Monday, August 18, 2008

Malaysia Politic


Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at August 15, 2008 3:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (441) | TrackBacks (0) | Previous Blog
1. Non-Malays and maybe quite a few Malays have strongly criticised my piece on the Bar Council. I am made out to be against free speech, human rights etc.

2. What I was talking was about sensitivity - about the need for people to be sensitive to the feelings of other people. It was not about Islam or its teachings or its history per se. It is about the Malays and the non-Malays in this multiracial, multi religious country and their sensitivities.

3. You may not notice it but I also mentioned the sensitivities of other races in Malaysia.

4. I didn't use language meant to irritate which I could very well do, as good as anybody else.

5. My criticism against the Bar Council is because of its insensitivity and arrogance. I can say a few things about some members of the Bar Council in order to hurt. But I did not. I should really, because the Bar Council was instrumental in persuading the Royal Commission that it was possible I was influenced in the choice of judges by V.K. Linggam and that I should be investigated. It was an exercise in taking me down a peg.

6. Sensitivities of people differ. We don't wear chador in Malaysia but go to the countries where the chador is de rigueur and wear a miniskirt because it is your right. Then you will see what will happen. Even Queen Elizabeth covered up sufficiently when visiting Saudi Arabia. She was sensitive, her royal rights notwithstanding.

7. Other countries have different interpretations of Islam and it is their right. In fact even Christian countries have their sensitivities. Or the levels of their sensitivities may be different.

8. Go to some European countries and you will find condoms on the steps of churches. In others, Christian priests officiate marriages between man and man, woman and woman and they raise families by having sex with other people. It is fine there because it is their interpretation of their rights. But why stop there? Why arrest couples having sex in full view of people in a park? Isn't it their right too? But the people object. They are sensitive to this. What is the difference? You know very well that they do this at home anyway. And you do it too. But I think you also feel it is not right. You would feel offended as your child ask you "What are they doing Papa (or Mama)?" as the case may be.

9. The non-Malays in Malaysia have a lot of sensitive issues too. We cannot touch on them. We would be accused of being racist, being insensitive, provocative and offensive.

10. But supposing we ignore their sensitivities and we talk loudly about them. They would not like it. They may reply in kind, perhaps more insultingly.

11. Then we have to increase our insulting remarks in order to annoy, knowing that what we say would irritate and anger them.

12. The end result must be tension between the races in Malaysia which may lead to violence, continuous violence. Lives may be lost and property destroyed.

13. You can tell relatives of the people killed or owners of the property destroyed that this is okay, this is human rights, this is freedom, this is democracy. Think they will celebrate and offer more of their relatives to be killed so that you can behave insensitively?

14. I may be against the present Government but that does not mean I must forsake all that I believe in.

15. I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country. It had paid off hansomely. We would not be where we are today if we slug verbally or otherwise, at each other every day.

16. Some countries may be more open than others and still remain stable. Almost all these countries are single ethnic developed countries with the majority of the people atheistic. Still you don't call a black man a nigger but it is okay to call him an SOB (Son of a B***h).

17. But ours is not. Ours is multi-ethnic country where assimilation has not taken place. After hundreds of years you insist on still being what you are. Still for 50 years we managed to remain stable without the kind of conditions imposed by developed countries on new citizens.

18. We were able to do this because we were willing to accept minor restrictions, we are sensitive to the feelings of others.

19. Other newly independent countries attempting to practice even basic democracy have all become very unstable. Their people remained poor and the poor became poorer, despite being single ethnic.

20. If what we want is to be able to provoke people as a matter of right more than our own well-being and that of fellow citizens then be insensitive and have open debates by selected people whose views are already known, who are insensitive to the sensitivities of others but are very sensitive about their rights to be insensitive, whatever the cost to others and the country.

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By jebat_romantik on August 15, 2008 4:00 PM

saya menyokong anda Tun...

save our Malaysia....
By harisAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:00 PM

askum tun.....
reading u blogs makes me more viser than before....
for all the information.....tq
regret for putting my vote to pr....
By kamarul on August 15, 2008 4:01 PM

Dearest Tun,

You are sooooo right.. spot on.. bulls eye..

May Allah bless you and Tun Siti forever..
By Timur Waja on August 15, 2008 4:01 PM

Dear Tun

Another great article from TDM - eat your heart out "Majlis Peguam Malaysia".

Like old folks say - "Masuk kandang kambing, mengembek - masuk kandang harimau, mengaum" tapi jangan masuk pulak kandang harimau, nanti kena makan.

"Di Mana Bumi DiPijak - Di Situ Langit DiJunjung"

By masterpiece on August 15, 2008 4:06 PM

salam Tun...

I'm the 1st...
By masterpiece on August 15, 2008 4:07 PM


U All dah melampau...
jgn sentuh sensitiviti orang melayu...jgn pertikai apa yang ada dalam perlembagaan
By nazri nor on August 15, 2008 4:08 PM


Thanks Tun. U make it sound very clear for some of them who not understand the situation. May good bless you sir.
By M. Shahirasul IdrewoodsAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:10 PM

Perhaps thing just made to show how fierce some*one* can be or perhaps... just to draw attention, or again perhaps, someone needed to show how powerful he/she can be now.

But, the best way to keep our Malaysia is - to make peace with everyone and maintain the stability, not making any little situation worse than we already seen.
By nazri nor on August 15, 2008 4:11 PM


Thanks Tun. U make it sound very clear for some of them who not understand the situation. May god bless you sir.
By Captain on August 15, 2008 4:11 PM

Dear Ayahanda Tun,

Whack them all.....


By ceecak on August 15, 2008 4:11 PM

yes,u r right tun..but the govt just keep silence n even allowed such forum to b held until a demonstration was carried out..
unfortunenately, it shows clearly that our present govt hv no sensitivity..what a pity!
By shazz on August 15, 2008 4:13 PM

Salam Tun,

Saya amat-amat bersetuju dengan pandangan yang bernas dan mantap dari Tun. Bar Council telah lupa sejarah. Segala-galanya hendak bersandarkan kepada tafsiran undang-undang mereka tanpa memikirkan kesan pada negara.

Mereka terlalu ego di sebabkan oleh Zaid Ibrahim. Wahai umat Islam...perlu ingat, Zaid Ibrahim inilah yang pernah membawa hudud ke mahkamah supaya tidak di jadikan undang-undang negara.
Sepatutnya sebagai muslim, dia harus mengkaji mana kelemahan dfar tersebut, bukannya terus menentang.
By iejaAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:15 PM

I always believe that too much of anything is never good for anybody. However Tun, hope you could guide us the rakyat on how to tackle all the issues that you've raised up. This bar council issue for instance, how do we voice up our concerns when all channels to complaints are very restricted. I also do not want to see too many demonstrations for rakyat to voice up their concerns... but so far.. that's the only way that we can do...

i wonder if we would ever be like our neighboring country where violence on streets is something normal when people are not satisfied... i sincerely wish that that day would not come...

By crazyellyseeAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:15 PM

Dear Tun,

I am agreed with some of the points which you had outlined here.
Since we are living in a multi-racial community, mutual respect between one and other is very important. We are all civilized and been educated from our parents and school, morals stand on one of the important principes of a person's life.
Without good moral, without respects, without good images...I dont think that particular person/country will be respect by other nations. It will be much more better for us to value a person with moral and well-behaviours rather than value a person whom is clever but worthless.

Hui Ling
By kroolaznizam on August 15, 2008 4:15 PM

Salam Tokdet...

Semuanya terjadi kerana kelemahan dan kelembapan pemimpin2 sekarang ni, dan sampai sekarang mereka masih lagi berdiam diri tak berani dan tak mampu untuk membetulkan kembali dan mengatasi masalah2 ini dengan segera..

Jika tidak dibendung dengan segera tidak mustahil, dan saya berpendapat peristiwa hitam 1969 pasti berulang, hanya menanti masa dan siapa yang berani memulakan dulu sahaja..

Saya pasti kalau tok masih jadi Perdana Menteri, tiada siapa yang berani provoke dan membangkitkan isu-isu yang sensitif yang boleh menggugat keamanan dan kestabilan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara kita ini...

Tapi sayangnya, pemimpin sekarang ni hanya bertuhankan duit dan mabuk kuasa, tak pedulikan masalah yang nampaknya semakin serius ini...

Salam tok..
By shanghai on August 15, 2008 4:15 PM

Dear Tun,

Setuju 100% with your writing!Keep writing to let Malaysian awake of current situation in the country

Malaysia Boleh!
By syamAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:16 PM

pendapat saya, perbincangan sebegini boleh dibuat tapi haruslah tertutup sebagai menghormati sensitivity masayarakat majmuk.

Cuma untuk perbincangan terbuka biarlah yang menjadi panelnya terdiri dari golongan-golongan yang bijak pandai (peguam) dan ahli dalam agama (ulama) bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan dan salah tafsiran. kalau mahu bincang tentang undang-undang civil sekalipun, haruslah diajak sekali ulama menjadi ahli panel untuk mendapat nasihat, pandangan dan penjelasan terperinci dari sudut agama itu sendiri.

ini sekadar pendapat saya sahaja...

syam @
By RyscheClyde on August 15, 2008 4:17 PM

Dear Tun,

Yes sensitive issues shouldn't be discuss in the open. It will triger uneasiness among the races and religions. But some people they just dont care. Simple as that.
By Mob RulesAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:18 PM

Dearest Tun,

I don't blame you for not publishing my comment on your earlier post because it borders on race and religion.

I have to admit that we Malaysians are a sensitive lot and discussions on race and religion should be done behind closed doors. The subject is always discussed, among families and friends. But this is only mere talk but we have come to accept, respect and live with their cultures and beliefs.

Our talk did not lead us to the streets unlike the recent happening. If they want to stop the forum, they don't need to drag the whole kampung into the picture. They could have just inform the police to do it.

Our PM & DPM always mentioned that street protests is not our culture, but sadly they did not mention this recently. They only mention not to touch on sensitive religious issues.

I wonder if they are taking sides now?
By Warisan on August 15, 2008 4:19 PM


Lagu Warisan banyak memberi peringatan kepada bangsa kita. Hal-hal sebegini, bila bangsa lain cuba untuk menyentuh hal-hal sensitif bangsa Melayu seolah-olah mencabar kita semua.

Apabila hal begini berlaku, perasaan marah dan dendam bukanlah suatu yang patut dipupuk dengan apa yang berlaku. Penyebabnya yang perlu dicari. Kenapa?

Tak sedarkah kita perpecahan bangsa kita sekarang, bak dari segi parti orang Melayu UMNO atau lain-lain inilah yang menyebabkan bangsa kita sekarang dipandang enteng?

Masalah utama adalah dari situ. Apabila perpecahan bangsa Melayu terjadi, bangsa-bangsa lain akan cuba mengambil kesempatan cuba memperlecehkan kita, agama kita. Mereka menjadi kurang sensitif.

Apa yang penting sekarang ialah kita perlu kembali bersatu. Jgn gara-gara pergaduhan kita, maruah kita tergadai, negeri kita jadi milik orang.

Kalau kata kerajaan sekarang lemah, ayo bantulah kita memperkuatkan kerajaan dengan kembali membersihkan parti memerintah atau UMNO yang sudah banyak berjasa pada kita.

Bukan kita buang bila benda dah jadi sakit. Kita cuba rawat kembali.

Tak relevan, tak sokong Pak Lah, itu bukan alasan. Pak Lah bukan UMNO. Kalau Pak Lah rosakkan UMNO, bersatu ktia untuk merawat kembali parti keramat ini, bersatu jernihkan apa yang dah keruh.

Jgn biar negeri kita tergadai akibat perpecahan bangsa kita Melayu sendiri. Sedar tentang apa yg UMNO sudah pertahankan sekian lama, hak istimewa dan sebagainya.

Marah keterlaluan kalau orang cuba pertikai hak bukan jalan yang baik, guna peluang yang sementara ada untuk terus majukan diri ke tahap maksimal buat kemajuan bangsa sejagat.

Pemimpin Pelajar Kelab UMNO.
By fairuzstone on August 15, 2008 4:19 PM

Thank you TUN,

Inilah yang saya tunggu-tunggu,comprehensive, straight to the point. Diharap Majlis Peguam mengambil maklum apa yang telah Tun huraikan di atas, self-explanatory.

Dan jika masih tidak faham, kami dah tak boleh kata apa-apa pun, maafkan kami jika kami "bertukar!!"

Terima kasih TUN MAHATHIR
By shazz on August 15, 2008 4:20 PM

salam tun,

Saya sokong !
By hakimjb on August 15, 2008 4:21 PM

Salam Tun

My salute to you sir,
for all your arguments, they only make your detractors more and more pathetic.

I believe that all Malaysians, including the members and the highest committees of the Malaysian Bar Council are bound to the Law of our country and our Constitution. Just because they didn't agree with you, Tun, over many subjects, does not mean they could abuse our Law their own way. Please teach them a lesson. Please bring a stop to all these ruckus and take appropriate actions against those insensitive to others.

But who would have the power to enforce these laws? Tun?
Of course it is the present government. My only hope is that they are not afraid to sacrifice their good name (like when they increased oil price) to do something to prevent racial tensions which in the end would not benefit anyone. Not the Malays. Not the Chinese. Not the Indians or the other races in our beloved country.

God save Malaysia.
By Sang Kelembai on August 15, 2008 4:21 PM

Bila peguam Melayu-Islam nak lawan S. Ambiga?
Tunggu apa lagi..
By caturistAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:23 PM

" 20. If what we want is to be able to provoke people as a matter of right more than our own well-being and that of fellow citizens then be insensitive and have open debates by selected people whose views are already known, who are insensitive to the sensitivities of others but are very sensitive about their rights to be insensitive, whatever the cost to others and the country."....

By sitinur on August 15, 2008 4:25 PM

gitu lah bapak...kalo hanya nak pentingkan diri sendrik aper jer yg org lain buat n kata tak kena jer kat depa...depa nak org hormat depa tapi depa tak hormat diri sendrik jauh sekali nak hormat org lain....bapak takyah susah ati kat org yg nak kata hantu bukan hantu..nak kata org pun bukan org...sbb depa cuma pentingkan perasaan depa...perasaan org lain depa tak pedulik sket pun...boleh blah lah org mcm nih...kalo depa tak nak bertolak ansur dlm segala hal dlm negara nih p lah carik negara sendrik...dlm satu keluarga pun ada mende yg boleh di kongsi satu keluarga n ada yg hanya boleh di beritahu kpd 1/2 org jer..apa lg satu negara tentu mcm2 kerenah n permintaan penduduknyer....yg paling penting jgn jadik orang orangan...kena hina kena maki org benci pun duk senyum riang lagik..ish...mcm seseorang jer lak...dollah lat tu...
go2 bapak go...cheerssssssssssss......
jasa2 bapak hanya Allah saja lah yg dapat membalasnyer...muga Allah sentiasa memberkati merahmati melindungi bapak dr gangguan syitan n org2 yg berniat jahat n dengki khianat pd bapak n kuarga....
By FaizalRizwan on August 15, 2008 4:26 PM

Salam Tun..

Terima kasih kerana membuka mata ramai rakyat Malaysia...terutamanya pengundi atas pagar...
By perisik_putraAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:27 PM

A'kum YAB Tun Dr Mahathir.

Satu komen & pendapat yang menarik sekali.
Pandangan YAB Tun adalah benar. Sensitiviti kaum kita perlu dijaga.
Semoga Allah SWT memanjangkan usia YAB Tun.

"DULU, KINI & SELAMANYA" Hidupppppp TUN.......
By fawz on August 15, 2008 4:28 PM

Dear Tun,
Assalamualaikum. With this sincere and crystal clear explanation, if these people are still not satisfied then it is obvious that they are bent on hurting and undermining the Malays and Muslims. The non-Malay and some Malay critics purposely choose to critise you despite the fact that you are clear in your previous piece because they hate you. I can't understand some of these critics because very often their comments sound very personal, like as if you have done something to them personally (Seperti, Tun pernah cucuk mata mereka).
Thank you,
By Tinta Kinabalu on August 15, 2008 4:29 PM

Assallammualaikum Tun,

Beberapa tahun sebelu ini, keadaan umumnya ok. Negara dalam keadaan terkawal. Walaupun ada beberapa suara yang cuba mencetuskan suasana tidak harmony, tetapi majority rakyat memilih untyuk mengekalkan keharmonian demi mencapai kestabilan.

beberapa kumpulan yang begitu aktif sekarang ini sebenarnya sudah banyak kali cuba meluahkan betapa mereka INGIN SANGAT DENGAN KEBEBASAN MUTLAK TANPA HALANGAN. Bagaimanapun keinginan mereka tesekat kerana ujudnya kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab mengawal dan menghadkan kebebasan agar kepentingan semua kaum terjaga, agar perkara yang sensitif tidak dijadikan bahan bualan murahan tanpa memikirkan sensitivity orang lain.

Keadaan kini berubah. Agak malang kerana pemimpin negara memilih untuk "menjadi popular' di mata sebahagian kecil masyarakat...golongan profesional yang kononnya memperjuangkan kesamarataan dan kebebasan mutlak. Pemimpin yang mementingkan popularity akhirnya menjadi pemimpin yang lemah dan menjadi bahan mainan. Pemimpin ini memilih untuk memenuhi kehendak sebilangan kecil orang dan pada masa yang sama tidak sedar bahawa tindakannya itu sebenarnya merupakan kepada permulaan untuk satu permasalahan yang lebih besar.

Negara berbilang kaum dan agama ini sebenarnya memerlukan pemimpin yang bijak, cerdas, pro-aktif, amanah, disegani dan juga perlu dilihat sebagai pemimpin yang amat berpengaruh dan berkuasa. Jika tidak memiliki ciri-ciri in i, pemimpin kita akan akhirnya membawa kepada permulaan kebinasaan yang amat dasyat dalam konteks perhubungan antara kaum dan agama dinegara ini.

Negara ini kini melihat satu persatu masalah dan ketidakpuasan hati berlaku, kepincangan , tohmahan, fitnah, rasuah, dan yang paling teruk kedudukan kerajaan yang kelihatan seperti tidak stabil akibatn kumpulan pembangkang yang memperjuangkan demokrasi kononya tetapi mahu menumbangkan kerajaan secara tidak demokratik. Agak sukar meramalkan keadaan negara ini pada maasa hadapan jika kedudukan ekonomi sosial dan politik negara amat tidak stabil. yang jelas, akibat dari semuanya ini, pertumbuhan ekonomi amat perlahan dan krisis keyakinan terhadap kerajaan semakin meninggi. Para pelabur juga semakin gusar dan tidak yakin dengan suasana politik dan kestabilan negara ini. Umumnya, semua melihat betapa negara ini sedang bergerak ke arah kemusnahan, malangnya pemimpin kerajaan dan para pemimpin pembangkan "secara bersama" melihat semua ini sebagai sesuatu yang amat positif.

BAR dan lain-lain kumpulan yang suka mengambil kesempatan sewajarnya membersihkan akal dan hati mereka dari berfikiran sebagai perosak keharmonian sosial negara ini. Adalah perlu bagi mereka meletakkan kepentingan negara mwelebihi kepentingan diri dan kelompok mereka. Mengatakan mereka tidak cukup matang dan kurang semangat kenegaraan mungkin agak keterlaluan. Tetapi menilai apa yang sedang berlaku sekarang seolah-olah mereka ini"umpama musuh dalam selimut" dan seperti bertindak merosak dan membinasakan negara kita bagi pihak negara luar.

Harapan kita akan muncul pemimpin yang boleh meletakkan semula negara ini ke landasan yang betul, soalnya siapa dan bila? Anwar pastinya bukan kerana ternyata orang ini lebihm banyak membawa kebinasaan dari membaiki dan membina. Di kalangan pemimpin UMNO sekarang? mungkin 6 atau 8 tahun dari sekarang barulah negara ini akan memiliki pemimpin seperti Tun Mahathir. Insyallah.
By Iskandar Rahimi on August 15, 2008 4:29 PM


Pada pendapat saya Majlis peguam sebenarnya mempunyai agenda politik mereka tersendiri apabila menengahkan banyak isu-isu sensetif terutamanya yang melibatkan pelbagai kaum. Ini bukan satu perkara yang menghairankan kerana jika dilihat keahlian majlis peguam sendiri, kebanyakan mereka terdiri daripada penyokong parti-parti pembangkang dan NGO yang bersifat perkauman yang tebal seperti DAP dan Hindraf.

Saya menyokong apa yang Tun katakan bahawa kebebasan bersuara dalam masyarakat majmuk di negara ini perlulah dikawal bagi mengelak berlakunya pertelingkahan kaum yang lebih serius yang boleh memusnahkan negara ini. majlis peguam juga perlu menilai diri mereka sendiri tentang apa sumbangan mereka terhadap pembangunan negara ini. Pada saya tiada apa jasa majlis ini yang boleh dibanggakan selain menimbulkan ketegangan dan menimbulkan isu-isu yang tidak menggambarkan majlis ini sebagai satu agensi yang profesional.
By perisik_putraAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:32 PM

A'kum Tun Dr Mahathir

Komen yang teramat bernas... Sensitiviti kaum kita perlu dijaga

Kepada mu, Tun Dr Mahathir
'Dulu Kini & Selamanya' Hiduppppp TUN
By Zuriat Unggul on August 15, 2008 4:36 PM

Apa yg berlaku baru2 ini,jelas mencabar kesabaran org2 melayu.. terlintas di fikiran sy, knp tiada campur tgn dr pihak istana (DYMM Agung,Sultan2 & Raja)? .. Bukankah isu yg dibangkitkan sejak akhir2 ini cukup sensitif, cukup mendalam?
Ingin sy bertanya :
1.Apakah kuasa institusi beraja dlm menangani hal ini?
2.Apakah ada batasan(limit) utk mereka bersuara/bertindak?
3.Adakah apa yg berlaku ini merupakan langkah awal yg dibuat secara berperingkat oleh pihak2 tertentu utk menafikan hak2 org melayu & ajaran islam itu sendiri?

Maaf jika komen sy ini menyinggung mana2 pihak.
By moyabira on August 15, 2008 4:38 PM

Salam Tun,

1. Agreed with you, Tun.

2. Everyone should read this article and think twice & understand the situation right now.

Kaf Yaa Ain Sod Qaa Haa
By bzzAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:41 PM


Kengkadang, 'orang besar-besar' ni buat begini semata-mata populariti. Bila dah popular, ada peluang masuk politik. Kalau tukang ambik gambar boleh jadi MP. Blogger boleh jadi MP. Takkan orang-orang besar yg banyak bagi 'pembaharuan' tak boleh jadi MP.

Tapi masalahnya, mereka tak fikirkan kesan jangka masa panjang. Yg penting popular dan...
By Dr. Rezuan Che MatAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:41 PM

Salams Tun,

Mereka tidak sensitif kerana kerajaan Pak Lah banyak beri muka kepada mereka semua ini. Mereka rasa, merekalah orang penting dalam membentuk Malaysia yang harmoni. Mereka rasa, dengan bersikap tidak sensitif, negara Malaysia akan aman. Mereka sememangnya silap dan sudah melampau. Keangkuhan mereka sudah terbongkar. Rakyat sudah tahu, mereka memang tak boleh pakai. Orang yang melampau seperti mereka ini sewajarnya kita ajar dia dengan cara terlampau juga, baru mereka sedar akan keterlampauan mereka itu.
By buntat on August 15, 2008 4:43 PM

Bar Council is so RUDE
Please mind others feeling
Please be more sensitive
Dont play with fire
U'll get burn...cekidout
By tadpolesAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:44 PM


Your sentence "I believe not being able to discuss certain issues is a small price to pay for having stability and peace in this country"is the crux of the issue. In a multi racial nd multi religious country like Malaysia this is a little sacrifice we have to make in order to manintain peace in the country. I remember in a school trip some years back, we sang a song in the train coach about a Sikh boy's turban. The song was sang over and over again in the night and all of us just had a good laugh at his expense. When we reached our destination, he took the next train home. All of us thought it was just clean fun...not realizing it was sensitive to him. Many of us learnt a lesson in multicultural sensitivity that day many years ago. If we want to talk about rights, I would say all of us have a right to peace and stability, and along the way all of us have to exercise some restraint.
By anakmiri on August 15, 2008 4:44 PM

Thank Tun,
Once our community when having meeting or planning an occasion. We used to know better other races important day. Sunday morning Christian goes to Church. Friday noon Muslim pray, or Hari Gawai, Chinese new year have special place for Malaysisn worker.

It is sad now this sensitivity is lost. I was sad to hear some company did not know this issue any more. Set example a Semananjung company did not know that Gawai is a public holiday. International company worker is not longer recognising Friday noon is an exception off hour for Muslim to pray. School also now did not recognise Friday
The younger generation is not well aware of Harmony and Unity of people of Malaysia need. All they learn is academic.

I see from your blog you have address a lot of issue that in bullet form are really very good. You know people do not like reading.

Keep on writing issue to make young realise who we are and where we come from.

One thing I like this new administration of Badwi is to keep the internet open. I have no worry about the internet user, but those who is not exposed or new user to this new media is the problem. Most bloggers as I look at are open minded people and they express them self differently, But in this type write-up there is no feeling and word is taken it is. I have 30 years of internet use, but still I can get emotional about it.

Is there anything in the pipe line of Badawi administration to shut up the internet. This will be stupid move. Under stand your server is not local, Nothing they could do.

Malaysia internet use is the cheapest in the world.

Keep on writing.
By ixora on August 15, 2008 4:45 PM

Salams Tun.
As usual, another good piece. I like the part where you said.."After hundreds of years you insist on still being what you are." Now that they know the government under Mr.zzzzzzzzzzzz is weak, they want to be more than what they are... I think even in their countries of their own origin they can't get that much. Kalau betul betul nak Bangsa Malaysia, then there should only be one type of school. I have read about so many Chinese australians who can't even speak Chinese but they are ok with it and they don't insist on having Chinese schools there. There are those in Malaysia who are the ones who are not thankful with what they have.
By hml on August 15, 2008 4:46 PM


Tun dan semua pengunjung
Tulisan yang penuh kematangan.....
Bar Council sengaja cuba test power aja tu....

tahniah tun

Halim Mad Lazim
By Sang Kelembai on August 15, 2008 4:49 PM

Stats Attack!!

Bar Council Members 2008/2009

Malay 9
Non Malay 27
Total 36

No Name Race
1 Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan (President) Non Malay
2 Mr. Ragunath Kesavan (Vice-President) Non Malay
3 Mr. Lim Chee Wee (Secretary) Non Malay
4 Mr. George Varughese (Treasurer) Non Malay
5 Pn. Hendon Mohamed Malay
6 Haji Sulaiman Abdullah Malay
7 Mr. Edmund Bon Non Malay
8 Datuk Muhammad Shafee bin Md Abdullah Malay
9 Datuk Hj. Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari Malay
10 Mr. Roger Tan Non Malay
11 Mr. Yeo Yang Poh Non Malay
12 Ms. Low Beng Choo Non Malay
13 Mr. Cecil Rajendra Non Malay
14 Cik Yasmeen bte. Hj. Muhamad Shariff Malay
15 Mr. Christopher Leong Non Malay
16 Mr. K. Mohan a/l K Kumaran (Johor) Non Malay
17 Mr Hisyam Teh Poh Teik (Johor) Malay
18 Mr. G. Balakrishnan (Kedah/Perlis) Non Malay
19 Mr. R. Kalianan Subramaniam (Kedah/Perlis) Non Malay
20 Datuk Sukri bin Haji Mohamed (Kelantan) Malay
21 Mr. Indran Rajalingam (Kelantan) Non Malay
22 Mr. Ravindra Kumar (Kuala Lumpur) Non Malay
23 Mr. Steven Thiruneelakandan (Kuala Lumpur) Non Malay
24 Mr. Ng Kong Peng (Melaka) Non Malay
25 Mr. R. R. Chelvarajah (Melaka) Non Malay
26 Mr. Paul Krishnaraja Selladurai (Negri Sembilan)Non Malay
27 Mr. Tony Woon Yeow Thong (Negri Sembilan) Non Malay
28 En. Syed Azimal Amir Bin Syed Abu Bakar (Pahang)Malay
29 Dato' Ramachelvam Manimuthu (Pahang) Non Malay
30 Mr. Murelidaran s/o M Navaratnam (Penang) Non Malay
31 Ms. Lalitha Menon (Penang) Non Malay
32 Mr. Shan Theivanthiran (Perak) Non Malay
33 Ms. Asbir Kaur Sangha (Perak Bar) Non Malay
34 Mr. Rajpal Singh a/l Mukhtiar Singh (Selangor) Non Malay
35 En. Anuwar B Mohd (Terengganu) Malay
36 Mr. Lee Leng Guan (Terengganu) Non Malay

Mana lawyer melayu yang lain? Tidur ka?
By annat on August 15, 2008 4:49 PM

I think kebanyakkan rakyat sekarang sudah tak mahu Malaysia yang aman damai. Saya cabar awak, awak cabar saya, isu sensitif yang boleh pecah belahkan kaum diungkit. Mereka sengaja nak jadi Malaysia kacau bilau. Mereka selalu tengok kat tv tentang peperangan, street demonstrasi kat luar negara so mereka nak tasting tengok what its like kot. Lebih-lebih lagi "Ketua Street Demonstration" mereka yang bercita-cita nak jadi PM.For me I think sesiapa yang vote dia memang suka kekerasan dan anti peace. Pleaseeeee don't let him be PM.
By rakusman on August 15, 2008 4:50 PM

Salam Tun,

Hairan juga orang bijak pandai macam BC masih kelabu. Bahasa yang Tun gunakan sangat mudah ( Majlis Peguam) tapi disebabkan keegoan mereka maka pintu hati mereka tertutup dengan sendiri.

Orang orang macam ini di dalam dunia ini jika Tun tulis atau cakap tak ikut kehendak hati mereka maka berkatalah mereka bahawa Tun racist. Dulu masa belajar mereka hanya fikir nak lulus supaya dapat ijazah undang undang sahaja yang lain mereka pekak sikit Tun.

Saya syorkan supaya Tun jangan peduli orang macam ini,dah cukup jelas penjelasan Tun dalam niat sebenar artikel ini. Lagi pun mereka ini liat nak mengkaji niat Tun selama ini.

Yang penting kami faham mesej Tun, kami lebih ramai dari BC ,dan jangan lupa anak buah kita dari UiTM seluruh tanah air bakal meneruskan jati diri anak MELAYU. Bravo UiTM....

By encikdangerAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:51 PM

salam tun,
saya tak dapat nak komen banyak tentang tulisan tun ni. serba cukup, tiada terkurang dan tiada terlebih. very inteligence writing. ayuh rakyat malaysia tak kira bangsa, bacalah tulisan tun ni panduan kita hidup harmoni.

saya tertanya2, bolehkah paklah menulis seperti ini..
By hapib0yAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 4:51 PM

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
thanks for willing to stand up for other races.
By chongtam on August 15, 2008 4:52 PM

Thank U TDM

Teruskan menulis Tun kami menyokong TDM

Perjuangan Mu belum selesai.

Penulisan Mu membuka mata semua.

TQ tun. Harap panjang Umur supaya kami rakyat dapat menumpang teduh
By khairuddin on August 15, 2008 4:52 PM

YABhgg. Tun,

Salam hormat. Saya tidak faham kenapa Majlis Peguam banyak sangat komplen...

I dont understand why they could not appreciate what we have in this country. Are they the unfortunate group in this country. In fact the members of the Malaysian Councils are the fortunate groups. They make a lot of money and they should help unfortunate Malaysians. Behave like the doctors. Malaysians will appreciate you.
By thebigdipper on August 15, 2008 4:56 PM

Y.A.Bhg. Tun,

Thank you again for putting the truth foward so succintly. Some people think they have a manopoly on sensitivity. In this country the Malays despite being the deprived majority are very sensitive about the sensitivities of the other races here. Go into any kampung and invariably if there is sundry shop owned by a chinese family, the Malay comunity there will band over backwards to make the former feel at home. And this happens all the time anywhere and everywhere. Indians too anywhere and the everywhere are given the same courtesy. So there is unity and the country has prospered until lately. Now there seems to exist a conserted effort by some who think that they know best to lord it all over the rest and derai the good will established among the races in this country. The leaders of the bar caouncil should really leave this country and practise elsewhere. We would all be better off without these pretenders.
By Mentel on August 15, 2008 4:57 PM

Dear Y.A.Bhg Tun,

Just like the name pf their association itself, The Bar Council. All them presented and attended the forum deserved to be put behind "bars" for being seditious to Islam and Malays.
By anakmiri on August 15, 2008 4:58 PM

I like this blog

This is where those young guys have their feeling and a lot of info for Miri available here. Some time I feel a bit bad about some issue discusse. I sometime get in a heaty argument. But realising these are young people who express their feeling. It good to know how they feel. And I know it where they release their feeling. They could write bad but mean well.

I would say the stage of internet use in sarawak is wery well quite a matured. Like wise once my discussion area is the Sarawak talk, that is already block. I mean people just talking in the net, of course there are also people who purposely instigate people. That we cannot avoid. It better people are well inform than getting rumour.

Keep you writing these young generation need a well informed of the situation. Not that Hu ha Hu politic. I did not hear anything discussed on what to do after the oil price increase. Just alot of involment of Anuar and Atantuya case. If noting done wring why worry..Go ahead with planning and way forward..Let the relevant department (Police and security people)deal with it.
By Seti on August 15, 2008 4:58 PM

Assalamualikum Tun sekeluarga.
Saya sependapat Tun tentang isu "Majlis Peguam"
lihatlah kebanyakkan ahli-ahlinya siapa ?
Boring dengan dia orang ini
By hafidzr on August 15, 2008 4:58 PM

Salam Tun,

Membaca Blog Tun mengimbau kembali zaman kegemilangan Malaysia sewaktu Tun menjadi PM.

Sedih dengan apa yg kita lalui sekarang.

Terima Kasih Tun.
By Hajar on August 15, 2008 4:59 PM

Dearest Tun,

Tun said:
“9. The non-Malays in Malaysia have a lot of sensitive issues too. We cannot touch on them. We would be accused of being racist, being insensitive, provocative and offensive.”

I totally agree with Tun. As always, you ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! You are still the best. In addition, Tun is an excellent author.

If we want people to be sensitive to our own feelings, then by right we shall also show some acceptable level of sensitivity towards others’ feelings. Please WALK THE TALK.

May Allah SWT bless Tun and family.
By blink4blogAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 5:00 PM

I pledge to defend your opinion in this issue, same as my previous post when you bashed the forum organization. Even I am non-Malay but I learnt to respect others privacy and sensitive issues.
By dianyana313 on August 15, 2008 5:00 PM


Tun yang dihormati,

Tun akan sentiasa dikenang atas jasa-jasa, pemikiran-pemikiran, keberanian dan semangat Tun.

Saya membesar dengan Tun sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Saya hanya ingin Tun tahu bahawa saya berasa sedih, kecewa, takut dan marah dengan keadaan negara sekarang.

Tapi, saya berasa lebih sedih, kecewa, takut dan marah bila memikirkan keadaan negara pada masa akan datang.
By Kusanagi on August 15, 2008 5:01 PM jalan yang kita ada untuk memperbaiki keadaan..
kita membincangkan isu..tetapi..apa pilihan jalan penyelesaian..
kenapa kita tak utarakan atau cadangkan sesuatu..
By nurjamila on August 15, 2008 5:02 PM

Thank you Tun..
Brilliant article.
I'm the member of the Malaysian Bar but I don't agree with their agenda.
By joehoneyAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 5:03 PM

Salam buat Tun serta Keluarga,

Saya rasa Majlis Peguam tak salah. Yang bersalah adalah Zahid. Majlis Peguam tak kan berani buat yang bukan2 kalau Zahid tak sokong dan beri lampu hijau.

Sekarang saya rasa Pak Lah pun dah mula menyampah kat Zahid. Menyesal dia ambik Zahid jadi menteri. Hari2 Pak Lah marah Zahid. Zahid pun dah malu nak jumpa dengan Pak Lah. Sebab tu Zahid diam aja sekarang. Sebab takut, entah2 dia dah lari keluar negeri tak?


Hidup Tun!
By luncai on August 15, 2008 5:03 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun & seluruh surfer yang beragama islam,

saya setuju 101% tulisan tun, mereka ni tak faham2 lah. Perkara ini terjadi disebabkan:-

1). Pemimpin sekarang tidak tahu mencari apa puncanya. MPN adalah badan pengembang.
2). Bangsa melayu sepatutnya sudah ubah perangai dan sikap:-
- pemalas
- suka berangan2
- semua mahu senang
- alibaba
- minahbabu
3). Bangsa india dan china tidak sedar diri. Mereka tahu mereka bukan bumiputera negeri ini. Bangsa cina adalah pelarian boat dimana pada masa itu mereka terpaksa lari kerana ketakutan, lapar, mengganggur, ekonomi merosot dll. Dengan berbekalkan cuma sehelai sekain dan seluar mereka lari ke tanah melayu tanpa wang. India juga sama cuma mereka dibawa kemari oleh penjajah. Kedua-dua bangsa ini miskin asalnya dan bukan islam. Tetapi walaupun begitu, Dato, nene dan generasi bapa kita menerima mereka dengan hati terbuka dan kasihan serta simpati.

4). Dengan kemahiran yang ada mereka mencari pekerjaan dan perniagaan. Yang pandai cucuk tanam mereka berniaga sayur2an. Yang mahir berniaga pula selepas itu, mereka berniaga dan mendapat untong yang besar kerana melayu malas, tidur dan sempit akal.

5). apabila bangsa I&C (india and cina) ini telah diterima, mereka ini menuntut hak mereka pula. dimana tuntutan2 mereka adalah melebihi dan keterlaluan dari kaum pendatang dinegara2 amerika, europe, australia dll.

6). Sekarang mereka telah sedar PM tidur adalah lemah dan kesempatan ini tidak disia2kan. DAri hindraf ke Majlis peguam dan bermacam2 lagi agenda akan datang telah disusun rapi bagi menggempur atas kebodohan bangsa kita. Sekarang siapa yang patut dipersalahkan. Jawabannya tentu si tua banggak yang tidak sedar diri asal keturunan baba melaka. Dia telah kita suruh berhenti dengan terhurmat tetapi bencana yang dimahukannya. Apa c tidur ini tidak mengerti kebinasaan, pembunuhan, keganasan yang akan berlaku apabila sensitiviti kaum diapi2kan. Step down lah bahlul kaitul!!!!

7). Bangsa kita juga terlalu membagi muka kepada si kaling kapal sink (Karpal Sing) loyar buruk DAP ini. Lim giat siang (Lim Kit Siang) telah siang2 hari ambil kesempatan. Malam pula dia makan ba*i.

8). Untok memajukan bangsa kita semula, bangsa kita mesti pandai dalam semua bidang dan tanpa berharap kepada bangsa IC. Marilah kita halau mereka dari negeri ini dan kita hidup hanya sebangsa sahaja. Luncai menyeru kita pulaukan barang2 yang dijual oleh bangsa IC ini. Kerana barang2 mereka adalah haram untok dibeli. Sabda rasulullah s.a.w yang kurang lebih bererti - "orang islam adalah haram membeli barang2 orang kafir selagi ada orang islam yang menjualnya". Mufti2, ustaz2, guru2 agama sepatutnya menghilight perkara ini kepada umat islam.

9) Melayu takkan hilang di dunia. walaupun melayu mudah lupa kerana inlah dilema melayu. Tetapi kita tetap islam.
By ken on August 15, 2008 5:03 PM


you got a typo. "handsomely"

i agree with you. this should be common sense, and not something that needs to be spelt out for us.

can posts like these be published in the papers? i think it will challenge people's thinking on sensitivity and "what's good for them might not be good for us".
By anak patriotAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 5:04 PM


Very logical analogy! There's not point having full freedom but the country destroyed in the process.
By Sir Taek Boon on August 15, 2008 5:05 PM

Item 10, 11 and 12 are the items that failed to be think of by youth nowadays who really a big fan of freedom of speech...

These lawyer might excel in Law papers and books examination... Did they attend the Life Lesson class. It is called history.

-Angry Boon-
By Shah on August 15, 2008 5:07 PM

It is clearly showing the "inferior feeling" of letting a conference. It was not just a conference.

A good country leader will always "calm and stabilise" a situation in a country.

Whenever a country leader could not calm and stabilise a country, he is not fitting.

Look at Singapore and Indonesia, there is real freedom.

Look at Singapore, the muslim there is free to convert. But how many muslim convert to other faith? It is not easy to convert. It is a process.

By saying it is sensitive, you are showing inferior of letting a meeting to go on.

If you had said, let the conference go on and let's see what is the outcome.

Before you see the food, you have already stopped the cook from cooking. How are you going to taste the food?

You do not let the cook to cook but stopping the cook to cook, you are showing inferior that the cook will cook better than you cook.
By boong on August 15, 2008 5:08 PM

Salam Tun yang sentiasa dihormati

Your writing is as fresh and sharp as ever and how i wish the current PM is a good and clever as you are.

Agree with some of the previous comments, jangan sampai the Malays "bertukar".

For 50 years we have been very patient with the non Malays. One race infact became the richest race in this country, but they never stop asking for more and more.

For the Malays please wake up.

Allahu akbar

Semoga Tun dan keluarga sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah.
By Pak Din on August 15, 2008 5:11 PM

Dear TUN,


Everyone please note point #14.
By anakmalaysia on August 15, 2008 5:11 PM

Dear Ayahanda Tun

I'm laughing by the time I finished reading the article. You sure have a way of saying things. I do agree with you 100%. But I do hope that we have a way of making these people really understand what is sensitive meant. I don't think they understand enough that's why they always want to create havoc in Malaysia. Can we sent these people back from where there really come from?????

Hope God bless you always.
By alias mohamad bt.sebutir on August 15, 2008 5:12 PM

Salam buat Tun dan seluruh Malaysia,

Majlis peguam jadi lagu ni di sebakkan menteri yang jaga undang undang Zaid brahim ni tak sensitif dengan agama Islam.Dollah ni dia ambil dalam lubuk mana tak tahu,Tiba tiba jadi menteri,pelek we amba.
Tapi ambo rasa Dato zaid ni tak lebeh dari robot saja,apa tuan dia suruh dia buatlah.bow la jadi robot jadi Zaid Ibrahim lagi baik.

Sebenar nya ambo ni dulu sangat kagum dengan Dato Zaid.
By ashar on August 15, 2008 5:14 PM



Kenyataan TUN benar dan tepat sekali.

Dalam hidup berbagai kaum, kita harus menjaga perasaan semua kaum yang ada di Malaysia. Dari sini kita dapat mengujudkan perpaduan kaum, yang merupakan jambatan eams dalam membentuk Negara yang aman, makmur, sejahtera dan Maju.

Sudah 50 tahun lebih baru kini kita mendengar semua ini..

Jelasnya adalah Pemimpin-pemimpin negara yang lemah. Menteri tidak dapat menjaga dan melaksanakan tanggung jawab dalam mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku.

Ini jelas kuasa pemimpin sudah berkurang di Parlimen, pembangkang sudah berani mempersoalkannya.

Pemimpin pun harus punya sensivity, rakyat dah bosan dengan pemimpin yang ada, Bila terhantu baru mengelabah....!!! Semua nak di betulkan namum semua serba tak kena.

Sedarlah, antara kepentingan politik dan kepentingan hak orang Melayu.

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara

By ashar on August 15, 2008 5:14 PM



Kenyataan TUN benar dan tepat sekali.

Dalam hidup berbagai kaum, kita harus menjaga perasaan semua kaum yang ada di Malaysia. Dari sini kita dapat mengujudkan perpaduan kaum, yang merupakan jambatan eams dalam membentuk Negara yang aman, makmur, sejahtera dan Maju.

Sudah 50 tahun lebih baru kini kita mendengar semua ini..

Jelasnya adalah Pemimpin-pemimpin negara yang lemah. Menteri tidak dapat menjaga dan melaksanakan tanggung jawab dalam mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku.

Ini jelas kuasa pemimpin sudah berkurang di Parlimen, pembangkang sudah berani mempersoalkannya.

Pemimpin pun harus punya sensivity, rakyat dah bosan dengan pemimpin yang ada, Bila terhantu baru mengelabah....!!! Semua nak di betulkan namum semua serba tak kena.

Sedarlah, antara kepentingan politik dan kepentingan hak orang Melayu.

Angkatan Lancang Kuning Nusantara

By moyabira on August 15, 2008 5:16 PM

Salam Tun,

1. Since we can live with harmony & peace in this country without any tension, why now certain people try to play the sensitive issue.

REMEMBER!!!!! This the is end result as mentioned by have a choice ? PEACE or VIOLENCE

12. The end result must be tension between the races in Malaysia which may lead to violence, continuous violence. Lives may be lost and property destroyed. """"

Once this thing happen, it is too late to turning back.

Kaf Yaa Ain Sod Qaa Haa
By nusams on August 15, 2008 5:18 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,
You've explained it very clearly. If the bar council still doesn't get it, well to me it means that they have ulterior motives.

Anyway freedom of speech is another western concept that people in the east simply embrace without being critical of it. The problem with freedom of speech is that no boundries or limitations are included in the definition.

Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights defines freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression" Where's the limit to this? Under this pretext, you can insult other people religion or race and get away with it. You can even call a black man 'nigger' and says its freedom of speech.

The only real 'freedom of speech' is the right to speak the truth.
The meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular.(Webster dictionary)
- Honesty, good faith and sincerity; well nobody can comment on this with regard to the bar council
- Agreement with fact or reality in particular; The fact is malaysia is a multiracial and multireligion country. The fact is with have 2 system of law, the syariah and civil. The reality is if this delicate multiracial and multireligion balance is tempered with, chaos will ensues. This will lead to violence and destruction. It has happened in the past.

To sum up; message to the bar council and their supporters is that not everything from the west is good,including freedom of speech, be analytical, think, do your reading etc etc. On the other hand you're definitely not speaking for the truth as you failed to fulfill the criterias as discussed above.

Finally Tun you've spoke the truth, which the best kind of speech there is.

Abû Hurayrah relates that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should show hospitality to his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should show hospitality to his guest.” [ Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim ]

I think this hadith nicely sums up the how relationships between muslims and muslims and non muslims in Malaysia should be.

Take care, may Allah bless you Tun
By Oumono on August 15, 2008 5:19 PM

that's how malaysian treat you. everytime you make a statement, malaysian would always twist them to say that you're the culprit of all this turmoil in malaysia. but believe us Tun, these coward voices, are just a piece of dirt that can be wipe off with tissue. they are so little but somehow they are loud.dont forget Tun, you have the voice of majority of malaysian. we keep our voices down because we know the true power of us.

Perjuangan belum selesai Tun. Hidup Tun!
By emville on August 15, 2008 5:21 PM

Tak payah layan la Majlis Peguam Malaysia tu Tun. Sekarang ni apa yg mereka fikir betul dan patut dibuat, mereka akan buat. Sebabnya, kerajaan skrg lemah. Tak mampu nak kontrol mereka ini (dan jugak kumpulan2 yg lain). Klu masa Tun memerintah dulu, ada ke yg berani bersuara isu2 sensitif ni? Sebab tu dlm apa2 keadaan pun, kerajaan yg memerintah (terutamanya pemimpin no 1) kena kuat, berani ambil pendirian dan berani membuat keputusan. Dlm keadaan skrg, klu masalah dalaman negara pun tak selesai, macam mana nak memacu negara ke depan? Bagaimana nak makmurkan negara?

Btw, Majlis Peguam Malaysia ni tak ada ke org Melayu dlmnya? Rasanya ramai loyar Melayu di Malaysia ni. Ataupun semua loyar Melayu ni hanya mampu jadi loyar buruk je?
By kapt_KOBRA on August 15, 2008 5:23 PM

Way to go Tun!
The reason the Bar Council is doing what they are doing these days is because they know they can get-a-way with it. How can they accomplish this? By having a stupid and weak-ass leader like Pak Lah, thats how!
By resaksegorgonite on August 15, 2008 5:28 PM

Tun yg dikasihi,

Amat benar apa yg diperkatakan Tun.

They simply acused the Malay as racist if we start trying to explain to their raised issues. They will become aggresif once we start explaining it and they will used retaliation as the reason for their aggression. it happened because of lack of sensitiveness which are currently being demonstrate perfectly by the bar council..

We defend our right with sensitivity to others but it seems that others are not even care to do the same. the red 13 May experience did teach us a lot. However, it majorly involved between the 2 races only. we will try to avoid this and hopefully this will not be our last choice that we have since we cannot rely on Pak lah and Pak Lah's appointed leader!!

I am very sad to see how our sleeping leader doing nothing to at least loosen our anxiety....

By far8 on August 15, 2008 5:29 PM

This is just brilliant!!!
By Fikri on August 15, 2008 5:35 PM

Assalamualaikum, Tun.

Point 13 is spot on. Right of free speech and freedom of expression cannot outweigh the right to security and peace. If the former right is respected at the expense of the latter, then it is a contradiction in principle of democracy, and will lead to a lot of problems not intended in s civil society.

I am worried with the the rise of the Bar Council, that considers itself to be more powerful than the 3 branches (executive, judiciary, and legislative). It is ridiculous that the elected reps from BN and PR today are kowtowing to this (forgive my language, Tun) unelected, undemocratic, elitist, arrogant, condescending group. I fear that we heading the way of feudalism, where these neo-aristocrats will undoubtedly make our lives miserable.

Maybe Jesus was right when he spoke of lawyers. (Luke 11:52, "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered."
By boy81 on August 15, 2008 5:38 PM


Keep on writing on any issues that will enlighten us as a younger generation. We don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand how weak today's government is and as a result, the Bar Council is becoming more and more 'FREE' to talk about a lot of sensitive issues in our beloved country. I'm not Malays but I have always have a good friendship with them.

I was just wondering if they (Bar Council) will soon talk about our privilege as Sarawakian. I strongly agree if those involved in the 'OPEN DOOR' forum (of BAR COUNCIL) on the sensitive issues be put under ISA. Are they not appreciative enough to live in our beloved country that used to be so CALM and PEACEFUL?
Ask them to name any multi-racial country like MALAYSIA.

Otherwise, BUGGER OFF from the country...maybe there's a greener pasture somewhere for them..
By Abdul Rashid BasarAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 5:39 PM

Banyak perkara yang sebelum ini rakyat tidak mengetahuinya.....ARB Dagang
By anakku5 on August 15, 2008 5:39 PM

Dear Tun,

U always the best. Excellent writing indeed.
Luv u always
By solcroft on August 15, 2008 5:42 PM

I do not think Queen Elizabeth would have been very accommodating of Saudi sensitivities, if she is expected to cover herself up in accordance to Saudi customs every day and not only when visiting Saudi Arabia.

Therein lies the problem and the flaw in your logic, TDM. In this case Queen Elizabeth is not only expected to subject to Saudi sensitivities day in, day out, 24/7, but she is not allowed to so much as even inquire about and examine their nature. Muslim sensitivities encompass almost every aspect of life, and the citizens of a multiracial country is expected to be subjected to these sensitivities without dissent. Whether deliberately or otherwise, to paint a legal and civilized discourse as insensitive provoking and to threaten to retaliate with violence, is nothing short of barbaric.
By Lan on August 15, 2008 5:43 PM

Good write-up Tun,

As far as I'm concerned the bar council seems to be did it on purpose although they know the issues is too sensitive to discuss openly. That why they arrogantly refused to cancel the forum at first place although thousands of peoples condemns them directly including the Ministers.
By ZINNZAIN on August 15, 2008 5:48 PM

YAB Tun,

Thank you once again for writing and sharing your thought and experience. It is indeed an eye opener especially for those people who think they knows a lot, cleverer than most people, who could solve all the problems in the world and claiming to be the champion of the people.

I would like to share my experience during my tour of duty in one of our neighbouring countries. I was stationed in an area known as 'conflict affected area (CAA)', where the so called son-of- the land people has been fighting for their right to self govern for more than 4 decades.

I couldn't believe how bad the situation was until I saw it with my own eyes. Most of these people are Muslims! They have no proper basic amenities. Their houses are made of bamboo with atap, no proper toilets, drinking water and no proper road. Health is expensive. There is no such thing as public hospital. One has to pay to see a doctor just to get his prescription before buying the medicine at the pharmacy. If one has no money, one is deprived of medical treatment.

The masses there dream about peace, but they have been dreaming for a long long time and it seems that peace is such a long time coming. That part of the country is very fertile with lots of business opportunities. Alas, no investors are willing to spend their money there. The reason? Conflict area and no political stability. How blessed and lucky I am to be born and raised in a country called Malaysia!

Here we are, for the past 50 years, have been enjoying peace. For God's sake and for the sake of our future generations please do not sacrifice peace just to satisfy your personal agenda.

Remember the motto 'Unity Is Strength'? Malaysia used to be a Role Model as an Islamic and a developing country and an envy to lots of other developing countries. I am not too sure if that is still true now. Once we are divided, we will be weak.

To all Malaysian, think soberly wih your head and not your heart. Pelase do not destroy the peace foundation that has been laid down by our forefathers just to satisfy certain minority group at the expense of the majority who loves peace.
By I copy on August 15, 2008 5:50 PM

Tun yang di hormati,

Bar Council mungkin banyak isu yang hendak di bincangkan. Isu-isu ini mungkin terlalu 'penting' bagi mereka sehingga sanggup mengadakan forum ini juga walaupun ada bangkangan dan desakan dari umum agar tidak membuatnya pada masa ini.

Mungkin Bar Council ada membuat penerangan, tapi rasanya sebahagian besar rakyat rasa nya tidak dimaklumkan atau tidak mengetahui tentang kepentingan perkara ini.

Terima kasih
By loyalcitizen on August 15, 2008 5:51 PM

Dear Tun,

I am chinese and my parents come from China. I love malaysia and this is my home nowhere else. Respecting from all races is our responsibility and to sacrifice is such a small price to pay. Look at southern Thailand and certain parts of indonesia and the problems they face. We must not take the peace for granted but to value, treasure and cherish it. We do not want to lose the good work Tun had worked so hard for. Thank you Tun and really appreciate your wisdom. Thanks again
By sher on August 15, 2008 5:53 PM

Salam sejahtera, dear Tun,
Semalam semasa membaca komen pembaca mengenai artikel Tun yg pertama tentang Bar Council, saya juga perasan ramai yg tidak faham, atau sengaja tidak mahu faham, apa yg Tun tuliskan.
Mereka seperti menutup segala pencaindera mereka daripada cuba memahami keadaan sebenar. Mereka seperti setuju amalan budaya tekanan untuk mendapatkan apa yang dihajati.
Adalah merugikan, Tun, bila budaya mengenakan tekanan ini diamalkan secara leluasa...
Teruskan menulis, Tun. Di bawah pimpinan Tun, rakyat Malaysia telah celik. Tetapi sekarang mereka keliru. Semoga kebijaksanaan Tun menangani perkara berbangkit dapat menyatukan semula kami..
By hamdanTeluk Intan on August 15, 2008 5:54 PM


Tun..bukan main lagi bila dakwaan Hakim Chin tentang Tun..cepatnya suruh ambil tindakan tapi bila Tun bagi tau kes Hakim Chin...senyap jea sampai sekarang.....Majlis Peguam nie semuanya mcm ULAR Tun..lidah bercabang...
By Lahm on August 15, 2008 5:54 PM

Spot on

Malaysia is a salad bowl not a melting pot

Malays can never eat babi or when babi on table, sell liquor or gambling entertainment etc while non malays can never live their lives in office the islamic/malay way or allow abolishment of non malay school

its a fact. The NEP still works. No such thing as freedom to say anything. Certain things should remain to ourselves

Pak Lah GEt Out!
By alanot05 on August 15, 2008 5:59 PM

First of all, it is a great honour to receive an email signed by you, although it is only a request for confirmation.
With great sadness I do not know what went wrong in time but I my mother, father and the elderly in my family have wrong perception against you.
Whatever that goes wrong in the country, they said it started with you and by you.
On the other hand they are also fair and just. As whatever development and richness that you have created, they appreciate and praise you for that.
So, sometime they are happy with you but sometime they are angry because of you. It is very confusing actually.
So talking about sensitivity, if I utter a wrong comment, it will result of me being lectured for hours and all my appointments will be cancelled.
I do not where it is coming from, but Malaysians are producing more cholerics now days. We are angry about everything.
If you mentioned "Anwar" somebody will be shouting and very emotional.
It continues with "Najib", "Pak Lah", "Mahathir", "water", "electricity", "rice", "fuel", etc.
Malaysians are today very irrational.
And in this choleric and irrational climate that Malaysian is living today nothing would be solved and nothing will be achieved except for personal glory.
It is just like playing footbal where every body is playing wrong, if you feel that you can score a goal alone, just do it. At least if you loose 8 to 1, the one goal is scored by you.

The hatred and blaming will not stop until may be 2020, it is a different kind of Malaysia all together. Not like the founding fathers intended.

In this wind of change Malaysians has to change to adapt especially Malays. Whoever adapt the fastest will reap whatever benefits there is. In protecting the interest of races especially Malays, the government must be more creative.

For example, in order to maintain this country to be "Tanah Melayu", the Malays must force themselves to buy land and not selling them. If most Malays are buying Strata Title Houses, how can we maintain the word "Tanah Melayu".

By kaydee59@streamyx.comAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:00 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dearest Tun,

That was a wonderful piece of writing explaining not only your view but that of millions of Malaysians.
We too agree with the Tun that the issue was arrogance and insensitivity and nothing else.

Take care of your health Tun

By Mohamad on August 15, 2008 6:01 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun Mahathir,
The bar council try to use their power on other matter rather to finish their dam lousy latecase problem.This people will do no good to us.
They abuse power.Sack them,lousy Bar council head and the minister.They are people who will bring more problem than good thing.

Tun you bring us the best way of life dont let them destroy our lovely country.
By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:01 PM

By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:02 PM

By hati.malaysia on August 15, 2008 6:03 PM

Dear Tun,

As far as I read the news (both the online and offline), the BAR wanted to have open forum on conversion to Islam, there is nothing there to talk about Malay rights.

We the non-Islam, need to know the system, law and issue created by someone converting to Islam, again, we are not saying that conversion to Islam should be blocked, but merely to explain and talk this issue so that no-more-fighting-for-dead body.

I agree if someone wanted to convert to Islam, but the system, procedure is not clear, that cause a lot of problem. Husband converted go to one court, wife another court, children go where.... explain this.

The BAR wanted to talk about this. It must be OPEN so the people will know.

Now, tell me where they touched about right to Malay?

I for the one person will always say, the right for Malay MUST be protected in order to ensure the whole system is stable.

All what is happening is now, the BN, is playing the racist card again to gain control. (same case the UiTM, the MB was proposing only for the betterment of Malays, but all the hell-broke)

If my Malay friend(s) fail to see this, then I am more sorry then their are.

By JAAFAR on August 15, 2008 6:04 PM

Salam semua.
Mintak maaf terlupa satu point. Masa Ian Chin mula2 melemparkan tuduhan pengecut dari Bench terhadap Tun, Chairman Bar Council dan Karpal Singh buat laporan Polis terhadap Tun. Lepas Tuan hentam balek Ian Chin Karpal Singh syorkan tindakan diambil keatas Ian Chin, tapi tak dengar apa2 komen dari Bar Council Chairman(woman).
Apa dah jadi keatas Laporan Polis berkenaan. Boleh saman dak tentang buat laporan palsu, biaq depa dok dalam pulak. Sorang tu kena tahanan ISA ada, tapi tak pernah masuk jel, yang sorang lagi tak pernah kena apa2 lagi kot.

Tapi KERAjaan sekarang tak terpakai, pemimpinnya adalah terdiri dari orang2 pekak, tuli,buta dan bisu.

Bila nak melingkup pun tak tau la.
By ndlaw on August 15, 2008 6:06 PM

thank your very much to TUN....

Hak org melayu x boleh d pertikai kan sama sekali.
org melayu adalah rakyat pribumi yg telah lama bertapak d tanah melayu.Ini d bukti kan oleh sejarah...iaitu dr mulanya kedatangan parameswara. bagaimana pula dengan sebelum kedatangan parameswara ke tanah melayu?
berbeza pula dengan org cina dan india. mereka adalah rakyat bukan bumiputera, dgn erti kata lain. hak mereka bukan d beri keutamaan. tetapi, hak mereka juga x diabaikan. ini dibuktikan dgn adanya parti MCA & MIC. isu Islam x boleh d pandang remeh.... Malaysia adalah negara islam yg rasmi. oleh itu, isu agama islam x boleh d persendakan atau d pandang ringan. jika zaman dahulu. perjuangan manusia adalah perjuangan menyebarkan agama.
Maka berhati-hati ketika berhujah mengenai isu MELAYU dan ISlam.

Berbeza sekali dengan kehidupan org barat. kita x boleh menyamai mereka. perbezaan kaun dan agama d malaysia menjadikan melaysia satu negara yg perlu kepimpinan yg peka dan juga mengikuti kehendak rakyat semasa.

By Dr.Siddiq AzaniAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:08 PM

Tun M is quoting "SOB (Son of a B***h)"???? coolll!!!!!!hidup tun!!!
By ezaniAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:11 PM

This is an excellent article. Tun, you really wrote this? It is excellent! Now I know why you can become PM of Malaysia for 22 years. Sigh...I wished I'd known you better when you were active PM bringing changes to Malaysia. Then perhaps I can offer assistance...I must admit sadly that I had quite a different and wrong perception of you when you were PM simply because you were not 'available' to me as a person, as it is possible in this blog. I did not know you as a person..only what the papers say and what the televisions showed.
By melanaulikoAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:23 PM

Asalamualaikum whbk Tun,

Yeah! This is a great advise. Let Malaysia be a unique country all along. There is no other Malaysia in the universe. Malaya later Malaysia comes from the word "Malay". The Malay Archievepelago is much bigger and consist of all land situated in South East Asia and this include Thailand and Combodia. The Malay should be proud of themselves to allow their motherland shared with other races and yet still very consern to the sensitivity of others. fair...what is not yours belong to others.Let us live in harmony...go to hell with the "racist" and please put the down no matter what is the price!! ISA should be all right.
By peaceRU on August 15, 2008 6:25 PM

Dear Tun and fellow Malaysian,

After evaluating everything that’s happening now and for the last few months in Malaysia, as I said in my previous comment in your post on Demokrasi, freedom of speech in the first place shouldn’t have been allowed.

I think everyone knew how big the media’s role is in influencing people’s thinking. And if the media wrote something good or bad about certain parties, most people just blindly trust whatever they read. But not everybody…

See, now we don’t only have the media to direct the way we think, but we also have these new blooming, sharp-tongued BLOGGERS. As much as I want to think that these people are providing the true, uncensored information about current issues, I also could not help realizing that they in one way or another provoke the racial sentiments in our community at large. Don’t get me wrong. I have so much respect for you Tun and I understand that is one of the channels for you to reach the widely BN-misled Malaysian.

The foundation of the entire problem today is the weak leader of course. The bar council is doing nothing except for taking advantage of the situation. We were not ready, are not ready and will never be ready to discuss sensitive issues out in the open. As a Malaysian, if we really do love and respect our country we should’ve understood that.

NO to freedom of speech. We are not mature, forgiving, tolerating and considerate enough for that.
By melanaulikoAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:29 PM

You still have a choice. If London is good, immagrate there. Isn't this is fair enough!
By theWitch on August 15, 2008 6:33 PM

17. But ours is not. Ours is multi-ethnic country where assimilation has not taken place. After hundreds of years you insist on still being what you are. Still for 50 years we managed to remain stable without the kind of conditions imposed by developed countries on new citizens.


They refuse to become true Malaysians and yet they want themselves to be treated equaly. FYI, only true Malaysians who speak good Bahasa Kebangsaan, go to Sekolah Kebangsaan, not ashame to wear Baju Kebangsaan, respect the Constitution and have the love for the country to name but a few things true Malaysians should do, should understand what RACIAL HARMONY is all about!
By Mohamed IsmailAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:33 PM

Salam Tun,

Thanks Tun for spending your time makes us more mature!!

We all loves you!!!
By iamhere on August 15, 2008 6:33 PM

Salam Tun,
Hope you are in good health and thank you for your write up.

I agree that the Bar Council should proceed with discussing interest that affect the nation. The topic most pressing and affects every single Malaysian is: -
"How to Reduce Legal Fees and Avoid Lawyers from taking Advantage of their Clients".

Another topic worth considering is: -
"Why is Ambiga Silent On Justice Chin and Where Is Zaid?"

Regards and Take Care.
By Noor Faiza on August 15, 2008 6:45 PM

Salam Tun,

I salute u Tun. Thank you for explaining the true spirit of Malaysian.

You explained it precisely, every word of it.

Tun, Lee Chong Wei sedang beraksi melawan korea dan sedang mendahului 14-10.

Marilah kita sama-sama mendoakan kemenangan buatnya.
By iamhere on August 15, 2008 6:46 PM

Salam Tun,
Read Solcroft 5.42pm. Solcroft seem like an enquiring person, sounds like a she. If she really wanted to know more about their nature, read their Book and discuss with their Ulama. She would probably get a better understanding then having a public discourse based on sound-bites and ambiguous prespectives.

And talking about civilised discourse, the terms used like "flaw in YOUR logic", "NOT ALLOWED to SO MUCH as to enquire" and "BARBARIC" shows some emotions have been stirred and fingers are pointed even by a simple open blog like this. So you are a good example why an open forum that pretends that sensitivities don't exist just won't work to solve problems. Create problems-maybe, Solve, I doubt it.
By mfw_jfl on August 15, 2008 6:48 PM

dear tun, i pray for your health as we still need your watchful eyes; i pray people will take your comment objectively and see things clearly as rain coz it's just that - objective and crystl clear; for all of us who call themselves malaysian and love happiness and tolerance.

kind rgds
By karlor~hiuno on August 15, 2008 6:49 PM

akum tun n semua..

berkenaan kuota pelajar bukan melayu dalam uitm tu sengaja di bangkitkan oleh PKR demi untuk meraih undi kaum bukan melayu di pmatang pauh. jika org melayu melatah n bengang pada mb selangor. PKR akan kata org melayu bersifat perkauman yg kuat n tidak berlaku adil pada mereka yg bukan melayu. bla bla bla... last2 pengundi bukan melayu tidak akan undi BN di pematang pauh... jadilah si ANWAR tu ketua pembangkang di parlimen dan mungkin PM pulak kelak... jadi di nasihatkan agar media jgn sibuk2 n heboh2 hal kuota uitm ni. kementerian dalam negeri pun patut keluar arahan agar keadaan tdk kecoh, jgn bagi student uitm tu buat demonstrasi. paling2 tidak pun sampai lepas election p.pauh... pastu hampa nak ganyang pun lantak lah... kekadang jadi mahasiswa pun kena cerdik n guna akal yg panjang. jgn cepat emosi... TERMASUK VICE CANSELOR UITM.
By pujannga7Author Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:49 PM

A'kum Tun & pembaca2 blog Chedet,

Bukan semua yang diamalkan di barat boleh diciplak dan dipakai di negara asia terutama yang berbilang kaum dan agama seperti malaysia. Ketika barat berbangga dengan kebebasan bersuara, kita di Malaysia tidak boleh sewenang2 mengeluarkan kata2 yang boleh menggugat kaum2 lain. Malaysia bukan sahaja tanah tumpah bangsa Melayu, Cina dan India, malah dari kadazan, iban, portugis dll. Hanya di Malaysia kita boleh dapati siaran TV didalam bahasa mandarin & tamil. Malah terdapat sekolah2 bantuan kerajaan yang bahasa pengantar nya mandarin dan tamil. Kerana ini sudah wujud sejak merdeka, kebanyakkan kita tidak melihat sebagai kelebihan kepada Malaysia. Pergilah mana2 negara yang ada toleransi terhadap budaya kaum lain seperti malaysia.

Ingatlah pepatah sebelum kita membuka mulut, "we are nice to people as we expect the same in return". Kita hidup bermasyarakat dan jiran2 kita terdiri dari pelbagai kaum. Jangan disebabkan ingin sensasi, masyrakat berbilang kaum tidak dapat hidup dalam keselesaan.

By Mohd Naim on August 15, 2008 6:55 PM

Yg. DiKasihi Tun,

Memang wajar mertabat Tun sebagai seorang Negarawan. Diberi segala apa senjata pun akan digunakan untuk kebaikan buat Tun. Percakapan dan kelakuan memperlihatkan hati budi serta akhlak tinggi Tun.

Malangnya semacam Tun ini berada digulungan minoriti didunia dan mungkin seorang sahaja yang masih hidup di Malaysia. Yang pandai menilaikannya pun digolongan minoriti juga kalau tidak taklah kita berada didalam keadaan membuang yang baik tetapi mengambil yang buruk sekarang ini. Baru diberi pisau potong sayur saja pun dah dibuatnya senjata untuk membunuh. Dek sebab tak kenal permata manikam pula hendak dibunuhnya.

Pemimpin pemimpin yang mengapi apikan semangat perkauman adalah juga yang pertama akan lari apabila rusuhan kaum meletup. Tak habis habislah Rakyat kena tipu dan mati katak kelak. Bosan Tun.

Pergolakan didalam perhimpunan PAS nampak sikit menarik. Sekurang kurangnya ada kesedaran bangsa dan ugama. Cuma saya tak faham kenapa masih bergelumang dengan PKR dan DAP? Saya tak akan mengundi mereka selagi ini berlaku. Biar rosakan saja undi itu.
By alfresco on August 15, 2008 6:55 PM

Salam Tun & Bloggers,

In my opinion, the Malaysian Bar Council is actually a proxy for DAP as they behave more like a political party than to serve the interest of the people with regards to the “Rule of Law” They do not care about other races sensitivities.

As the present weak PM has become a lame duck, this is the time for them to take the opportunity. They have become even more daring to challenge everything they opposed just to achieve their political agenda.

Peace and stability for the country is not important to them. They have gone astray. The people in the bar council should be changed for the good of the country.
By loveyrneighborAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:57 PM

Dear Tun,

Wonderful piece of writing!

I strongly believe we are not ready for the kind of democracy as in the developed countries. For us, the developing countries, guided democracy would be the best; moreso in a plural society like Malaysia. However the catch here is, the Government of the day must have capable leaders especially the PM,to be able to make that kind of direction - which is obviously lacking to say the least. So Bar Council amongst others, is pretending to lead the way by having such forum. The unruly crowd that disrupted the forum made matters worse and ugly words uttered!! Sensitivities ignored will lead to chaos in the country.
Tun you were(still is)able to guide us well and the country prospered during the last 22 years. Now I am not sure.The country is listless; the leadership is at its worse... need I say more?

Tun, continue your writing so that we know the truth of the going ons in the country together with your thinking/guidance. God bless you!!

By NorAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 6:59 PM

Dear Tun,
I can sense anger in your posting. Remember your health and please keep yourself healthy.

Most of 'insensitivy provokation act' is merely a result of insensitive though of our present government. Certain thing being escalated too far and offended other races. Example is the recent UiTM issues.

Opening UiTM to other races with quota capped at 10% should be an easy approval. It would benefit our social harmony, and the loss of 10% spots can be subsitute by higher achievement of the other 90%. Plus, we could always open more UiTM if we have more qualified bumis with lack of opportunities.

Our government representative however provoke Malays include the highly intellectual malay student there to raise their protest.

I have a lot of non-malay friends and from time to time I do share their hardship of highly limited opportunity in Malaysia. I do understand their frustration. Some request perhaps is too big and too sensitive to be entertained, nevertheless, we have to drive our public to a better harmony and tolerances.

Quota system usually lead to misuse. Support can come in different form as well. I heard Chinese and Indian provide loan/scholarship for their financially challenged student with good performance and UMNO could do the same. We could even have central to fund partially the program and the rest of it need to come out from our Malay society pocket. We accumulated 60% of population with plenty of high status malay. We have Zakat system in place.

What I am saying is we have to be more sensitive to other ethnic as well. We need to elevate ourselves from 'spoon fed' and 'lazy' perception. We need to challenge ourselves and government to support us is the right way. Malay previllage need not be ignored but relook upon to be less offensive to other ethnic and more constructive to our society as a whole.
By MJ on August 15, 2008 7:00 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Saya 100% setuju dengan penjelasan Tun. Dalam kejadian lepas jelas menunjukan perkara sensitif tidak boleh dibincangkan secara terbuka. Dengan kehadiran 1000 orang sudah hampir tidak terkawal. Bagaimana kiranya angka itu menjadi 10,000 atau 100,000? Saya pasti sejarah hitam 13 Mei 1969 akan berulang. Kalau dahulu(1969) penduduk Malaysia cuma kurang 20juta, sekarang bagaimana? Janganlah mencuba sesuatu yang kita tahu akibatnya. Ini bukan soal mencuba masakan, tetapi sesuatu yang akan merosakan negara yang akan di warisi oleh anak cucu kita. Apakah kita mahu melihat anak cucu kita(semua kaum) sentiasa bergaduh dengan rakan-rakan mereka? Atau kita ingin melihat suasana yang harmoni yang telah kita nikmati selama ini. Kepada Bar Council please think wisely.
By adenAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 7:03 PM

Assalamualaikum Tun..
saya sokong pendapat Tun...semenjak pak lah memerintah ada saja yang xkena...demonstrasi sini demonstrasi sana...bagi saya memang forum tu x diperlukan..Bar council xde hak untk mengadakan forum utk membincangkan ttg islam sdgkn kita orang islam x pernah pun nak mempertikaikan agama yang laen...memang bila kaum laen membangkitkan isu perkauman,ble kita org melayu bantah dieorang akn ckp kita x open-minded,misi malaysia 4 malaysian n wawasan2020 xdpt dicapailah n etc..kaum laen ptt sedar dieorang hanya menumpang di tanah orang melayu..klu x suke dengan malaysia yang sedia ada,bolehlah BERAMBUS cari negara yang lebih baik dari malaysia...
memang betul BAR COUNCIL da besar kepala...

HIdup Tun, saya suka bce blog Tun...make me wiser..
Terima kasih Tun semoga panjang umur insyaallah
By buleh belake on August 15, 2008 7:06 PM

Salam Tun,


bukan tak ada melayu/islam dalam majlis peguam. saya pun peguam juga. malangnya peguam melayu/islam (1) tak bersatu (2) tak peduli (3) terlebih-lebih liberal dari bukan melayu

Sebagai contoh, dalam pemilihan BAR election yang lepas, terdapat lebih kurang 25 calon (kalau tak silap)bertanding , dan calon islam ada 13 orang (pun kalau tak silap). Sudahnya boleh di bilang berapa kerat orang islam yang jadi office bearer walhal JUMLAH CALON YANG PERLU DIPILIH HANYA 12 ORANG SAHAJA.

Satu lagi, jangan ingat dalam SPR aje ada pengundi hantu, dalam BAR pun ada juga. Ingat-ingat lah balik kecoh isu ballot tak tally tahun lepas? Sampai sekarang tiada apa-apa penjelasan- senyap macam tu saja. Makes me wonder if something is not right somewhere?

Itulah senarionya!


**Buleh Belake!**
By mrtalang on August 15, 2008 7:09 PM

Bilamana kita memperkatakan kebebsan bersuara. Saya rasa tiada guna kebebasan itu jika akhirnya meruntuhkan negara. Kaum dengan kaum mempunyai pandangan sinis.

Retak menantii belah, api dicurah minyak,
Duri mencucuk daging... airmata mengalir tiada berguna selepas segalanya hancur.

Mengapa kita mengikut negara orangyang kononnya bebas seperti Amerika tetapi pada masa yang sama mengganggu gugat yang lain.

Apaguna kita bahagia tetapi diatas penderitaan orang lain.

Bar Council bermain api ... peguam melayu menyepi diri .. Parti melayu sunyi sepi ...
By Jinggo on August 15, 2008 7:09 PM

Dear Tun,

You're definitely right...

-Jinggo Rock-
By Lanomeila on August 15, 2008 7:14 PM

Dear Solcroft, whether you like it or not the majority of this country is Malay. And almost all Malays are Muslims. Naturally the Malays & Muslims sensitivities will take precedance over others' sensitivities. Nobody is saying that you can't inquire or examine its nature, just do not make it in an open forum (with lots of publicity).

I am a Malay Muslim. I believe Islam is beautiful but some Muslims gave Islam a bad name, therefore I will not be overly sensitive when some people say bad things about Muslims behaviours. I also welcome inquiry by my non-Muslim friends. To me that is an opportunity for me to explain about Islam to the best of my ability. BUT I am a minority in this thinking.

I'm sorry you have to live with Malay-Muslim sensitivities 24/7. I guess that's the irony of democracy - it protects the majority.
By muarm on August 15, 2008 7:19 PM

Dear Tun
One thing I must say, you maybe wrong but you are always clear. I read and read, your blog, and the people who respond to yours, and also others; I hear the word sensitivities strewn everywhere, yet there is no mention of what sensitivities are being discussed. Since you are in a better and more enlightened position, can you, for the benefit of the large majority who are equally confused, set out what the Bar council wanted to discuss that will create sensitivities? I am confused. Maybe it can be an educational blog for all of us to hear from a senior world statesman. You will of course, be rational and set out the parameters for us all. Then the whole lot of us can understand. Please do not forget the silent majority is 26 million and increasing by the day.
Many Thanks and Long Life
By sdahenanAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 7:28 PM


Yang di hormati Ayahanda Tun dan onda Siti Hasmah

Alhamdullillah,akhir nya Ayahanda Tun bersuara juga dekat pariah pariah di Bar Council tu. Biar depa tahu bukan depa saja yang boleh hentam orang tapi orang lain pun boleh hentam depa dan dengan lebih kuat lagi.
Anakanda percaya sewaktu mereka bermesyuarat,tentu keadaan dalam bilik mesyuarat tu gelap dan agak mendung sikit sebab kebanyakkan ahli2 nya tu jenis kulit TINTED sikit.pasai tu hati depa pun kelam.
Last time when i used to drink liquor,i will go to the BAR.After taking a few pegs of Tequila Mariachi,i will fell a bit NUMB to my lips and hands and started talking uncontrollably as if i know everything.That was 30 years ago.After 3 years i quit drinking liquor.

Now the BAR COUNCIL .Also have the name BAR to the council.

Semoga Ayahanda dan Bonda selalu berada di dalam limpahan rahmat ALLAH SWT sentiasa.

Alif Lam Mim

By strawberry1128Author Profile Page on August 15, 2008 7:32 PM

By samuraimelayu on August 15, 2008 7:38 PM

Lari topic tetapi terlalu gembira
Sekurang2 nya dalam keharuan kita dapat semangat Malaysia Boleh sejenak'
By zap on August 15, 2008 7:39 PM

Salam Tun,

You got this spot on.


"6. Some countries may be more open than others and still remain stable. Almost all these countries are single ethnic developed countries with the majority of the people atheistic. Still you don't call a black man a nigger but it is okay to call him an SOB (Son of a B***h)."

The blacks or the afro-american can call each other "nigger" but it is a taboo for other ethnic origin to use the word against the blacks.

Yeah... the Bar Council is assuming that since they are the "learnt' ones, they can discuss this openly with out a care to its sensitivity.

And the sad part is what is the government doing about this. So far, very quiet.
By JobsBroadway.comAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 7:45 PM

Everyone has their rights. no question about it.
Malaysia fastest growing jobsite
By C-bOkAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 7:46 PM

Since they know a little bit more about law than the rest of us does not make them wiser than the rest... Sometime they look stupid for doing things that is not good for this multiracial country. And they continue to look studpid for trying to push forward their stupid ideas.
By storyofagirl on August 15, 2008 7:58 PM

Dearie Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad,

Last nite, i watched tv series Numb3r on AXN and one of the dialog was "Don't talk about religion if you don't want to have a fight". From what i understand, somebody will not simply brave to talk on religion if they dunt hv any 'intention' behind and unless they searching for chaos!

Rite now, im so afraid and confuse cz not understand why, what and how about "Pakatan Rakyat menubuhkan kerajaan selepas 16 September".Hopefully, Tun could share knowledge on this issue.

Im not comfortable with nowaday issues in our beloved country Malaysia. How and what we could do dear Tun? For instance, i tried to share about the jambatan bengkok during the mesyuarat agong cawangan, but the replied i received, its too late cz its about contract which i clearly not understand.but there is one issue which i guess the Johorian would like to raise to Pak Lah the status of the WPI. tanah utk projek tuh sekaki dijual kpd kerajaan rm6, but when sold to the developer so much higher, i cant remember the value, about rm60 or rm6000.

Besides, i tried to spread about your blog to other people which dunt know about this blog yet, example to makcik and pakcik kat kampung2 cz diorang rindu nak bace2 tulisan2 Tun dan kate2 Tun. tp ade gak yg mcm tak percaye Tun ade blog, sbb bagi diorang internet tak blh percaye,hehe...ntah2 org lain tulis. The purpose bukan ape, saje berkongsi bahan bacaan yg blh membuka minda. Bukan org lain pon, our great PM. Bagi kami, waktu Tun masih ade ni la...Pelik, knp our current PM xnk bertanye pendapat Tun?anggap jekla Tun mcm bapa and die anak.biasala bapa, kite pandai camne pon, die tetap nak tegur sbb sayang. Knp kat Singapore they still value Lee Kuan Yew.

BTW, "kalo kite tak blh tegur org tuh atau die tak terima nasihat, kite doakan utk die". So apelagi, marilah beramai2 berdoa utk pemimpin kite mendapat hidayah, petunjuk dan kebijaksanaan ke jln benar dan bantu rakyatnya dgn kadar segera.

Hope we all pray to Allah or everybody own god to have guidance what we shall do and nuthing bad will happen to our country.Ameen~!

Semoga, Ayahanda Tun dikurniakan kesihatan tubuh badan dan akal yg sesihatnya, panjang umur, sentiasa berada di jln benar dan dilindungi Allah dari org2 yg berniat jahat dan zalim.Ameen!

:: Follow Your Heart Using Your MIND. Ingat 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara ::
By JAAFAR on August 15, 2008 8:02 PM


Esok ada calon BEBAS kot diPRK PPauh, biaq dua2 ekoq tu bungkuih.
By key on August 15, 2008 8:04 PM

Assalammualaikum Tun ,isteri serta salam muhibah pd semua warga chedet fan.Benar,kita sebagai warganegara Malaysia apapun bangsa harus menghormati antara satu sama lain.Tetapi apa yang berlaku sekarang sikap setengah mereka yang mudah berburuk sangka.Kadang2 niat kita utk menjelas sesuatu perkara itu,tetapi di salah ertikan.Itu yang menjadi masala pada setengah2 pembaca blog ini yang tidak benar2 memahami apa yang cuba dihuraikan,sebaliknya mereka terus membuat tuduhan atau sengaja buat tak faham.Itu yang susahnya.Dari apa yang telah Tun catatkan disini hanya ingin menerangkan keadaan yang sebenarnya buat kita semua rakyat Malaysia yang mungkin segelintir daripada kita semua tidak tahu sejarah negara ini secara amnya.Inilah sikap manusia yang bila di beritahu dikatakan cuba memnambah tokok tetapi bila tidak diterangkan dikatakan tidak diberitahu hal sebenarnya.Sentiasa ada dolak dan daliknya untuk mencari kesilapan orang lain.Cubalah kita renung dan fikir sebentar sebelum bercakap,lihat diri sendiri adakah kita manusia yang sentiasa jujur/terlalu sempurna?Apakah yang kita telah lakukan selama ini terutama pada negara?.Kadang2 kita bercakap mengikut nafsu ketika marah atau memang sikap busuk hati itu telah tertanam dalam jiwa.Jangan cepat buat tindakkan,kalau masih sangsi atau kita sendiri belum pasti dapat melakukan jika berada di tempat insan seperti Tun.Mangkin diterangkan mangkin jahil /sukar menerimanya .Kerana kecetekkan ilmu pada diri sendiri.Sebagai rakyat semua inginkan negara yang stabil,aman,maju lagi harmoni.Tanpa ada rasa dendam atau buruk sangka diantara satu sama lain ,tak kira dari bangsa apapun tak kira cina ,india,melayu dan sebagainya.Keharmonian ini akan tercapai bila semua bangsa bersatupadu.Mengapa kita nak balas membalas antara satu sama lain?Takut hilang ciri2 agama ,budaya,kepercayaan atau terikut2 pada yang kita sendiri tak tahu.Adakah kita selama ini benar2 menjaga agama,budaya dan kepercayaan bangsa kita?Setengahnya dilihat tak mengamalkan atau mempratiskannya.Itu yang kononnya kita cuba pertahankan.Cuba difikirkan semula,jika tanpa persetujuan antara mereka yang dahulu persetujukan tak mungkin kita berada di bumi Malaysia.Kerana tentu saja ada peperangan/peristiwa yang berdarah akan berlaku.Seperti mana yang kita tahu ,beberapa buah negara yang sentiasa dilanda pertumpahan darah.Adakah itu yang anda mahu ini berlaku diMALAYSIA?.Fikirlah sendiri,sedangkan nenek moyang kita yang kebanyakkan tidak berpelajaran tetapi demi keamanan berada dinegara ini mereka boleh mematuh undang2 dan perlembagaan negara.Bagi mereka yang kebanyakkan merantau dari jauh seperti china,india,indonesia dan byk lagi,tinggal disana bagi mereka belum tentu dapat apa yang mereka perolehi di MALAYSIA.Paling penting keturunan mereka(generasi sekarang) hidup aman ,berpelajaran arau seperti yang kita kecapi sekarang.Oleh itu berfikir sebelum kita buat sesuatu seperti yang berlaku sekarang.Ini sikit sebanyak yang dapat dicatatkan .
By Ide on August 15, 2008 8:06 PM

Bravo Tun...

We love You...
By strawberry1128Author Profile Page on August 15, 2008 8:07 PM

Dear Tun,

I am great to be part of here making my comment for fellow Malaysians to share.

I would say - any Malaysian leaving in this home country deserved their right. Right that can be seen later by any with their own interpretation and background ( educational level, mindset,cultures,religious belief and exposure to other races ).
It is thus not surprising to see a forum held by BAR COUNCIL eventually received different reactions.Our forefathers with all races fight for merdeka with aim of getting independence.We got it.To achieve this, they were able to give and take.Though there were differences in sharing certain issues, the aim was still clear.
They compromised eventually and they did make it.Salute them as it brought us to what we called 'Malaysia" today.

Till now, it is a history which we have to remember.Thru pains and disastrous bloodly events, somehow, it became sensitive when we look back.It is kind of wound that never get heal and chronic disease that we chose not to uncover and find out the solution to it. We chose the term : Sensitive - bços we're multiracial country.
We think this is the best solution to this issue.
But, who chose is the politician.
By name of politician, different point of view , different demand, different ... all pop up ! A may interpret his as it is for the sake of race A. Likewise it goes to B which represents race B.
To worsen this, aggressive action seems to be an effective tool for someone to ahcieve his goal.
What is the motif of BAR COUNCIL ?
What has it done in this forum that create bloody event to other races/all races ?In fact, the forum consists of dif.races.
We do not-even sit and listen but turn it down completely with bias mind.
if it is before Merdeka, and our forefathers of all races reacted this way, the British will laugh all the way and we would not be what we can enjoy today.
Unfortunately, after MERDEKA, without BRITISH as master, people tend to demand more and more at their end for one race.So called, deserved right.I would say-whatever our forefathers set in achieving Merdeka is what we have to agree and accept.
But, things get complicated.After Merdeka, more and more new thigns pop up.A piece of cake when it gros bigger-MASALAH.A piece of cake while it is shrinking-also MASALAH.
Where go our spirit of MALAYSIAN like what our forefathers have?
A simple thing which we call wisdom .A wisdom in ensuring all of us tolerating all Malaysian races in leaving harmony yet maintaining each identity. Any plus and minus may have to be treated maturely.
Your plus may defintely be my minus.Same to the opposite.
As Malaysian chinese, I treat in positive manner for the forum.People in the forum represents Malaysian. They are talking some issues which I treat as sensitive but mature to be disccus and no instigation to all races.
They are finding ways and means to look for improvement.
It is unfair if we term it sensitive without-even go and listen what they will say.
it is like a deate, before we start, we give a full stop to one party wihtout any chance claiming they are instigating racial issues.
How many of us in my category ? How many of us in the other category ?
Wihtout knowing this figure,it is only GOD know : the conclusion we pre-term is correct or not.

Let's take OLYMPICS Beijing as our dream in achieving not international harmony for all ,at least goal in achieving harmonous sociaty for Malaysian all races.

Love you all Malaysian !

By luqman on August 15, 2008 8:09 PM

Salam Tun Dr Mahathir,

Tun has spoken. Now I understand why people just cannot argue with you. They will loose and eventually get lost. Tun, you are a man of principle and you lead your life with your principle as guidance. Bar Council also have their own principle, and that is to abolished Malay rights... bit by bit. They have started and they of course will bring Anwar to victory regardless he is guilty or not with his sodomy accusation. Why... because Anwar will help them to achieve their aim.

Tun, keep blogging. I am sure many students out there are listening to you. Now, the table has turned... Malay students are for you.

Tun, just want you to know that you are always in my mind. I pray for you as I pray for my own parents. I hope that Allah will put you in the group of Kumpulan Umat Islam yang beriman. Fardhu Ain is easier task to do as it involves oneself, but to commit Fardhu Kifayah as you did for 22 years and still doing it is a rare sample of a True Muslim. Your pahala will tenfold million times. Furthermore you are ultra Malay but you also took care of other races. Majority of them were happy when you were the PM.

Thank you
By truthseeker on August 15, 2008 8:17 PM

Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,

1. Tun my man, thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us the main points to counter those ungrateful people out there. Me and those who are not verbal, not the extrovert kinds, not witty, not assertive enough appreciate your points, they are simple but powerful sayings, examples.

2. I hope my friends out there start using your democratic rights as stated in the constitution! Get your ideas from Tun's write-up on social contract, democracy, ketuanan melayu, bar council, majlis peguam, etc. Look straight into the eyes of those ingrates and ungrateful people and shoot your mouth. Don't have to use english, whack them in bahasa melayu!

3. These ungrateful people are from two categories; the first group are those extremists who are forever unhappy with what the Malays are getting and secondly, those so-called people with new awareness about democracy, liberty, human rights, etc.

3. The first group, the extremist kurang ajar, including bar council. They know very well about the sensitivities that Tun had elaborated, but they wanna gamble...just to check how the malays will react. Strong, mild or weak reactions? Then they will strategize. MY GOD, PLEASE OPEN UP THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE MALAY LAWYERS TO USE TUN'S ARGUMENTS (IF THEY'RE NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH)TO COUNTER THOSE OPPORTUNISTS IN BAR COUNCIL..why you let them thrash your religion and race? They deliberately chose to be insensitive. Tun's simple examples given are logical and simple enough to comprehend. Come on, dont tell me bar council members are damn idiots?

4. Now, how come these idiots from bar council didnt do anything about judge Ian Chin? If the tribunal found those judges guilty and they were given exgratia and the govt refused to disclose the amount, how come bar council idiots kept quiet? Where is democracy? We the rakyat have the right to know (about bar council action on Ian Chin,the amount?) why deny our democratic rights? It's because bar council is taking full advantage of the sour relationship between Tun and Dollah's admin...they dont really care about democracy, just a bunch of hypocrites!

5. Now, about the second group of people...shouting about democracy, liberty, human rights, bla, bla..but when they are personally faced with demands, now how many will respect democracy, etc? You will definitely push aside your beliefs on democracy, etc when shit happen to you and your loved ones, right?

6. Bar Council idiots will continue being insensitive because they know Dollah and his idiots are trying to please them, Anwar is on their side, the Malays are disunited, UMNO is a laughing stock now...But, they're good, they know about the laws and they will ensure they're within the lawful boundaries! So, the police cannot touch them.

7. Tun knows more than that (about bar council and their democracy)..but Tun being a proactive person could see the dangers coming to us if bar council's insensitivity continues.

8. All my friends, let's use our rights to get rid of those idiots in bar of hypocrites!

Terima kasih sekali lagi Tun.

p.s Betul tak Tun, orang Melayu yang paling kuat dan sensitif menjaga hati orang lain? Kalau tidak macamana dari dahulu lagi kaum2 lain boleh tinggal di sini dengan senang lenang? Orang Melayu akan berbisik supaya tidak menyinggung perasaan kaum lain. Tetapi apabila kaum ini menang dalam PRU tahun 1969, merekalah yang membawa penyapu mahu sapu orang Melayu keluar! Kurang ajar kan? Barulah orang Melayu mengamuk...Inilah yang Tun nampak apa yang boleh berlaku jika kurang ajar berterusan.
By leadingAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 8:21 PM


Yes, in view of the multi-racial society in Malaysia and the importance of "peace and harmony",
all the sentitive issues should be discussed only by relevent leaders in "closed door forum".

Tun, your clarification here on the "Malaysian Bar council" issue to all the non-malays is very much appreciated.

We support you !!!

Hi-Tech GPS & Mobile-Phone Interceptor
By austozi on August 15, 2008 8:21 PM

I think most readers who responded to the Bar Council forum with a somewhat jihadist view point have no inkling of what actually went on.

The Bar Council forum panel consisted of legal and/or religious experts. On the panel there were "former Syariah Judge Tuan Dr Haji Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, and Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikim) Syariah Law Centre director Dr Wan Azhar Wan Ahmad" (Ref: The ratio of Muslim to non-Muslim panelists was 3:2. And if these panelists with their impressive portfolios aren't expert enough, then I don't know who is.

I think what prompted the Bar Council to hold the forum was the recent rise in inter-faith legal cases such as body-snatching (where deceased members of non-Muslim families purportedly converted to Islam during their lifetime were taken away from their biological families to be buried according to Islamic rites, at a time when the families were grieving the loss of their family members). The court battles and the verdicts that followed recently have shown that the sensitivities of the non-Muslims have not been respected and indicated this is the way it is going to be.

Some readers pointed out what is already enshrined in the Constitution must not be questioned. The truth is, the Constitution makes no mention of such situations nor is there any provision in the current legal system to address such issues as being discussed at the forum. What the Bar Council sought to do was initiate a process to put the missing pieces in place, and to clearly demarcate a grey area as white or black. Unfortunately it was seen as an effort to undermine Islam.

I adopt a humanitarian (as opposed to jihadist) stance on this issue and I see the Bar Council forum as a genuine effort to bring together people of different faiths to discuss an issue which affect them or the people of the faith they represent. I am appalled by the actions of those who stormed the venue to prevent such a good cause from being run. To think that these people who have not had to go through the ordeals the grieving families went through had the cheek to shout about their sensitivities or else threatening violence just disgusts me. These are the people Malaysia can do without.
By ISTERI ANTIMAMAK on August 15, 2008 8:32 PM



Lepas satu, satu isu timbul....

Seperti kehendak KJ,

Tan Sri Hassan Merican yang menaikan nama PETRONAS

melepaskan jawatan hari ini.

Lepas ni Scomi pula ingin memiliki PROTON.

TUN apa dah jadi pada Malaysia,

Pembangkang satu hal pembelot....penipu...

Pemimpin pula dengan anak beranak PEROMPAK...

salam perjuangan...


By catwoman on August 15, 2008 8:35 PM

1)i am touched with 15 and 20...

2)dlm bersosial emak selalu pesan..' biar org brkasar & maki kita jgn kita brkasar dan maki org..'

3)arwah abah saya akan tenung kami dgn matanya kalu melawan cakap org tua...(tenungannya buat kami adikberadik gerun..)

4)'satu hari kita semua akan bersua muka juga.. gaduh2 tak bagus..'

5)kalu takde benda elok nak cakap lebih baik diam...

6)semoga tun sihat dan sentiasa mengingatkan kami ttg hal2 yg baik2..

7)tun, harap tun dpt ulaskan ttg 'wakil rakyat' baru Pantai Dalam yg take over fr shahrizat tu....ulas dari segi kaliberity dia, knowledge dia, contribution dia ,credibility, accountability, integrity, genuinity dan how come dia menang dan apa2 lagilah..
and kalu 'wakil rakyat' tu UMNO mcmmana?
sorilah saya tahu tun bkn tukang tilik...
sebenarnya saya risau dgn org yg muda2 nak memimpin...

itu perception sayalah....meow..meoww

By Hang Kasturi on August 15, 2008 8:38 PM

Salam Takzim Tun,

The behaviour of the Bar Council is to be expected.They are self appointed guardians of Human Rights in Malaysia.

During your time,the Government had a tight control over their activities that infringed upon sensitive issues.In fact, nobody dared to discuss the 4 sensitive issues as they are forbidden by laws,even in Parliament.We have peace and harmony and the country boomed economically.

But now,because we have a weak Government/Executive with pro Bar Council Law Minister, a friendly Judiciary and seemingly a semblance of support from the Royalty, the Bar Council is just like a Rottweiler being let lose and running wild in an unbridled freedom to bite whom it dislikes!!Sensitivities are non issues in their struggle to ensure freedom of speech, religion ,etc.

If there are troubles, I am not surprised that they are the first ones to take first plane out of the country. They have properties in London, Australia, America,India etc and PR.They are rich.The lives of rich people are more valuable.

The poor Chinese, Indians and Malays have to slog it out and fight each others after their sentiments have been inflamed by the Bar Council protagonists.These ordinary folks from all races are the cannon fodder.

So Tun,what you advocate and rationalise ought to be followed by us for the sake of peace asnd harmony, not only now but also for our future generations.

I recall a laborer who shouted at some body who tried to talk to him about democracy "Go to Hell with Democracy if Your Stomach is Empty ".Bar Council and their supporters/sympathisers have full stomachs after a good dinner of Kobe Steak with Red Wine.
By sktan on August 15, 2008 8:38 PM

Dearest Ayahanda Tun,

Harsh as it may sounds in your comments, but word for word it is beautifully applied, but most importantly they contains 100% FACTS.

For a selected few out for Personal Glory, (STUPID AND UNPRINCIPLED BAR COUNCIL )or reasons best known to themselfs they lack far far behind your CONCERNS AND WORRIES especially your Far Sighteness. Just for their own personal hidden agenda, they pawn not only their parents, but OUR COUNTRY as a whole. WHO NEEDS THEM ANYWAY.

Just for your info, Ayahanda, most CHINESE thinks like you.
To most of us, MALAYSIA IS JUST LIKE A TIME BOMB. So am I wrong to say that you are CORRECT? Nobody will benifit. IT is as the sayings goes ALWAYS 'PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE'.


Salam Ayahanda Tun, And May ALLAH Bless You And Family.

By Suzaku_V on August 15, 2008 8:43 PM

Salam Sejahtera Tun,

Ikut resam padi makin tunduk makin berisi,

Nampak sangat sejengkal sahaja pemikiran org2 bekuasa dan berpelajaran kat malaysia ni.

Belajar dapat ijazah, hafal buku ilmiah tapi singkat akal fikiran.

sia-sia hantar belajar kalau tak kenal yg baik dan buruk.

Maafkan kalau saya katakan begini, tetapi saya rasa kita tak akan dapat kestabilan di negara ni kalau tak ada sesiapa yg boleh jadi pemimpin yg tegas dan berani.

Sekarang saya tak nampak pemimpin yg mampu membawa perubahan.

Saya rasa kalau ada pemimpin yg boleh satukan semula semua rakyat cuma Tun seorang.

Saya faham Tun dah bersara tapi melihat keadaan sekarang hala tuju negara ni sangat kabur.

Semoga Tun sihat sejahtera.
By dospenang on August 15, 2008 8:44 PM


Sesuatu yang jarang terjadi di MALAYSIA, apabila perbedaan kaum, kritikan terhadap sesuatu kaum atau mencari kelemahan dalam salah satu kaum dan agama menjadi TOPIK PERBUALAN UTAMA.



BAR COUNCIL mempunyai TANGGUNGJAWAB MELETAKKAN UNDANG UNDANG pada tahap yang perlu dihormati oleh seluruh warga MALAYSIA .











By isahbiazhar on August 15, 2008 8:45 PM

There is no sesitivity in this country.They are created by politician like you to survive.I still remember when the first man to climb Mt Everest was an Indian you asked about the Malay climber.You are the first racialist.I can cite many examples of politician of this category.That was one of the reasons why you were never accepted by the West.Malaysians can live in harmony with all the sensitivity.If they could not it was because of leaders who want to control in the name of majority.What the bar council did was correct.The police are busy defending themselves now.When they have straightened themselves they will come hard on the Lingam case.The AG is busy with Annuar and Baginada.
By dospenang on August 15, 2008 8:47 PM


Saya pecaya kepada PENGALAMAN.


PENGALAMAN TUN selama lebih setengah abad sebagai pemimpin dan negarawan menjadikan TUN lebih matang dan berpandangan jauh daripada semua pemimipin yang ada hari ini termasuklah DSAAB dan DSAI.

Tidak akan adanya sebab TUN menolak kepimpinan hari ini jika TANPA ASAS YANG KUKUH.

JADI bercakap hal DEMOKRASI boleh menampakkan kelemahan orang yang TUN TUJUKAN.

TETAPI pendapat saya TUN tidak akan ke mana jika menulis dan hanya bertindak sebagai 'PENGHIBUR' dan pembaca merasa 'TERHIBUR'.

SAYA ingin mengajukan TUN bertindak DEMI NEGARA MALAYSIA.



1. TUN perlu mendapatkan sokongan calon pengganti PM yang TUN rasakan layak bertanding melawan PRESIDEN pada EGM UMNO akhir tahun ini dan mencalonkan beliau dengan sokongan MT UMNO.

2. TUN boleh mencabar PAK LAH supaya SATU PETI UNDI KHAS DIADAKAN semasa EGM UMNO nanti bagi melihat sama ada ahli-ahli UMNO masih yakin dengan presiden atau tidak.

3. TUN juga boleh mencadangkan atau mencabar satu poll online diadakan di website PEMUDA UMNO atau website UMNO sama ada mereka yakin dengan presiden hari ini.




By dospenang on August 15, 2008 8:47 PM

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By bujangAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 8:54 PM


Excuse me, please:

SOLCROFT, “I do not think Queen Elizabeth would have been very accommodating of Saudi sensitivities, if she is expected to cover herself up in accordance to Saudi customs every day and not only when visiting Saudi Arabia. Therein lies the problem and the flaw in your logic, TDM.”

1. And you think that your logic have NO problems and flaws?

2. Are you saying that here in Malaysia YOU ARE EXPECTED TO OBSERVE THE CUSTOMS of the Malay and/or the Muslim’s? Come on already!

3. By your moniker, I am not sure of whom you are. Malaysian or not? Malay? Chinese? Indian? Who are you?

4. If you are a foreigner, STAY AWAY FROM OUR “FAMILY PROBLEM!”

5. If you are one of us indeed, how sad and pathetic you are. You made it sounded as though here in Malaysia you are subjected to all kinds of laws, rules, customs, cultures, lifestyles, etc, etc that are associated with the Malays and/or the Muslims.

6. Prior to the present administration led by a TAK CERDIK PM, we, except for few uneducated and uncivilised quarters, which I hope that you do not belong to, respect each other’s religions, customs, cultures, and lifestyles.

7. We visited each other’s weddings, festivities, religious places, etc, etc, without any reservations, and we observe the expected dos and don’ts.

8. The Malays would not eat beef in the presence of their Hindu friends, and similarly the Chinese would not eat pork in the presence of their Muslim friends, etc, etc. We tolerated each other’s imperfections. Everything seems perfect UNTIL NOW!
By Hjebat on August 15, 2008 8:57 PM

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,

We shaked hands today at the National Mosque. The way your eyes scanned the greeters shows that you are still there - one of the greatest leaders the world have ever seen. May god bless you always, in this life and the next.

Let's throw this to the Bar Council:

"It's not fair that the Chinese, being a migrant rooted group, to control the Malaysian economy to such an extent that the indigineous Malays, who form 65% of the population, only control 19% of equity ownership, and yet they, the Chinese, complain about assistance and rights given to the Malays, social contract, meritocracy and abolishing NEP"

If we were to discuss this issue openly and press the govt, it would be riots in the streets of Kuala Lumpur and else where, as you said, lives would be lost, properties would be destroyed.

What are they thinking ?
By Joe Kentoi on August 15, 2008 9:04 PM

Haaa...... haaaaaa..........

Padan muka kao orang Bar Council..... jangan la sombong sangat.
Sedarlah .... you bar council people, don't think that you guys are so smart!

Some of you guys, nasib2 je jadi lawyer...... I have some friends dulu masa sekolah..... fail je memanjang, tiba2 dengar buat law kat private kolej, lepas tu pegi london (sebab bapa duit banyak boleh hantar pegi buat Law kat London!). Poo dah!
By truthseeker on August 15, 2008 9:06 PM

Salam kepada YAB Tun dan rakan2 bloggers,

Tun, mohon tumpang blog ni untuk menyatakan perasaan kepada pelajar UiTM yang membuat demonstrasi tu...






Terima kasih sekali lagi Tun.
By malaysiaku on August 15, 2008 9:08 PM

Salam Tun,

I agree with you ,when you mentioned about sensitives.Human being are sensitive to various issue due toi nmature nature.Bar Council should wait for next 1000 years(If we mature) to discuss about any issue in malaysia,because We all inmature human being.We can't and will not understand others problems because it very much sensitive to us(What a selffish nature)I wonder Tun!
By reza aljunaid post on August 15, 2008 9:21 PM

Salam Tun,

Bar Council no use the means right to tackle Muslims. Bar Council can take Muslims case to Islamic court.

This does note. Bar council take approach provoke Islamic law. Whereas design ignorant with the law islam.

make forum will not solve problem of people islam. particularly forum sponsorship bar council that no productive.

but seem bar council stubborn.Not hear advice.

design want good other person but they own not hear advice and stubborn. bar council credibility no self.

person islam have given advice. bar council stubborn. I think proper bar council disbanded.

bar council no help build unity. Malaysia plural country. anytime can fight even if with little cause.

issue of religion is sensitive issue. but bar council as bad people. design like want fire Malaysia.

ok tun....byeeee!!!!!
By SYAMiLLiON on August 15, 2008 9:27 PM

we should sensitive to other races...
By vincent.tkp on August 15, 2008 9:34 PM

Hello Tun,
As rakyat in Malaysia, I feel sadden that this small issues like this has been blown out of proportion. To me, all "sensitive" issues are as sensitive or not as you want it to be. There is NO hard rule that say YES that is 100% bull's eye sensitive issues. Malaysian will be Malaysian. It can be Malays, Chinese, Indian or whatever race they are from, bottom line we are all visitors here. Trace back to origins, WE ARE ALL VISITORS.
Down the line someone has make some changes here and there and now... 1 race stand out the most. Who are we to say who? In Australia, it is the same thing that happens. The white claim rights and the local people there are now being pushed aside.
What is so sensitive about it? I guess it all down to FACE VALUE. And EGO issues perhaps or some personal vendetta.
Stop pretending that we actually live in Malaysia harmony. Bottom line, we are not. We can’t even speak one language as a nation. Every race speaks own language to one another. If you go to any multi national companies, you still see people of same race sitting together. Anywhere you go there is this invisible line. Now someone tell me, WHO IS SENSITIVE HERE?

Thank you
By kedah youngster on August 15, 2008 9:35 PM

Salam Sejahtera Tun,

Orang-orang yang patut disalahkan dari perkara ini:-

1) Paklah - sebab dia tak tahu cara nak tadbir & pimpin negara dengan betul. paklah juga tak tahu nak mengawal sesuatu masalah dalam negara.

2) Zaid Ibrahim - kononnya dia ni nak jadi pakar dalam undang-undang malaysia. Tetapi, dah makan diri sendiri sekarang. Dah tak tau ke mana menghilang sorang menteri nih. Dah masuk Tanjung Rambutan kut? Sebab GILA undang-undang.

3) Majlis Peguam - Mereka ni dah la tak faham sensitiviti rakyat malaysia, dapat pula 'green light' dari menteri GILA. Lagi naik minyak la diorang nih. MEREKA NI PATUT DI BAWA KE TAHANAN ISA!! Terutamanya Ambiga.

Diucapkan tahniah kepada Dato' Zahid Hamidi kerana menguatkan suara islam & melayu. Kami sokong kenyataan Dato' kepada majlis peguam.
By eugene on August 15, 2008 9:41 PM

Dearest Tun.

Excellent articles Tun. Spot on. Tun is very sensitive to the feeling and sensitivity of the multi-racial Malaysian. This understanding is the reason why Tun is able to held the helm of leadership for 22 years. Bravo!!

May God bless Tun always.
By jack fadzli on August 15, 2008 9:47 PM

Salam Ayah Tun,

Umum mengetahui golongan bijak pandai dari kaum lain di Negara ini dengan bebas mempertikaikan dan menempelak sistem perundangan Islam tanpa sedikit pun rasa hormat dan sensitif kepada perasaan orang Melayu hanya kerana golongan ini merasakan mereka mempunyai kelayakan akedemik dan pengetahuan ilmu yang lebih baik dari orang Melayu yang menganut agama Islam.

Bagaimanakah ini semua boleh berlaku? Saya fikir ianya berpunca dari sikap malas yang amat sebati dikalangan orang Melayu itu sendiri. Ramai dikalangan kita yang mahukan kehidupan yang lebih baik tetapi tidak ramai yang mahu untuk mengorbankan masa mahupun untuk berfikir atau mengerah tenaga. Kita lebih selesa menunggu kerajaan menghulurkan tangan untuk membantu sambil melihat kaum lain berusaha mengejar kekayaan dan akhirnya kita akan mengutuk kejayaan kaum lain dengan alasan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu sudah dinafikan.

Sewaktu Ayah Tun mengumumkan Malaysia bakal menceburi bidang automotif untuk menghasilkan kereta keluaran tempatan, saya yang pada ketika itu masih dibangku sekolah merasa begitu teruja dan sangat bangga dengan cetusan ilham Ayah Tun yang hebat itu.

Walaupun terdapat banyak akhbar menyiarkan artikel-artikel sinis yang menyindir dan memperlekehkan cadangan tersebut, Ayah Tun cekal berhadapan dengan cabaran dan paling dasyat apabila sindiran itu datang dari bangsa Melayu sendiri mempertikaikan kemampuan orang melayu didalam industri permotoran. Saya begitu kagum dengan semangat Ayah Tun yang sangat kental dan tidak tunduk kepada sebarang tekanan.

Pada ketika itu, saya masih terlalu budak untuk memahami apakah sebenarnya faedah yang boleh dinikmati oleh rakyat Malaysia selain dari mampu untuk memiliki kereta dengan harga yang murah. Namun begitu, saya tetap merasa teruja kerana saya fikir rakyat Malaysia akan mendapat ilmu dan kebolehan untuk menghasilkan enjin sendiri dan sudah tentu apabila enjin boleh didapati dengan mudah dan murah, ianya mampu untuk menggantikan tenaga manusia maka banyak faedah yang boleh dinikmati oleh pelbagai industri yang sedang giat berkembang pada masa itu terutama masyarakat luar bandar

Semenjak itu saya menjadikan Ayah Tun sebagai idola saya dan siap tampal gambar Ayah Tun dalam locker asrama saya walaupun ada dikalangan rakan-rakan yang sebaya dengan saya berpendapat Ayah Tun dengan Mat Jenin adalah dari spesis yang sama.

Setelah menamatkan alam persekolahan, saya mendapat tawaran bertugas sebagai seorang Pengurus Acara dan berpeluang untuk mengendalikan banyak majlis-majlis yang dirasmikan oleh Ayah Tun pada ketika itu. Saya mengambil kesempatan itu untuk menghayati setiap ucapan yang Ayah Tun sampaikan ketika berucap dan mengambil nota tentang apa juga yang disentuh dalam ucapan Ayah Tun sebagai sumber ilmu kepada hidup saya...sehingga kadang-kadang saya sampai terlupa tentang gimik pelancaran yang perlu saya aturkan sesudah ucapan Ayah Tun.

Saya dibesarkan didalam masyarakat Felda dan kedua-dua ibubapa saya tidak mempunyai latarbelakang pendidikan yang baik akibat dari kemiskinan malah bapa saya juga tidak tahu menulis dan membaca. Tetapi beliau begitu gigih membanting tulang empat kerat beliau untuk memastikan bahawa anak-anak beliau tidak mengalami nasib yang sama akibat dari kegagalan untuk menguasai ilmu.

Memang benar seperti kata Ayah Tun hanya dengan fasih bertutur dalam bahasa melayu dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang cetek tidak akan menjadikan bangsa melayu mulia dan hebat bersaing dengan negara negara maju. Begitulah pentingnya ilmu didalam mencorakkan hala tuju dan masa depan bangsa, agama dan Negara.
Hari ini saya dapat melihat bagaimana ilmu menjadi kuasa dan senjata kerana mereka yang menguasai ilmu dengan baik mempunyai laluan yang lebih cerah untuk merebut peluang pendidikan, ekonomi dan kuasa politik.

Saya sangat sedih melihat bangsa Melayu terpaksa membawa isu hak keistimewaan orang Melayu sebagai simbol kekuasaan mutlak tanpa menyedari tiada apa yang istimewa dengan orang Melayu sekiranya mereka hanya hebat bersaing sesama sendiri sahaja sedangkan kaum kaum lain di Negara ini lebih cenderung untuk terus meningkatkan penguasaan ilmu mereka sehingga bersedia dan mampu memenuhi kehendak pasaran antarabangsa.

Untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik itu sememangnya sangat sukar dan penuh dengan cabaran serta pengorbanan dari semua pihak. Tetapi siapakah diantara pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu yang ada sekarang ini mampu untuk membawa orang Melayu keluar dari dunia sempit mereka ini dan sedar bahawa tanggungjawab memartabatkan bangsa Melayu dan usaha untuk memprofessionalkan orang Melayu sebenarnya terletak diatas bahu semua orang Melayu sendiri..Saya fikir Dato’ Mukhriz mampu Ayah Tun!
By ghanimu88 on August 15, 2008 9:48 PM

Salam Tun,
Well said Tun. Very interesting. Keep on writing Tun. Regards
By Mohd Faried on August 15, 2008 9:54 PM

Salam Tun


Were is Zaid? Montor..mnetor tahi kuching!

Were is "Im THE LAW"?

Were is PAS?

Until nothing happen to colePs the BAR COUNSIL.

The Bar Counsel is stupid body....not sensetive...just now to use legil word...but reality they are stupid like "SH.."

They try to play with the fire... they do not no were they come from...better they should go back to they country.

They BAR counsil and they member should go to ISA...

Tun you are Prime Miniter Malaysia not Pak Lah!

By pencetak sinar on August 15, 2008 9:55 PM

Salam Tun,
moga sihat sentiasa.

Sepatutnya penganjur program yang sensitif seperti yang di lakukan oleh Majlis Peguam diheretkan masuk lokap menggunakan ISA. DSAI telah diheret menggunakan ISA sebab penyokongnya berhimpun menyokongnya. Program anjuran Majlis Peguam juga telah menggugat kesejahteraan awam hingga menyebabkan kacau-bilau dengan menyentuh isu sensitif. Adakah ISA untuk kepentingan BN semata-mata? Sepatutnya ISA dapat digunakan pada Ayah Pin dan Rasul melayu tu sekali sebab menimbulkan masalah dengan merosakan agama. Banyak yang perlu diperbaiki. Banyak kerosakan yang perlu diperbaiki dalam negara ni.

Malah pada zaman Tun pun "shit happens". Bila fikir-fikir balik dan renung kembali dan nilai semula tulisan dalam blog-blog Tun ni. Bukan semuanya berlaku mengikut kehendak pemimpin. Lain yang dirancang lain yang jadi. Bila bermasalah, resultnya di sorok dan diseleweng. Si pemimpin ni ingat dia dah buat yang terbaik untuk rakyat. Menteri yang melaksanakan arahan lepas tangan tangan dan ubah cerita. Akhir sekali rakyat jugak yang sengsara.

Apa pandangan Tun tentang mekanisma pelaksanaan arahan sepanjang TUN memerintah, adakah semuanya seperti yang diarahkan?
By orang kampung on August 15, 2008 10:03 PM

assalamualaikum Tun,

Setelah sekian lama memendam rasa akhirnya dapat juga saya meluahkan idea dan perasaan di blog Tun ini. Semoga Tun sentiasa sihat dan dipanjangkan umur.

Semoga negara yang kita cintai ini sentiasa aman dan makmur...
By kaychin on August 15, 2008 10:14 PM

Dear Tun,

Sensitivity - you are talking about something which instill in Malaysian many-many years already.

I have friends of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabahan, Sarawakian, Muslim, Buddist, Christian, Taoist, Hindu, even native believes. What we known long ago is our MUTUAL understanding of "sensitivity", which bind us strong together. We are happy, we are close friends. We dont simply cross the border, if we want to discuss sensitive issue, like religion and race, we do it in nice way, not necessary close door. We are mature, we always end up happier after our "sensitive" talk.

What I want to say is, Rakyat know the sensitivity border, is the irresponsible LEADER who provoke the few, to act like monyet and gorilla. It is naive to think the right of Malay and Islam is being "oppressed".

A responsible LEADER should educate the follower to be mature and concentrate on racial+religious harmony.

If we never uphold the core teaching of our religion, what good a leader can be?

Dear Tun, once again, I urge you to see a wider picture, educate your supporter well.
By neemdom on August 15, 2008 10:14 PM


good show ,keep it up Tun.we are for u.
By antipas on August 15, 2008 10:29 PM

yes, you are absolutely right. Orang Melayu ada pepatah yg berbunyi, orang berbudi kita berbahasa, orang memberi kita merasa. In other words, the feeling of respects must be mutual.
By mejlan on August 15, 2008 10:31 PM

Salam Tun,

Keep it up Tun ... I really appreciate it. All Malaysian must read this a very good article. Bravo Tun

Take care...Semoga usaha Tun diberkati Allah
By thebigdipper on August 15, 2008 10:35 PM

YABhg Tun.
Sudah sampai masanya keistimewaan2 kaum cina dan india spt yg termaktub dlm Perlembagaan dipersoal oleh orang Melayu. Contohnya, apa perlunya sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina dan tamil selepas lebih 50 tahun merdeka? Sekolah2 jenis inilah punca utama polarisasi diantara kaum.
By gaousAuthor Profile Page on August 15, 2008 10:40 PM

dear sir
been following your views recently
very informative and enlightening
a great found.
thank a lot
By OMK on August 15, 2008 10:43 PM

Dear Tun

You are right about the need to be sensitive about the sensitive issues of various racial groups. It is a very basic skill that every parent should teach their kid - to be respectful of other people. However, I believe that the legal issue of muslim converts should be solved to avoid problems for their families when they die. No flip flop on religion should be allowed. Religion is personal choice - no one could impose their beliefs on other people. But I am sick of reading about the battle between pejabat agama islam with the non-muslims when a muslim convert died. If a muslim decided to convert to islam, it should be done legally including informing their family and if the converts decided to revert to their religion, it should be legally too including a public announcement and change of legal documents to avoid muslim funerals being given to these flip flop muslims. These flip flop muslims are the culprits!.


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