and beliefs. Yes we practice democracy but there are things that even democracy has to pave way in order to create peace and harmony. Is it democratic or right for os to encroach into someones bedroom in the name of democracy? Is it right for us to enter someones kitchen and savour all there is that they have because we are hungry? Well, we have travelled so far to achieve the status of a developed nation. Can't we think like a developed nation's citizen?
By beeb's say on August 18, 2008 9:23 AM
Assalaamualaikum Tun dan semua para komentar..
Saya memang bersetuju dengan karlor~hiuno:on August 15, 2008 6:49 PM,pasal demo yang dibuat oleh pelajar uitm tu,saya pun emo gak tapi memang dah jangka la tu semua strategi pkr,nampak sangat kan,usaha dia orang berjaya nak buat org melayu mengamuk semata-mata nak pancing undi...tu lah kan...
By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 9:26 AM
tun, mereka kata kalau kita tak bury status bumi non bumi, perpaduan takkan dicapai.apa pendapat tun?
By Tunteja on August 18, 2008 9:41 AM
Tun,mohon tumpang lalu....
Dear mecnz,
Adalah tidak adil menuntut orang melayu bersaing dengan bangsa cina yang telah mengalami revolusi dan jauh di hadapan dalam ekonomi ( bukan sukan!!)sebelum nenek moyang mereka datang ke Tanah Melayu. Begitu juga bangsa India.Semua yang datang itu buruh sementara nak dapat jalan... ramai juga pedagang!Mereka tidak datang dengan kocek kosong. Mereka datang dengan ilmu revolusi serta sedikit kekayaan berbanding melayu bumiputera yang ditindas oleh penjajah beratus2 tahun dahulu.
Untuk apa bersusah payah menjadi rakyat Malayisa jika nasib di Malaysia ini sangat malang? Carilah kehidupan yang lebih baik di tempat lain yang lebih adil di muka bumi ini.Tanah Melayu adalah tempat orang yang baik hati dan tidak tamak atau meminta2.
Memang orang melayu bumiputera berhak dibela oleh pemimpin2nya.
By Raja Kris on August 18, 2008 9:46 AM
Dear Tun, God bless you.. I agree with your article on sensitivities in Malaysia and how important it is to Maintain Unity. Tun, to be sensitive in Malaysia, one should also be well versed with all the cultures of the people living in Malaysia.
I strongly feel that the Non Malays understant the culture of the Malays better than vise-versa. A Malays attends a kenduri of a non Malay, everstep is taken to see that the food served is Halal. But when an Indian (for eg) attends a Malay kenduri, this precaustion is not taken care of. Even food served during Government dinner ignore this and beef is served. Tun, this is only at Micro level. On the Macro, you are aware Tun, when the father (eg a Christian) converts to Islam, the family faces all sorts of problems because of the dual legal system in our country. This is what I suppose the Bar Council wanted to discuss. They wanted to just discuss the problem faced by NON MUSLIM FAMILIES after conversion. Nothing sensitive about it.. The government did not address these issues yet even though these problems had been highlighted to them a few times. THESE problems (faces by Non Muslims) are genuine and should be addressed.
By emma49 on August 18, 2008 9:55 AM
Dear Anba,
…Don’t blame tun for his judgment and rationalization of discussing sensitive issues. But Blame the Malays for being such sensitive race that we will run “amok” if Islam being challenge. Stop provoke tun on unfairness or for not being a true muhibbah leader, are lim guan eng muhibbah? Are majlis peguam muhibbah… anyway do you know what muhibbah is? May I ask, what do you expect from this country anyway?? Fairness for all races?? then 30% of Malay ownership shouldn’t be enough; it should go up to 60% … (don’t forget, MALAY is a race too, not just Chinese & Indian, we are not invincible) you say its unfair to "deny" tertiary education opportunities for the non-Malay (ARE WE??), but statistics shows that if to add up the non-bumi studying at ipts + oversea + ipta it will be greater than the total of Malays students?? Owh... You say uitm are low quality... may I ask which private institution monopolized by the Chinese have been listed too?? Again don’t blame tun on NEP, but blame the Malays for being denied opportunist by extremist racist Chinese…
Tun already said he has tried his best to make good of this country, others are up to the Malaysian. Anyway what your contribution so far?
By Ir. Syahrizan on August 18, 2008 9:57 AM
Asalamualaikum and Hello,
Usually, my approach of writings in blogs (and even in the real world) are more conscience (sopan) and with meticulous (hati-hati) integrity. Taking care of the sensitiveness. Unfortunately, for some non-sensitive Malaysians (such as the so called-proffesional body Malaysian Bar Council, HINDRAF etc.) these values are not valid for them. Arrogance, hate, greed ... just pick your poison, its all there for consumption. These people are NOT PROBLEM SOLVER, they are in fact PROBLEMS itself.
I have come to the conclusion that IF (I pray to God it doesn't reach to that level)... IF Islam and Bumiputeras rights are to be totally abolished or questioned, I suggest MAGERAN (read your history books) to be activated and the powers to be return back to the Sultan/Agong. Let them feel the full-fledge of Malay Supremacy and the Malay Army. We Malays/Bumiputeras have give 'face' too much to these ungrateful Malaysians. We will not turn Malaysia just like what happen to that small island of Singapore; its indeed a powerful economic island, and yet you don't see any native people striving with equal rights for wealth over there. Its a one-race biased country, excuse me. You don't call that a successful development. A real development will consists everybody in it, means all race should benefit from it.
I say, JIHAD against these heretics, lunatics and betrayers.
By HAMMER HEAD on August 18, 2008 10:01 AM
Assalamualaikum yang amat dikasihi Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir. Semuga ayahanda sekeluarga diberkati ALLAH SWT serta RASULULLAH SAW.
Saya tiada apa yang hendak diulas. Cuma inilah kata-kata saya buat pertama kalinya saya menyertai ruangan ini. "SELAMATKANLAH MELAYU DEMI ISLAM".
Terima Kasih.
By cucujebat on August 18, 2008 10:09 AM
Assalamualaikom Tun dan semua peminat dan penyokong TDM,
Sebenarnya saya menanti-nantikan respon dari Zaid Ibrahim sepertimana menanti sumpah DSAI berlandaskan islam.Kedua - duanya diam membisu.Apakah mereka ini dikategorikan sebagai PENAKUT.Nampaknya BC dan DSAI mempunyai kaitan yang amat rapat.Kata Datuk Shafie Abdullahm dipejabat beliau ramai DAP dan PKR.
By strawberry1128Author Profile Page on August 18, 2008 10:16 AM
Dear all,
The name list given does not tell us all.
There are people who turned down the invitation because of external pressure ! Even if we follow the name list , out of 36 people attended , 9 belong to Malay.
Shall the Malay term these 9- Traitor ?
Majority of the people go against this forum just can't have the wisdom our forefathers have !
When we fought for independence, every single force is our strength.Thus, our forefatehrs got the wisdom to give and take and compromise and created Malaysia.
Different races sworn to live in MALAYSIA regardless of colors , religions etc united and made it.
We built what we are now through the effort of all races.
With all of their blood and sweat.
Ho matter how lazy one race is-their are hard owrking ones.
No matter how good one race is - there are bad ones.
We choose the good for all.
It is a similar case in election or by election now in PERMATANG PAUH.
A wise politician - ( if any one go against the forum be this candidate )Will he wise enoguh to fight for MALAY and voice in public facing PERMATANG PAUH people ?
No one dares, because -deep in their heart, they knew, he needs all vote to make sure victory .A victory which must comes form all races.
Be a wise MALAYSIAN , taking care of all MALAYSIAN will surely win all people heart.
Deamang in peaceful way - cna always be settled in peaceful way if you disagree with it.
Violence is the cause of bringing up the heat of racial issue and deepen the gap among all.
Let's think fo this simple logic.
By autaman on August 18, 2008 10:54 AM
Completely agreed with you TUN.
After reading all the comments from our fellow bloggers , I still 100% convinced that not being able to discuss certain issues openly is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country.
Dear all , to make a decision , one must know what is the objective of a decision being made. For me , Peace and Stability must be given the top priority.Please note that it is not that we can't discuss the sensitive issue completely . The discussion must be made in an professional manners by responsible peoples who are experts in the related field .By having an open forum , it will only incites tension among races in this country. I do understand for those who are directly caught in the issues discussed here . However , just tell me one thing , what is the benefit of the open forum. What can we obtained ? We will never get a conclusion.We as the audience have no power to determine the conclusion. At the end ? what do we get apart from raising tension among the citizens as already proved by so many demonstration.
I do agreed that the problem must be solved but not by this way. Have the problem been solved ? NO!
So , I think it is a waste of time for Bar Council to have this forum . You can't solve any issued from having a forum!If they are really sincered , then just organised a close discussion with the peoples experts in the related field and the law makers and come out with the best conclusion and implement it . This is how you solve a problem . Decision must be fast rather then sitting on the issue and just harping blah blah blah on it and waiting " don't know who " to make a decision. This is the result of a poor and week goverment having no direction and as a result , we as the citizens of Malaysia are always kept wondering in the dark!
Lastly , for those who are for the open forum on sensitive issue , just tell me what do you get from the forum at the end of the day. Let's face it , as civilised as we claimed we are , we are not ready yet for open discussion on sensitive issue in this multiracial country. For those who think they are matured enough , please do not imply that you are the sample of the whole population of Malaysian Citizen.Even the slightest commotion by minority will spark off into a bigger and bigger fireball and this is not we want in our country after 50 years of hard work of development.
Lastly , I do welcome any differing views on the above and make my own conclusion on my standing on the issue.
By azudinfuad on August 18, 2008 11:04 AM
Assalammualaikum Tun,
For many years the Malays have been an 'accomodating' race.
Malaysians too have been an accomodating lot.
We accomodate the whims and fancies of others.
We were humble and very forgiving.
Somehow, now we are becoming very sensitive and unforgiving.
In fact we are becoming more selfish and self centered.
I wonder whether the efforts for Integration is still ongoing....
Reading your blog is like having coffee in the just can't do without it.
Take care Tun
By autaman on August 18, 2008 11:19 AM
HI Tun , izin tumpang lalu ,
Dear Anba ,
Appreciate the points but here are my little comments,
I think who got it wrong here when saying that TUN do not agreed on discussion of sensitive issues and at such no discussion can be held. In his original article , he is only do not agreed that the sensitive issues to be discussed in an openly manner such like in a forum.
On the NEP, it's true that it was slightly loopsided but please do understand why it is created. However , I do agreed that it must be constanly reviewed to suit the changing enviroment.
By Boser Buben on August 18, 2008 11:23 AM
You have made a very good argument for your comments Sir.
But perhaps the readers who commented should tone down the racial sentiments a little.
God Bless you Sir.
By silbi_manahaj on August 18, 2008 11:30 AM
Tun Mahathir dan rakyat Malaysia yang aku kasihi sekalian.
As far as I'm concerned, Malaysian BAR is FUBAR (F#@!ed Up Beyond All Repair).
By anakteja2 on August 18, 2008 11:33 AM
Assalam Tun;
Saya setuju, harap few blogger yang kaput tu boleh terima...tak boleh pakai logik A, Logik B maka Logik C, Agama bukan boleh dilogik2kan, begitulah juga bangsa dan budaya.....dimana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung ...ASTORA ada faham ka...?
Anakteja - dah mula menjawab!
By DrPerfect on August 18, 2008 11:34 AM
I wonder if you have ever consider on the slightest possibility that a chain reaction on your view above might lead to an disunity within those who have not been mature enough to understand that there are wrong doers in every factions, and accusation not only on the individual but, the whole group itself will lead to something pretty nasty? As I can see that there are quite a number of people start to mention the May 13th incident and such. Hope you would not mislead the people here with a better specification.
By iskandar on August 18, 2008 11:37 AM
Just wonder why as a MUSLIM,Anwar and family and supporters BERMATI-MATI when Raja Petra,BAla and Dr Mynamar make a PERAKAUAN BERSUMPAH but accused Saiful a liar when he make a PERAKAUN BERSUMPAH WITH HIS GOD'S NAME?? Why?? Maybe he doesnt believe god's way..
By amer on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
assalamualaikum tun..
pada pendapat saya hak keistimewaan orang melayu tidak perlu dihapuskan seperti yang diminta oleh sesetengah orang baik cina, india dan melayu tu sendiri...
kita perlu ibaratkan dan jadikan hak istimewa org melayu sebagai keris...
apa bila kita boleh berlawan dan bersaing dengan tangan kosong maka xperlu kita gunakan keris tapi apabila keadaan memerlukan dan boleh menyebabkan bencana maka kite gunakan keris tu...
dengan ini kita bleh blajar untuk bersaing secara adil dan tidak ketinggalan seterusnya memajukan bangsa kita...dan kalau kalah pun tp membawa kebaikan its ok kerana kekalahan juga boleh menjadikan kita makin kuat... asalkan tidak membawa bencana dan keburukan...
bukanla bermakna Lin Dan boleh start game dengan 5 point free sbb dier bumiputera kerana itu sebenarnya tidak perlu...kalau die kalah pun xkan membawa bencana pada diri dia atau negara china... sebab tu die perlu bersaing secara adil... lainla kalau die kalah negara china akan jadi huru hara dan jadi perang kat sane.. kalau mcmtu xpela jugak die nak start 5 atau 20 point free...
sy percaya hak keistimewaan orang melayu bukanla penghalang kepada penyatuan semua bangsa di malaysia asalkan masing2 tau menghormati hak masing2...
p/s seronok bile kat kedai mamak tengok india melayu cina bersatu menyokong Chong Wei lawan Lin Dan
By coretankedaikopiAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Dear Tun, I would be glad if you could comment on what is happening to the Malays now after March 08, 2008. I went to Permatang Pauh yesterday to have a look on the current situation prior to the election on August 26. The PKR or Pakatan Rakyat members seem to be incontrol and the UMNO or Barisan members seem to be hiding or afraid to show their existence. The Malays seem to be divided. One group seems to act violently. I am afraid this type of behaviour has been absorbed the Kampung people which was previously been seen only in KL.
By TedliveAuthor Profile Page on August 18, 2008 11:46 AM
Hi Tun,
Thank you for this article. I now understand what you mean by sensitive issues. I was feeling like one of the ignorant people who supported the bar council earlier but after reading your article, I finally understand. I would sacrifice anything to keep our beloved country in peace and multi-racial harmony. Thank you Tun for opening my heart, my eyes, my ears.
God Bless you Tun and family.
By jeng3 on August 18, 2008 11:56 AM
salam Tun,
To Neil,
We know your true support George Bush and the invading superpowers,I am personally offended by your calling Iraqis muslim extremists.I WANT TO VOMIT WHENEVER I SEE YOUR HATEFUL COMMENTS HERE.
You are the perfect example of a small mind trying to impose yourself on a great leader.
By NAS on August 18, 2008 12:09 PM
I don't see what all the fuss is about here. In whatever society with multiple races and multiple religions, the key to progress and civilisation is tolerance.. in being able to discuss openly and accept others' points of view, to be able to detach from one's own sentiments and personal allegiances. When this can be achieved, then only we can say, that Malaysia has truly progressed. By avoiding the issue, we will always be pretending to ourselves. As such, I support the move by the Bar Council to address and debate the thorny issue. To date, we still do not have a clear indication on how to interpret and solve those issues. By surpressing their initiative to debate the issue, and move forward to at least proffer real practical solutions that had plagued some unfortunate citizens, we are merely sweeping them under the carpet and.. I am sorry to say that all the efforts we boast we have made since Merdeka was nullified.
By Emancipator on August 18, 2008 12:15 PM
I think in times when a country has a weak and questionable leadership, the unpopular support will surely translate to an increasing dissident voices. Unfortunately, certain quarters in the society will use this as an opportunity to push forward their hidden agendas in promoting their "cause" be it racial equality, justice or freedom of speech. They maliciously incite racial issues that will cause great harm to the society for the present moment and the repercussions of years to come. They use democracy and the freedom of speech as a banner of authority in justifying their insensitivity and insolence.
The problem I see in Malaysia is that the present administration is conveniently lenient to such dangerous people for hoping that "nicety" will provide a reprieve from its unpopularity. The danger is imminent and yet the leadership has no courage to do what needs to be done.
By aad on August 18, 2008 12:20 PM
When you play with fire, you must be prepared to get burnt. So, I have always said that democracy may or may not have its limits.
I view democracy differently. And this is my defination :
'Do Whatever You Want To, As Long As It Does Not Offend Others'
Yes go ahead say what ever you like, do whatever you wish to. Its okay as long as you do not offend others.
By kamimelayubaru on August 18, 2008 12:38 PM
Salam Tun,
Kepada semua Bar Council Committee dan ahli-ahlinya, bertindak untuk hapuskan Ambiga ni daripada berkuasa. Orang macam ni tidak layak jadi orang Malaysia apalagi mewakili golongan professional. Tahap professionalnya kosong macam takde otak langsung.....Nampak sangat Ambiga ni lulusan kelas ketiga yang tak tahu hormat dan tiada adab sopan...Kelahiran Malaysia tiada yang sebiadap ini..Ambiga tidak layak berada di Bar Council....Gologan professional yang kurang ajar macam ni harus dihapuskan dan dibuang daripada negara ini kerana kurang ajar sangat....
By ai_matsuda on August 18, 2008 12:47 PM
Salam Tun... sebenarnya saya tak tau apa nak jadi dengan bangsa kita, bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun... Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya bekerja di sebuah IPTA di ibu negara dalam bahagian pentadbiran dan boleh dikatakan semua pekerja di bahangian saya adalah Melayu, malangnya, majoriti mereka amat-amat 'mengkagumi' seorg manusia yg saya anggap 'Si Kitol Zaman Moden', anwar ibrahim.
Setiap hari telinga saya pasti 'panas' dek cemuhan yang mereka lemparkan ke ats sesiapa sahaja yg 'mencubit' anwar. Contohnya, pagi tadi (18/08), salah seorg dr mereka mengatakan bahawa angkat sumpah yg dilakukan oleh Saiful adalah taktik kotor kerajaan BN & polis yang telahpun diubahsuai(edit) sebelum disiarkan di televisyen.
Saya amat-amat kesal dengan pemikiran mereka yg seperti tidak bersekolah, walhal semua mereka merupakan pemegang ijazah.
Sedih dan risau dengan keadaan bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun....
By dfkl on August 18, 2008 1:00 PM
Good day to you Tun,
We all indeed need to respect the religion of others, because we are citizen of a country which comprises of multi ethnic groups which have different religions faith.
Any future dialog(s) should be held close door, in order to prevent others to politicize the issues.
However, Tun, the real issue, I think we have to tackle is "Who will be taking care of the livehood of the next of kins or dependent (wife and children) of those that who do not follow to convert, I'm a bit of open here. The constituition guarantee freedom of religion, and here under the assumption that no body is stopping any body in joining other religion group.
I think government should play an important role, some one have to lead, some actions need to be initiated in order to determine and draw up certain guide lines or policies so that the sensitive issues on religion can be avoided and at the same time the livehood of those whom families do not wish to follow suit can be taken care.
Bar Council has initiated the move, however the approach and timing might not be right at this moment, almost every day we hear hot news. Lets look at different angle.
We live in a country with different ethnic group, different cultures but we are Malaysian, we can't change facts of life.
I remembered, my daughter was representing a competition in a sporting event, participants from oversea from western (Mat Salleh) and orient (Taiwan & Jap) are asking us, where are you from. Our answer, we are Malaysian, our uniform bears our Malaysia identity, with our national flag stitch to it. Do you all realize we are bangsa Malaysia, why only in sport, be it in any thing.
We must realize, any confrontation towards any other races in our country especially towards our younger generation is no good, why government has been putting alot of efforts and resources in the past and at current especially in the national school level, with leaders and politician calling for the younger generations to foster a good and better relationships, understanding of others culture and support them with plentiful of programs (camps with leadership training and mixing of all pupils regardless of their race).
However, leaders who can forsee issues and problems, especially during the sensitive issues approaching are keeping quiet about it. Some were seen capitalizing this oppurtunities to make themselves famous during this period, by "Maximizing exposure", the whole Malaysia and true Malaysian is looking at them like a bunch of stupidful.
We all went thru the difficult eras, during end 60's, "Repeat no more" and with your wise thinking, TUN, please do some thing which can be beneficial to every one instead of saying this is sensitive and that is sensitive, a lot of people indeed know it's very very sensitive.
The REAL ISSUE is those people (women and children) are crying for survival, who will be feeding them later. Please think as a man with responsibility as head of family, whose father the children and not taking care of them later. I called out to you ALL, please be rationale, these are TWO separate issues.
We are bangsa Malaysia, going to be 51 years old soon, prove to the world that we really can, NOT only by mouth, "JANGAN OMONG OMONG KOSONG SAJA", tunjukkan kepada mereka yang pandang rendah kepada kita terutama dari SELATAN, kita BOLEH and prove them wrong.
We can think with rationale, can solve issues and problem in a man way.
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita rasa boleh, tetapi kami memerlukan apa yang lebih daripada cakap, untuk mencapai matlamat MALAYSIA BOLEH, kita mesti dengan usaha bersama dari semua BANGSA MALAYSIA.
Kepada pemimpin yang amat ingin menonjolkan diri kepada dunia sebagai PAHLAWAN, anda memang boleh, jadikanlah anda HERO BANGSA MALAYSIA instead yang membolehkan negara kita terus maju ke depan.
Do you think possible?
By ai_matsuda on August 18, 2008 1:14 PM
Salam Tun... sebenarnya saya tak tau apa nak jadi dengan bangsa kita, bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun... Untuk pengetahuan Tun, saya bekerja di sebuah IPTA di ibu negara dalam bahagian pentadbiran dan boleh dikatakan semua pekerja di bahangian saya adalah Melayu, malangnya, majoriti mereka amat-amat 'mengkagumi' seorg manusia yg saya anggap 'Si Kitol Zaman Moden', anwar ibrahim.
Setiap hari telinga saya pasti 'panas' dek cemuhan yang mereka lemparkan ke ats sesiapa sahaja yg 'mencubit' anwar. Contohnya, pagi tadi (18/08), salah seorg dr mereka mengatakan bahawa angkat sumpah yg dilakukan oleh Saiful adalah taktik kotor kerajaan BN & polis yang telahpun diubahsuai(edit) sebelum disiarkan di televisyen.
Saya amat-amat kesal dengan pemikiran mereka yg seperti tidak bersekolah, walhal semua mereka merupakan pemegang ijazah.
Sedih dan risau dengan keadaan bangsa Melayu sekarang ni Tun....
By Wake Up on August 18, 2008 1:14 PM
With regards to UiTM issues, it reminds me of USA 100 years ago, which they used to have "White" only schools/universities... sigh... our mentality are lagging a century behind...
By mednahr on August 18, 2008 1:30 PM
Assalmualaikum Tun,
Terima kasih Tun atas penjelasan di atas. Sangat bernas yang tidak mampu dilakukan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada sekarang.
Apa yang Tun kupas dalam tulisan Tun berkenaan isu2 semasa selalunya memberikan kesan yang mendalam kepada kami rakyat dan melegakan keadaan yang tegang.
Penjelasan2 Tun ini adalah suatu sumbangan yang cukup besar ke atas rakyat dan negara kita. Tun selalu mengingatkan kami Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang selalu mudah lupa sejarah.
Semoga Tun dipanjangkan umur dan terus menyumbang kepada negara dan semoga Allah mengurniakan pahala ke atas Tun. Amin.
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